جعجع يؤكد تضامن 14 آذار في ما بينها: لن نغطي اي حكومة تضم حزب الله

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شدد رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع على أن قوى 14 آذار مصممة على "المقاومة المدنية السلمية"، مجدداً التأكيد على أن هذه القوى لن تغطّي أي حكومة يشارك فيها "حزب الله".

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "الجمهورية"، السبت، أكد جعجع أن الاغتيالات السياسية لا يمكنها "اخضاع فريق 14 آذار أو دفعه إلى التراجع عن مواقفه من الحوار وتأليف الحكومة".

واعتبر أن "الفريق المأزوم هو من يلجأ إلى سياسة القتل والإلغاء والتصفية الجسدية".

وأكد على أن 14 آذار "لن توقّع على أي تنازل دستوري مهما كان الثمن، ولن نغطي أي حكومة يشارك فيها "حزب الله" ويضع لبنان في مواجهة مع الشرعيتين العربية والدولية".

ولفت الى أن القبول بالمشاركة في الحوار يكون مقابل اعلان حزب الله عن "جدول زمني لتسليم سلاحه إلى الدولة، ولن نسمح بإعادة عقارب الساعة إلى الوراء، لا إلى زمن الحرب الأهلية ولا إلى زمن الوصاية".

وأضاف "قوى 14 آذار متضامنة اليوم أكثر من أيّ يوم مضى، وهي مصمّمة على المقاومة المدنية السلمية لاستعادة ما للدولة".

يُذكر أن تفجيراً انتحارياً ضرب حارة حريك في الضاحية الجنوبية عصر الخميس، ادى الى مقتل 4 على الاقل وجرح العشرات، وقد أتى بعد اقل من اسبوع على اغتيال الوزير السابق محمد شطح في ستاركو في وسط بيروت في 27 كانون الاول الفائت، والذي ادى الى مقتل 7 مدنيين وجرح العشرات ايضاً.

وعن الاجتماع الذي عقده، الجمعة، في معراب مع عدد من قادة 14 آذار، أوضح جعجع لـ"الجمهورية"، أن هذا اللقاء سبقه اجتماعات عدة وستلِيه لقاءات أخرى في سبيل "بلورة موقف مشترك بين مكوّنات قوى 14 آذار تحضيراً للمقاومة المدنية في مواجهة كل ما يجري على الساحة اللبنانية".

من هنا، كشفت الصحيفة معلومات مفادها ان اجتماع معراب ناقش الخطوات التي ستتّخذها "14 آذار" على الصعُد كافة، ولا سيّما السياسي والأمني، بعد إغتيال الوزير السابق محمد شطح (في 27 كانون الاول بانفجار سيارة مفخخة)".

واستقبل جعجع في معراب وفداً من قوى 14 آذار ضم النواب نهاد المشنوق، جان أوغاسبيان وهادي حبيش ومنسق الأمانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار فارس سعيد. وبحسب بيان صادر عن "القوات" بحث المجتمعون في اللقاء، الذي استغرق ساعتين "في ما آلت اليه الأوضاع في البلاد بعد اغتيال الوزير محمد شطح وتفجير حارة حريك في الضاحية".

التعليقات 54
Thumb ice-man 09:58 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Allah Yihmeek Ya Rabb.

Thumb cedre 09:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

geagea en mode Braveheart...

Thumb cedre 00:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

nonexisting for non lebanese...

Thumb cedre 09:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

'Regardless of the cost'
Hmmm...Lets see and may Allah protect Lebanon from bloodshed...

Thumb lebnanfirst 10:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Way to go Geagea. HA does not understand win win and the principle of making concessions, it only understands confrontation and force.

Thumb EagleDawn 10:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Geagea and March 14 made a mistake by agreeing to the Doha accord to spare lives and achieve a false sense of security. HA reneged on all accords, agreements, and understandings. It is purely a sectarian terror group built around hatred and venom. HA only understands force and until its opponents understand this mentality, there is no salvage for Lebanon. You do not reason with a terrorist. You form and train a counter terror group to eradicate it.

Thumb saturn 10:12 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Sure, the counter terror group is getting trained in Syria as we speak! Formed by you know who.

Thumb mckinl 10:47 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Well at least M14 is finally revealing their real position instead of pretending to negotiate.

And as everyone knows that the M14 position is ludicrous under current circumstances.

Thumb ice-man 10:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

What's your favorite Disney movie?

Thumb geha 11:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

I do not get it:

- instead of pretending to negotiate?

m14 never pretended to negotiate, rather it is m8 who has always pretended to negotiate then do against what they gave their word they would not do!

Thumb mckinl 12:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

M14 first said it would negotiate if HA soldiers left Syria ... That then changed to HA giving up all its arms before M14 would negotiate.

At every turn M14 demands became increasingly adamant while M8 has changed from an 8-8-8 demand to a 9-9-6 demand giving M14 the veto.

Missing peace 12:12 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

just like hezbis saying they d disarm when israel gets out of lebanon and now they ll disarm when israel is liberated, like hezbis saying they d never use they weapons inside lebanon... LOL

Missing peace 13:08 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

"M14 it's not in condition to negotiate"

then southern just take the power as M14 is insignificant? what is missing? your lack of courage? your fear? your cowardice? LOL

Thumb geha 13:09 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

see guys, you are short sighted or willing to see what you want to see!

negotiating with m8 leads to nothing: when you negotiate with someone who has a gun on the table, this is not negotiation anymore.

then again, when you negotiate with someone who does not respect his word, then the negotiations are useless.

so basically there is no need for negotiating with hizbushaitan :)

Missing peace 11:56 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

so if M8 are so "abaday" as they pretend they are, then just let them take the gvt and we ll see how incompetent they are...
anyway with or without a gvt they just block it if the laws do not please them or take to the streets with their weapons...

they do not believe in the state if the state goes against their interets!!!!

so M14 just let them take the gvt and they will not last long....

Thumb mckinl 12:07 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Excellent idea ... at least worth a try ... too bad you will be pilloried by your companions for even suggesting it ...

This entire charade by M14 has been to give the appearance of moderation when in fact their goal has always been to throw Lebanon into chaos.

Missing peace 12:11 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

no, lebanon is already in chaos thanks to your iranian militia... do not twist the facts... and assume your responsibilities, ok?

Thumb mckinl 12:13 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

@ peace

There is much that can be done such as moving on the oil and gas file to get revenues coming in but M14 and Mikati block this positive development.

Missing peace 12:19 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

sure because we know that the oil file is part of a bigger geostrategic plan involving russia iran syria on one side and GCC turkey on the other....

it is not a demand by M8 to improve lebanese revenues but to fulfill their interests and those of iran and syria...nothing lebanese here as M8 tries to picture it! LOL

Thumb mckinl 12:35 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

@ peace ~ sure because we know that the oil file is part of a bigger geostrategic plan involving russia iran syria on one side and GCC turkey on the other....

it is not a demand by M8 to improve lebanese revenues but to fulfill their interests and those of iran and syria...nothing lebanese here as M8 tries to picture it! LOL "

I have no idea what you are trying to say ... the fact is the oil and gas contracts are ready to be signed and M14 with Mikati obstructs. Revenues would go straight into the treasury and would be accounted for ...

Missing peace 13:06 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

no revenues will improve the basic citizen's welfare and you know it... all is just to satisfy the greed of iran and syria... nothing to do with lebanese....

Thumb ice-man 12:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Geagea..... more and more.... due to..... Saudi....backward..... seats.... inciting.... women driving.... KSA..... airport road.... Rouhani.... Iran.... Sunnis..... resistance..... and victory!

Thumb mckinl 12:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

As long as his Saudi checks don't bounce Geagea is good to go ... Such a weasel ...

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 12:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

falyahkoum el ekhwan ?!!!!!!.......

Missing peace 13:07 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

just like aoun who killed christians.... no? but aoun was never trialed...; that is the difference...

Thumb geha 13:11 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

good and these insults at a leader will reach where?

would you like it if someone does the same to your nasrallah for instance?

these are useless comments that just increase tensions.

Thumb Mystic 14:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

@geha, as far as i remember that is all you have been doing on this site. Insulting Hezb and their leaders. So drop your hypocrisy already, and stop crying when people say facts about your beloved idols.

Thumb smarty 14:11 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

If hizbullah doesn't send the 5 wanted men to the STL for their trial and if Nusrallah doesn't confess his crimes there will be civil unrest and troubles. when of one side get killed for 9 straight years and the terrorists remain unpunished what do you expect? of course, some extremists working for the enemy may victimize themselves, but it's ridiculous.

Thumb Mystic 14:39 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Western propaganda outleb, so you believe Saudi & Bandr, Israel etc. To be your saviors? Makes no sense, you should think about the future, and not the past.

Thumb Mystic 14:40 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

If i recall it right, it was the Syrian army who saved the Falangists, when they were close to extinction. So you owe them your lives.

Thumb smarty 14:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

tell him to take Ginko Biloba for his failing memory. it'll help irrigate his tiny brain.

Thumb Mystic 14:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

This guy Geagea, had to rot in the Syrian jail for years, now he is blinded by revenge, and would even see his own people killed, just to satisfy himself against Syria, Hezb etc.

Thumb Mystic 15:39 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

@outleb, last time i checked my passport was Lebanese, same as all members of Hezbollah.

Default-user-icon Madid Lee (ضيف) 16:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

And what does Dr. Arreet 7akeh call the Taef accord that he agreed to bi kemel hablanto al mou3tedeh? 7ifazan 3ala amn al moujtama3 al i7ibi7i? wlak akh mennak 7a 7a...kawati tarsha2ji chou ennak arreet 7akeh ajdab.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:29 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Saturn, I was about to post in this thread, but after yours, am still laughing, good post though.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 16:45 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

what about a houkoume of ekhwanjieh ya hakim , since u said falyahkoum el ekhwan ?

Thumb Mystic 16:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

@Texas They are not loyal to a Saudi backed President such as Sulaiman, whom ordered the attack on Syrian airplanes. I can assure you, that we would be seeing massive defections if the LAF command started following Saudi footsteps.

Thumb Mystic 16:49 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

LAF is should be loyal to Lebanon only, and it doesn't help Lebanese anything, when they start firing upon the ones fighting our enemy. The takfiris.

Thumb Mystic 16:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

You may call it disgusting or whatever you want, but it is a true fact texas. LAF has to remain neutral, or else it will be split

Thumb Mystic 16:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

What is your proof lack of action?

Thumb Mystic 17:06 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

I never said Shia :) I said supporters of M8 which consists all sects.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:27 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

What I am about to say might well displease many, but all the same here it is: Geagea it's clear is blamed for many things, yet in most ways he is only the true reflection of most Lebanese politicians. In the late 80s, Geagea and Aoun contributed to the division of the Christians of Lebanon in the first instance, and ultimately of all the Lebanese, making Syrian occupation finally a reality. This time around however, the same dynamics are affecting Lebanon, Sayed Hassan and Saad Hariri are not contributing to dividing Lebanon's Muslims in the first instance, and ultimately all the Lebanese. This time however I fear for whom will come to occupy us. In 1975, the US wanted to replace us with the Palestinian refugee, this time though the Syrian refugee and the Palestinian refugee could compete to replace us. Laugh NOT, our predicament as Lebanese has never been so bad. We no longer have real men to lead anymore.

Thumb Mystic 17:30 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

@Phoenix, the Syrian refugees will go back to Syria, when the war overthere is finished. Now we just have to purge Lebanon of the takfiri threat, and then we can handle all the other problems.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Mystic my good brother, regarding the war in Syria, I am afraid that it could drag for a long time, a lot longer than most of us could anticipate. If this war was between the Syrian themselves alone, then one might say that the outcome could be predicted one way or the other, but with almost everyone in the pot now, it does worry a lot. Now about Hariri being out changes little, as you rightly pointed out, Lebanon is sectarian and the latest jockeying for position between him and Sayed Hassan only worsen our lot as Lebanese. To compound matters further, politicians of all sides keep pushing the ante up, to the point where people can no longer tolerate each other.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:29 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

*** Correction***....Sayed Hassan and Saad Hariri are contributing to dividing Lebanon's Muslims......***

Thumb Mystic 17:35 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

Phoenix, Saad Hariri is not even in Lebanon, if he were we would be happy to do negotiations. Lebanon has been divided along secterian lines for a really long time, since the civil war if i recall.

Thumb Mystic 17:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

How am i a traitor? I'm not the one that supported the real atrocities comitted by Israel during the civil war and onwards. Most of the M14 supported them against Hezb. So if you call me a traitor, then you are indeed a hypocrit.

Thumb Mystic 19:09 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

anony, ofcourse all LAF soldiers are patriotic, but i assure you, if they find out they have been used for Saudi interests, and no, i have relatives/friends that told me this would happen, because that would be to fight against the interests of Lebanon, and all free people.

They will never bow down to Saudi and protect takfiris against the Syrians. So whatever officers you know, which i doubt, have not made themselves clear on who their really enemies are. Nobody is threatening anyone, if this continued to happen, they would simple leave the army themselves, but fear not guys.
This wont repeat, and Syria is still defending us from the takfirs by bombing Arsal thank you.

Thumb Mystic 19:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

LAF consists of all Lebanese, it is our army, but if they start fighting against brothers such as Syrian Arab Army, then they will loose morale and defect. Simple as that

Thumb Mystic 19:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

LAF consists of all Lebanese, it is our army, but if they start fighting against brothers such as Syrian Arab Army, then they will loose morale and defect. Simple as that

Thumb Mystic 19:12 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

@lack of action apparently according to you, 55% of the Lebanese people are traitors too.

Thumb Mystic 19:14 ,2014 كانون الثاني 04

anony you shouldn't worry so much about the defections, you should instead worry about the cause that could make them defect. Such as illegally attacking Syrian airplanes retaliating against takfiris on our side of the border.

Thumb proudm14 00:49 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

and the problem is that we gave them enough credit as human beings in 2006 and gave them shelter. they repaid our kindness with 7 ayyar and 2011 coup of the government. never again will we trust them.

Thumb Mystic 01:43 ,2014 كانون الثاني 05

beloved peacelover, last time i checked, my passport was blue with a golden cedre in the middle.