تظاهرة مؤيدة للأسد في الرويسات لم تصل للجديدة لعدم "استفزاز الأهالي"

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خرجت تظاهرة المؤيدة للنظام السوري مؤلفة من 300 شخص في منطقة الرويسات وصلت الى تخوم منطقة الجديدة المتنية رفع فيها المشاركون صورا للرئيس الاسد وأخرى تجمع الأسد والسيد نصرالله والعماد عون بحسب ما ذكرت إذاعة "صوت لبنان (100.5)".

ونظم التظاهرة كل من حزب البعث العربي الإشتراكي والحزب السوري القومي الاجتماعي و"حزب الله" وحمل المتظاهرون علما سوريا بطول 30 مترا وفق ما أفادة قناة الـ"MTV".

وسارع منسق اللجنة المركزية في حزب الكتائب النائب سامي الجميل الى الاتصال بوزير الداخلية مروان شربل طالبا منه التحرك تفاديا لأي إشكال "خصوصا وان المعلومات تحدثت عن ان التظاهرة ستتوجه إلى الطريق العام في الجديدة ما سيشكل استفزازا لاهالي المنطقة" وفق بيان عن الجميل.

وبعد قليل إتصل وزير الداخلية مروان شربل بالنائب الجميل وأبلغه عن إرساله سرية من قوى الأمن الداخلي الى المنطقة والعمل على منع التظاهرة من الوصول الى الطريق العام والحفاظ على الأمن".

التعليقات 13
Default-user-icon Tanatanon (ضيف) 21:56 ,2011 تموز 28

You go, Sami boy! 3anater after the fact! No wonder they get along with cheikh Imbecile whose father, a low-life filthy mafioso, appeased (if not collaborated with) the Syrians, who facilitated his theft of what is now Centre Ville from under the feet of its rightful owners! But now Sami and his father, cheikh Amin 3al Fashal al Dayem, are going nuts over Lassa. Thank you for finally waking up! Thank you Fares Soaid for finally waking up. Too bad you were missing in inaction while the theft of Beirut and the fleecing of the coffers was taking place. Always the wrong policies. Always the wrong timing. ALWAYS WRONG.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 23:06 ,2011 تموز 28

You go, Sami boy! 3anater after the fact! No wonder they get along with cheikh Imbecile whose father, a low-life filthy mafioso, appeased (if not collaborated with) the Syrians, who facilitated his theft of what is now Centre Ville from under the feet of its rightful owners! But now Sami and his father, cheikh Amin 3al Fashal al Dayem, are going nuts over Lassa. Thank you for finally waking up! Thank you Fares Soaid for finally waking up. Too bad you were missing in inaction while the theft of Beirut and the fleecing of the coffers was taking place. Always the wrong policies. Always the wrong timing. ALWAYS WRONG.

Thumb shab 00:36 ,2011 تموز 29

What's the prrpose of these demos? Why are people so primitive ? And why does the zionost above comment under several names?

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 01:17 ,2011 تموز 29

Don't mess with sami's hood you instigating fascist pigs

Thumb joesikemrex 02:46 ,2011 تموز 29

These people must be on Syria's payroll otherwise why bother, why support a regime which enslaved our beautiful nation, they raped and pillaged our country. Who cares about Syria, lets get our country fixed. At least we all know Israel is out there to kill us, but the Syrians pretend with their brotherly love to care while playing us....

Thumb ado.australia 03:15 ,2011 تموز 29

Lebanon should not interfere with Syria and what is happening there. Some say that it's time for Syria to taste some of their own medicine, and Lebanese can get some "revenge" for what they did. But Lebanon is too small a country to seek revenge on our neighbors. What ever happens there is the Syrian people's business and struggle against lack of freedoms and rights on one side and Sunni fanaticals/extremist that will take Syria to civil war on the other ("alawi in taboot and christains to beirut"). I suspect some where in the middle will eventuate and Syria will always be the same Syria to Lebanon. Big and insecure about Lebanon. Lebanon should not be demonstrating in "support of Syria" or in "support for Syrian protesters". We should support stability and peace and stay out of it.

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (ضيف) 04:21 ,2011 تموز 29

Haha, Le Phenicien made a small slip up and showed he posts under different aliases . . .pathetic.

Default-user-icon RolandG (ضيف) 07:11 ,2011 تموز 29

We have no business interfering in Syria's affairs the same way that we expect them to do so....of course as was stated by a poster, we are too weak and too small as a country to have any impact on Syria one way or the other, let us just stay out of it and take care of our own business.

Default-user-icon RolandG (ضيف) 07:14 ,2011 تموز 29

We have no business interfering in Syria's affairs the same way that we expect them to do so....of course as was stated by a poster, we are too weak and too small as a country to have any impact on Syria one way or the other, let us just stay out of it and take care of our own business.

Thumb loveandpeace 08:57 ,2011 تموز 29

This is not a very smart political move Sami! You missed a golden oportunity. You should actually have encourage the demo to take place and your political ennemies pictures-Aoun, Hassan Nasrallah and Bashar- should have been carried around the Metn. How many Christian will vote for him following that? The association with Bashar is their downfall. You did aoun a huge favour by not letting this happen in Jdeide. Tle3t hmar 24 dayneh!

Default-user-icon Dakkouna (ضيف) 09:50 ,2011 تموز 29

I feel that also Sami Gemayel, proving what a visionary he is like Geagea, should also be given the title of Doctor. So we end up with a few bright doctors: Dr. Geagea, of course (and the brightest), Dr. Sami, Dr. Fares Unemployable Soaid and let's not forget Dr. Mustafa Alloush al Toshi and Dr. Ahmad Fatfat al Barazan.

Default-user-icon Le phoenicienne (ضيف) 18:43 ,2011 تموز 29

Just to tell you how disgusting is to see people like you tag Sunni to fanatical/ extremist, BTY may I bring to your attention that a new Maronite extremist party has emerged not that long, where the likes of you and your cohort will fit the ticket. Open your mind up, grab a bit of education and for goodness sake enroll in a grammar school, they are plentiful in Australia.

Default-user-icon leb_atheist (ضيف) 19:05 ,2011 تموز 29

a guy tries to avoid a serious clash, and it's seen as a bad move? i don't get it. what were you all expecting if these 300 supporters marched into an area that has pockets of hardcore LFers? it's just asking for trouble. i think what sami gemayel did was a good move to avoid an inevitable clash.
then again, what are these 300 supporters doing? i understand posters of Aoun and Nasrallah. they are lebanese leaders who deserve representation in lebanon. they have earned a place in our society. but why are lebanese people carrying posters of a foreign president whose own people don't want anymore? M14ers didn't carry posters of Mubarak when Egypt was going through what syria's going through now. because we have enough problems of our own. SSNP don't even recognise the Lebanese Republic. so why should we as lebanese recognise them?