فيديو يظهر سيارة الإنتحاري تمر "بهدوء" في المناطق قبل تفجيرها في حارة حريك

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بثت قناة "المؤسسة اللبنانية للإرسال إنترناشونال" مساء الخميس شريط فيديو يظهر في سيارة الكيا التي يقودها الإنتحاري قبيل وصوله الى حارة حريك وتفجيرها يوم الثلاثاء الفائت.

وقالت القناة أن السيارة مرت من "شاتيلا باتجاه طريق المطار ومر (الإنتحاري) في الغبيري ومنها إلى حارة حريك".

وأشارت القناة إلى أن "الصور تظهر كيف اجتاز الإنتحاري هذه المناطق بهدوء ولم ينتبه له أحد".

وكانت قد كشفت القناة عينها مساء الأربعاء أن السيارة "انطلقت من امام مجمع الربيع السكني في صبرا الى مستديرة شاتيلا، باتجاه طريق المطار" مشيرة الى أن سائق السيارة اي الانتحاري "مر من امام بلدية الغبيري ومستشفى الساحل".

وألقت قوى الأمن الثلاثاء القبض على المدعو نبيل أحمد الموسوي، الذي قالت تقارير صحفية أنه سارق السيارة التي انفجرت.

وأدى التفجير الإنتحاري الذي وقع في الشارع العريض قرب مكتبة القدس إلى مقتل أربعة أشخاص وجرح 35 على الأقل، وذلك بعد تفجير في الشارع عينه في الثاني من الشهر الحالي.

التعليقات 9
Thumb lebanon_first 22:22 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

The army checkpoint personnel who let the car pass should be dealt with. Or the protocols of letting people pass should be revisited.
Dont they "sniffex" cars in these checkpoints?

Thumb primesuspect 23:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

If they show a hizb member card they skip army checkpoints.... Because they r above Lebanese and international laws. The terroristas know this and might use fake membership cards and go on with their holy business....

That's Wat happens when people murder in absolute impunity..... They eventually become targeted from victim's relatives and friends.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:35 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

no FT he's just talking out of his rear. as usual.

Missing peace 23:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 23

it is all a masquerade set up by hezbis to justify their presence in syria... collateral damages are a little price to pay to keep their mafia...

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

idiot. HA combatants are fighting combatants on the battlefield.
whereas what you're defending is the targeting civilians.

how disgustingly sectarian you must be, to consider killing any shia is simply okay. you dont hate hezbollah, you never did, it was never political or ideological, you're just sectarian hating scum.

enjoy that video.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

It is a bad time for everyone these days in Lebanon. Imagine, on TV, reports have sprung out as to why the terrorists chose the KIA brand, according to them, they said that it's because it's metal panels are thin, so when it explodes, its body and chassis become part of the shrapnel that are intended to kill, maim and destroy. Now after that, open any social network, and you'll see aps for people to confirm to their loved ones that they are still alive, what if under shock they forgot? Now on social networks and imagine the insensitivity that people have reached, they now have a slogan saying " A Kia for the Shi3a". Wow, is this how far low we've dropped? It is said, the good have left Lebanon, and what's left is well..., I won't say it, but the amount of hatred is never seen before.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:22 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

I know ya Legit, but the honest truth is this: It seems in our daily interaction in Lebanon, no one likes the other, people smile in your presence but you never know what they'd say once you turn your back. Look at me for example, I joined the Kataeb then the LF when I was not even a teenager, I gave years of my life for a Lebanon different from the one of today. I don't have hatred in my heart, I still believe in a Lebanon of neighbors, friends, of a Lebanese culture, not what we have today. As you rightly said, look at this forum, it's full of hatred, most of the time people here don't tackle the issues at hand, but rather attack and derogate each other, man, if this was a real fight, opponents would be shredded to morsels. But small as it may be, this forum is being read widely, more than we may know, and it still doesn't change the fact that it is a microcosm of today's Lebanese society. It does hurt to be honest.

Missing peace 18:10 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

poor mooowaten... just using the SAME logic you stupid M8ers are using: M14 people were killed by M14.... but your logic is patriotic? LOL

you are just a just little syrian bootlicker...

call me the names you want if it flatters your ego and make you feel like a man you ll never be.....
my conscience is clearer than yours will ever be....

the sectarian one here is you and you praise a party working against the interests of Lebanon litle traitor you are....

Missing peace 18:12 ,2014 كانون الثاني 24

just blame hezbollah for the bombings in Lebanon but certainly not me LOOOOOOOOOOlL