مخططات "الكنز" نعيم عباس تتكشف: مداهمات في السعديات والدبية ومصادرة صواريخ ومتفجرات

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لم يكد يدلي الموقوف في القاعدة نعيم عباس باعترافاته حتى توالت مداهمات الجيش لمخازن أسلحة في بلدتي الدبية والسعديات حيث تم ضبط متفجرات وهويات مزورة وصواريخ كانت بعضها موجهة إلى الضاحية الجنوبية.

وأعلن الجيش في بيان بعد ظهر الأبعاء أن قواته دهمت "مخزنا في محلة السعديات، وضبطت بداخله عددا من الصواريخ من عيار 107 ملم".

كذلك عثر على كمية من المتفجرات، ومواد لتصنيع المتفجرات وأختام وهويات مزورة ومعدات تستخدم في التزوير.

تزامنا كشف الجيش في بيانه أنه "عثر على أربعة صواريخ في خراج بلدة الدبية ـ إقليم الخروب، معدة للاطلاق على إحدى المناطق اللبنانية".

وكشفت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أن الصواريخ "كانت معدة لاطلاقها باتجاه الضاحية الجنوبية في 15 شباط ذكرى عماد مغنية".

وكان قد أعلن الجيش الأربعاء أن "مديرية المخابرات في بيروت، أوقفت الإرهابي نعيم عباس، وهو أحد قياديي ألوية عبدالله عزام" وتحديدا في منطقة كورنيش المزرعة.

في 30 كانون الثاني الفائت قال الجيش ان نعيم عباس هو احد ثلاثة مطلوبين يشاركون في نقل سيارات مفخخة من سوريا الى لبنان .و"كتائب عبد الله عزام" مدرجة على لائحة وزارة الخارجية الاميركية للمنظمات الارهابية.

التعليقات 13
Thumb _mowaten_ 16:38 ,2014 شباط 12

hehehehe gotta catch all em pokemons!

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:43 ,2014 شباط 12

trying to cast doubt on the army popeye?

when they do their investigations properly and have gathered all the necessary incriminating evidence, the guilty has no choice but to confess in order to get reduced sentences.

Thumb cedars2 19:29 ,2014 شباط 12

Lets face it the detainees get tortured. Good one them. Its what they deserve.

Default-user-icon joelle (ضيف) 08:22 ,2014 شباط 13

so he can bomb innocent civilians?! seems you're one of the terrorists you idiot!

Thumb lebanon_first 17:26 ,2014 شباط 12


M14 have been calling for border control for years. HA was against it.

Christian lebanese have been calling for disarm palestinians for decades. They fought palestinians for years. HA was against disarming pals. - red lines they said.

HA is always anything that reinforces the state of Lebanon. I hope now they will change attitude.

Thumb lebanon_first 18:46 ,2014 شباط 12

FT. see link below which is one of the many examples.


If M14 wants border control and border control does not happen, who would be stopping it?

Thumb lebanon_first 18:52 ,2014 شباط 12

FT. Another example of M14 asking to control border with Syria.


Thumb lebanon_first 18:54 ,2014 شباط 12

FT. Actually GMA has been shouting for months on closing the borders for syrian refugees. Mikati did nothing, thinking.. hey... the more sunnis in lebanon, the merrier.

Only end 2013, mikati realized that the syrian workers/refugees were taking jobs from his sunni constituents and started talking about making refugee camps inside syria, echoing Bassil's. However, Assad and HA refused.

Missing helicopter 03:57 ,2014 شباط 13

Here is an attempt to satisfy your request.....
Following Syrian withdrawal from Lebanon in 2005, new efforts were made by Lebanon and the international community to convince Damascus to demarcate their 360 km common border. All of these efforts were futile. In October 2008, Lebanon’s historic decision to establish formal diplomatic relations with Syria created a new opportunity to demarcate the border - See more at: http://www.c-r.org/accord-article/boundaries-and-demarcation-delimiting-and-securing-lebanon%E2%80%99s-borders#sthash.nFwBH9HE.dpuf

Missing helicopter 03:59 ,2014 شباط 13

Syria has always considered Lebanon one of its ‘lost territories’. Frequent border closures by Damascus and military occupation over 30 years have prevented Lebanon from achieving security and political stability. - See more at: http://www.c-r.org/accord-article/boundaries-and-demarcation-delimiting-and-securing-lebanon%E2%80%99s-borders#sthash.nFwBH9HE.dpuf

Missing helicopter 04:03 ,2014 شباط 13

3) ............ now you will say but this Syria not HA that prevented the demarcation. Yes it is Syria boosted by its strong friend in Lebanon your beloved HA.

Missing ---karim_m2-- 17:48 ,2014 شباط 12

Yes! Hang them all!

Thumb amatoury114 21:26 ,2014 شباط 12

leik resistance...inta dakhlak shou 3amm bitkawim? eih fassirleih? mazerei3 shib3a? ya hayyeih the citizens of this area they do not want to return to lebanon since they are well taken care of by the israeli occupier.....tayyib wa ba3dein u r resisting what baba? tell me i would like to kno...shu hal maskhra resisting....u know we can get wiped out in matter of hours ...truly u will be delusional if you think we can do anyhting against the enemy ...ba2a doubbouleih slei7ak wa badal ma tousrouf 3ala el madafei3 3ammirrr madareis wa shaghhill el 3alam wa zabbit el bonya el ta7tiyyeihh...WALLA EL 3ALAM BADDA T3ISH MA BADDHAAA SHI TEINEIH