الاسد يؤكد على وجوب التصدي للخارجين عن القانون ومنصور يرفض التدخل الخارجي بسوريا

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ذكرت وكالة الانباء الرسمية "سانا" ان الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد اكد على حق الدولة بالتصدي لل"الخارجين عن القانون" لحماية امن المواطنين.

واشار الاسد خلال استقباله وزير الخارجية اللبناني عدنان منصور ان "التعامل مع الخارجين عن القانون من اصحاب السوابق الذين يقطعون الطرقات ويغلقون المدن ويروعون الاهالي واجب على الدولة لحماية امن وحياة مواطنيها".

ومن جهته اعرب منصور عن رفض لبنان لمحاولات التدخل الخارجي في الشؤون الداخلية السورية، مؤكدا "أن استقرار لبنان هو من استقرار سوريا، وان ما يجمع البلدين أكبر بكثير من كونه علاقات بين بلدين متجاورين بحكم علاقات التاريخ والثقافة والأخوة".

كلام منصور جاء بعد لقائه الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، حيث بحث معه العلاقات الثنائية وسبل تطويرها، في حضور وزير الخارجية والمغتربين وليد المعلم، المستشارة السياسية والإعلامية في رئاسة الجمهورية السورية بثينة شعبان، معاون وزير الخارجية احمد عرنوس، سفير سوريا علي عبد الكريم علي، سفير لبنان في دمشق ميشال خوري والوفد المرافق للوزير منصور.

التعليقات 20
Default-user-icon Voyager (ضيف) 14:01 ,2011 آب 07

Furthermore, Assad said: “The state is obligated to protect the lives and security of its citizens against outlaws who are blocking roads, closing down cities, and terrorizing the people.”

I cannot believe my ears and my eyes! Is it a nightmare or what? are you not the biggest supporter of these thugs in Lebanon who did exactly that ! In your country you kill them with tanks but in Lebanon you support them and call them resistance. In syria, you say now you will allow political parties but not those with religious roots or those that are branches of foreign parties. But, in Lebanon your allied with Hizbullah, a party founded on wilayat al faqih. It is ok inLebanon to have a Baath party and a SSNP, both branches of foreign parties?

Default-user-icon Themis (ضيف) 14:10 ,2011 آب 07

This unelected dictator whose only achievement in life is being his fathers son has some nerve, his henchmen are the only outlaws.

Only in the Middle East could this be considered normal, he's had over 10 years to reform the coiuntry and he's failed, now its reform at the end of a noose Assad.

Default-user-icon Chemel (ضيف) 14:17 ,2011 آب 07

God Bless You Bashar and Syria.

Default-user-icon Lebanez (ضيف) 14:20 ,2011 آب 07

Adnan Mansour has no dust of dignity to sit there and listen to a bunch of fools telling him " The Syrian protesters are outlaws and terrorists "

Missing roger@10452 14:55 ,2011 آب 07

Ya Mansour, you look very comfortable like you are among family. So do us all a favor and stay there...

Thumb Marc 15:04 ,2011 آب 07

Did he go to collect the prize for the position Lebanon took at the UN?

Default-user-icon Independence (ضيف) 15:19 ,2011 آب 07

"Syria is on the path to reform," he was quoted as telling Lebanese Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour by the state news agency, Sana.

"To deal with outlaws who cut off roads, seal towns and terrorise residents is a duty of the state, which must defend security and protect the lives of civilians," he added.

Modern day Hitler.... Scum and filth......!

Default-user-icon moallek (ضيف) 15:32 ,2011 آب 07

Victor ( Mansour ) looks like an employee showing obedience to his boss.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:39 ,2011 آب 07

the new entourage of bashar: employees.
times are "impitoyable"

Missing eagle 18:23 ,2011 آب 07

Furthermore, he said: “The state is obligated to protect the lives and security of its citizens against outlaws who are blocking roads, closing down cities, and terrorizing the people.”

I wish you would give this advise to your surrogates here in Lebanon. Your allies here, Aoun, Hizbullah, Amal, SSNP, Baath, etc did exactly that in Lebanon, and we did not see you urge the Lebanese government to do its obligations. Blocking the Airport road in Beirut has become a daily routine for your local thugs in Lebanon. They closed down the center of Beirut for 18 months and we did not see you "raise an eye", on the contrary you encouraged them. Funny how state obligations differ from your regime to ours.....

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 19:38 ,2011 آب 07

The first outlaws the State shoudl protect the citizens from are the Assad' s and their clique holding the security apparatus!

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 20:49 ,2011 آب 07

This man has become very rich recently. He went to collect his paycheck today

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 22:24 ,2011 آب 07

@youssef where have u been the last 20 years?

Thumb bashir 23:00 ,2011 آب 07

Does Assad think ANYONE believes the armed gang story? ANYONE?

Missing leb4all 00:11 ,2011 آب 08

Bashir, your father ithinkthere4imaretard definitely named you after the other demented Bashir. The one who let the palestinians in, remember him? Yep, the one rotting in his grave.

Thumb ado.australia 03:26 ,2011 آب 08

Bashir... So the 400 odd security forces dead were killed by who? Oh that's right, Hezbollah and Iran.

And the 120 police from jisr el shagour that had their heads chopped of and spiked? That's right, they were killed by their own army for not shooting on civilians.

Oh, they must of been Syrian army dressed in civilian cloths infiltrating the protesters to shoot and kill the police and army so to blame the peaceful demonstrators. (this is actually what the "Syrian opposition" released statement regarding recent Homs clashes)

No bashir, no one believes that there are armed Gangs, after the weapon smugglers were caught in Beirut.... They are more likely best described as terrorists, religious extremists, brotherhood salafis, mixing in with peaceful demonstrators.

Default-user-icon melkadri (ضيف) 06:09 ,2011 آب 08

Ado...do you realize that 120 sodliers killed at the hands of "extremists" in one day is more than what Canada lost in Afghanistan in 10 years? Seriously dude, do you believe that there are armed gangs? Why then did they not attack any of the pro-regime rallies...Think for God's sake..

Default-user-icon joe (ضيف) 06:56 ,2011 آب 08

to ado.australia... You must have been staying in Australia for a long time. Do you believe anything that comes out of Syria, especially from the official news agencies and especially since this unfortunate crisis started. I am going to assume that you are naive and not... you know what.

Missing eagle 11:57 ,2011 آب 08

Just read what a well respected Syrian Alawi female writer is saying.....


Thumb bashir 18:01 ,2011 آب 08

Countries with ethics and consciences are pulling out of Syria, we send our monkey on a string to dance for Assad.