بري يأمل أن تنال صيغته للبيان الوزاري "قبولاً"

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أعرب رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري عن اعتقاده في ان تلقى صيغة مقدمة منه للبيان الوزاري قبولاً لدى الافرقاء، متمنياً أن يرجئ رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام استقالته حتى الاثنين.

وقال في حديث الى صحيفة "السفير"، الجمعة، "إذا كانت هناك نيات حسنة وقابلية للتسوية، يفترض أن تلقى هذه الصيغة قبولاً من فريق 14 آذار".

وتمنى على سلام أن يعطي فسحة اضافية للتشاور الجمعة والسبت، "لا بل حتى الاثنين.. وألا يستعجل الاستقالة".

وتنص صيغة بري وفق معلومات "السفير" على انه "انطلاقاً من مسؤولية الدولة في المحافظة على سيادة لبنان واستقلاله ووحدته وسلامته، تؤكد الحكومة على واجبها وسعيها لتحرير باقي الاراضي المحتلة بشتى الوسائل المشروعة والمتاحة".

وتؤكد الصيغة على ان "المقاومة هي تعبير صادق عن حق الشعب اللبناني في تحرير ارضه والدفاع عن كرامته في مواجهة الاعتداءات والمطامع الإسرائيلية والتمسك بحقه في مياهه ونفطه".

وفشل مجلس الوزراء مجتمعا، عصر الخميس، في التوصل إلى صيغة توافقية للبيان الوزاري وتحديدا بند مقاومة إسرائيل، وذلك بعد مشاورات مكثفة داخله إلى جانب اجتماعات هامشية واتصالات على مستوى القيادات دامت ست ساعات.

وبعد ان كان سلام على وشك الاعلان عن استقالته، تمنى عليه المجتمعون ارجاء استقالته 24 ساعة افساحاً في المجال امام المشاورات، فاستجاب.

التعليقات 12
Missing imagine_1979 08:27 ,2014 آذار 14

I totaly agree with you... or if they want to be more honest let they use "hezbollah" in place of the resistance, or at least its official name "islamic resistance"...
Real banana republic...

Missing imagine_1979 09:08 ,2014 آذار 14

Yes cedre the problem with what u are saying is who judge what is islamic or christian? I wish cenrtral affrican christian who are comitting attrocities worse than daech can be peacefull christians as i like to think of to (i'm a secular person so religion fir me is not a criteria) and i'm sure that we would also agree that muslims should be tolerants as they were some decades ago in their large majority...
Anyway this is a philosophical debate but i was refering to the fact of the hypochrisy used, it is the hezbollah not the resistance, and the official name of hezbollah resistance is "islamic resistance" (al moukawama al islamiya) so let them use this terminology

Missing coolmec 09:01 ,2014 آذار 14

Hello imagine1979, mckinl
How are you doing guys? good to "see" you again. Hope everything is ok with you guys

Missing coolmec 09:05 ,2014 آذار 14

we already are paying a lot for basic services namely electricity and generators etc.....
so rather than resort to the IMF we should resort to the streets and kick out our politicians and replace them with new blood a new and honest politicians

Missing imagine_1979 09:11 ,2014 آذار 14

Man always great post, i'm sure with hezbollah and berry we will leave prosperous in a wonderfull civil state, by the way how many costed majless al janoub?..
Have u heard of any pharmacetical scam lately, it is nice to put the fault on march 14 guys but on the level of corruption they both do very good (even bassilo for my dear fellows who stayed in tayyar seems so more wealthy than 10 years ago don't u think)
As usual mcknil, thx for ur very objective comments and go have some chupachups...

Thumb EagleDawn 09:13 ,2014 آذار 14

stop your hallucinations and useless economic analysis. Lebanon's increasing and accumulated debt is due to subpar and subsidized public services that are overloaded with public servants imposed by warlords such as Berri and Jumblatt. Privatizations will stop this bleeding and will improve the services.

Thumb EagleDawn 09:15 ,2014 آذار 14


Default-user-icon Que (ضيف) 09:25 ,2014 آذار 14

" “If there were good intentions and readiness to reach a settlement, then this proposal should be accepted by the March 14” camp."

Why is it that if there's good intentions on the March 14 camp? Why not good intentions on March 8 camp? Why don't they stand down with their weapons and external B.S and do something for Lebanon instead of for Iran?

Default-user-icon Que (ضيف) 09:26 ,2014 آذار 14

You forgot that they can make their own airports for drones.

Missing coolmec 10:30 ,2014 آذار 14

where is mcknil's comment? why was it removed?

Thumb EagleDawn 10:45 ,2014 آذار 14

many others were removed for no reason.

Missing imagine_1979 12:02 ,2014 آذار 14

Indeed and even if i donnot agree with some other opinion everyone should be able to express its own views.. That's the principle of democracy...
Chupachups naharnet, chupachups...