توقيف 15 سوريا بينهم عناصر من "النصرة" في عرسال

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أوقف الجيش اليوم الاربعاء في عرسال 15 سوريا دخلوا الاراضي اللبنانية بطريقة غير شرعية، من بينهم عناصر من جلهة "النصرة".

وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام: "الجيش أوقف على حاجز وادي الشعب في عرسال 15 سوريا دخلوا الاراضي اللبنانية بأوراق مزورة، من بينهم عناصر من "جبهة النصرة".

وسيتم تسلميهم بحسب الوكالة الوطنية الى الشرطة العسكرية للتحقيق.

كما أوقف مخفر يونين في البقاع الشمالي سوريين، وهما وبحسب الوكالة الوطنية، ابراهيم خالد القاري وأنس عمار القاري.

وبعد التحقيق معهما، اعترفا بالانتماء للجيش السوري الحر.

وسبق أن تكررت مثل هذه الاحداث، خلال هذا الأسبوع، إذ أوقفت القوى الامنية أمس الثلاثاء خمسة سوريين دخلوا الاراضي اللبنانية بطريقة غير شرعية أيضا عبر منطقة وادي خالد- عكار.

والاثنين أيضا أوقف الجيش 19 شخصا سوريا ولبنانيين اثنين في منطقة وادي خالد أيضا ، لمحاولتهم دخول لبنان خلسة. ولقد ضبط الجيش في حوزتهم وبحسب بيان صادر عنه "بندقية نوع كلاشنيكوف ومسدسين حربيين مع الذخائر العائدة اليها، بالإضافة الى 30 جهازا خليويا وجهاز كومبيوتر محمولا ومبالغ مالية من عملات مختلفة".

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon Crunchthis (ضيف) 20:15 ,2014 آذار 19

I reject your words and they shall not see fruition in any way... whose going to do the fighting? You? Or are you going to hire foreigners to do the job for you?

You choose to see only half the side of the coin. Clearly, your name gives you away.

We are not in the 1970's any more. Neither your nor your 'enemies' are neglected and you do not have the right to say that you party is being persecuted unfairly.

These guys are not welcome in our country and their plans shall fail.

And yes, of course, I don't want Lebanon to send fighters to Syria. Period. Neither from the left nor the from the right. We should work for peace and calm.

Thumb ice-man 20:16 ,2014 آذار 19

people walk in and confess!

Thumb ice-man 20:18 ,2014 آذار 19

28 minutes ago LBCI: The Syrians Anas and Ibrahim al-Qari were arrested in Younine and they confessed to having links to the Abdullah Azzam Brigades.


Thumb lebanesenationalist 23:30 ,2014 آذار 19

Terrorist you lost any credibility you had when you started using terms like "Christian scavengers" and "Shia terrorists" the other day. People like you are a big part of the problem in our country.

Thumb lebanesenationalist 23:56 ,2014 آذار 19

No. Aoun is Lebanese, who happens to be Christian. Nasrallah is Lebanese who happens to be Shia. Would you like it if I referred to Sunnis as "metkhalfin" because of Assir?

Imagine if you were living in any civilized country, and said something like "those black savages" or "those asian imbeciles" if a person you don't like happened to be one of those races.

If Lebanon was filled with people like me, Lebanon would be safe for all.


Thumb lebanesenationalist 00:24 ,2014 آذار 20

Just so you know, I'm anti-hezbollah and anti-aoun to the core, but for purely national reasons, and not sectarian ones like you.

Noone is denying you to live freely, but you are advocating that the people take up arms and start another civil war. Ask your parents how that worked out for their generation. And I may "label" certain people or organizations, but you will never see me labeling a religious group or a community as a whole.

I do still have my legoes from when I was a kid, sure badda atshe. And you, go play with your toy soldiers, instead of talking about arming and fighting other Lebanese.

Thumb lebanesenationalist 00:44 ,2014 آذار 20

I don't know what the instant solution is to Lebanon's problems, and I would never pretend that I do. However I do know one thing: sooner or later (no matter how long), things will get better in Lebanon, Hezbollah will return to the state, the Lebanese will move on from their past differences and live together in peace.

That is my dream as a Lebanese, and I believe that sectarian sentiments like the ones you've expressed are dangerous, and if enough people start repeating them, they become ingrained and will threaten the future reconciliation of the Lebanese people.

Best thing you can do at this point is try to stay moderate, and speak to people in a reasonable manner. Eventually, moderation will overcome extremism if we put our minds to it.

Missing -karim- 23:27 ,2014 آذار 19

God bless the Lebanese Army!

Missing -karim- 01:55 ,2014 آذار 20

LOL, they're not even trying to hide the fact that they're pro-Nusra, anti-LAF anymore.