المستأجرون يستنكرون "مجزرة" قانون الإيجارات والمالكون يدعون سليمان لتجنب "إعدامهم" بالتوقيع عليه

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طالب المستأجرون القدامى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان برد قانون الإيجارات واضفين إياه لـ"المجزرة" في حين رد عليهم المالكون مطالبين بضرورة توقيعه وإلا قد يكون الرئيس سمح "بمزيد من الإعدامات" بحقهم على حد تعبيرهم.

وقال أحد المعتصمين من المستأجرين قبل قطع الطريق الرئيسي في الحمرا لقناة الـ"LBCI" أن "القانون مجزرة ونطلب رده كاملا ومن انتظر 40 عاما يمكن أن ينتظر عاما إضافيا كي نتدبر أمورنا" في إشارة إلى المالكين.

يذكر أن مشروع قانون الايجارات أقر الأسبوع الفائت بمادة وحيدة كما عدلته لجنة الادارة والعدل منذ العام 2012 حيث لم يلق المشروع اي اعتراض نيابي من أي كتلة نيابي في ما خلا بعض الاعتراضات الفردية من قبل نواب رأوا فيه أنه يؤدي الى تفريغ سكاني ونزوح سكاني لا مثيل له.

من جهته صرح رئيس تجمع المستأجرين القدامى في لبنان نبيل العرجه للقناة عينها أنه متأكد "أن الغالبية الساحقة من المستأجرين لن يستطيعوا تسديد الإيجار ما يعني أنه تهجير مقصود وسيصبح المستأجرون في الشارع".

وشدد على أن "ما من دولة أو قانون في العالم إلا ويحافظ على العائلات المبتورة (المحرومة)" مطالبا "رئيس الجمهورية أن يرد القانون ويعيد درسه في المجلس لأنه كرة ثلج ستمتد إلى باقي المناطق".

وأعلن أن "اعتصاماتنا سلمية للتأكيد بأن الناس لا يفرض عليها ما لا تستطيع أن تتحمله".

عليه أعلن العرجة أنه "إن لم يعدل القانون وبدأ تنفيذه ستصبح الإعتصامات في كل المناطق بسبب وجع وآلام الناس".

ودعا "كل المستأجرين في لبنان إلى وقفة ضمير في ساحة رياض الصلح غدا" الأربعاء.

من جهتهم اعتصم المالكون القدامى في ساحة رياض الصلح حيث قال ناطق باسمهم "لا تسمحوا يا فخامة الرئيس بمزيد من الإعدامات للمالكين القدامى ونحن بلا مأوى وغيرنا يرتوي من بئرنا ونحن عطشى".

وشرح أن "أولاد المالكين ليسوا قادرين على مساعدتهم ونحن ساهمنا مرغمين بحل أزمة السكن طيلة أربعة عقود لكننا اليوم في أزمة سكن".

وأضاف المتحدث متوجها لسليمان "نحن جائعون إلى قانون جديد وكثر من المالكين القدامى على حافة قبورهم وجاءهم هذا القانون بمثابة جرعة أمل فلا تسمحوا لأحد أن يسلبهم هذه اللحظات".

وأضاف "أقسمتم بأن تكونوا الحامي الأول للدستور وتوقيعكم للقانون بكل ثقة يحمي الدستور والقانون".

عليه دعا كل المالكين القدامى والجدد الأربعاء "إلى الإعتصام على مفرق القصر الجمهوري دعما لرئيس الجمهورية للتوقيع على القانون".

وبعدها قطع المعتصمون الطريق امام مجلس النواب.

يشار إلى أنه فيما يقول المستأجرون أن القانون غير منصف ويؤدي إلى تهجير عائلات وإلى "فرز ديمغرافي" كبير نظرا لمنع الإختلاط الذي كان قائما بين الناس منذ أعوام، يقول مالكو الأبنية أنه منصف ويفتح باب الحوار مع المستأجرين.

وناشدت هيئة مكتب الاتحاد العمالي العام رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان السبت رد القانون "لان المواطن له الحق بالسكن". ويحق لسليمان قانونيا رد القانون إذا اعتبره غير منصف بعد دراسته.



التعليقات 15
Thumb lebanon_first 16:55 ,2014 نيسان 08

Demonstrators: "We occupied by force the appartments of other people for decades. We want to occupy them again for decades. If anybody works his ass off to buy an appartment to rent out, We are ready to rent it free of charge . Else we block roads."

What kind of a farce is this? What right are we talking about? the right to take that which is not yours? These lowlives should be gassed!

Missing marhaba 21:46 ,2014 نيسان 08

It's good to see the rent laws are finally being modernised. It's ridiculous how people can get away with renting at the "old rent" prices.

But, this isn't the renter's fault. Legally speaking, up until this new law, they are legal occupants. You can't blame the renters for the past. You can blame them for this stupidity when it comes to blocking the roads.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:51 ,2014 نيسان 08

Come on, these people are ridiculous, in fact, most of these tenants are richer than the owners of their houses. They pay such ridiculous rent (below 100,000LL per year) that the tenants don't even bother collecting them.

And tenants complain that the houses they live in are not maintained properly by their owners and often in despicable conditions.

Owners are even unable to sell their properties with such tenants.

It's time to bring rent prices back to a normal level which could actually play a role in decreasing the average rental fees across the entire market.

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 17:55 ,2014 نيسان 08

Exactly!! It is not up to the landlords to subsidize cheap housing!! Maybe owners of aparts. earning peanuts for their property should demonstrate and shut down roads too..or even better, evict the tenants once and for all!

Default-user-icon Dagger (ضيف) 18:15 ,2014 نيسان 08

Does anyone remember the fact that a building collapsed on its occupants because of low maintenance. You don't want to accept a higher rent well then.... accept BETONNN on your head.

Default-user-icon Mhanna Tony (ضيف) 18:56 ,2014 نيسان 08

you are pathetic! you really think that every tenants are financially ok and there wont be thousands of thousand of people without shelter and they can "manage" themselves with 500$ a month to rent a house as if their salary is 3000$

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 19:01 ,2014 نيسان 08

the bill of electricity or mobile phone per month is greater than 1 year rent is it conceivable

Thumb lebanon_first 20:04 ,2014 نيسان 08

also by liberating 10s of thousands of appartments, rents overall in the country will decrease. Also there will be more confidence in the judiciary.

Missing lappeaudecouille 00:09 ,2014 نيسان 09

The tenants have to account for new costs they were not expecting. Shame on them. We need a progressive law that will bring back the rights of the owners. Some of them owners are getting paid rental fees that are prehistoric.Our Society needs better citizens and it all starts with a better education and a deep understanding of what we intend to leave behind us when we are gone. Lebanese; They only think in terms of "me me me me me me now now now now now now now now" Surely they are biting their fingers with this new law and creating chaos with their stage ins. Go back home and be grateful for all those years you had a roof to sleep under without having to pay a fair rent. PAY UP.

Missing lebanesecitizen 04:43 ,2014 نيسان 09

To bigjohn, from your repetitive phrases you seem to be confused or ignorant
of the meaning of the word 'RENT". When someone rents a chalet, car, apartment
or anything.. the stipulation is that:

1- The contract must have the consent of both parties. If any party does not consent, then the
contract becomes invalid.
2- It is temporary.
3- The owner is free to set 'any' price that he deems fair. If the renter does not like it,
he can go somewhere else. That is why it
4- Under NO circumstance does the renter become 40% co-owner.
5- The act of renting is a source of income. Yes! Believe it or not the owners rent to make money.
And should be able to maintain the rentals and live off the earnings.

The old rent law breaks all these rules and it should have been rectified back in 1992.

Missing lebanesecitizen 04:44 ,2014 نيسان 09

To bigjohn, from your repetitive phrases you seem to be confused or ignorant
of the meaning of the word 'RENT". When someone rents a chalet, car, apartment
or anything.. the stipulation is that:

1- The contract must have the consent of both parties. If any party does not consent, then the
contract becomes invalid.
2- It is temporary.
3- The owner is free to set 'any' price that he deems fair. If the renter does not like it,
he can go somewhere else.
4- Under NO circumstance does the renter become 40% co-owner.
5- The act of renting is a source of income. Yes! Believe it or not the owners rent
to make money. And should be able to maintain the rentals and live off the earnings.

The old rent law breaks all these rules and it should have been rectified back in 1992.

Default-user-icon Najib (ضيف) 19:16 ,2014 نيسان 09

Hope they will move on to organize foreign ownership, especially those filthy GCC residents who can come to lebanon as visitors but unfortunately they own now the best plots and forever! Knowing that Lebanese cannot own shit in their nasty desert countries,,,!
Hope morales will wake up here and treat foreigners the way they treat us

Missing undefined 08:20 ,2014 نيسان 10

@bigjohn: *I* am one of the people you call filthy capitalist landlords. I DO NOT have a steady income, in fact, I am struggling financially, and I have to go out and rent an apartment at market prices while a leech tenant stays in my apartment essentially for free. And to get him to leave I have to pay him 30-50% of the value of the apartment which he has been staying in for free!!! Tell me how that is fair?! I didn't even earn a penny from his rent over the last decades!!!!

Default-user-icon Zed (ضيف) 19:11 ,2014 نيسان 10

Always extreme views, rarely someone posts anything that is balance on these forums. The old rent law is unfair to landlords, but it did help people back on their feet, most of whom were not the cause of the war. Secondly, some but not all have taken advantage of the old rent law, they were saving money and investing it elsewhere while living off the back of the landlord. The law needs to be adjusted to allow those who will end up on the streets to stay until their death (this does not include their children). A fair percentage of their wages should be paid to the landlord, this is for low-income owners. Those who are rich on old rent (and there are many trust me), should either leave or pay full mkt rates asap. Problem solved.

Missing undefined 08:40 ,2014 نيسان 13

Zed: "allow those who will end up on the streets to stay until their death". What? Are you serious? It is not the responsibility of the landlords to care for these people. This isn't a communist country last I checked. They've lived at the expense of the landlords for long enough, they've gotten enough "free housing", now let their kids or extended family or the government help them. Why should I 1) earn nothing from my property and 2) actually SPEND thousands of dollars per year on rent myself?