خلاف مادي وشخصي خلف إنفجار أنطلياس.... وتشكيك في الرواية الرسمية

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تبين أن الانفجار الذي هز انطلياس أمس الخميس "وقع نتيجة خلاف مادي وشخصي بين عدة أشخاص، بعضهم من تجار السيارات، ذهب ضحيته اثنان منهم أثناء سحب الصاعق المربوط بالقنبلة اليدوية التي كانت بحوزة احد الضحيتين والبالغ وزنها 150 غراماً"، بحسب تقرير وزير الداخلية مروان شربل.

وصرح شربل في جلسة مجلس الوزراء عصرا بأن حادث انطلياس "ليس ارهابيا وليس أمنيا وليس سياسيا بل هو حادث فردي نجم عن خلاف مادي بين تجار للسيارات والبحث جار عن تاجر ثالث له علاقة بالخلاف على أموال".

وتحدثت مصادر، بحسب صحيفة "الحياة" عن خلاف على 120 ألف دولار بين الضحيتين احسان نايف نصار وحسان ضيا أدى الى التشاجر بينهما وانفجار قنبلة كانت بحوزة أحدهما.

وقالت مصادر مطلعة لصحيفة "النهار" إن التناقضات التي أثارها التفسير المعلن للحادث قبل انتهاء التحقيق في ملابساته وفي ظل عدم صدور ايضاحات تقنية واجرائية لظروفه حتى في ما يتصل بزنة العبوة وسبب انفجارها والخلفيات المتوافرة عن ناقليها، ساهمت في اثارة مزيد من الشكوك في الحادث، فضلاً عن اظهار الدولة في صورة بالغة الارتباك.

الى ذلك، شكك مصدر أمني لصحيفة "اللواء" في الرواية الرسمية، لافتاً إلى تناقضات فيها، لا سيّما وأن القتيلين حضرا معاً في سيارة بي. أم، وأن الانفجار حصل بعد خروجهما منها، وأن السيارة أوراقها شرعية، وكانا يحملان هويتان صحيحتين وبطاقة ائتمان مصرفي بإسم أحدهما، مشيراً إلى أن الانفجار ناتج عن قنبلة لم تؤد إلا الى بتر أجزاء من أطراف الضحيتين من دون ظهور أشلاء كاملة، لكن معلومات إضافية ذكرت أن شظايا ناتجة عن كرات حديدية وجدت على الارض مما يرجح ان تكون القنبلة محضرة بشكل عبوة.

ولفتت مصادر امنية الى أن الانفجار وحجم العبوة مشابه لعمليات اغتيال جرت سابقا لكل من الشهيد جورج حاوي وسمير قصير والاعلامية مي شدياق، حيث تم زرع عبوات لاصقة لا تتجاوز زنة العبوة 200 غرام تحت مقعد السائق.

واشارت المصادر الى انها تسعى الى ايجاد رابط بين الانفجار ومقر اقامة القاضي اللبناني المنتدب الى المحكمة الدولية رالف رياشي الذي يقع على بعد أقل من 300 متر من مكان الانفجار.

وكشفت مصادر صحيفة "الحياة" بأن الانفجار حصل بعد ثوان معدودة من ترجل الشابين من السيارة بعد أن أوقفها سائقها ضيا في باحة المرآب، وقالت إن شريط تسجيل إحدى الكاميرات المثبتة في محيط المنطقة أظهر كيف ترجل ضيا من سيارته وهي من نوع "ب م ف إكس 5" فضية اللون ودار من حولها واقترب من نصار الذي كان يجلس الى جانبه وسارا معاً، وكان نصار يحمل بيده كيساً صغيراً وما أن قطعا مسافة قصيرة، حتى سمع دوي انفجار.

ونفت المصادر أن يكون لدى الأجهزة الأمنية أي موقوف، وقالت إن مديرية المخابرات في الجيش اللبناني تتابع التحقيق الذي يتولاه القضاء العسكري وأن الأجهزة الأمنية التي حضرت الى مكان الانفجار استمعت الى إفادات عدد من الشهود وسجلت أقوالهم.

وكانت معلومات أولية قد أشارت الى ان العبوة الناسفة كانت معدة وجاهزة وأدى خطأ تقني الى انفجارها بحاملها ورفيقه، واستبعدت المعلومات ان تكون استهدفت سيارة القاضي في مجلس شورى الدولة البر سرحان لوجود خمس سيارات في مكان الحادث تضررت جميعها وعدم وجود أي صلة محتملة للقاضي ونجله الذي تضررت سيارته بالقتيلين أو بأي ملف آخر.

وترددت معلومات مفادها أن شقيق ضيا كان حضر الى مستشفى أبو جودة في جل الديب قبل أن يفارق شقيقه الحياة متأثراً بجروحه البليغة وقال إنه ينتمي الى "حزب الله" فيما لم تؤكد مصادر الحزب إذا كان ينتمي إليه أم لا.

وقد سارع رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان خلال افطار بعبدا امس الخميس، الى تلقف الحادثة بدعوته المجلس الاعلى للدفاع للاجتماع اليوم "لاتخاذ الاجراءات المناسبة لتنفيذ سياسة مجلس الوزراء في الدفاع والحفاظ على الامن"، محذرا من ارتداد ما يجري من تطورات في المنطقة على الواقع الأمني اللبناني.

التعليقات 28
Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 08:11 ,2011 آب 12

No more wavering. M14 and Silent majority must take courageous and unified stand as they did on March 13 with a clear and unambiguous message. As evidence is mounting that Antelias bomb is part of Hizb's long list of assassinations, including attempts on Murr and Hamade lives, M14 and Silent Majority should mimic Syrian courage and openly declare Hizbollah a criminal organization, demanding immediate resignation of all its members from cabinet and parliament, refusing any negotiation, and insisting on full disarming. A giant demonstration at Martyr Square to achieve these demands should be set for Sunday Aug 21, preceded on Sat by a human chain from Tripoli to Tyr in support of brave Syrians because we're both fighting the same evil of Basij/Mukhabarat. Sunday will be the day Shia are liberated. Half the speakers should be free Shia activists, intellectuals and politicians to provide a vision of a united Lebanon illuminating the path for freedom and democracy for Arabs and Persians.

Thumb ado.australia 08:57 ,2011 آب 12

Only 300 metres? It could also have been an attempted assassination of the general Aoun... Because Aoun's Rabieh home is only 2klms away.

What would we do without our beloved sources.

Default-user-icon Michelle (ضيف) 09:42 ,2011 آب 12

Lovely how we're meant to believe that people just walk around areas, far from their homes with hand grenades in their pockets that accidentally explode. The sad part is our ministry is in on this too, supporting Al Manar claims. With our blatant lies, we have begun mimicking the Syrian media with their 'armed gangs' stories. Since when is that much information about an explosion straight away leaked to the public? Its been years since all the rest of the explosions, and not one detail has been exposed. Now, as soon as one attempt goes sour, suddenly our security forces and ministers decide to become 'transparent' even within an hour or two from the explosion? Who are they kidding?

Default-user-icon trigger (ضيف) 09:43 ,2011 آب 12

It's good to know that we live in acountry where car dealers carry bombs...just in case the deal goes bad!!
Who are they kidding? Two shiite (sorry to say it) terrorists planting a bomb in the middle of metn, were either sent to kill someone, or were sent to be killed for knowing too much about a specific crime...tying up loose ends...

Thumb ado.australia 09:45 ,2011 آب 12

LOL... Gebran sons, you are very entertaining. "human chain from Tripoli to Tyr". Classic!

Thumb tabasco 10:29 ,2011 آب 12

They can rejoice over 2 new "saints " !!

Thumb mrbrain 10:30 ,2011 آب 12

Thugs, Criminals, Chaotic country, arms trafficking, Lack of security, corruption, organized crime, weak government, social dilemma , etc.......Making these comments are totally legitimate and make you Lebanese human citizen who have all the right to criticize what happened..However, as some opinions sided with the sectarian media who, without having any valid source, described this "accident" as a terrorist plot organized by a "terrorist" sect...When a group of people take a stance without using their brain cells such phenomena means one thing:The Lebanese Monkeys are populating the banana republic...

Thumb charbel 11:52 ,2011 آب 12

like with the Estonian cyclists.. "Mystery" ... read Syrian Regime, and its tails in Lebanon, from hizballa to FPLP-GC to Jund el Sham, to 3isbat el Ansar, to Fat7 el Islam... many puppets, and the puppets master is still in Damascus, but not for long... the heroes of the Syrian people with dump him in the bin of history.

Default-user-icon ASSAAD123 (ضيف) 12:35 ,2011 آب 12

le ministre de l'interieur a dit ce matin a la radio que ce n'est pas une grenade mais un enjin a attentat du type qui explose quand on ouvre une porte ou quand la roue tourne. on n'utilise pas cela pour menacer quelqu'un. on devient trop ridicules.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 12:58 ,2011 آب 12

And so? it is just a personal dispute, we should not give it an excessive dimension. Problems on cars and deals occur everyday. Don't politize everything.

Default-user-icon Antonio Bondi (ضيف) 13:04 ,2011 آب 12

Hariri's Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades are acting here at home now that they have failed to achieve their goals in Syria. The green light from their masters has finally been given. Brace yourselves for more, Lebanese.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 13:50 ,2011 آب 12

Hariri's Al Qaeda - Akkar and Tripoli Brigades are acting here at home now that they have failed to achieve their goals in Syria . The green light from their masters has finally been given . Brace yourselves for more , Lebanese because they are now using Iranian - Shiite Hezb terrorists to plant the bombs and kill Christians .

Default-user-icon Martin (ضيف) 13:57 ,2011 آب 12

"In remarks to Voice of Lebanon radio station 100.5 on Friday, Charbel said that the victims most probably tried to PLANT THE EXPLOSIVES DEVICE IN THE VEHICLE of a third person who owes them money." ... so when he spoke in cabinet yesterday he was just quoting Al Manar rather than stating facts, Charbel is almost as incompetent as Bassil... I said almost.

Default-user-icon Antonio Bondi (ضيف) 14:09 ,2011 آب 12

"Charbel stressed that the probe hasn’t revealed that a political or another known figure was targeted."

This boob forgets that similar bombs planted, now we know, by the Iranian Shiite terrorist Hezb in New Jdeideh,Kaslik Sadd el-Bouchrieh, Broummana, Jounieh, Monot, Zalka, Jeitawi did not target anyone either they ment to terrorize Christians so to tool Aoun can claim that only the Iranian Shiite terrorist Hezb can protect them.

Default-user-icon trigger (ضيف) 14:09 ,2011 آب 12

"two shiite terrorists = 2 terrorists that are shiites" this doesnt mean that it was organized by a "TERRORIST SECT"....common english

Default-user-icon The Maxx (ضيف) 14:12 ,2011 آب 12

"Don't politicize everything." LOL. Penischien, of all the taffeyét on Naharnet, you are my personal favourite.

Default-user-icon Alfredo (ضيف) 14:22 ,2011 آب 12

Charbel: "Our investigation so far does not point to an act of sabotage," ... "the victims most probably tried to plant the explosives device in the vehicle of a third person who owes them money." .. yup numbnut planting explosives under vehicles is not an act of sabotage, what a dud!

Default-user-icon Phoenicienne (ضيف) 15:02 ,2011 آب 12

@ le phenicien
It seems as if you lost track using many different names

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:16 ,2011 آب 12

When you have a coup government that considers the truth to be an option, rather than an imperitive; that considers the law as something to be followed if there is personal gain and to be ignored if following will result in personal loss; that considers use of force of arms if there is no logic or reason to support a political position, how can Mr. Marwan Charbel be believed? And he is the Interior Minister.
Sure, his statement sounds like any number of statements that come from Hezbollah when these bombs go off in Dahieh and the Interior Ministry can't go there and Hezbollah says, it was an accident or some such other lame excuse. Now we have the official ministry that sounds just like Hezbollah when shia are involved with explosives in the Metn.

Its a shame and Gebran Sons of Cedars is correct -- time for Lebanon to join with the Syrian people to throw this mafia government off of Lebanon's neck.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:20 ,2011 آب 12

When you have a coup government that considers the truth to be an option, rather than an imperitive; that considers the law as something to be followed if there is personal gain and to be ignored if following will result in personal loss; that considers use of force of arms if there is no logic or reason to support a political position, how can Mr. Marwan Charbel be believed? And he is the Interior Minister.
Sure, his statement sounds like any number of statements that come from Hezbollah when these bombs go off in Dahieh and the Interior Ministry can't go there and Hezbollah says, it was an accident or some such other lame excuse. Now we have the official ministry that sounds just like Hezbollah when shia are involved with explosives in the Metn.

Its a shame and Gebran Sons of Cedars is correct -- time for Lebanon to join with the Syrian people to throw this mafia government off of Lebanon's neck.

Default-user-icon Phoenicienne (ضيف) 15:22 ,2011 آب 12

You see ado you've only earned thumbs down.
It is about time you considered to be pragmatic and receptive to new ideas.

Default-user-icon wadi3 (ضيف) 15:28 ,2011 آب 12

صرنا متل سورية. سيناريو وحوار أصص وخبار. برعاية 8 اذار

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 15:35 ,2011 آب 12

What a load of Hogwash!! This is just one more prime example of the uslessness of this Hezbollah Syria Vichi government in protecting the Lebanese from the criminal terrorist Iranian organization terror campain."Personal Dispute" my A** !! Again this is nothing short than a futile and desperate terror campain by the criminal filthy militia Hezb Ebola to try to bully and intimidate the Christians into submission, by doing so they have for the Nth time exposed themselves to all the free Lebanese for the Cancer that has been eating away at Lebanon for thirty years. Well they do have another thing (or things...) coming. Of course all these puppet politicians in the current Vichi government will have to answer to the free Lebanese in the end. They are not being paid to be the sub servient slaves to a criminal organization and cover up their crimes but to serve and protect the people. All these incompetent at best and complaisant at worst so called leaders have to be brought to account!!!

Default-user-icon Anonymous, TX, USA (ضيف) 15:36 ,2011 آب 12

There is no mystery there.
2 Hizubullah agents were trying to boobytrap a car..even pros make mistakes.
It doesn't have to be an assasination attempt. Most of the explosions that occurred in 2005 & 2006 like Brummana, Bauchrieh, Zouk, Ashrafieh, Aley, and Verdun blasts (to name a few) did not target anyone, all were aimed at terrorizing people without targeting anyone in particular.
Remember, Syria & Hizb's Message is "Choose between Justice or Mayhem" this is just a failed attempt to show what mayhem will look like.
Hizb wants to convince the other camp to drop the tribunal or they will face car bombs....Syria also is in on it, showing western states that if Syrian Regime is threatened it could stirr troubles to everyone around it.
And to all the Aounis, haven't you seen that most of the Hizb's terroristizing blast occurr in Christian areas, so wake up, and stop following that lunatic that keeps providing cover for their murderous act.

Thumb kato 16:47 ,2011 آب 12

Really? I could understand the suggestion that it was a personal dispute if they had say a handgun or a knife as a weapon but a grenade....really? Is this some kind of a common practice - 'oh I think I'll carry a grenade in my pocket in case I meet up with someone with which I have a personal dispute'. There is a phrase that goes where there is smoke, there is fire. The other part of this situation that makes it very suspicious is that they just 'happened' to be next to a car of a judge. What are the odds? In the words of Judge Judy (she arbitrates on an American court show), "if it doesn't make sense, it isn't true." Nuff said.

Thumb mrbrain 17:56 ,2011 آب 12

Trigger you are a Lebanese monkey ....you should be proud with the title..

Thumb shab 20:01 ,2011 آب 12

Nobody blamed Israel yet, wierd !

Default-user-icon Tony Khoury (ضيف) 00:50 ,2011 آب 13

Mystery, what mystery? Two Islamic Resistance in Lebanon terrorists try to plant a bomb in a parking lot in Antelias to terrorize the population, the bomb accidentally blows up killing them both, end of mystery.