توقيف 5 لبنانيين بجرم سرقة السيارات في البقاع

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تمكنت المديرية الاقليمية لأمن الدولة في البقاع من توقيف عصابة مؤلفة من خمسة لبنانيين تعمل على سرقة السيارات، كما أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، الجمعة.

ولفتت الوكالة الى انه تم توقيف العصابة يوم الخميس، وذلك، بعد ورود معلومات للمديرية، ان سيارة سورية سرقت من منطقة تعلبايا، فسارعت دورياتها الناشطة، الى مراقبة الطرقات الفرعية.

وجراء هذه الاجراءات تمكنت من القاء القبض على سارق السيارة وهو يقودها على طريق الغيضة شرق مدينة زحلة، واثناء التحقيقات معه اعترف على باقي افراد العصابة وجميعهم اعترفوا بسرقة سبع سيارات من الطراز القديم، وكلها بيعت لشخص يدعى (ع.م).

وتابعت انه التحقيقات كشفت ان هؤلاء لم يرتكبوا عمليات قتل او خطف، بل اقتصر نشاطهم على سرقة السيارات لبيعها ومقايضتها بمخدرات لتعاطيها.

واحيل الموقوفون الى القضاء المختص.


التعليقات 14
Thumb popeye 13:31 ,2014 نيسان 11

not a single day passes without the terror party and its supporters commiting a crime.

Thumb .mowaten. 16:03 ,2014 نيسان 11

not a single day passes without you making empty accusations.

Thumb thepatriot 14:41 ,2014 نيسان 11

The Bekaa has become a wasp's nest...

Thumb lebanon_first 16:04 ,2014 نيسان 11

only one? give me more arrests. I want to see 100s of shia thugs of Brital in Roumieh, this way the sunni community will be balanced there, and quit the "governement is unfair" rethoric.

Thumb .mowaten. 16:18 ,2014 نيسان 11

1- the way you speak is disgustingly sectarian. like we need to fill quotas by religion in prisons too now?
2- i'm sure there are thugs of all sects in roumieh, it's not because we only hear the salafists and takfiris whining that they are the only ones there.
3- i dont care what rethoric they use, they'll always come up with some lame excuse to whine anyway
4- regardless of their sects, i wish to see all criminals in jail

Thumb lebanon_first 16:30 ,2014 نيسان 11

well mowaten, the justice system in lebanon IS sectarian.

If you are a christrian thug, u have 95% chance to be thrown in jail
If you are a sunnite thug, u have a 70% chance to be thrown in jail
If you are a shia thug, u have a 30 to 40 % chance to be thrown in jail

Face it. Criminal shias are either covered by Berri, or part of the 3ache2ir, or sometimes even covered by HA.

Thumb .mowaten. 18:25 ,2014 نيسان 11

l_f this is ridiculous. where did you get these figures from? pure BS shooting straight from your rear.

Thumb .mowaten. 18:25 ,2014 نيسان 11

jerry> israelis are not welcome in Lebanon, this includes our websites. so please buzz off

Thumb lebanon_first 18:57 ,2014 نيسان 11

FT. The orthodox law was the best law for lebanon: Because it is the law that would have protected christians most. And if christians are protected, then moderate moslems would be protected since the best garantee for moderate secular moslems is the presence and strength of their christian parters.

let us not hide behind our finger. lebanese are sectarian to the bone, not that we hate other religions, but a sectarian decentralisation would be the best thing.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:38 ,2014 نيسان 11


actually We christians are tired to be the only law abiding citizens of Lebanon. We are forced to pay our taxes, while shia hit the tax collector. We pay electricity, while shia bloat EDL with useless employees and dont even pay electricity. We get fined for a minor construction illegality while shia build whole buildings on lands that do not belong to them. We get kidnapped. You kidnap. We try to change our fate through legal institutions while u throw a tantrum and burn tires on every occasion. Our few thugs... michel samaha... are in prison, your numerous thugs are roaming the south and bekaa and dahieh.

True we are here because we lost the civil war and capitulated in Taef and became second class citizens, we were forced to return our weapons, so now you are bullying us with your weapons. All this due to the evil assad that you are protecting. But one day, the wheels will turn.

Thumb geha 18:51 ,2014 نيسان 11

brital: a hornet nest of criminals.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:58 ,2014 نيسان 11

This thread simply stated a region of Lebanon, and there goes the fratricidal blame game. Why??

Thumb geha 20:25 ,2014 نيسان 11

because some people refuse that their saints be accused for whatever reason :)

this is called blind followers based on sectarian extremism.
they do not see the reality that a criminal has no religion and is just a criminal.

when people will start realizing that their sect has nothing to do with who they are we will start to have country.
when people will start to realize that the sect/religion of the president, head of cabinet or head of parliament does not add anything to the position rather the competency of the persons in question.

Missing --karim-- 00:33 ,2014 نيسان 12

"The arrest was made when a Syrian vehicle was reported stolen in the Bekaa region of Taalbaya."

Filthy FSA-Al Qaeda jihadist terrorists.