لقاء "ودي" بين وفد من "القوات" وعون واتفاق على حضور جلسة الأربعاء ودعم من يربح "أيا كان"

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قدم وفد من حزب "القوات اللبنانية" السبت برنامج رئيس الحزب سمير جعجع لرئاسة الجمهورية إلى رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون في الرابية، في حين قالت مصادر المجتمعين أن اللقاء كان وديا وتم فيه الإتفاق على دعم من يصل إلى بعبدا وحضور جلسة الأربعاء الإنتخابية.

وضم وفد "القوات" النواب ستريدا جعجع، جوزيف المعلوف، فادي كرم، الوزير السابق طوني كرم وعضو الهيئة التنفيذية في الحزب إدي ابي اللمع.

وكشفت قناة الـ"MTV" مساء السبت أن اللقاء بدأ بـ"تحية من الحكيم" لعون من النائب ستريدا جعجع وقدمت له نسخة من برنامج جعجع "وقالت له نتمنى تاييدك فابتسم عون".

وسألت جعجع عون عن موعد ترشحه فأجاب أن "القرار النهائي لترشحه سيعلن بعد اجتماع التكتل الثلاثاء" مضيفا "برنامجي هو الإستقرار فقط لا غير".

وكشفت القناة عينها أن اللقاء " انتهى بالتوافق على أن المرشح يجب أن يكون قويا ولديه برنامج واضح واتفق الطرفان على على المشاركة في جلسة الأربعاء" أيضا.

وقالت جعجع لعون أن "القوات أول من ستهنؤه عند فوزه فرد عون أنه أيضا أول من سيهنئ جعجع" في حال الفوز.

من جهتها كشفت مصادر "القوات" لـ"LBCI" أن "أجواء اللقاء مع عون ودية" قائلة "كان موقفنا أن من وصل أيا كان ستقف القوات إلى جانبه".

وتمت الزيارة في اطار جولة التي تقوم بها قيادة القوات عبر المرجعيات السياسية والروحية لاطلاعها على برنامج جعجع الرئاسي. وفي هذا السياق يجري الحزب اتصالات مع حزب "الكتائب اللبنانية" بعد كشف أكثر من مسؤول كتائبي نية الرئيس أمين الجميل للترشح.

وكانت قد قالت مصادر "القوات" لقناة الـ"MTV" مساء الجمعة "سنطلب موعدا من حزب الله ولسنا متأكدين من أنه سيتم التجاوب معنا ولكن "منعمل يلي علينا".

ومطلع الشهر الجاري، أعلن جعجع ترشحه للرئاسة ، في حين لم تعلن قوى 14 آذار مرشحها الرئاسي، وأوحى تيار "المستقبل" عبر مصادره تبني ترشيح جعجع وهو الذي حضر العديد من نوابه إلى معراب الأربعاء للإستماع إلى برنامج رئيس "القوات" الرئاسي.

وفي البرنامج الذي أعلنه جعجع الأربعاء الفائت بنفسه والذي يحمل عنوان "الجمهورية القوية"، يتمسك بحصرية السلاح بيد الدولة وعدم تهاونه في الأمر، رافضا "مصادرة قرارها في السلم والحرب".

ودعا رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري ظهر الاربعاء، الى جلسة انتخابية لانتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية، خلفاً للرئيس ميشال سليمان، في 23 نيسان الجاري.


التعليقات 25
Missing coolmec 19:22 ,2014 نيسان 19

Conviction is one thing and being bought is another. I do not think that Geagea and KSA have similar convictions but he as well as other Lebanese politicians have one common goal ehich is money and KSA has plenty of it....lol

Missing coolmec 19:24 ,2014 نيسان 19

I just don't understand why we do not adopt change and allow the new blood i.e. the new generation to replace our antiquated corrupt leaders. They all have blood on their hands. Let the new blood blossom and take over

Missing peace 19:28 ,2014 نيسان 19

as much as your beloved allies and leader are! LOL

Missing peace 19:29 ,2014 نيسان 19

says the one who keeps doing so! LOL

Missing peace 20:50 ,2014 نيسان 19

you cannot debate with them as they are sure they have a divine power!

Thumb skitzoman 20:54 ,2014 نيسان 19

free-christian Seriously?

"You all Hakim's haters know nothing about this man and how much he sacrificed."

This man sacrificed many innocent civilians in the civil war and should have been condemned to death for his crimes against humanity.

Missing zahle_nights17 20:55 ,2014 نيسان 19

"My presidential program is focused only on securing stability,” Aoun remarked.
Aoun is saying this because he has NO program. Actually, he and his aides don't even have the slightest idea how to have a presidential program. They don't know how democracy works. They are just like their Iranian masters. They want to place a president and not elect a president.

Missing ssnp4life 00:17 ,2014 نيسان 20

Where is Bachir now. You are right Bachir was only sold and bought by the Jews.

Missing ssnp4life 00:19 ,2014 نيسان 20

What a joke .

Missing ssnp4life 10:12 ,2014 نيسان 20

Hey samy reading the above comment ,the only filthy person here is you .

Thumb skitzoman 01:33 ,2014 نيسان 20

anonymetexasusa all i am saying is you were referring to him/her in such a way which shows your blatant disrespect not just for him/her but all who feel insulted by that name. maybe he is not Shia like he/she says and does not want to be referred to as Ali or Irani. i believe he/she is christian and just because josephani does not agree with you politically does not mean he/she is Shia. My point is show some respect to other on this website. you don't have to belittle people and insult them by calling them sectarian oriented and insulting name. i have read how you and other refer to people as villager, jafar, hussein and other names. It is repulsive and disgusting the way some of you belittle the Shia on here.

Thumb skitzoman 01:36 ,2014 نيسان 20

lets meet up samy if you so tough

Missing forces 01:38 ,2014 نيسان 20

It is a pleasant sight to see these two Christian representatives acting in a civil and respectful manner. It is as equally disappointing that on this most special day in our calendar we cannot bring ourselves to do the same. My greatest hope is for these two men regardless of their past opinions stand together united for the greater Christian and Lebanese good. Both agreeing to attend parliament is a start. Hopefully Aoun who may now appear to be M8 second preference and Geagea who could give way to a more moderate for the elections stand united in their support for each other or someone else that is strong enough and Lebanese enough to guid us through these difficult times. Happy Easter to all. God bless

Thumb skitzoman 01:54 ,2014 نيسان 20

samy the fake christian and Sunni extremist

Thumb skitzoman 01:54 ,2014 نيسان 20

samy get a life ya spineless parasite.

Thumb zahle1 06:38 ,2014 نيسان 20

I am not LF but do not believe they support KSA, nor Israel. They may have allied with Israel for a period but others have allied with other external parties/countries in order to kill other Lebanese. I truly believe LF wants to preserve a Christian presence in Lebanon. I just don't think Hakim is the right man for President.

Missing coolmec 09:05 ,2014 نيسان 20

Hello everyone and Happy Easter to you all
I read the above comments specifically Samy and skizo
My god why so much hatred and foul language? you guys are pathetic. You guys should try to state your views and read other people's views with respect and dignity. No need for insults come guys grow up!!

Thumb geha 09:33 ,2014 نيسان 20

phoenix and wolf are one and the same :)

same language :)

Thumb geha 09:34 ,2014 نيسان 20

phoenix and wolf are one and the same :)
they have the same language :)

Thumb falanges 10:26 ,2014 نيسان 20

ok get your hez to buy him like they bought aoun. have any of you haters been to prison?

Thumb falanges 10:30 ,2014 نيسان 20

he paid his dues in prison. btw your toxic waste propaganda is not changing anyone's mind

Thumb jabal10452 10:58 ,2014 نيسان 20

Yes, the LF allied itself with Israel in the 70s and 80s. In the context of the political and military environment at the time, it was the right decision. It's nothing to be ashamed of, quite the contrary. Israeli armament and training played a key role in preventing the Christian heartland from being overrun by an Arabist coalition with very large numerical superiority.
We were doing fine until Bashir was assassinated. Then came an unstable LF leadership structure, and the culmination was Geagea and Aoun going at each other's necks. No one, brought the Christians to their knees more than Geagea ans Aoun. They BOTH prioritzed their respective political positions over the interest of their people, the Christians.

Thumb jabal10452 17:36 ,2014 نيسان 20

We were free from the PLO, the Syrians, the Mourabitoun and the whole sorry gangs of Libyans and Somalis and whatever riffraff they dragged in their wake. They couldn't break through our lines. Yes, our towns are villages were in ruins, but we were free, united and proud.

Thumb jabal10452 23:40 ,2014 نيسان 20

National priorities today by all means! But 30 years ago we felt that Christianity was under a mortal threat and acted accordingly. That was then; today my priorities are national.

Thumb jabal10452 10:59 ,2014 نيسان 20

And oh:
Al Masih Qam!