بوادر حلحلة؟ جعجع مستعد للإنسحاب وفرنجيه للإتفاق على مرشح غير الأربعة

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اعلن رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع عن استعداده لبحث سحب ترشحة لرئاسة الجمهورية في حال تم التوافق على اي اسم آخر يكون من فريق 14 آذار.

كلام جعجع جاء اثر لقاء مطوّل جمعه بالبطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشارة بطرس الراعي في الصرح البطريركي، ظهر الخميس، حيث أكد انه مستعد لبحث اي طرح جدي يتم التقدم به من أجل تفادي الوصول الى الفراغ في سدة الرئاسة الاولى.

وأضاف ان هذا الطرح يجب ان يكون "جدياً"، وان يكون الاسم المطروح "جدياً" ومن فريق قوى 14 آذار، لافتاً الى انه ليس مع معقولة "أنا او لا أحد".

وأوضح قائلاً "اذا حصل المجال ان يترشح شخص بحد كبير مقبول ويتمتع بكل المواصفات السياسية فأنا مع هذا الترشيح ولكن الشرط الأساسي ان يكون من 14 آذار".

وتابع ترشيحي ليس تحدياً، "فأنا أطرح الأمور مثلما اراها ولا اسعى الى تدوير الزوايا او اتصادم مع أحد وما يحصل تعطيل وأكثر من تعطيل والقاعدة هي الحضور وليس عدم الحضور".

واذ كشف ان البطريرك الراعي سيجري اتصالات بالمعنيين من اجل انقاذ الاستحقاق الرئاسي، أكد ان الاخير "لم يدخل بأي اسم من الاسماء وهمّه هو ان يتم الاستحقاق الرئاسي".

يُذكر ان جعجع، مرشح قوى 14 آذار، نال في الدورة الاولى من الانتخابات الرئاسية 48 صوتاً مقابل 16 لمرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو، في حين صوت 52 نائبا بورقة بيضاء. وصوت لرئيس "حزب الكتائب" النائب أمين الجميل، وتم الغاء 7 أوراق في جلسة حضرها 124 نائباً.

ولم تعقد الدورتين الثانية والثالثة لفقدان النصاب في حين تم تحديد 15 ايار موعداً جديداً، وسط تخوف من الفراغ الرئاسي اذ ان رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان تنتهي ولايته في 25 ايار وهو يرفض الفراغ ويؤكد انه سيكون في منزله في 25 ايار.

من جهة أخرى استنكر جعجع الحملات التي تطال البطريرك الراعي في ما خص زيارته الاراضي المقدسة، وقال: "نرفض كليا الحملات ضد زيارة البطريرك ولم نعتد انتقاد رئيس طائفة انطلاقا من خطوة رعوية".

وأضاف "على من يقوم بالحملة الانصراف الى اهتماماته واموره".

ويرافق الراعي، البابا فرنسيس في زيارته الى الاراضي المقدسة بين 24 و26 ايار الجاري، في اطار جولة ستشمل ايضا الاراضي الفلسطينية والاردن. وهي الزيارة الاولى لبطريرك ماروني الى الاراضي المقدسة منذ العام 1948.

هذا والتقى الراعي مساء الخميس رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في قصر بعبدا في إطار المشاورات حول انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية.



التعليقات 41
Thumb EagleDawn 13:35 ,2014 أيار 08

God bless you Geagea for your staunch support of a free and democratic Lebanon. Shame on those who claim they represent Christians and do everything to diminish the seat of the presidency. People appreciate your courageous and noble stances.

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:14 ,2014 أيار 08

@FT: what do you make of Iran's Yahya Rahim Safavi claiming Iran's border extend to the mediterranean including the Lebanon Israel border ?

Do you agree with this ? Do you still support Hezbollah or do you see them differently now ? Do you still support Aoun backing Hezbollah ?

Bunch of traitors trying to talk politics when all they do is support terrorist organisations and sell their country to Iran !

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:54 ,2014 أيار 08

@Southern : don't try to interpret what Safavi "means" to fit your purpose. It's clear now ! Hezbollah is Iran's terrorist army in Lebanon and Iran considers Lebanon it's territory.

You are a traitor and we will eliminate you and all Iranian traitors in Lebanon !

If it takes war, let there be blood !

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:15 ,2014 أيار 08

What Safavi is saying : "Our line of defense is no longer in Shalamche (a border town in Iran which was one of main sites of Iran-Iraq war); our defensive lines are in southern Lebanon border with Israel, and our strategic depth has reached areas adjacent to the Mediterranean above Israel"

"OUR DEFENSIVE LINES " ??? Unless Iran has an army in Lebanon, then this army is clearly Hezbollah.

This means Hezbollah are taking orders from Iran making them traitors for collaborating with an foreign state, taking funding, weapons and conducting war related activities UNSANCTIONNED by the state of Lebanon !

Hassan Nasrallah and his followers are traitors and should be dealt with immediately !

Thumb cedre 15:44 ,2014 أيار 08

FC, what Safavi said, it's true. Iran is effectively controlling syria and lebanon, with US approval...
This is the new Middle East, US pulling out, they gave parts of Iraq and Afganistan to Iran, plus Levant in their de facto influence sphere...

Thumb cedre 15:47 ,2014 أيار 08

'the guy was talking about the influence of shiism as religion and culture'

LOL, taqiya BS from farsi ft... Read this sarsour http://english.farsnews.com/newstext.aspx?nn=13930213000276

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:39 ,2014 أيار 08

@Cedre, I know it's true. And FT's pathetic attempt at lying to excuse Hezbollah and Iran once again is scandalous !

It's time to take action against Hezbollah and give them something to fear that is much stronger than Zionists or Takfiri Cannibals : PATRIOTS !

We kicked Syria out without a single drop of blood, we will disarm Hezbollah or kick them out in the same way!

Southern, FT and Crushed Mowaten and all M8 sheep have prostituted our country far too long ! Enough with this heresy !

Thumb cedre 16:43 ,2014 أيار 08

texas, why did US destroy Iraq and hand it over to Iran despite iraq sunni majority?
Why did they attack Iraq and not Iran in the first place ?
Why do they let Hizbos and Assad in place ?
Why US trained an afghan army with overrepresented shia minorities ?
Its not conspiracy, israelis and shias are the US gendarmes in the MENA region.

Thumb ex-fpm 17:39 ,2014 أيار 08

southern do you have any statistics on syria?

Thumb FlameCatcher 23:57 ,2014 أيار 08

@southern : yes, in Syria, Assad has the support of 99% of the population. And you have 20% of the country that fled ...

Thumb sophia_angle 09:57 ,2014 أيار 09

lady gaga knows he won't be president his job was to stand in front of the tsunami...b careful ! the tsunami sleep right now

Thumb sophia_angle 10:14 ,2014 أيار 09

God saves GMA our last crusader

Missing cedars 13:54 ,2014 أيار 08

The way Gemayel is running around to meet with every group seems to me as the next president.

Default-user-icon lebanese (ضيف) 13:55 ,2014 أيار 08

god bless you DR Geagea

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 14:27 ,2014 أيار 08

geagea for president no one else
let him taste how diminished the seat of presidency is as the result of taef (he was the first to sign )

Missing coolmec 14:37 ,2014 أيار 08

ABA = Anybody But Aoun

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:54 ,2014 أيار 08

Says the one who supports Hezbollah STEALING our country and giving it to Iran ? SHOVE IT!

Thumb FlameCatcher 14:55 ,2014 أيار 08

You're INCAPABLE of reply !

Missing sergio 15:07 ,2014 أيار 08

Aoun is suppose to be in jail he should be tried for deserting the Army & running to the French Embassy. Hizb doesn't want a strong candidate, they want someone to put the leash on his neck & control him. Haram 3al sh3ab

Thumb sophia_angle 10:02 ,2014 أيار 09

lool FT hit it boommm! :)

Thumb beiruti 15:49 ,2014 أيار 08

Winston Churchill once said of the Americans, "Americans are good people, they always do the right thing... after having exhausted all other options."

The Lebanese Christians, I hope are as good as Churchill described the Americans. There is only one solution and maybe the Christians will get to it after having exhausted all other options. Geagea and Aoun must endorse a single candidate who is neither Geagea or Aoun.
The ancient feud between these two and their camps must end if the Christians are to unite and if the Christians do not unite they will have no right to any meaningful leadership role in the Lebanese Republic.

Thumb beiruti 15:52 ,2014 أيار 08

They do not have to accept each other, but both must accept some third party among the Christians to lead the nation and then bring their people behind their mutual choice.
If Lebanon chose its president by election rather than by consensus, then they could butt heads in an election. But, this is not the modus operandi in Lebanon. Geagea's candidacy is premised on an election, Aoun's demands on a consensus. They are not now even on the same page as to process. Lebanon is not yet ready for a Presidential election where there are winners and losers. But a win-win solution that requires consensus. All leaders, but Aoun seem to be willing to engage this process. Aoun remains stuck on himself as the only and sole candidate possible, Why?

Thumb beiruti 15:54 ,2014 أيار 08

Why? because he is now 79 years old. This is his last chance. If he waits another 6 year term to try again, he will be 85 years old. Too old to serve. So, as this is his last chance to win the Presidential Chair, Lebanon finds itself at its hour of maximum danger as Aoun will sacrifice everything and anything to get to the chair. Of course, a chair sitting amid the ruins of the house is a worthless thing, but such is the blind ambition of this Aoun and his zlim Aouni followers.

Default-user-icon Kazan (ضيف) 16:13 ,2014 أيار 08

Lebanon as is currently can not survive, all deals are attempts to run away from the reality. There are 2 possible scenarios for future Lebanon, for sure within 25 years; the best one will be: 2 Lebanon one western oriented the second oriental orientation; the second scenario which we don't hope for Lebanon will vanish between Syria and Israel.

Thumb -phoenix1 16:15 ,2014 أيار 08

Some may not like my opinion over this thread, but the LF have shown singular courage when it comes to difficult decision making. From Bachir to Geagea, we were first to surrender our weapons when the situation dictated so. Now since Geagea came up with a solid plan for his hoped-for presidency, which now seems to be in the odds, his move to mull over his withdrawal cannot be given due respect. If and when confirmed, we all hope that this will pave the way for compromise between the two main contenders, M14 and M8, to opt for a candidate that will be neither 14 nor 8. As much as it may not please either side, but the solution remains solidly anchored well away from either Geagea or Aoun, and into territory that belongs to neutral, impartial and technocratic contenders. We all hope that maturity and common sense will steer everyone to making decisions that will take us all out of our current quandary.

Thumb beiruti 16:19 ,2014 أيار 08

phoenix1, I like your opinion and agree with it. The LF is a Lebanese nationalist entity as such, it acts to further Lebanese nationalism. If all Christian parties did the same, we would not be at this point with one party holding the stick in the wheel of the national movement.

Missing forces 17:03 ,2014 أيار 08

Bravo Phoenix some cannot accept that the ideology we follow is greater than Geagea or anyone else we gladly follow any enforcer of this cause as we did cheikh Bashir before him. Yet these juveniles prefer a Demi god that will build them a road during election time then forget about them for another term.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:47 ,2014 أيار 08

Forgot to tell you thanks too to you @Forces, good post as always.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:56 ,2014 أيار 08

Of course you don't preach democracy, you preach Iranian hegemony over Lebanon through dictators such as Michel Aoun and terrorist leaders such as Nasrallah !

Get out of Lebanon. Lebanon is a democracy under the constitution and you have no role to play here.

Thumb -phoenix1 18:46 ,2014 أيار 08

Beirut and Slash, thanks for your views, always nice to know your opinion.

Thumb FlameCatcher 23:11 ,2014 أيار 08

@FT : Democracy doesn't work when you have you don't have a homogenous nation. I agree with that.

You know what prevents us from being a homogenous nation ? A SECTARIAN ARMY, AN ISLAMIC ARMY, defining the axis of division in the country.

All democracies must have divisions because difference of opinions is healthy !

However, Hezbollah is making this division a Sunni-Shiia division. Christians are divided amongst these lines.

Put everyone on equal ground of "power", remove the weapons and you will see new factors of division.

Our civil war never ended and to put an end to it and move on, Hezbollah must drop its weapons and stop taking orders from Iran.

It's quite simple. Then we can talk politics, economy, education, tourism, ... something Hezbollah has no clue about !

Thumb falanges 10:18 ,2014 أيار 09

dont worry he is not in Lebanon, just a mouthpiece from far

Thumb -phoenix1 16:17 ,2014 أيار 08

**Typos again, mean to to say...Cannot BUT be given due respect...**

Thumb -phoenix1 18:45 ,2014 أيار 08

ORO, please check, I wrote, "ORO, Taken in good faith", so we're past it by now, ma heyk? But Coolmec did suggest that you also change the avatar, maybe that would also be a good thing. Just my drift.

Thumb beiruti 16:48 ,2014 أيار 08

Sepllnig is oerv slod as a reuqiemnt for cuatiocummn. As long as the first and last letters are in place, most folks can fiugr out the message.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:50 ,2014 أيار 08

Aoun may not have publicly announced his nomination but has prostituted himself left and right to gather support for his candidacy. Same same FT ! Don't try and masquarade things !

And No, Lebanon and Iran are not a common resistance ! Hezbollah and Iran maybe ! But last I looked, Lebanon is still a sovereign country and has never signed an alliance with Iran to "Resist" Israel !

And yes, Iran by proxy of Hezbollah occupies Lebanon, non just the south ! There is no single shred of evidence pointing to Hezbollah not being an Iranian organisation !

Stop struggling, you're becoming more and more pathetic !

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:52 ,2014 أيار 08

What do you say of your ally, Frangieh nominating Aoun for presidency ? http://www.naharnet.com/stories/en/124176 :)

You can post your messages yourself or have someone post them for you !

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 19:43 ,2014 أيار 08

Geagea would be much better as a party leader rather than a president. No matter how supreme his stances are, becoming a president at this time when things are jumbled and unclear would backfire on him and ion M14. accepting to steo down, or accepting the fact that he was hasty in running for a president, is a noble thing which will ease the pressure from unto the M14 and open the way for electing a consensual president that could sustain Lebanon until the situation in Syria clears. No one knows how long the Syrian war will take, but the war is likely to go one for years while Lebanon would have to grapple with its consequences.

Thumb beiruti 19:55 ,2014 أيار 08

Wrong Roary, M14 does not support Hassan Nasrallah, nor his pet le Petit Generale

Thumb liberty 02:56 ,2014 أيار 09

Thanks for alerting us about fake posters and hope your brother feels better now.

Thumb sophia_angle 10:08 ,2014 أيار 09

lady gaga the looser a fake doctor whoz main target "the immigration of Christians from Middle East" God protect our last crusader GMA !!!