"14 آذار": نرفض كل المتطرفين سواء "داعش" أو "حزب الله"

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أعلنت قوى "14 آذار" رفضها كل التيارات المتطرفة سواء تنظيم "الدولة الإسلامية في العراق والشام" أو "حزب الله"، مجددة الدعوة إلى بناء الدولة وانتخاب رئيس جديد بأسرع وقت.

وفي بيان للأمانة العامة لقوى "14 آذار" بعد اجتماع لها في مقرها بالأشرفية الأربعاء، قالت أنها تعلن "اليوم أكثر من أي وقت مضى، رفضَها لكل التيارات المتطرفة والمتمثلة سواء بـما يشبه "حزب الله" او ما يشبه "داعش".

ويتقدم التنظيم المتطرف في العراق في الآونة الأخيرة إذ تقول تقارير صحفية أنه سيطر على بعض المناطق والمحافطات فيها وهو الذي كان يقاتل في سوريا ضد النظام والمعارضة. أما حزب الله فيقول علنا أنه يشارك إلى جانب النظام "ضد التكفيريين".

وأكدت الأمانة أن "مشروعَها كان ويبقى النضال من أجل العبور إلى دولة مدنية كاملة الأوصاف تكون نموذجاً لدول المنطقة التي دخلت في مخاضٍ طويل".

كما جزمت أن "هذه هي قناعات 14 آذار التي لم ولن تتغيّرَ مهما تطوّرت الأحداث في المنطقة، في هذا أو ذاك الإتجاه".

وذكّرت بموقف تيار المستقبل "الذي جدد في 14 شباط 2014 تأكيده وحرصه على النبذ الواضح والصريح للتطرّف من أية جهة كان" كشفت أنها تتابع "اللقاءات المناطقية والنشاطات السياسية لأن "العيش المشترك في لبنان مسؤولية وطنية مشتركة".

لكن الأمانة لم تخف أن "الظلمَ لا يولّدُ إلا الظلم، والعنفَ لا يستجلبُ إلا العنف" مشيرة إلى أن "لبنان الذي اختبرَ قبل غيره الإستقطاب المذهبي والقتل على الهوية، مدعوٌ اليوم إلى أن يكونَ قدوةَ العيش المشترك واحترام الآخر المختلف".

ولهذه الغاية دعت إلى "استكمال عملية بناء الدولة والإسراع في انتخاب رئيسٍ جديد للبلاد بشكلٍ فوريّ والتفاعل الخلاق بين مكوّنات النسيج اللبناني المتنوّع".


التعليقات 17
Thumb FlameCatcher 17:25 ,2014 حزيران 18

Bravo ... There is no difference between ISIL and Hezbollah. Both illegitimate armed paramilitary and terrorist groups shortcutting their way to power by the use of force, murders, threats and intimidation.

Hezbollah must choose between being a political party or a armed terrorist organisation. It cannot be both.

Thumb FlameCatcher 17:39 ,2014 حزيران 18

There are many ways for murderers to kill their enemies. Head Chopping is actually one of the most "humane" way to finish them off. Hezbollah's methods are a little more cruel and includes the use of bombs, torture, bullets, rain of rockets, ... and the list goes on ! A terrorist is a terrorist whether or not he chops heads is irrelevant. And so is your comment !

Thumb Elemental 17:51 ,2014 حزيران 18

It's the only argument he'll go by unfortunately.

Thumb lebpatriot2223 19:39 ,2014 حزيران 18

People like you flamecatcher die of stupidity

Thumb FlameCatcher 20:16 ,2014 حزيران 18

@Iranpatriot : you're right, we die because of stupid idiots like you !

Thumb Elemental 17:50 ,2014 حزيران 18

I would be amazed if HA would slam the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, but they're blood bothers, so I wouldn't think so.

Missing imagine_1979 17:55 ,2014 حزيران 18

U r totaly right flame hesbos are shites bearded guys not sunits as isil, hebos are there to protect shites shrine and to avange ali hussein and co, not like isil and their sunit fundamentalist, hezbos beard are big and round shapped not as scarce as isil, hezbos puts round tubans not in conic shaped stuff like these isil, hezbos militant women are all well dressed in classy black tissues covering all there bodies and sit beside on official meetings, isil women donnot even attend meettings... U see all the differences...
Well as for similiarity (only one if i may) assad airplanes donnot bomb isil (or wait for them to leave positions before) nor hezbos...
This said go hv some chupachups flame...

Missing peace 17:59 ,2014 حزيران 18

and you forgot HA calls itself "islamic resistance" while ISIL is also an islamist group... HA has a koran as symbol on its flag while ISIL has the la illaha il alla thing...
and M8ers dare say hezbollah has nothing in common? LOL they are really blinded by their brainwashing!

both extremists different sects, that s all!

Thumb iamymasterscard 18:01 ,2014 حزيران 18

The terrorist explains his refreshing ideology


here are his head-chopping allies from back when


Missing imagine_1979 18:35 ,2014 حزيران 18

Well habib saddely religion always interfer, our christian brother in central affrica can teach isil/nusra/qaida a lot of stuff...
Any religious guided party can go to extrems and for no logic reason (believes...), so yes i would put isil, nusra, hezbos, there is also a lot of intersting iraki chite groups fighting, sorry doing their jihadist duty there....all same middle ages ideologies...

Missing imagine_1979 18:35 ,2014 حزيران 18

But to answer this question, hezbos/march8 enjoy good ties with hachem menkara and bilal chaaban, i think u know who those guys are and what is their ideology... They don't really differ from nosra (tried to implement charia in tripoli/mina, executed leftist, christians, put body in ciment and throw them alive in the sea...) are they really different from nosra? And if u say those guys changed u must go back 5 to 6 year ago when chaaban tried to implement charia and force hijab around his mosq, a libanese soldier got shot then.. So are they that different? Or are they onlyhere to be used? Like... Isil....
This said, chupachups guys, chupachups...

Missing peace 21:35 ,2014 حزيران 18

oh just like aoun who kept repeating that syria was a terrorist country and now licks their boots... think a bit habiba....

Missing .karim 19:00 ,2014 حزيران 18

LOL, the February 14 Saudi-Wahabi coalition forgot to condemn itself.

Missing imagine_1979 19:44 ,2014 حزيران 18

Lol u are so smart karim, no wonder u support the very democratic, modern, laic march8 coalition led by the most progressist party in lebanon... Bravo...
U are perfectly right hezbollah is the simbole of modernism, and his aim and ideals (aka islamic republic of iran and big bro khomayini) are so much more civilized modern and democratic than saoudia...
And even ur sunit allies, aka hachem minkara, said chaanan...what a great exemple for all of us, they are so much more laic than sanioura and hariri (even retard daher is an angel compare to those guys....but thank for ur reflection...
Now karim, go dream of the perfect land of iranian revolution wich will extend to andalousia... And of course go have some chupachups man...

Missing imagine_1979 19:53 ,2014 حزيران 18

Sory saiid chaaban died few years ago, but march 8 got his very educated, modern, laic and progressist son billal chaaban as an ally in tripoli.. Nothing to be compared to those extremists moustapha allouch, ahmad fatfat, u know moustakbal and march 14 takfiri/saoudi/imperialist/zionist guys....
Now really go hv some chupachups man...

Thumb cedre 21:23 ,2014 حزيران 18

Hebola for more dangerous than takfiris...
Logistics, regional support, agenda, taqiya, political cover,israeli-US cover, etc... U name it...

Thumb Elemental 02:37 ,2014 حزيران 19

Wait for the Taqiya response as if they're flawless.