"ارتباك انتحاري الطيونة" يوقع قتيلا و20 جريحاً ...المشنوق: الوضع الأمني ممسوك

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تعددت الروايات والحادثة واحدة، فـ"ارتباك انتحاري الطيونة"، بحسب وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق أسقط 20 جريحاً فضلاً عن مقتل عنصر من الأمن العام .

وأشارت قيادة الجيش في بين لها، الثلاثاء، الى أنه عندالساعة 23,40 ليلاً اقدم احد الانتحاريين وهو يقود سيارة " نوع مرسيدس 300 لون ابيض تحمل الرقم 324784/ج" على تفجير نفسه بالقرب من حاجز تابع للجيش في مستديرة الطيونة.

وأسفر الإنفجار عن اصابة عدد من المواطنين بجروح مختلفة، وفقدان مفتش من المديرية العامة للامن العام، بالاضافة الى حصول اضرار مادية جسيمة في الممتلكات، بحسب البيان عينه.

وأكدت القيادة أن وحدات من الجيش قد فرضت طوقا امنيا حول المكان المستهدف. كما حضرت وحدة من الشرطة العسكرية، وعدد من الخبراء المختصين الذين قاموا بالكشف على موقع الانفجار، حيث تبين ان السيارة كانت مفخخة بنحو 25 كلغ من المواد المتفجرة .

ولفتت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام، الى استشهاد المفتش الثاني في الامن العام عبد الكريم حدرج، جراء التفجير الارهابي الذي استهدف منطقة الطيونة.

ونقلت صحيفة "السفير" في عددها الصادر الثلاثاء، روايات عدة لشهود عيان كانوا في موقع التفجير.

إذأكد أحد شهود العيان ان الشخص الذي كان يقود السيارة ترجل منها بعد ان اطفأ محركها وسط الشارع، متذرعا بحصول عطل فيها، وما ان ابتعد عنها حتى تم تفجير السيارة.

في حين قال شاهد عيان آخر انه مرّ بدراجته النارية بالقرب من سيارة "المرسيدس" قبل انفجارها، وما ان بلغ بابها الامامي، حتى توجه بالسؤال الى سائقها عن سبب ايقاف السيارة في عرض الشارع، فأجابه بان مفتاحها مكسور، واشار الى ان السائق ثلاثيني، وذو لحية ليست كبيرة وقد بدا عليه الارباك حين تكلم معه.

وفي رواية اخرى فان عنصرين من الامن العام ارتابا بالسيارة بعدما ترجل منها سائقها وتركها في وسط الشارع، فسارع احدهما ويدعى عبد الكريم حدرج الى شهر مسدسه على السائق الذي قام بتفجير السيارة على الفور، فاصيب احد العنصرين بجروح فيما بقي مصير حدرج مجهولا.

وأشارت مصادر أمنية مطلعة لـ"السفير" الى سقوط عشرين جريح، نقل عشرة منهم الى مستشفى الساحل، ومعظمهم اصاباتهم طفيفة، باستثناء شخص ،واحد تبين أنه يحتاج الى جراحة دقيقة، فيما قالت مصادر طبية أن معظم الجرحى غادروا المستشفيات فجر الثلاثاء.

وأضافت إذاعة صوت لبنان (93.3) الى أن الانفجار سبب أضرارا عدة، منها احتراق ثلاثة مباني وأكثر من ثلاثين سيارة.

وقالت "السفير" إن الانفجار وقع قرابة الحادية عشرة وخمسين دقيقة، ونجم عن انفجار سيارة "مرسيدس" 180 موديل 1961 ، موضوعة في الخدمة في العام 1968 وتعود ملكيتها الى حسين حيدر وتحمل الرقم 144631- و. إلا أن حيدر أكد لإذاعة صوت لبنان (93.3) أن "سيارته كانت مركونة الى جانب السيارة التي انفجرت وليس هو صاحب السيارة".

من جهته، لفت المشنوق لـ"السفير" الثلاثاء، الى أن الانفجار بالطريقة التي تم فيها، يدل على ارتباك الانتحاري، وهو دليل على ان الوضع الامني بالاجراءات المتخذة ممسوك.

وإذ تمنى الشفاء العاجل للجرحى الذين اصيبوا جراء الانفجار، قال المشنوق: "الحمدلله ان معظم الاصابات طفيفة ونتقدم بالتعازي الى اهالي الشهيد"

وشدد وزير الداخلية على ان "كل الاجراءات متخذة من قبل الاجهزة الامنية والعسكرية ولو لم تكن كذلك لما جاءت السيارة عكس السير، ولما انفجرت بطريقة عشوائية على غرار ما حصل في ضهر البيدر".

كما أكد المشنوق من عين التينة أن "الاولوية الان هي للامن"، قائلا: "جهوزية قوى الامن هي التي افشلت العمليتين الانتحارين".

وناقش مشنوق مع بري الخطة الامنية، وقال: "أنا اؤيد راي دولته بضرورة عمل المؤسسات بلا تأخير وتعطيها يعطل الجمهورية"

وبعد ثلاثة أيام على انفجار ضهر البيدر الذي أوقع قتيلا وعشرات الجرجى، هز انفجار منتصف ليل الاثنين مدخل الضاحية الحنوبية لبيروت قرب حاجز للجيش عند منطقة الطيونة.

وعاد الوضع الامني المتوتر يخيم على لبنان بعد فترة هدوء نسبية سادت البلاد اثر معلومات أمنية برزت مؤخرا عن عمليات ارهابية ستحصل.



التعليقات 41
Thumb geha 09:18 ,2014 حزيران 24

the rock that hizbushaitan will hide behind, will shout telling where they are!

with suicide bombers, there nowhere shia will be able to hide. thank you hizbushaitan for bringing once more death and destruction to the Lebanese people through your irresponsible involvement in the Syrian conflict.

Thumb irus_da_virus 09:22 ,2014 حزيران 24

2 bombings within a few days and its "under control"? I wonder what it would be like if it was out of control??

Thumb cedre 17:36 ,2014 حزيران 24

irus, they mean under syro-iranian control...

Thumb irus_da_virus 19:02 ,2014 حزيران 24

No not that either, just something a bit more realistic. Once again in this close of cancelling my summer trip to Lebanon and his words are not giving me any comfort whatsoever.

Missing rudy 09:34 ,2014 حزيران 24

1961 Mercedes 180? shame. very nice car. What a waste

Thumb saturn 09:56 ,2014 حزيران 24

Undeniable logic! Confused bomber = everything is under control!

Default-user-icon hanoun (ضيف) 10:07 ,2014 حزيران 24

le nerf de la guerre c est l argent
just know where the funds comes from for these terrorists and burn the funder country to the ground

Missing karim.. 10:07 ,2014 حزيران 24

God bless the Lebanese Army. Your time is coming kingdom of terrorism, and you will be brought to justice for your countless crimes against Lebanon and against humanity.

Thumb zeinab.ali.jaafar 10:23 ,2014 حزيران 24

habibi karim.. ibni.. rou7i.. danay!

Missing dubailebanese 14:50 ,2014 حزيران 24

Mamazeinab, please don't use a picture of a random woman like this. Also, why did you use the name of zeinab in your screen name? There really is no need for this. The real zeinab (not the shia myths and lies about her) was a pious woman. Zeinab was not a shiite.

Missing dubailebanese 14:46 ,2014 حزيران 24

But the army is accepting support from that kingdom. Karim, dont you see some flaws in your logic?

Thumb cedre 17:38 ,2014 حزيران 24

karim's logic ? just repeating almanar nonsense, he probably went to one of those iranian-funded schools in the south where kids are endoctrinated to become Khamenei's soldiers...

Missing peace 10:15 ,2014 حزيران 24

good boy, you are just repeating what hezbis want you to say... Wake up sheep!

Missing peace 10:59 ,2014 حزيران 24

lebanon's days are not outnumbered but your country , capital damascus, is...

Thumb saturn 10:31 ,2014 حزيران 24

as if Arabs need an excuse to slit each other's throats...

Thumb saturn 10:39 ,2014 حزيران 24

"imperialist dogs" funding one side, Iran & Co. funding the other to slit each others' throats. Clear?

Missing imagine_1979 10:47 ,2014 حزيران 24

Well iran is not funding any religious group at all, it is just sendding flowers... But it's not a big deal because iran is so much more modern and secular and demaocratic..
Hezbos are going in jihadist duty but that's fine with u...
I'm not a mislim but don't u think there is some deeper cause to whats happening in the region, other than saudi is funding terrorist and iran is sending proudely troups and making official funerals to martyrs comming back from jihadist duty of protecting dayeda zaynab and co...
Can u imagine sapudiya doing official martyr funeral...
Worseless, really...

Thumb saturn 10:59 ,2014 حزيران 24

You have been offered residence in Iran , North Korea, and the United States. I am certain you chose wisely and joined Kim Jung Un in the fight against imperialism.

Thumb saturn 11:05 ,2014 حزيران 24

Prefer to be an alive coward than a dead hero.

Thumb saturn 11:35 ,2014 حزيران 24

Nice ideology there, sounds exactly like what hungry people in North Korea are coerced into. Same crap USSR taught for 70 years, before it, too, became an "imperialist dog".

Missing imagine_1979 11:49 ,2014 حزيران 24

Go review the meaning of imprialism, and stop using words just like this, rusia and its satelites georgia, cremea, chechenia is not imperialist? (at a time it was spreadding socialism (now what are they spreadding?)so that was different from US which expqnded for explotation of people and resourse (imperialism) so now tell me iran action in the region, russa's action in its region, all these are only to spread a more convivial leaving, laicity, idealism...
Very constructivelogic man
Really time for chupachups man, chupachups...

Missing dubailebanese 15:02 ,2014 حزيران 24

Full disclosure, how do you feel about what the jaysh el mahdi and badr brigades did in iraq? How do you feel about the secterian videos of HA scum in syria that leaked? If you are against those terrorists too then i consider your stance honest and a positive but if you support such scumbags then whatever you say is hypocrisy.

Thumb zeinab.ali.jaafar 10:40 ,2014 حزيران 24

nothing wrong with a man banging a child. we do it all the time in the islamic republic. grow up people and listen to what the imams tell u. they are ur true leaders!!!!!!!

Missing imagine_1979 10:42 ,2014 حزيران 24

Don't have utube but i'm sure ur vid is verry interesting and constructive...
By the way at what age can girls "legaly" get married in great islamic republic of iran...
U r really great man, imperialist there, and amrican there, and it's always someone elses fault.. Sp hezbos, bachar, iran, maliki... Alll thise have nothing to do about the shit we are in now?... It it the gulf contry getting nuts and stopping the great democratic and secular change iran is foing in the region...
Bravo man perfect analysis...
Now go have some chupachups man, really...

Thumb saturn 10:45 ,2014 حزيران 24

Besides, ISIS stole 400+ million from banks in cities they captured. They can now buy their own dope.

Missing peace 11:00 ,2014 حزيران 24

waw! seems FD the voice of hzebis is here to spread the propaganda he is told to... but when he ll clearly see that his masters are behind this he will fall from very highhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh LOL

Missing peace 11:12 ,2014 حزيران 24

your nervous laughing proves my point : you will fall from very highhhhhhhhh LOL!

Missing peace 11:39 ,2014 حزيران 24

seems you are very familiar with netanyahou to call him "bibi"... you just betrayed yourself, like a brave israeli ally that protects the golan for him like a faithful puppet you are! LOL

i thought you called people against your hezbi lies salafis or cannibals, now you are back to zionists? LOL make up your mind!

the higher you fall the harder it gets... i pity your poor hezbi a... LOL

Thumb kanaandian 11:01 ,2014 حزيران 24

whats the difference between iranian and saudi terrorists? saudis dont use stolen cars- al saud pays for mercedes so they can die in luxury

Missing imagine_1979 11:56 ,2014 حزيران 24

Iranian revolution gard and great islamic republic of iran are so secular, modern and democratic...
Please can u remind me the legal age of mariage in iran?...
Not going over the executions, the bassij, the revolutionary gards and rape... Cause u'll say it is pure propaganda (like if i care of iran or saudi reputation, but i'm just wondering why u would support such guys while we have our country, while we can try to leave like normal, occidental imperialist in europe or like doubai qatar...)
Anyway, again chupachups man chupachups...

Thumb iamymasterscard 12:12 ,2014 حزيران 24

It's an evil philosophical and moral dialectic such as this, taught by sanctimonious charlatans in holy robes, that give disillusioned youth the rationale to commit such heinous act. It's a worse evil than colonialism, imperialism and slavery


Missing youssefhaddad 12:21 ,2014 حزيران 24

With a crippled government and factions directly involved in the savage events in the Region, Lebanon is bound to be dragged again into the bloodbath.
There is still hope if the Lebanese could see through the sectarian haze that they will be the main victims of any conflict.

Thumb FlameCatcher 12:35 ,2014 حزيران 24

It's time for the Lebanese army to withdraw from Dahyé.

Hezbollah must choose between war in Syria or being protected by the army. They cannot have both.

We cannot allow our soldiers to die for Hezbollah's mistakes and wars !

If they want to keep fighting, then they must face the consequences themselves !

Thumb FlameCatcher 15:59 ,2014 حزيران 24

The best way to "protect" Dahyé is for Hezbollah to stop its illegal war !

Yes, we want the army to control Dahyé. But we cannot have our soldiers face terrorism on behalf of Hezbollah.

If they want the army to protect them, then they must stop being a terrorist magnet. We should not risk losing soldiers because Nasrallah decides to go to war despite the Lebanese being against it !

Setting up HA roablocks is illegal.

The army should setup roadblocks on Dahyé exits only to prevent armed Hezbollah men from roaming around the country. If suicide bombers want to bomb Dahyé, let this be HA's problem.

If the sheep want security, then they should stop fighting other people's wars !

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:42 ,2014 حزيران 24

Really FT ?

This is the entrance of Dahyé. Don't try to appear dumber than you actually are.

It's even called the Hadi Nasrallah highway. Remember Hadi Nasrallah ? Hassan's son who died in a drunk bar fight and suddenly became a Martyr who died in a glorious battle against Israel ?

Thumb FlameCatcher 13:01 ,2014 حزيران 25

@FT : If you want to play the assumption game, we can all play it and come up with BS theories like "This car was rigged by HA to gain popular support" and create more alarmism to justify expanding from Syria to Irak !

And according to your theory, this car would then be a Hezbollah rigged car wouldn't it ?

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:03 ,2014 حزيران 24

PS : "Barking" is the job of Aoun and Nasrallah !

What will you do when soldiers will refuse to man checkpoints because they do not want to be responsible for HA's illegal actions and their consequences ?

What do you do when our soldiers start a mutiny because they are risking their lives for a chunk of the population that disrespects our sovereignty, constitution, security and the will of the people ?

This is exactly what HA wants in the end : a weak army !

Thumb FlameCatcher 16:38 ,2014 حزيران 24

Really FT ? You believe the army is strong enough not to split up like it did in the past ?

When you ask the army to defend and protect people who have no respect for them, you will have a mutiny. Because our army, just like our national fabric is made up of elements that are politicised.

Because the Sunni soldier or Christian soldier will refuse to give his life to protect and defend Hezbollah's criminal activities when Hezbollah disregards a national understanding not to interfere in Syria.

Hezbollah is putting all of us in danger when we are all asking them to stop.

The soldiers unlike what you believe are not united. There will come a time when they will refuse to take orders and this will lead to the break up of the army.

And yes, HA is a terror and war magnet. All bombs, explosions and wars in Lebanon since the end of the civil war can be linked to Hezbollah ! Whether or not they are responsible is irrelevant !

Missing dubailebanese 14:54 ,2014 حزيران 24

Raping women because she was undressed is something that non-religious people to. If you said jailed or something like that, it would make sence. But to comit zina as a response to a much much lesser wrong (as seen in religion) is not part of the extremists methods, rather if someone did that he would be flogged.

Thumb cedre 17:40 ,2014 حزيران 24

u believe almanar, almayadeen and wiam wahabi ?

Thumb cedre 18:55 ,2014 حزيران 24

my bad texas, u're right.
Officials really taking the piss with their citizens.

Watch this texas :