كتائب "العزام" تتوعد حزب الله مجددا: انتظروا حلقات من الارهاب حتى يعود الامان الى سوريا

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دعت كتائب عبد الله عزام الثلاثاء حزب الله الى الخروج من سوريا "قبل فوات الأمان"، متوعدا بـ"حلقات متتالية من الارهاب حتى عودة الامان الى سوريا".

وقال الناطق باسم "عبدالله عزام" سراج الدين زريقات عبر "توتير": "أقول لحزب إيران اخرجوا من سورية سريعا قبل فوات الآوان".

وأستعرض زريقات ما قام به حزب الله بحسب قوله في كل من لبنان وسوريا، موضحا أن "ارهاب حزب االله في لبنان تمثل "بتفجير مسجدي التقوى والسلام في طرابلس، إحراق مسجد بلال في عبرا، قتل المشايخ والشباب في الطرقات، اعتقالات بالشبهة".

وأضاف أن "إرهاب حزب إيران في سوريا هو بقتل النساء والأطفال في حلب، حصار الغوطة الشرقية، احتلال القلمون، قصف الآمنين في جنوب دمشق، الدعم المستمر لبشار". وتابع أيضا ان "تفجيرات حزب إيران هي رفيق الحريري، فرانسوا الحج، وليد عيدو، جبران تويني، سمير قصير، وسام الحسن، محمد شطح وقائمة طويلة يعرفها اللبنانيون جيدا".

وقال: "عندما فجرنا - بعون الله - سفارة راعيته إيران، ثم مستشارية ثقافة الإجرام، نصرة للمظلومين في سورية ولبنان، وردا على العدوان، قالوا: إرهابيون"، مضيفا: "فإن كان الإرهاب هو الرد على جرائمكم، فانتظروا من الإرهاب حلقات متتالية تنسيكم كل حلقة سابقتها، حتى يعود الأمن لأهلنا وأطفالنا في سورية".

وكانت كتائب "عزام" تبنت في شهر 19 تشرين الثاني 2013 الهجوم على السفارة الايرانية في بيروت، والتي وصفته بـ "غزوة" ونشرت حينها شريط فيديو، تظهر فيه كيفية تنفيذه ، كرد على تدخل "حزب الله" في سوريا.

وفي 19 شباط 2014 وقع انفجاران انتحاريان تبنتهما أيضا كتائب "العزام" بالقرب من المستشارية الثقافية الايرانية والمعرض الأوروبي في منطقة بئر حسن. ما أدى حينها الى سقوط ستة قتلى وأكثر من مئة جريح.

وتحذير زريقات لحزب الله ليس الأول ، فمنذ ستة أيام حذرت كتائب "عزام" حزب الله من أنهم "لن يهنأ لهم عيش حتى يعود الأمن لاهل سوريا ولبنان"، وذلك بعد يوم على التفجير الانتحاري الذي وقع في الطيونة.


التعليقات 31
Thumb ex-fpm 18:14 ,2014 تموز 01

HA is directly responsible for inviting these lunatics onto Lebanese soil. As to mowaten's claims to the following:
* The rockets on Hermel and other Lebanese villages started falling after your hizb went into Syria.
* Massacres in border villages: Nothing of this sort ever happened and we've never seen, read, or heard of funerals of those you claim were massacred.
*Crucifixions of Christians in Maaloula??!!! In your dreams and propaganda.

Writing propaganda does not make it true. Maybe in your dahyeh it does but not with educated people. You tried but miserably failed.

Thumb Elemental 22:15 ,2014 تموز 01

It's basically Pavlovian condition at it's finest.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:09 ,2014 تموز 01

lol but beware of STDs defacto, this one seems riddled with them ;)

Thumb geha 19:36 ,2014 تموز 01

well, what we were talking about is happening!
the Iranian terrorists decided to go kill babies in Syria, and now the other terrorist organization wants to fight them.... in Lebanon.

thank you hizbushaitan for bringing destruction and death to Lebanon once more.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:41 ,2014 تموز 01

"babies"? lol is that how you call your takfiri beheaders? i know you love them a lot, but this is too cute

Thumb EagleDawn 19:51 ,2014 تموز 01

relevant as ever!

Thumb Elemental 20:12 ,2014 تموز 01

Take this up in KSA or Iran, and stop assuming anybody who's not with you is a M14/Wahabi...sad sad individual.

Thumb EagleDawn 19:50 ,2014 تموز 01

Nasrallah challenged them to a fight in Syria. He miscalculated..... they are coming to fight him in Lebanon. What an idiot!

Thumb Elemental 20:07 ,2014 تموز 01

You're both a problem, keep your sectarian garbage out of Lebanon, please take this up in KSA or Iran.

Thumb Elemental 20:19 ,2014 تموز 01

Resistance: If you were a real doc, you wouldn't be speaking like that. Chances are you're lying and have a fake degree. Now here's an interesting case: 2 dying children in front of you, one Sunni, one Shia, would you save both if you had all the lifesaving means? or would you let the Sunni one die like your HA friends have been contributing to? Loyalty to your practice and oath? or to your resistance, shame, you'd be disciplined for this kind of talk.

Thumb Elemental 20:53 ,2014 تموز 01

I honestly don't think fistula here really cares, it's called trolling. And for your information, I support only the army and ISF, no other group, as any normal Lebanese would. Problem here, too many take sides, it's gonna be quite the show in the coming while thanks to all this religious/sectarian garbage, so when you put that little red tag on whomever you can't save and move them off to the side to die? Remember where this is all coming from, and it all could have been avoided if Lebanon remained solely Lebanese instead of allowing so much foreign influence.

Missing peace 20:56 ,2014 تموز 01

i ve been telling those hezbi lovers for years that till hezbi keep their arms other will arm themselves too... it is mathematical.... they always laughed at us.... and see now... hezbollah brought them and encouraged them... so do not come and cry hezbi lovers because all the killings of lebanese by terrorism is your fault for supporting this party that DISOBEYS the lebanese state....

Missing peace 00:02 ,2014 تموز 02

assad and maliki created those fanatics... now deal with it and read a bit more it would teach you things!

Thumb ice-man 21:43 ,2014 تموز 01

my dearest friend josephani!!!!!!

Missing peace 22:00 ,2014 تموز 01

smart people stay away from garbage but it seems it attracts you like dung attracts flies...

nobody asks you to be here so go and read some more intellectual material like tayyar or elmanar... LOL

Missing peace 23:36 ,2014 تموز 01

stop getting nervous and rude like those sissies you support... in fact you lose your temper like a little virgin girl... seems you cannot hold yourself like a man so you take the easy way out : insults like every M8ers here on this site... all girls trying to play like men but frustrated they lack something between their legs...

good nite sweetheart and do not forget to say your prayers coz i am sure you pretend to be a believer but you forget all what is taught in the religion : respect the others! LOL

Thumb Elemental 22:12 ,2014 تموز 01

It wasn't that at all actually, I just don't see the concept of supporting foreign entities as being remotely helpful. If the country just focused on itself instead of taking sides in the hopes of getting a piece of power, then we wouldn't be in this mess. Again, remember that when the bodies roll into the trauma area alright? I think it's time Lebanese focused on Lebanon instead of taking sides, anyhow keep up the bickering, won't solve anything.

Thumb Elemental 22:16 ,2014 تموز 01

Have you looked in the mirror lately my good sir?

Thumb Machia 22:59 ,2014 تموز 01

Nazmuha ya chabeb!
We should find an island put all the angry extremists, ( Likud , Hezbollah , ISIL , Azzam & sons, etc.), provide them with knives and swords and let them play.
We can even make it into a TV show called The Anger Games.

Thumb Elemental 23:15 ,2014 تموز 01

No offense, but I've actually treated the acid burned faces of women who refused to wear the shador when HA rolled into town, they were in fact being paid to wear them, so sad for the normal Shi'a of Lebanon. They came in through the south and learned the dialect, then imposed, you can never ignore that fact. PS YES they are foreign as well, so it doesn't compute, solely the Army and ISF makes sense to support, and they are the ones to defend.

Missing peace 00:05 ,2014 تموز 02

sure hezbies are part of Lebanon and obey the state as true patriots... that is why they pledged allegiance to iran and the islamic revolution but never to the flag of Lebanon! LOL

Default-user-icon Poisonfang (ضيف) 00:09 ,2014 تموز 02

With Everything that is happening, i cannot believe that there is retards who still bring up the internal political conflict to light. Move your hatred aside as there is a bigger foe and all need to work together to resist that geopolitical storm which is eating everything alive. WAKE UP PERIOD!

Thumb Elemental 00:14 ,2014 تموز 02

Actually no, just misguided. And yes they are members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, they entered here around 35 years or so ago via the south, learned the dialect and began imposing on the Shias of lebanon. This may be a shock but did you ever notice they take orders directly from Iran? They never respected Lebanese sovereignty, nor took orders from a lebanese president. They just worked on their own agenda by the orders of Iran and their will. Nobody can deny this, but apparently you can :P.

Thumb Elemental 00:21 ,2014 تموز 02

Oh FT, nobody ever cared what you thought. And I could care less about what you say, but facts are facts. And since you're resorting to your charming response? Too predictable. Anyhow live in your Taqyia world, I'm sure you have a real fun time. Cheers.

Missing peace 00:42 ,2014 تموز 02

Aslan anonyme FT is a frustrated M8ers who gets his kicks by insulting people... he believes it makes him a man... as he cannot fight back as his arguments are getiing weaker by the day when he sees he is wrong about the current situation his allies created all by themselves to keep their power at the expense of innocent citizens...

Thumb Elemental 01:12 ,2014 تموز 02

You know what? I'll let you figure it out on your own, like I did and how remaining free thinkers did. Just remember who brought this on Lebanon when you put the red mark on a dying child's forehead when they come to the trauma center and can't be saved. Good luck.

Thumb cedre 01:43 ,2014 تموز 02

nice game, argentina will be something else. US played well...

Missing 7alesh 05:45 ,2014 تموز 02

every action receives an equal and opposite reaction.
Hizbizillah you brought this onto us. you and your inferiority complexes.
Canada here I come

Missing forces 06:59 ,2014 تموز 02

It never ceases to amaze me, m8's stupidity and narrow minded viewpoints..they attempt to pacify us with the boogy man story..

ha enters the war in Syria, and were then warned by the Syrian rebels not to interfere in their war or otherwise their would be consequences. Every Lebanese citizen took this as a direct and real threat except for HA.
The terrorist attacks begin, strangley enough only in HA strong holds and terrortories.
HA realise they once again have brought destruction on Lebanon and in particular their own people, proclaim they were only protecting us from the invading terrorist army.
Then as the bombings continue, the LAF have no choice but to take action against these terortists, and as a result have placed themselves between ha and the terroists.

Missing forces 06:59 ,2014 تموز 02

HA once again attempt to validate their actions and justify their support to assad each time a bomb goes off,but this time our brave sons of the LAF's are directly in the line of fire, trying to secure the country from this filth. HA use the death of our LAF's to validate their disrespect for Lebanon,it's laws and the Baabda declaration and then we see commentary by the m8 marketing department with the same shameful tone of 'we told you so' that their masters have re-inforced into their hateful and sectarian minds..

Thumb scorpyonn 07:25 ,2014 تموز 02

Lebjack I am referring to Southern