شعبة المعلومات ترفع العلم اللبناني وتغرّد على موقع لواء أحرار السنة

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رفعت شعبة المعلومات العلم اللبناني على الصفحة التابعة لـ"لواء أحرار السنة بعلبك" عبر موقع التواصل الإجتماعي "تويتر".

وبعد أن تم القاء القبض أمس الخميس على مشغل موقع "احرار السنة" على تويتر، قامت شعبة المعلومات صباح الجمعة برفع العلم اللبناني والتغريد على الموقع.

وقالت في تغريدتها أن "شعبة المعلومات اوقفت المدعو ح.ش.ح صاحب حساب لواء احرار ألسنة بعلبك وقد إعترف بذلك #شعبة_المعلومات #لبنان".

و مشغل حساب "أحرار السنة" شاب يبلغ من العمر 19 عاما ويدعى ح.ش.ح وهو لبناني من مواليد 1995 واعترف بتشغيله الموقع.

و بحسب ما أعلنت قوى الامن مساء الخميس، قائلةعبر حسابها الرسمي على موقع "تويتر" أن شعبة المعلومات أوقفت " بتاريخ اليوم مشغلّ موقع احرار السنة بعلبك في منطقة بعلبك".

ولواء "أحرار السنة" هو حساب غامض تبنى العديد من العمليات الإرهابية وظهر للمرة الأولى في 28 تشرين الاول 2013 بعد اشتباكات في سوق مدينة بعلبك بين حزب الله وآل شيّاح أدّت إلى مقتل اثنين من عناصر الحزب وشخصين اخرين.

وتبنى هذا الحساب العديد من عمليات الإعتداء بالصواريخ على مناطق شيعية كاللبوة والنبي عثمان والهرمل.

كذلك إدعى أنه وراء العديد من التفجيرات الإنتحارية في الضاحية الجنوبية والهرمل وجرود عرسال.

في 24 تموز الفائت اختفى الحساب عن موقع "تويتر" وكان لديه العديد من المتابعين. لكن تم تأسيس حساب آخر لم يلق آذانا صاغية له.

مؤخرا وقبل أن يلغى الحساب الأول عاد "اللواء" إلى الضوء من باب تهديد المسيحيين في "إمارة البقاع" التي وعد بـ"تطهير الصليبيين منها" ما أثار استنكارات واسعة. وما أجج الأمور طائفيا حينها ظهور حساب آخر يدعى "لواء أحرار الصليبيين" للرد على "أحرار السنّة".

وهدد هذا الحساب كل من وزير الداخلية نهاد المشنوق ورئيسة مكتب مكافحة المعلوماتية الرائد سوزان الحاج وقائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي. ووصف الجيش اللبناني أكثر من مرة بـ"الجيش الصليبي".



التعليقات 36
Default-user-icon tweet (ضيف) 13:04 ,2014 آب 15

Cool, now real Free Sunnis, Free Christians, Free Shiites, Free Druze in short Free Lebanese control the site!

Thumb Kalzyturks 13:05 ,2014 آب 15

Good ISF has taken over the account, now follow the links & get LAF to take over HA

Thumb Kalzyturks 13:43 ,2014 آب 15

Please don't try to say things I have not posted .

Can you point out I have said that Southern or are you an imposter.

Please don't bring your righteous Taqqiya here or your Hasbara activities .

Thumb Kalzyturks 14:28 ,2014 آب 15

Pointing to the fact that many on your side including your leader practice Taqiyya & Im assuming you do to.

no need to deny it because I wont believe you.

Taqqiya is a righteous act, lying & concealing the truth is a righteous act.

Thumb ex-fpm 13:12 ,2014 آب 15

This is no doubt an operation run by HA right in the heart of Baalbeck to portray the Sunnis of Lebanon as extremists targeting the State and its institutions. Their rhetoric was against shia and christians in Lebanon. They were never taken seriously and now their front man has been arrested. The ISF will know soon who in HA put him up to this horrid act.

Thumb Kalzyturks 13:22 ,2014 آب 15

I doubt they will get to the source cause of the arm bending.

Cover it or I'll break it.... If you know what I mean ex-fpm.

Thumb Kalzyturks 13:45 ,2014 آب 15

Individual act I really doubt it imposter or are you southern ?

If its an individual act then all news media have been fooled.

please take your righteous taqqiya somewhere else

your just another hasbara tool

Thumb Kalzyturks 14:18 ,2014 آب 15

why did you not mention Iran ?

Thumb Kalzyturks 14:39 ,2014 آب 15

The real southern?

Why is your name Southerner ?

you expect me to believe you?

Karim is now ..Karim.. or Karim_

Flamethrower is now _.flamethrower_.

& they all claim to be the real deal.

& how am I to believe you & your COeys while you practice Taqiyya,
as part of your religious obligation?

Missing greatpierro 15:18 ,2014 آب 15

no it has just been on all news that this guy is a member of hizbollah

Missing greatpierro 15:18 ,2014 آب 15

and it is not a sectarian sunni, but this shows clearly that hizbollah are sectarian terrorists.

Thumb Kalzyturks 15:50 ,2014 آب 15

Imposter I have problems with imposters like yourself.

Many of my friends on this forum have fake accounts?

I don't see their names change like your imposter.

if you read my posts I have no problems with Shia in general but only with the ones that follow a certain group HA!

Berri is cool & so are a lot of high heads up there.

But you are blind to see that & when you do you deny it always hiding behind your leader who has been caught out using Taqiyya.

Thumb ex-fpm 16:05 ,2014 آب 15

he is from your brethren southern... his name is حسين شامان الحسين
بعد فضح مشغل حساب ما يسمّى بـ”لواء أحرار السنة – بعلبك” على تويتر وتوقيفه من قبل شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي، الذي تبيّن أنه يدعى حسين شامان الحسين (مواليد 1995) وهو لبناني من سكان “حيّ الشراونة”، في حين أشارت بعض المصادر انه ينتمي تنظيميّاً لـ”حزب الله”، وهنا يسأل متابعون “حزب الله” ومن خلاله رئيس تكتل “التغيير والإصلاح” النائب ميشال عون عن الهدف وراء ترهيب المسيحيين في لبنان من خلال هذا الحساب؟


Thumb ex-fpm 16:08 ,2014 آب 15

he is and from HA. read my post above. Anyway, HA will not allow any political, economic, or military activity in Baalbeck without its express knowledge.

Thumb ex-fpm 16:23 ,2014 آب 15

does the site change his name??!!! His name is حسين شامان الحسين (مواليد 1995) وهو لبناني من سكان “حيّ الشراونة”،

Missing greatpierro 16:32 ,2014 آب 15

According to ISF his name is Hussein Shaman al-Hussein, a shiite member if Hizbollah.

Missing greatpierro 17:37 ,2014 آب 15

southern, the isf have done their investigations and the guy is shia and belongs to hizbollah. in no time he will be freed as all the hizbollah terrorists and murderers.

Missing greatpierro 21:18 ,2014 آب 15

@FT, by the way was Samaha a sunni? or an M8 traitor, agent for Syria, ready to create strife in Lebanon.

Missing greatpierro 21:20 ,2014 آب 15

By the way was Samaha a sectarian Sunni, or a M8 traitor ready to create strife in Lebanon to please his Iranian and Syrian masters

Missing greatpierro 23:41 ,2014 آب 15

@FT, what makes you believe he is sunni FT aside your sectarian hate? The guy surname is Al Hussein! There are no sunni families called al Hussein, only shia.

Thumb Maxx 13:38 ,2014 آب 15

Ha ha ha, the "Brigades" got OWNED! The ISF even used the owned account to tweet about it. I love cops with a sense of humour...

Thumb Kalzyturks 13:47 ,2014 آب 15

Yes HA Brigades so called Sunni brigades which actually there not got OWNED!

Missing ..karim.. 13:46 ,2014 آب 15

Follow the steps and you'll find the twitter account ultimately leads to Saudi Arabia.

Missing karim- 14:03 ,2014 آب 15

Jebran Bassil is in Saudi Arabia. Coincidence? I think not!

Thumb Kalzyturks 14:21 ,2014 آب 15

Karim or are you an imposter as well. I only remember speaking with Karim not a Karim with dots all around him.

please really.

why not iran.

Oh sorry your Taqiya practice meaning lying & covering up is righteous in your religion .

Missing greatpierro 16:31 ,2014 آب 15

The operative name is Hussein Shaman al-Hussein. A Chiite and a member of Hizbollah.

Default-user-icon ghassan (ضيف) 16:20 ,2014 آب 15

It was announced, more than a month ago, that the psersons behind the Twitter account were discovered. Between then and now, Laflafouha and ended up with a 19 year old "kid" in order to protect the real people behind it. Hizballah and the Syrian Moukhabarat are behind the account.

Missing greatpierro 16:30 ,2014 آب 15

The guy's name is Hussein Shaman al-Hussein. He is Chiite and a member of Hizbollah. As George Clooney says : what else?

Missing greatpierro 17:03 ,2014 آب 15

on tayyar.org it is reported that Hussein Shaman al-Hussein was operating the site on his own and does not belong to any organization. Count on tayyar.org for an unbiased professional journalism.

Missing greatpierro 17:05 ,2014 آب 15

similarly the demonstrator killed in front of the iranian embassy was killed by an unknown operating on his own

Missing greatpierro 17:47 ,2014 آب 15

operating on their own and by mistake as captain hanna was killed.

Missing greatpierro 19:58 ,2014 آب 15

Hussein Shaman al-Hussein has revealed during his interrogation that he is a member of Hizbollah and that his father also is a member of Hizbollah.

Hizbollah has declared previously that Hussein Shaman al-Hussein was a Turkomen Sunni in order of course to continue creating sectarian strife.

Here is another example, after that of Samaha, of how M8 is contributing to the misery and strive of Lebanon and the Lebanese.

Thumb Kalzyturks 01:08 ,2014 آب 16

It is clear that this hussein hussein is not a sunni.

No matter what flamethrower says or even southern they will surely be practising taqqiya.

In a attempt to divert attention.

HA is sectarian & a fitnah

Thumb Kalzyturks 02:22 ,2014 آب 16

The whole aim was to bring the Shia community behind HA.

But they are smart enough to know this & back other Shia political groups.

This is a fitnah, & dragging Lebanon into a sectarian divide by one group HA & co.

Remember samaha?

Thumb Kalzyturks 02:38 ,2014 آب 16

TAQIYYA at its best.

He will be a shahid not according to me, read between the lines.... TAQIYYA

Missing thejudge 03:57 ,2014 آب 16

Really! That is it? we took control of the twitter account after al lthis hard work. How long it will take us to take away Hizbullah's weapons?????