الراعي يغادر إلى الفاتيكان الخميس: لانتخاب الرئيس "بدءا من الأقوى" ولا أذكي أحدا

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دعا البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي الأربعاء النواب إلى انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية فورا "بدءا ممن يعتبرونه الأقوى".

وقال الراعي أمام سفراء الدول الخمس الكبرى في مجلس الأمن "ليس لدي اي مرشح لرئاسة الجمهورية ولا أذكي أحدا أو أقصي أحدا وهذا من منطلق احترامي للديموقراطية وللمجلس النيابي والنواب".

واوضح ان "كل ما يقال من كلام عن اسماء وما يشاع في هذا الموضوع هو غير صحيح".

وأكد أنه "على النواب النزول الى المجلس النيابي وانتخاب رئيس بدءا ممن يعتبرونه الاقوى".

وكان الراعي يجمع السفراء في اجتماع مع بطاركة الشرق لتحميهم نداء ملحا إلى دولهم بوجه ما يتعرض له المسيحيون في الشرق الأوسط وخصوصا في العراق.

ويشدد الراعي أكثر من مرة على ضرورة انتخاب رئيس بأسرع وقت ممكن، واصفا التلكؤ عن إجراء هذا الإستحقاق بـ"الجريمة الكبرى".

ودخل لبنان في الشغور الرئاسي في 25 أيار الفائت مع انتهاء ولاية الرئيس ميشل سليمان. وفشل النواب في انتخاب رئيس جديد لأحد عشر جلسة متتالية.

على صعيد اخر يغادر الراعي صباح الخميس الى الفاتيكان لاطلاع كبار المسؤولين على نتائج جولته برفقة البطاركة، على المسيحيين النازحين في العراق.


التعليقات 10
Thumb Elemental 21:37 ,2014 آب 27

It's sad when a prominent figure such as the patriarch can't even speak his mind, only keep neutral through political jargon. If there was true freedom, and no threat of being shot or blown up (hint hint) then there would be normalcy.

Thumb Elemental 22:00 ,2014 آب 27

It's spelled: LEBANON, and you missed the point completely, nobody has the capacity to speak freely there.

Default-user-icon Fernando António Nogueira Pessoa (ضيف) 22:14 ,2014 آب 27

that southern's ridiculous Portuguese spell check he keeps it on all the time while pretending to be a Cristhian

Thumb nickjames 22:19 ,2014 آب 27

Can we stop with the childish, repeated, pasted links and grow up? Two thumbs up to Flamethrower's impostor. As for the actual article, no offence but the patriarch has lost all credibility in my mind. He keeps changing his stance, not to mention that he shouldn't have one. This idea of the church having an influence in politics needs to stop. A clergyman is supposed to be a clergyman and nothing more. Just a side note: if he really "respects" democracy, then he would suggest an overhaul of the entire system which lacks democracy.

Thumb nickjames 04:36 ,2014 آب 28

Keyword "represented" not currently represent. Texas, just because fanatics like Nasrallah impose their policies doesn't mean everyone else should. Two wrongs don't make a right. And what you meant is clerics* like Nasrallah. Clergy is for the church.

Thumb nickjames 17:19 ,2014 آب 28

What hypocrisy and double standards are you referring to? And this is my only username. I speak for myself, unlike you who has Roar come to your defence. Which foulmouthed M14er am I "rooting" for? Do you even know what you're saying? Did you forget to take your meds again?

Thumb Elemental 22:38 ,2014 آب 27

Welcome to the club, now try to think openly and not one sided. Christianity is used and abused by everyone there. Sure get at one side don't like them either, but don't blindly ignore the other.

Thumb Elemental 22:47 ,2014 آب 27

Read up about Taqiya, you're being played.

Thumb Elemental 22:48 ,2014 آب 27

Ignoring one side won't make it any better, actually it solves nothing.

Default-user-icon Aoun is god (ضيف) 23:22 ,2014 آب 27

Only a god should be President of Lebanon and this god is Aoun. Oh my god, or should I say oh my Aoun, I cannot contain my self from the extreme excitement when our god Aoun will be President. Aoun is 81 years old in human years but as a god he has no age, he is eternal...