ذوو عسكريي عرسال يهددون بالتصعيد خلال 24 ساعة: حتى البشر باتوا مستهدفين

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اعرب اهالي عسكريي عرسال المخطوفين لدى التنظيمات الارهابية عن سخطهم من تعاطي الحكومة في ملف ابنائهم، موضحين ان "الملف لا يزال مجمداً" ومهددين بتصعيد تحركاتهم خلال 24 ساعة و"باستهداف المدنيين".

واثر لقائهم رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط، صرح اهالي العسكريين من كليمنصو، عبر الاهالي عن استيائهم من ان "ملف ابنائنا مجمد ولا نضمن النتائج".

وقالوا: "نمهل الحكومة مهلة 24 ساعة لتحريك ملفنا وفي حال لم تتجاوب معنا سنقفل كازينو لبنان وحتى البشر باتوا مستهدفين".

وطالب الاهالي الحكومة بأن تؤمن لهم معطيات حول مصير ابائهم، معتبرين انهم " تعهدوا بالصمت والتزموا به".

واعتبروا ان السرية التي طال بها رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام يجب ان تنحصر للصحافة ووسائل الاعلام فقط، لا للأهالي الذين من حقهم معرفة اخبار ابنائهم المخطوفين.

الى ذلك، اوضح ذوو العسكريين انهم سيجتمعون غداً الاربعاء مع المدير العام للأمن العام اللواء عباس ابراهيم .

ويُشار الى ان الجيش خاض معارك عنيفة مع مسلحي داعش وجبهة النصرة، مطلع آب الفائت، انتهت بانسحاب المسلحين آسرين معهم عدد من العسكريين، تجهد الحكومة في اطلاق سراحهم، وقام "داعش" بقطع رأس اثنين منهم، في حين أعدمت النصرة اثنين آخرين رمياً بالرصاص.


التعليقات 8
Thumb chrisrushlau 14:45 ,2015 شباط 03

What I find laughable (as opposed to simply pathetic) is the "servicemen". We first saw this in reference to the Ukraine coup's thugs. It tends to emphasize the lack of legitimacy, let alone professionalism of the Lebanese racist/elitist state. I will admit that Lebanese soldiers wear berets like no other French Foreign Legion unit now or in history, albeit that is the only distinction, or maybe that is why the French (Israelis?) have the Lebanese "servicemen" wear the beret so fastidiously: to emphasize their total lack of legitimacy and professionalism. Let the Shia majority rule: amend Article 24 of the Lebanese Constitution to provide open races for all Parliamentary seats.

Default-user-icon Phil (ضيف) 15:04 ,2015 شباط 03

YES! Let the Shia majority rule and take us back to the middle ages. Hooray!!

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:27 ,2015 شباط 03

rifi should admit his failure as a politician and as a human being, and let the army get the job done. he is clearly not up to the task, and too close to the islamist circles to be credible.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:04 ,2015 شباط 03

Anytime now, you will make sense Mowaten. But this day is not today.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:55 ,2015 شباط 03

never expected you to understand my comments, please stick to your own politics israelidemocrat, maybe there you'll have a better chance of understanding

Thumb -phoenix1 15:39 ,2015 شباط 03

The state has done so little to our soldiers. In Jordan the authorities have stood their ground a couple of days ago, warning IS that if it killed its pilot, the Jordanians will also execute all the prisoners it has of IS. I spoke of the very same position here in Lebanon, I said that we too should adopt the same position as did the Jordanians, tit for tat, simple. What I proposed was even better, that for every Lebanese soldier IS holds, that we give the families of the soldier 30 IS prisoners, let the families keep them and do with them whatever they wished, if in case IS executed one of ours, we execute 30 or 50 of theirs. If we held them captive and hostage, we could then dictate the terms, sadly, this is not the case right now with our dear state. Let's emulate the Jordanians, I like their ways better than ours.

Thumb -phoenix1 15:41 ,2015 شباط 03

In reference to why I like the ways of the Jordanians, in 1972 masalan, they kicked the PLO out of Jordan, it was called then Black September, but Jordan felt a lot safer and better thereafter. With us in Lebanon, because we failed to follow a clear lead, we kept them in Lebanon and we got ourselves a civil war like no other on our soil. Now with IS, Jordan has made again another good move, why can't we?!!

Thumb -phoenix1 20:03 ,2015 شباط 03

FT, I do concur with your response, to a good degree what you said is something I do agree with. However and despite your narration, the Jordanians have what we don't and that's called a strong central command, a nerve system that has the will to do things unlike us here, that nerve system is way too weak. Jordan is in many ways a society that also needs to check around itself, it too has its fragile glass panels, but unlike us Jordan has long since established a reputation, that decisions can be made, whereas with us decisions could be made except for having to pas through 1000 + political channels.