الامن العام "يوقف بلال دقماق" في مطار بيروت

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قامت عناصر الامن العام في مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي الشيخ السلفي بلال دقماق، المطلوب من قبل القضاء اللبنانية.

فقد أفادت المعلومات الصحافية، ظهر الاربعاء، ان الامن العام اوقف دقماق في المطار منذ ساعات بعد ان تم ترحيله من تركيا.

وفي منتصف تشرين الثاني الفائت، قامت السلطات التركية بالافراج عن بلال دقماق بعد استجوابه في احد مطارات تركيا بتهمة نقل اموال.

وكانت قد اندلعت اشتباكات في أسواق طرابلس الداخلية وباب التبانة في 24 تشرين الأول الفائت فعمد الجيش إلى تشديد إجراءاته. وأصدر آنذاك الجيش وثيقة أمنية لتوقيف دقماق، بعدما كان قد صادر اسلحة من منزله.

وحينها، طالب رئيس التيار السلفي داعي الإسلام الشهال بإعادة الأسلحة التي صادرها الجيش من منزل دقماق، مؤكدا أنها تعود له لكن جمعها في منزل الأخير "تفاديا لإشكال أمني".



التعليقات 13
Thumb the_roar 14:03 ,2015 شباط 18

Take a good look at this face....why?

Its the face of moderation m14 & their followers on here support.

Is this face more your style, houthi haters?

lmfao @ m14 & their so called moderates.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:25 ,2015 شباط 18

They are the moderate beheaders that saudis and the US like to sponsor ;)

Thumb EagleDawn 14:06 ,2015 شباط 18

Mr. Abbas Ibrahim welcomes his holy warriors returning from Syria after they commit the ugliest massacres against civilians and is quick to arrest their opponents.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:20 ,2015 شباط 18

any specific reference for the "ugliest massacres against civilians" or is it just your usual baseless slander?

Thumb zahle1 14:21 ,2015 شباط 18

First off, this guy is a very ugly Lebanese. Second, I'm sick and tired of anyone saying that just because you are against Assad, HA in Syria, HA making unilateral decisions on war...that you support salafi, nusra, daesh... I am not anti HA, I understand why they are here. I just feel they have too much power and arrogance and do have elements of forcing their religion on others. Does anyone believe Geagea and the LF sit at home with their families and talk about hoe they like salafi or daesh? I'm serious. So why do you say that? I know these people they hate salafi wa nusra wa killou. They believe that there is a large Sunni majority of moderates that exist in Lebanon and were hoping had clout in Syria.

Thumb zahle1 14:21 ,2015 شباط 18

None want extreme Sunni. Yes hariri may turn a blind eye to some bearded snackbarians. Doesn't HA do that in the beqaa with their drug farm supporters, car theirs, and kidnappers of Christians who they supposedly love? Please stop with this nonsense. LF hates these extremists and are there enemy.

Thumb the_roar 14:27 ,2015 شباط 18

sorry Zahle...but words mean zipppooooooooo ....actions brother..action

HA dealt with this barbaric threat, whilst the LF said there is no threat..

Action brother...forget cheap words...they remain just words.

Default-user-icon jaafar Ibn Iblees (ضيف) 14:42 ,2015 شباط 18

is that beloved Zainib in your avatar?

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:22 ,2015 شباط 18

jaafar Ibn Iblees (Guest) "is that beloved Zainib in your avatar?"

makes you wonder how morally bankrupt they must be, when this is all they can answer.

Thumb zahle1 00:27 ,2015 شباط 19

I disagree with the LF statement stating LF is not a threat or any comments to minimize daesh. However, the LF is not in a position to move freely as a militia against daesh in Lebanon. Only HA has that right by the way they point guns inward to anyone who challenges that right? So if LF said they were against the daesh threat it is still words. They are not allowed to do action roar, only HA has a right to arms. You only have LF supporters in Ras Baalbek and a few other villages patrolling on their own at night time.

Missing Ghazanfar 14:51 ,2015 شباط 18

Don't worry Mr Deqmaq, Sayyed Hassan will dispatch Hezbollah MP Maître Nawwar Al Sahili ESQ to bail you out just like he bailed out Sheikh Omar Bakri. Sayyed Hassan has a penchant for real full beards and since he was a little boys dreamed of growing one like a man. Alas that's not possible so the glued on Hollywood one he's sporting now will have to do to go along with the costume.

Thumb _mowaten_ 20:24 ,2015 شباط 18

You seem to have mental issues mate, just a friendly advice: seek help.

Missing peace 22:48 ,2015 شباط 18

exactly the same look as nasrallah... extremist islamists all have the same trademark...
the funny thing is that hezbis lovers treat him as an extremist but fail to look at their beloved leader... poor hypocrits