وزير خارجية قطر: حزب الله يقتل السوريين ويشرّدهم

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وجّه وزير الخارجية القطري خالد العطية انتقاداً الى حزب الله ودوره في سوريا، متهماً اياه بقتل الشعب السوري وتشريده.

وفي مقابلة مع صحيفة "الحياة"، الخميس، شن العطية هجوماً على موقف المجتمع الدولي من الازمة السورية المندلعة منذ آذار 2011، واصفاً الموقف بأنه "سقوط أخلاقي".

من هنا، انتقد العطية تدخل عناصر حزب الله في سوريا، متهماً اياهم "بقتل السوريين وتشريدهم".

ولفت الى انه "بالنسبة إلينا "حزب الله" كان حزباً مقاوماً إلى أن تغيرت بوصلته وتوجه إلى سوريا".

وأضاف "نحن نعتبر سوريا في سنة 2006 (في اشارة الى حرب تموز بين لبنان واسرائيل) كانت الحاضنة لمهجري "حزب الله"، واستقبلتهم وأكرمتهم وحمتهم، وتفاجأنا في الثورة السورية بأن حزب الله عاد إلى من استقبلهم بالأحضان ليقتلهم ويهجرهم من بيوتهم".

وقال العطية: "هذا خلافنا مع حزب الله".

يُشار الى ان "حزب الله" يشارك في القتال الى جانب النظام السوري في الازمة المندلعة منذ آذار الفائت، وكان قد أعلن عن تشييع عدد من عناصره "قضوا خلال قيامهم بواجبه الجهادي"، وفق الحزب.

يُذكر ان مجلس التعاون الخليجي الذي يضم قطر والسعودية والبحرين والكويت وسلطنة عمان والامارات العربية، اعلن في حزيران 2013 اتخاذ اجراءات "ضد المنتسبين لحزب الله في اقاماتهم او معاملاتهم المالية والتجارية".

وكانت معلومات صحافية قد أفادت ان قطر قامت بترحيل عدد من اللبنانيين المتواجدين على اراضيها، لصلتهم او انتمائهم الى "حزب الله".



التعليقات 22
Default-user-icon Phil (ضيف) 09:23 ,2015 شباط 19

Then start by deporting all Hizbollah sympathizers who live and work in Qatar. You guys in the GCC criticize and lash out but never seem to take any measure to counter Hizbollah's actions or pressure its leadership.

Thumb Mrowwe 15:00 ,2015 شباط 19

Well said Phil.

Thumb marcus 09:43 ,2015 شباط 19

Shoukran Qatar.... oh how times change!

Default-user-icon walid (ضيف) 10:24 ,2015 شباط 19

you must be a shia jihadist

Missing humble 10:31 ,2015 شباط 19

Another proof of the extension of the disease Ebola.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:06 ,2015 شباط 19

"proof"? hahaha man your standards are really low

Thumb westernlebanese 10:32 ,2015 شباط 19


and we all know who funds Hezbolshaitan... they are the isis of Lebanon...

Missing humble 10:46 ,2015 شباط 19

Anyone who supports Ebola and Caporal is a traitor.

Thumb Mystic 11:39 ,2015 شباط 19

Qatar can go to a certain dark hot place below where they belong, yes the Syrian Government and it's people supported the Resistance in 2006, it was not the foreign backed takfiris Nusra/ISIS that Qatar and Saudi are backing.

Default-user-icon mystic@full.disclosure@bill.the.butcher (ضيف) 11:45 ,2015 شباط 19

well said @full.disclosure.

Thumb the_roar 12:34 ,2015 شباط 19

No no well said iceman_normajean...everyone appreciates the non stop efforts you exhaust to reply to each & every post all day, everyday.

Not to mention all the diff names & thobes you change in & out of all day long.

Iceman-normajean NUMBER 1 naharnet performer!


Default-user-icon thank you Qatar said south LB (ضيف) 20:35 ,2015 شباط 19

"Qatar can go to a certain dark hot place below where they belong" hassan is hiding there, so no there's no place.

Default-user-icon david ochami (ضيف) 12:57 ,2015 شباط 19

Where is the truth in this claim /attiyah?

Thumb Mrowwe 15:01 ,2015 شباط 19

Provide proof or be a liar on the day of judgement.

Thumb Maxx 15:18 ,2015 شباط 19

When did Hizb butcher people? October 1986, Makdassi Street, Hamra, near Baydoun supermarket (Hizb were headquartered nearby, in the Strand building): they blew a whole building down with persistent RPG bombardment because some AMAL people took position in there and were shooting at them; pretty sure there were civilians in there, since it wasn't AMAL's headquarters.
May 1996, Souq el Jammal Street, Shiah, behind the Mokhtar building: A man who had previously criticized Hizb over the previous month's war was found decapitated.
That's just two events that happened under my window. Memory is stronger than your propaganda.

Thumb Maxx 15:32 ,2015 شباط 19

Criticism of Hizb does not mean support for Daesh. Just because one says that Hizb are a phlegm on the face of God and a cancerous, foreign entity that has overwhelmingly contributed to Lebanon's present woes does not mean that Daesh are any less of a helter-skelter apocalyptic death cult who are trying all they can to start a World War 3 centred around Dabiq.
If, like me, you were staunchly against the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, did that automatically make you into an al-Qaeda operative?

Thumb -phoenix1 15:52 ,2015 شباط 19

Mr. FM, you may be in profound disagreement with Hezbollah, but truth is: Is it alone in Syria? What about your country dear Mr. FM, has it not, yes or no financed IS there, in Iraq and other countries? What about the multitudes of foreigners that come from all the globe to fight in Syria, haven't you noticed them sir? Do these Non-Syrians have any business in Syria other than lured by extremist doctrines of sheer hatred as promoted and financed by your little desert kingdom? Mr. FM, would you honestly deny that your being a Sunni might have at one stage or the other harbored some inner feelings of a Sunni victory in the Levant? Sure, me too I am fiercely opposed to Hezbollah's involvement in Syria or anywhere else, even here in Lebanon I wish to see it disarmed, but right now you and your likes are heavily tainted with hypocrisy. Either you put your finger on the gaping wound or try harder next time.

Default-user-icon marlboro. (ضيف) 20:06 ,2015 شباط 19

now I know why I dropped winston's and switched to Marlboro.

Default-user-icon Imad & Jihad (ضيف) 20:38 ,2015 شباط 19

southern go blow up your house the one destroyed by Nasrallah's laou kountou a3lam and the one Qatar rebuilt for you, thank you.

Default-user-icon qatruk (ضيف) 04:02 ,2015 شباط 20

dont forgot your gang killed gaddafi, arab zionist you

Thumb megahabib 04:18 ,2015 شباط 20

The same Syrians who fired rockets at Lebanon before Hezbollah entered Syria?

Thumb westernlebanese 10:38 ,2015 شباط 20
