قاووق: اموال السعودية لا يمكن ان تشتري سكوت حزب الله

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شدد نائب رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في "حزب الله" الشيخ نبيل قاووق على ان ثروة المملكة العربية السعودية لا يمكن أن "تشتري سكوت حزب الله" مؤكداً انها تخشى "خطابات سيد المقاومة الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله".

كلام قاووق جاء خلال احتفال تكريمي أقامه "حزب الله"، الاحد، حيث رأى ان "الذين يشنون العدوان على اليمن (في اشارة الى السعودية) قد أخطأوا أيضاً في الحسابات مع حزب الله وفي تقدير الموقف معه".

ولفت قاووق إلى أن "السعودية راهنت على تحييدنا وسكوتنا، ولم تدرك أننا لا نخشى التهديدات ولا نباع ولا نشترى".

بناءً عليه، شدد قاووق على ان "الأموال السعودية يمكن لها أن تشتري دولاً ومجلس أمن ورؤساء وأمراء ووزراء، ولكن لا يمكن لها أن تشتري سكوت حزب الله".

كذلك اعتبر انه "يمكن للسعودية أن تهدد ايضاً شخصيات وفعاليات وعلماء ودول عربية، ولكن لا يمكن لها أن تهدد المقاومة".

وفي هذا الصدد، رأى ان مشكلة السعودية تكمن في "تعاظم دور حزب الله ومكانته وتأثيره على معادلات المنطقة".

واضاف: "مشكلتهم معنا أيضاً هي أنهم أكثر ما يخشون في العالم العربي كلمة وخطاب ومفاجآت سيد المقاومةالسيد حسن نصر الله".

يشار الى أنه بعد يوم من انطلاق العملية المسماة "عاصفة الحزم"، انتقد نصر الله "العدوان السعودي" ، وتوعد المملكة مؤخرا بـ"هزيمة كبرى"، وما كان من رئيس تيار "المستقبل" إلا أن دخل الحرب الإعلامية منددا بـ"عاصفة من الكراهية" من قبل نصرالله، قائلا أن ايران تعمل منذ سنين على "استنساخ" حزبه في اليمن.

والجمعة، تكرر خطاب نصرالله الهجومي على السعودية، حيث دعا "العالم الاسلامي" الى الوقوف بوجه المملكة والقول "كفى"، متهما اياها انها مصدرة "الفكر التكفيري بين الشباب المسلم من أموال بيت الله الحرام".

وتستهدف الحملة العسكرية للتحالف العربي بقيادة المملكة العربية السعودية منذ 26 آذار الحوثيين الشيعة المرتبطين بايران والقوات الموالية للرئيس السابق علي عبدالله صالح، وذلك تحت اسم "عاصفة الحزم".

التعليقات 55
Thumb canadianpaul 18:03 ,2015 نيسان 19

Very funny: “They were betting on our silence and on neutralizing us, but they failed to realize that we do not fear threats and that we cannot be sold or bought,” Qaouq added.

Let's analyze this a little bit further:
Betting on our silence: Your words hurt sooooo much, Saudi Arabia decided to stop bombing the s*it out of Huthis. Oh, wait...

Neutralizing us: Not only are they neutralizing you in Yemen, they basically put your balls in your mouth...

We do not fear threats: Threats? LOL, who threatened who? Have you read Your Supreme Gutter Leader's fiery speeches lately?

We cannot bought or sold: "Bought" - created in 1982 by Iranian agents with Iranian money. "Sold": Sent by your handlers to the highest bidder, from Syria, to Iraq, to Yemen, to Bahrein.

So, there you go. Empty words, like Arafat's "Imperialists" speeches. Those were fun.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:13 ,2015 نيسان 19

Does anyone actually believe that can shut up for a day!

Missing cedars 00:06 ,2015 نيسان 20

F16s silenced this liar for many weeks and months upon kidnapping the Israeli soldier in 2006. All Lebanon and 2000 people killed for nothing because of the same idiotic ideology you continue to follow in Iran. Who paid for the sub stations repair so this idiot can steals the electricity he uses today to speak up, who paid to repair the bridges this idiot uses daily. The problem we have is we need to manage you and shut you up because you speak of one sector we are ashamed of, and if you can't shut up then we'll give you lands and farms in the south to enjoy with da3ish Israel.

Missing peace 18:09 ,2015 نيسان 19

real children: barking is all what they can do... they just want to deflect their problems into a war with saudi arabia to please their sheep followers and iran.
but the interests of Lebanon? they do not care whatsoever if Lebanon is dragged into yet another conflict.

chaos is on what they feed like hyenas on a dead body

Missing humble 18:14 ,2015 نيسان 19

This is for school chidren...

Thumb ex-fpm 18:15 ,2015 نيسان 19

Please, we don't want you to be silent. We want you to scream and we want more of it:)

Thumb EagleDawn 18:26 ,2015 نيسان 19


Thumb geha 19:42 ,2015 نيسان 19

yes we welcome your speeches that will bring you all the shia back home for you to provide jobs for them.

what is funny is the silence of all their allies :) where are they?

these guys had a dream of a farsi empire and they saw it gone forever and with it all their plans and the money they invested towards that goal.

Default-user-icon Samaha's "Al Qaeda" (ضيف) 18:16 ,2015 نيسان 19

FT_.07 when you need to explain who's supposed to be the emir of Al Qaeda in Lebanon you've already lost the argument lol.

Thumb Mystic 18:23 ,2015 نيسان 19

That is the only power the Saudis have, not on the battlefield, not in freedom. But in their oiled money.

Missing imagine_1979 18:55 ,2015 نيسان 19

U forgot the usual: lobayaka ya nosrollah...

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:12 ,2015 نيسان 19

Seriously, the one without brain is HA and its supporters. I wish they take the advise of Imam Ali and think before they talk. About threats, KSA may use money. HA uses money and murder as a tool of coercion.

Missing imagine_1979 19:15 ,2015 نيسان 19

Well u seem so educated southern... I really envy u... Can u tell us a litle about mehdi amel? As an educated person u must know about him, his writtings and especially how he died.. Can u elighten us? Can u show us how ur secular iranian boyscout encouraged thinkers in southlebanon ya southern?...
Man the one u are supporting are nothing better than retarded fanatic da3ech with a shiite flavor...

Thumb Mystic 19:24 ,2015 نيسان 19

Imam Ali Alayhi Salam his family was killed by the same ideology that the Wahabis of Saudi Arabia are following.
How about the graves of his family members in Ahlul bayt a.s that Al Saud family has demolished in their kingdom?

How about the Saudis cooperating with the Israelis?



Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:47 ,2015 نيسان 19

Mystic - spare us. The Wahhabi ideology is very recent while imam Ali was killed 1400 years ago by the Khawarej. The Wahhabis emphasize obedience to the ruler while the Khawarej were unable to obey anyone. As of today, the Umayad and the Khawarej both focused on fighting Imam Ali to eliminate the middle road. Reminds you of today - same strategy of Iran and its allies. So who are the new Khawarej?

Missing imagine_1979 20:02 ,2015 نيسان 19

And southern who martyred mehdi amel? Or he martyred himself?...
At least be honest if u can...
And no i donnot support saudi regime i wish to saudis freedome and democracy as much as i wish it for iranian syrian and us lebanese...
The difference is me as a secular person a can critise sectrian regime and millicia, but i find it hard for follower or khomainii to come give us lectures about freedome, secular state and so...
And finaly staline alined with imperialist usa against nazi, leftist allied with amal psp ssnp against israelly, untill ur so beloved sectarian iranian millicia cam over... Remember southern or this phase should be earased from our history?...

Missing Je_suis@libonase 22:52 ,2015 نيسان 19

Whata twisted vile follower of khomeni you are sayidna Ali ( asws) and his family are innocent of you and your vile cult. you blame sunnis for killing him and his family what a bunch of lies who taught you that ? khomeni ? Where's your evidence produce it until you do shut up . you and all of the twisted zombies that follow the doctrine of khomeni .

Missing peace 18:25 ,2015 نيسان 19

"“We are not concerned about the situation region but Lebanon.”"

bassil today... i guess it does not apply to their allies....

Thumb EagleDawn 18:25 ,2015 نيسان 19

Les chiens aboient, L'opération "Tempête de fermeté" passe."

Thumb justin 18:32 ,2015 نيسان 19

He noted that “Saudi money” can buy “countries, the U.N. Security Council, presidents, princes and ministers” but “cannot purchase Hizbullah's silence.”

interesting to say the least.. but how can this hooligan explain why the Saudis were not able to buy the U.N. Security Council in 4 resolutions that were vetoed by Russia and China?

Missing peace 18:38 ,2015 نيسان 19

coz hezbi followers have an empty brain so to make them believe whatever crap they want to feed them with they act with simplistic arguments... syllogism is what they master to feed them... any fanatic or extremist speak that way: it impresses their sheep!

Thumb justin 18:39 ,2015 نيسان 19

4 resolutions regarding Syria*

Missing peace 18:34 ,2015 نيسان 19

oh! coz you still think it is a religious crusade?

pityful M8ers still stuck in the middle ages.....

Thumb Mystic 18:59 ,2015 نيسان 19

Damn right. I seriously laughed from that one though FT.

Missing mohammad_ca 19:02 ,2015 نيسان 19

Vilayet e faqih is the most sectarian of ideologies and your bunch are following it blindly.

Missing imagine_1979 19:04 ,2015 نيسان 19

The yellow banner of the great islamic "resistance" and the green one of "ya hussein" are really better..
Indeed flame, hezbos and iran are spreadding democratcy, freedome, secular message, gender equality... U know all over the region

Missing peace 19:39 ,2015 نيسان 19

to the two retards of this site...
if you believe it is a religious crusade then it only means you are really badly brainwashed by hezbi propaganda beyond cure;... but that we already knew it...

and i repeat it: what is going on there is none of lebanese business but it seems to you that the borders of Lebanon are at stake in yemen! LOL

Missing mohammad_ca 19:45 ,2015 نيسان 19

Southern there is nothing wrong with my statement go learn English please or just comment in Arabic.

Missing mohammad_ca 19:55 ,2015 نيسان 19

Let me put this at your level of grammar you understand : you are a no mind.

Missing mohammad_ca 21:51 ,2015 نيسان 19

The only takfiri here is you making takfir of Ibn taymiyah ya takfiri

Missing imagine_1979 19:01 ,2015 نيسان 19

Don't be sad flame, i'm sure after some al manar/voltairenet... And readding the great articles u sent ys today we will all open our eyes and start chanting some: lebayka ya nosrollah!
Now man relax, enjoy the show

Missing mohammad_ca 19:01 ,2015 نيسان 19

The only barking as of late is from nasrallat and Co. Looks like Iran's money is being paid out end of fiscal year and all the vilayet e faqih drones are trying to get more pay than each other.

Thumb Machia 19:01 ,2015 نيسان 19

"Iranian Money Can Buy Nations, Militias and Dictators and Hizbullah's Silence and Obedience"

Thumb Machia 19:34 ,2015 نيسان 19

No flamethrower. Am an Arab I don't want to be under the Islamic Republic of Iran's hegemony or under Israel's hegemony.
Israel and Iran use us as fodder. They don't go to war against each other.
Iran uses poor Lebanese Arab peasants, gives them USD 400 per month, gives them "keys" to heaven to play their games.
Iran was with the US when the US destroyed Iraq. Iran was with Assad when he killed his people. Iran divided the Palestinians and killed the original and peaceful Palestinian Intifada.
The Iranians and Israel have a common enemy: The Arabs. They both hate us and use us in their games.

Missing humble 19:34 ,2015 نيسان 19

Sure. Israel is everywhere even when it rains in Spain...total B.S. disinformation and fallacies!!!

Missing humble 19:36 ,2015 نيسان 19

Progessively, Ebola has become the destructor of Lebanon.

Missing peace 19:41 ,2015 نيسان 19

"hezb supports the state of palestine"

hamas praised the syrian revolution for freedom and democracy before you labeled it as saudi paid militia... LOL

hezbollah does not support anything but the interests of iran... but empty brain idiots like FT cannot see it.....

Thumb Machia 22:28 ,2015 نيسان 19

No Arab identity is not a Muslim identity, although Islam is part of our culture, so is Christianity, Judaism, Zaydiyizm, etc.
Arab identity is encompassing. What is worrying is this sectarian identity whether it is Shia, Sunni, Jewish or Christian extremists. Arab identity is one with the history, culture and language of our region. Arab identity binds us to the wider region, the same way European identity or Anglo-Saxon identity binds people together.
At the end of the day I have more in common with educated, rational, non-sectarian and non-racist people from all over the world than I have with sectarian, irrational, racist people from my own neighbourhood.

Thumb Machia 22:29 ,2015 نيسان 19

But that does not prevent me from feeling that I am part of an all encompassing Arab cultural identity that is forgiving, caring, spiritual and less materialistic than other cultures. Where Fairuz, Um Kalthoum, Taha Hussain, Nagib Mahfouz, Gibran Khalil Gibran, Al Mutanabi, historical Cairo, Baghdad and the Andalus are part of me.

Missing peace 22:31 ,2015 نيسان 19

looking how zealot FT is defending hezbis and iran it clearly shows that he prefers persian identity to arab... iranian to lebanese... he pretends to be lebanese while his capital is tehran. pityful idiot he is.

Thumb Machia 08:04 ,2015 نيسان 20

I don't want to co-exist neither with the Islamic State nor with the Islamic Republic.
You call it laland, I call it utopia (as in Thomas Moore). Nations are built by thinkers and dreamers not by bearded extremists.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 19:16 ,2015 نيسان 19

This guy's name should be Malwouq, news flash you turbaned bootlicking slave, no one cares if you stayed silent or not, in the big scheme of things you and your Iranian terrorist militia are just a mosquitos.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:18 ,2015 نيسان 19

FT - you are topping yourself in your lack of decorum. You used to make more sense. Your reflexive defense of anything HA and Iran (when they are patently wrong) is rather sad. But then again, you made it clear that you can think less what people want and you support minority rule (as long as it is Iranian supported).

Thumb shab 19:46 ,2015 نيسان 19

What's with all these turbaned scarecrows wailing every other day? We don't care about Yemen. Stick to religion preaching.

Thumb geha 19:48 ,2015 نيسان 19

is there anyone that disagrees that hizbushaitan is an extremist terrorist iranian militia in charge of creating mayhem in the middle east?

Missing peace 19:56 ,2015 نيسان 19

1/ yemen is one of the poorest country and has been ruled for 32 years by the same president.
2/ if the yemeni want another regime it is their right.
3/ it is just a conflict between saudis and iranians on their soil so nothing to do with Lebanon... but not according to hezbollah it seems!
only hezbis want to turn it into an internal lebanese conflict to deflect the difficulties they are in...
4/ “We are not concerned about the situation region but Lebanon.”"
said bassil today and it supports my point of view of focusing on the lebanese problems rather than getting hysteric the way hezbis do....

but go tell that to the retards of this site....

Default-user-icon Sam (ضيف) 21:38 ,2015 نيسان 19

Why are we upset that a regional conflict has found another stage (not Lebanon) and a new set of proxy actors that are not Lebanese?

Missing imagine_1979 22:49 ,2015 نيسان 19

Just like when saudi burned tires in front of new tv or like when saoudi burned future tv...
Or like when they assassinated samir kassir, gebran tueni...

Missing youssefhaddad 22:55 ,2015 نيسان 19

All totalitarian Regimes are evil, the theocratic ones are the worst and here the Iranian regime wins hands down the prize for spreading sectarian dissent and exploiting hatred in order to achieve its imperial ambitions.

Missing imagine_1979 00:06 ,2015 نيسان 20

Putin is not doing so bad in supporting dictatorial regimes... Chechenia, belarusia..north korea?...
Bigjohn world is not socialism against capitalistic imprialist west, china central comite comrads are wealthier than most capitalists of the imperialist west...
Wake up man, come back to real life...

Thumb ansarullah 23:37 ,2015 نيسان 19

Ansarullah will prevail because they have nuclear weapons. They will attack soon and their strategic patience is running out. Mecca is their next stop

Thumb canadianpaul 00:50 ,2015 نيسان 20

You're either being facetious, or you're really delusional, like NasRRRRallah and Taouk.

Missing hmorsel 23:53 ,2015 نيسان 19

It's funny you say that you hypocritehypocrite. You been bought and slaved by Iran so what's the difference

Missing hmorsel 00:21 ,2015 نيسان 20

Im glad the arabs finally are taking care of their problems and stopped counting on the Americans to do their work. Iran if left unchecked wants to rebuild the Persian empire

Thumb Binar 22:41 ,2015 نيسان 20

If a dog barks in the forest does it make a noise ???