سفن ايرانية تطلق نيرانا تحذيرية على سفينة ترفع علم سنغافورة في الخليج

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أطلقت قوات الحرس الثوري الايراني نيرانا تحذيرية باتجاه سفينة تجارية ترفع علم سنغافورة في مياه الخليج الخميس قبل ان تلجأ الى دبي، كما اعلن مسؤولون اميركيون.

واطلقت زوارق الدورية الايرانية النيران على السفينة "الباين ايترنيتي" في المياه الدولية قبل ان تتوجه هذه الاخيرة الى مياه الامارات التي نشرت خفر السواحل ردا على نداء استغاثة من السفينة التجارية، بحسب تاكيد المسؤولين لوكالة فرانس برس.

ثم غادرت الزوارق الايرانية المنطقة طبقا للمصادر نفسها.

واطلقت الزوراق التابعة للحرس الثوري النيران التحذيرية على دفعتين، فيما اعلنت سلطات سنغافورة "اجراء تحقيق في القضية".

واعلن الكولونيل ستيفن وارن المتحدث باسم البنتاغون ان سفينة بحرية اميركية كانت على بعد 20 ميلا (32 كلم) من السفينة لكنها لم تتلق طلبا للمساعدة، وبالتالي لم تتدخل.

وصرح ان الحوادث البحرية مع ايران "تشكل مصدر قلق بالنسبة الينا" مضيفا "سنواصل مراقبة الاوضاع".

و"الباين ايترنيتي" سفينة صهريج مصممة لنقل النفط ومنتجات كيميائية بحسب مواقع الانترنت. ويبلغ طولها 180 مترا وهي ضمن اسطول شركة النقل النفطية ترانسبترول بحسب موقع الشركة التي لها مكاتب في النروج وسويسرا وبلجيكا وبرمودا.

ويعكس هذا الحادث التوتر المتزايد منذ اسابيع عدة في الخليج بعدما اعترضت ايران سفينة ترفع علم جزر مارشال وحذرت الولايات المتحدة من اعتراض سفينة مساعدات ايرانية متجهة الى اليمن. وتم الافراج لاحقا عن سفينة الشحن بعدما اكد مسؤولون ايرانيون ان الامر يتعلق بخلاف تجاري.

وقبل ذلك كانت مراكب حرس الثورة "ضايقت" ناقلة حاويات اخرى هي مايرسك كنسينغتون من دون اطلاق نار تحذيري قبل ان تغادر.

وفي اعقاب هذه الحوداث، تم تكليف البحرية الاميركية حماية السفن التجارية الاميركية التي تعبر مضيق هرمز، قبل ان تنهي هذا البرنامج بعد ايام.

ويراقب الاميركيون حاليا مسار سفينة ايرانية متجهة الى اليمن تحمل 2500 طن من المساعدات الانسانية، وفقا لطهران.

التعليقات 19
Thumb Mystic 19:26 ,2015 أيار 14

You two morons chip & dale. The UAE ship went into commercial Iranian territorial waters. If the Gulf countries can keep Iranian vessels carrying humanitarian aid at bay, away from Yemen.

Then Iran can keep the Gulf ships and bay too, simple as that. Karma hits back. The little ship went with full speed inside the UAE harbor, not reason for Iran to follow it any further.

Now the UAE knows, they can not just freely go into those waters any longer.

Missing peace 19:28 ,2015 أيار 14

"in international waters"
can't you read? or you believe that these waters all belong to iran! LOL

Thumb Mystic 19:34 ,2015 أيار 14

What about the iranian civilian plane flying to Yemen, with humanitarian aid cargo? They flew over Oman and Yemen, then the Saudi airforce inside Yemeni territory threatened them to return.

The Gulf simply can't have their way any longer, they are beginning to fear going through the Strait of hormuz and for good reason.

Hypocrites, karma is a good thing.

Missing peace 19:47 ,2015 أيار 14

miss tic: do not deflect the subject... i am answering this article not another one... so stick to what this article says instead of deflecting your answer when in a bad position to argue! LOL

Thumb Mystic 19:51 ,2015 أيار 14

We will have to see about that, if the Saudi coalition interfeers with the Iranian red crescent ships sailing to help the suffering Yemenis.

Then it will have heavy consequences.

Thumb kanaanljdid 21:26 ,2015 أيار 14

Brainwashed people only can do selective readings dear Peace !

Thumb freedomarch 19:45 ,2015 أيار 14

Revolutionary Guards might in Action, poor Singapore have to stay in line kneeling to the greatest Empire, coming soon, now in over in Beirut, Sann3a, Damascus, Baghdad, Hon kong Who knows... As long as sacrifices are made to the Great AyatoAllah on Earth we are All O.K. Just don't provoke the wrath of the All Mighty Gods of Iranian Islamic Rep Public,.If you do only Nasroolaah will be able to help you, and we all know when the Shi3a Giant rise all will be done and for sure totalled, just keep the "Musardab" in Great Da7yeh where he is and never ever do anything to upset him. Or Qawook or Ra3ed etc.

Thumb freedomarch 20:20 ,2015 أيار 14

TO MY Stic up: Thanks for your pure and humanitarian spirit to our brothers and sisters in Yemen. As a devoted iranian shi3a abd yemeni huthi and iraqi najafi Lover, I salute your multi level of service Hizbulah ia enduring to helping all to gain control on behalf if your main masrers. AS Huthi sub shi3a sub 12 imam s, it is clear that you just care to replicate the success in arming them is HiBoola in Lebanon. KHASIIT, since your plan are exposed, your plan s will have to come to complete stop.now gi back home and watch cartoons.

Thumb freedomarch 20:39 ,2015 أيار 14

TO MY Stic up: Thanks for your pure and humanitarian spirit to our brothers and sisters in Yemen. As a devoted iranian shi3a and Yemeni huthi and Iraqi najafi Lover, I salute your multi level of service Hizbulah is enduring to helping all mullahs to gain control on behalf of your main masters in Qom. As Huthi sub shi3a sub 12 imams, it is clear that you just care to replicate the success in arming them as Hizbolah in Lebanon. Khasit, since your plan are exposed, your plans will have to come to complete stop. Now go back home and watch cartoons.

Missing sergio 16:16 ,2015 أيار 15

ya fystik halabi ya enti filthy Iranian navy shit in their pants when UAE rescue arrived they only show power against civilians & be filthy pigs like their nature against armed groups

Thumb freedomarch 19:38 ,2015 أيار 14

Revolutionary Guards might in Action, poor Singapore have to stay in line kneeling to the greatest Empire, coming soon to you over, Beiru, Sann3a, Damascus, Baghdad, Honkong Who knows... As long as sacrifices are made to thw great AyatoAllah on earth we are All O.K. just don't provoke the wrath of the all mighty Gods of Iranian Islamic Rep Public,.If you do only Nasroolaah will be able to help you, and we all know when the Shu3a Giant rise all will be dine an totalled, just keep the Musardab in Great Da7yeh where he is and never ever do anything to upset him. Or Qawook or Ra3ed etc.

Thumb geha 20:14 ,2015 أيار 14

these are acts of piracy!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 21:40 ,2015 أيار 14

Let us hope that the Iranian navy continue of this path of escalation.

Thumb _mowaten_ 22:14 ,2015 أيار 14

warning shots = piracy? i think you have no idea what you're talking about, just ranting on like crazy old hags

Thumb kanaanljdid 21:27 ,2015 أيار 14

Mystic, FT et Southern sont dans un bateau...

Thumb Mystic 22:35 ,2015 أيار 14

What remains humerous is the fact that your so called "Arab Power Coalition" didn't yet manage to destroy poorly armed Yemenis.

Let alone an open fight against Iran, would not be so good for the Wahabis neither, they should indeed try and interfeer with the Iranian vessels going to Yemen.
Might even spiral into a full blown conflict then, Iranians are patient but when they get stepped upon, they will step ten times harder in return.

By the way, it was the Iraqi Government that begged for the U.S strikes in Tikrit, Iranian commanders advised them not to ask the Americans for help, because it is not needed. You write as if Tikrit is still in takfiri hands, well is it?
Is Yemen in Saudis hands aswell?

Thumb Mystic 01:00 ,2015 أيار 15

Keep your shoes on, not too late to bust in yet. So it's good Saleh made an open alliance with the Ansarallah, you seem to be very optimistic about your "Wahabi Coalition" now let's see what the future holds, they have not been able to change the situation on the ground in Yemen yet.

Thumb Mystic 01:01 ,2015 أيار 15

Keep your shoes on, not too late to bust in yet. So it's good Saleh made an open alliance with the Ansarallah, you seem to be very optimistic about your "Wahabi Coalition" now let's see what the future holds, they have not been able to change the situation on the ground in Yemen yet.

Missing helicopter 02:38 ,2015 أيار 15

The outside loyalties is what is destroying Lebanon. Mind your Lebanon people.
Leave the GCC countries and Iran sort out their problems.