رئيس الحكومة: "مهمة الجيش داخل الحدود اللبنانية لا خارجها"

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أكدت مصادر رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام ان "قضية عرسال همّ من همومه"، مشيرة الى ان "مهمة الجيش حماية الأراضي اللبنانية على الحدود وفي الداخل".

ونقلت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الخميس، عن مصادر سلام انه ليس في إثارة ملف عرسال "ما يُقلق رئيس الحكومة حتى اليوم"، مشددة على ان سلام "لم يقصّر في أيّ جانب من جوانب هذه القضايا لمعالجتها بالتي هي أحسن وبما امتلكنا من قدرات".

وأصافت "نحن مطمئنّون الى الترتيبات التي اتّخذَتها وحدات الجيش اللبناني في المنطقة وعلى طول الحدود الممتدة من عرسال حتى رأس بعلبك".

وشددت مصادر سلام على ان "مهمة الجيش حماية الأراضي اللبنانية على الحدود وفي الداخل، وليس من مهامه الخروج منها الى أيّ أراض سورية أو غير سورية".


التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 09:43 ,2015 أيار 28

excellent Mr Salam , so let the army liberate the 400 km square of lebanese soil occupied by takfiry terrorists
god bless democracy

Missing humble 10:07 ,2015 أيار 28

MR Prime Minister, you are a good man.

Missing humble 10:10 ,2015 أيار 28

I believe that the Caporal because of his madness is the most responsible.

Thumb Mystic 12:44 ,2015 أيار 28

Lebanese army soldiers stationed by Arsal wants to avenge their dead brothers and free their captured brethren, but the March 14 alliance does not want this. They love to see the army tied up and powerless. Good thing we have the Resistance that you can not tie up or put shackles around.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:11 ,2015 أيار 28

Mystic, what the honorable PM said is correct and goes by the precepts of our constitution. The LAF are here to defend and protect the nation and not to meddle in affairs beyond our borders. Now regarding our captured servicemen, I gave a great solution since day one, but apparently the offer was not taken. Now about Hezbollah and those shackles you mentioned, for all we've seen, the Hezb has never tied itself to anything Lebanese but Syrian, Iranian and Yemeni, no, wait a minute, in fact to anything that doesn't concern Lebanon but Iran. But without being prejudicial, it's still early days, the Middle East conflict is still in its infancy stage, tunes do change with time, let's see which one people like you will sing sometime in the future. Now Mystic, spare us the usual bombast.

Missing peace 13:15 ,2015 أيار 28

"Good thing we have the Resistance that you can not tie up or put shackles around."

good admitting that hezbollah acts outside state laws thus an outlaw bunch of mercenaries.... TFEH!

Thumb Mystic 13:30 ,2015 أيار 28

Dishonorable phoenix, just as the rest of March 14. Salam thinks he is President, just because there is none at the moment. He needs to take his head out of the sand and remember he is only the acting president now.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:15 ,2015 أيار 28

Mystic, your quote, "Dishonorable phoenix, just as the rest of March 14.", end of quote. This is exactly the kind of attitude that will lose you as a person and your Hezbollah whatever support you once had, especially from moderates like me. You have till recently sponged the side to which I belong, the LF and Kataeb with many wrongful things, I still believe in national unity and always will. You've nothing on me to call me "dishonorable phoenix", if your mind is so heavily subsidized by your party of God, it doesn't mean that you're authorized to label those who will refuse your hegemonic designs on my country for the sake of foreign ones. Your Hezbollah my dear Lebanese brother Mystic is on the WRONG path, and when your day of reckoning comes, you will track your footsteps back to your fatherland Lebanon, and if you can, it would be because of people like me ya Mystic and not of people like you, so by default the question for you, who is then the dishonorable one but you?

Thumb Mystic 15:25 ,2015 أيار 28

I doubt the Lebanese forces ever supported the Resistance, they only cheered for Israel in 2006 along Mostaqbal. So what does it matter?

Thumb lebnanfirst 16:07 ,2015 أيار 28

Lebanese army soldiers' doctrine does NOT teach fighting based on vengeance, that's the specialty of militias like HA and ISIS etc.
If anyone in Lebanon wants to see the army weak, tied up and powerless it is HA precisely because it fears the army getting stronger which means eventually the army WILL take over and be able to overpower HA militarily.
The Lebanese army performed admirably in Nahr El Bared even by international accounts. With three billions in new weapons its on its way to become the ONLY armed protector of the Lebanese soil.
HA and its followers dread that day, yet it's coming لا محال

Missing peace 16:10 ,2015 أيار 28

sure that is why people like miss tic always belittle the army faking to support it while they cannot bear seeing it strong which would mean the end of hezbollah.... they are not patriots just militiamen defending their daily bread but NEVER Lebanon interests....

Thumb Mystic 17:28 ,2015 أيار 28

You believe the army doesn't care at all, about their martyred men? I can tell you, they very much do. They all seek vengeance to those takfiris that cut the heads off their unarmed brothers.

Any sane person would want that. Only a pacifist wouldn't so you are either that, or someone that deliberately don't want the army to fight back at all, my conclusion is that you are the last thing mentioned.

The rest of you, if you really did back the army. Then you would give them your full support in fighting the takfiris in and around Arsal. I myself dream of a strong army, that will not be chained by corrupted politicians such as Hariri, Geagea etc. But the matter of fact is, our Army simply can't take care of everything.

Missing peace 17:33 ,2015 أيار 28

the army is not in shackles as hezbis propaganda says... it is just to provoke it to back hezbi adventurous war in syria...

"The army deployed heavily on Thursday in the restive northeastern border town of Arsal and stepped its security measures, a move that was welcomed by the anxious résidents"


Thumb lebnanfirst 19:15 ,2015 أيار 28

The LAF is doing precisely what it should do at the command of the civilian authority. Its job is to protect Lebanese borders, full stop. The LAF is not supposed to engage outside Lebanon's borders as some outlaws such as HA keep advocating.
Syria is NOT our concern militarily speaking. Keeping out of a sectarian Sunni/Shiite war is what is best for the LAF and Lebanon. This fight IS an Islamic sectarian one no matter how HA supporters try to spin it, Lebanon and the Lebanese have no ناقة و لا جمل in it.
Theological wars are best avoided by self respecting states. While the world at large moves away from dictatorial rule (ولي فَقِيه، بشّار أسد، الخ.), we see the likes of HA and M8 pulling hard to take us back to days long past. Wake up.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:43 ,2015 أيار 29

Mystic, double standards will keep you dead on your tracks. There is abundant documentation everywhere about your Shia and Metweleh siblings throwing rice and rose petals at the Israelis. They served them food, sold them Arak, gave them a lot more than the Israelis expected. I need not waste my time providing you with facts, you do the search over the net, surely that should keep your rants on the quiet side of things. In the SLA, the great majority of the fighters were also Metwelehs, careful Southerners don't like to be referred to as Shiites. Please, since you are in the fold, go ask Berri what he said on liberation day about this fact. Habibi ya Mystic, you're hooked up on your hatred of the LF and Kataeb but don't we all know why? We will not allow you to build your unholy dreams for as long as we live, we said the same to Yasser Arafat, to Hafez Al Assad, to his sons, to Gemal Abdel Nasser, to Ayatollah Khomeiny, to Mouamar Gaddafi, sorry, fa nabqa.

Missing hajjradwan 19:27 ,2015 أيار 28

Army's Role Inside Lebanon and on Border

well I'm glad the Lebanese army is sticking to it's original true mandate, rather that following the Nasrallah suggested business model of turning it into mercenaries under Iranian revolutionary guards commands or the Michel Aoun failed business model of turning it once more into his own personal militia to help him become president.

BTW, maybe John and Nasrallah can help the Lebanese Army a tad by kindly asking their little buddy Bashar, who they promised Cross/Crescent their heart and hope to die to support forever no matter what, to assist Lebanon with demarking the border between Lebanon and Syria, so at least the Lebanese Army knowns for sure what to defend. The way the no border is now is like a bald guy washing his face where does he stop, past the eyebrows it's all skin and he can reach his ass before he stops.

Thumb shab 23:43 ,2015 أيار 28

It's rather amusing that the Syrian army needs the Lebanese army to survive.