"التغيير والاصلاح" يطالب سلام بعقد جلسة وزارية: لاعادة الهيبة لقيادة الجيش

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طالب تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام بانعقاد جلسة وزارية "للحد من الطعن بالطائف واختزال السلطة"، مشددا على ضرورة اعادة الهيبة والحصانة لقيادة الجيش.

وقال الوزير السابق سليم جريصاتي بعد اجتماع تكتل عصر الثلاثاء "لتصحيح الخلل والمسار المخالف للقانون والامعان في اختزال السلطة في حكومة مكتملة انصاف دستوريا".

وناشد التكتل رئيس الحكومة "لدعوة مجلس الوزراء الى الانعقاد لوضع حد لهذا النوع الخطير من اختزال السلطة الاجرائية وطعن الطائف في الصميم"، قائلا "نحن طلال جلسة للحكومة لتصحيح المسار قبل اي شيء اخر".

ونصح جريصاتي الذي تلا بيان التكتل "الجميع بصدق بعدم فتح ملف الصلاحيات الدستورية والمواقع والسلطة بالطائف". في اشارة الى أن الجميع يخالف الدستور.

واعاد التكتل مطالبة سلام "بالحاح بأن يمارس سلطته ويبادر لوضع حد لمن يتجاوز السلطة الاجرائية".

وأضاف "كفى تسويفا وتورية فشعبنا واعي ويعرف من يعطل ليستأثر بالسلطة".

وبعدما بحثت الحكومة في جلستها التي عقدت منذ اسبوعين تقريبا في ملف بلدة عرسال البقاعية وتوافقها على ان يتخذ الجيش التدابير اللازمة هناك، بقي ملف التعيينات الامنية والعسكرية عالقا. وسط مطالبات حثيثة من التكتل في بته اقراره والا "التعطيل".

وبحسب تقارير أعطى سلام أسبوعين للفرقاء السياسيين كي يتوافقوا لان "أياما حاسمة" تنتظر الحكومة.

وتطرق "التغيير والاصلاح" الى ملف التعيينات الأمينة. ولفت الى أن مهلة تأجيل تسريح رئيس الاركان بالجيش تنتهي في 7 آب، سائلا "هل ستتكرر المخالفات بالقانون؟".

وعن قيادة الجيش، شدد جريصاتي حرص التكتل على القيادة "كمؤسسة حاضنة كما نحرص على كل المواقع الامنية".

وراى أن "من أفقد القيادة الحصانة بالتأكيد هم الذين أولوها خدمة بقرار من وزير يسمونها ولاية كأن لقائد الجيش ولاية وهذه اهانة".

عليه، دعا التكتل الى "إعادة الحصانة والهيبة بفك اسر قياد الجيشة لان الدستور حصنها بأكثرية موصوفة تعيينا واقالة".

ويرفض "التغيير والاصلاح" التمديد لقائد الجيش جان قهوجي الذي تنتهي ولايته في أيلول المقبل، معتبرا التمديد له "غير شرعي".

ويبرر التكتل رفضه للتمديد بقوله أنه "حريص على التراتبية للجيش" والقانون داخله، متهما ان هناك "تعمد بافراغ المراكز المسيحية سواء في الجيش أو في الرئاسة الأولى".


التعليقات 16
Thumb barrymore 17:59 ,2015 حزيران 16

does restoring dignity to the army and its command mean referring to it as illegal and illegitimate?

Thumb canadianpaul 18:38 ,2015 حزيران 16

Hold on. Kahwaji still has a mandate until September. Why are we discussing this in June again? Oh, yes, Aoun needs to take care of son-in-law 2.

Corruption and Personal Wealth Block...

Default-user-icon Lteif (ضيف) 19:05 ,2015 حزيران 16

Don't worry Mr Jreissati Bashar Assad's man in the C&R, the army command dignity is in safe secured hands. In fact the only time the dignity of the army command was lost was when it's cowardly commander ran away in terror and panic deserting his post, his family, his men and his people just to save his worthless life.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:15 ,2015 حزيران 17

Thank you Mr. Lteif, I salute you, Aoun was an insult to the army and today he is even more of an insult to it and this is why I said earlier that one speck of dust that comes from the boots of General Qahwaji is worth a 1000 Aouns. I also said that Aoun is here only for one purpose, to sabotage Lebanon and I truly hope that the people of Lebanon will understand this fact. Aoun is evil, he captures the minds of the unsuspecting by telling them what they love to hear, but behind the scenes this evil sob seeks only the very demise of Lebanon, period. A stupid statement like his over the army's dignity should have landed him in jail for treason, repeated treason, end of story.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:44 ,2015 حزيران 16

(2). In a Aoun that has been over 30 years promising yet breaking his very word? In a so-called general that squatted Baabda then deserted with his men and family? With a Aoun who keeps biting the hands that fed him, like the French who gave him both shelter and asylum? How can his party of lackeys talk of dignity when he was and remains the one single biggest insult to that very noble army uniform and institution? What does this screwed up man want? The presidency? The army command? The ministries?, The country? The Middle East, and for what, to give them all for free for his masters Hezbollah, the Syrians and Iranians? When was Aoun capable of defending Lebanon before he even starts attacking Qahwaji whose very dust that come from his boots are a 1000 times more valuable than Aoun? When did Aoun ever unite the nation but divide it? When did this sob ever liberate an inch of our land? Even Baabda, the nation's highest symbol he deserted, now he wants to talk of the Army's Dignity?

Thumb -phoenix1 19:44 ,2015 حزيران 16

(1). The FPM definitely does cause bewilderment. There's something about this party of double if not triple standards, and their starting point and ending point is always the same, Accusing other people of the wrongs they are committing, keep committing and expect to commit. This is called hypocrisy of the highest order, double standards if not triple and quadruple standards. What Dignity is the FPM talking about which one, the one they wish to advertise in their own jargon or the real and only one known to mankind? The FPM must avoid altogether using this word, Dignity, where do they have it?

Thumb -phoenix1 19:44 ,2015 حزيران 16

(3). Aoun the blatant clown enjoys licking and kissing the butts of Hezbollah or the Syrians and Iranians, fine, let him, it's his filthy mouth after all, but he has nothing on the Army, or Qahwaji, or the presidency, nothing. He has destroyed the army before, he has destroyed Lebanon before, but now he will not get anywhere with his sick plans. Qahwaji will stay, and that's because we all know what Aoun will do if he has his ways, his sick old ways. And the president will be elected and again, there's nothing this old claoun can do. No wonder fewer and fewer people are following him these days, having been at the receiving end of his fake promises for decades will change the hardiest of minds in ever believing one iota from him. Tuesday or no Tuesday, he and his cronies can say whatever they want, but it won't change anything.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:20 ,2015 حزيران 17

SF, Aoun's day will come and this time it will be the Christians who will transport him to Deyr El Salib, the only place fit enough to keep him safely away from normal human beings.

Thumb -phoenix1 19:47 ,2015 حزيران 16

Please change that party name to Change and Deform.

Missing people-power 22:42 ,2015 حزيران 16

Strange and Deformed bloc

Thumb beiruti 00:15 ,2015 حزيران 17

What's he doing with his hands that makes him have the goofy smile?

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 01:00 ,2015 حزيران 17

From the heart of a Christian citizen
At some stage in the past I supported Aoun for some of reforming ideas, BUT now after his blockage of fair voting of a president and his call of consensus on everything he says and every post in the government I realised how:
- Aoun is egoist linking everything to his family interests
- Aoun does the opposite of what he sometimes says
- Aoun hurts and destroy the future of Christians pretending that he cares about their interests
ALL what AOUN do in concentrated on his own interests and the interests of his own family. Just compare financially the present of his sons in law with their past before being in the government.

Thumb beiruti 16:03 ,2015 حزيران 17

I, too, at one time supported Aoun, back in 1988. However, by 1991, I had learned what he was and dropped my support for him, though others remained passionately in his corner. Among Lebanese it is difficult to tell whether this was support for Aoun's policies, or his personality, or maybe because they were receiving patronage. Political support in Lebanon is given for any of the 3 reasons, usually the latter.
But in 2003, a good friend and Aounist confessed to me, knowing me to be a Lebanese Nationalist, that, and this is a quote "I am not a Lebanese Nationalist, I am an Aounist." At their core, they are not for Lebanon, but for the Giddo Aoun even if to be for Aoun is to be against Lebanon. It is a family enterprise dressed up like a political party. A fraud in other words, which plays on the fears of the Lebanese Christians and thus cons them into believing that Aoun can deliver to them what history and time have taken away.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:11 ,2015 حزيران 17

Shia, simple, Greasy Gonzales is aiding ailing Caporal Speedy Gonzales.

Thumb thepatriot 15:00 ,2015 حزيران 17

You should change your name to hezbokiller. You are stigmatizing an entire sect.

Thumb beiruti 16:05 ,2015 حزيران 17

And Aoun knows that history and time has done this but cynically plays the card of the disposed Christian in order to hold his constituency and to win more patronage for his family to increase their wealth, power and prestige.
Aoun did not return to Lebanon in 2005 to reform and bring an end to the mountain of political corruption that was the Lebanese political class. No, he came to become the king of that mountain and has made his bed with Hezbollah which is the Mother of Corruption within the Lebanese political fabric. They are soul mates, blood suckers on the Lebanese nation.