سلام يعتبر أن عون "لا يزال يمعن في الخطأ": مواقفه مصدر خطر على التعايش

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تثير دعوة رئيس التيار الوطني الحر ميشال عون انزعاج الحكومة ورئيسها تمام سلام الذي يعتبر أن عون "لا يزال يمعن في الخطأ، ومواقفه الاخيرة مصدر قلق وخطر على ضيغة التعايش".

وأبدت أوساط سلام عبر صحيفة "ألنهار" الاثنين أسفها لما آلت اليه أمور الجنرال والتي دفعته إلى هذه المقاربة المرفوضة شكلاً ومضموناً، معتبرة أن "المقارنة التي أجراها بين فريق لبناني وطني وتنظيم إرهابي لا تدل الا على ان الرجل يتصرف بعصبية".

ورأت المصادر أن "مواقف عون المرتبطة بحسابات شخصية ذات علاقة بترشحه للرئاسة وترشيح صهره لقيادة الجيش، مصدر قلق وخطر على صيغة التعايش التي طالما آمن بها اللبنانيون وعملوا من اجلها وحافظوا عليها على رغم كل ما يحيط بلبنان في المنطقة من ألسنة النار الارهابية والتكفيرية القائمة على عصبيات مذهبية واصوليات طائفية".

واعتبرت الاوساط أن عون "أخطأ كثيراً في مقارنته هذه وهو لا يزال يمعن في الخطأ عندما يستبق جلسة مجلس الوزراء الخميس بدعوة مناصريه للنزول إلى الشارع".

عليه، سألت الأوساط "هل التهديد بالقوة لأخذ الحقوق المسيحية هو الذي يحقق الهدف، أم النزول إلى مجلس النواب لانتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية؟".

ودعا عون مناصريه منذ أيام للنزول الى الشارع والمطالبة بحقوقهم لا سيما ان رئيس الحكومة دعا الى جلسة وزارية الخميس المقبل بعدما عقد جلسة الخميس الفائت سادت فيها أجواء غضب حول جدول الاعمال بند الصادرات الزراعية الذي أقرته الحكومة. ويطالب عون باحاح ببت التعيينات الامنية والعسكرية، واصفا اعمال الحكومة بـ"الانقلابية" على القانون والدستور.

في هذا السياق، أفادت مصادر وزارية لـ "النهار" الاثنين أن "لا وساطة بين الرئيس سلام والعماد عون على خلفية الازمة الحكومية إنطلاقا من أن رئيس الوزراء ليس طرفاً في هذه الازمة".

وأضافت أن "اعتراض وزراء "التيار الوطني الحر" على آلية عمل الحكومة، كما تجلى في إقرار موضوع الدعم الزراعي، ليس في محله لإن هؤلاء لم يقبلوا أصلا بمناقشة جدول الاعمال كي يعترضوا على آلية البحث".

وتوقعت الاوساط عينها أن "تمضي الايام الفاصلة عن جلسة الخميس من دون تطورات إستثنائية، على أن يجتمع الرئيس سلام في اليومين المقبلين مع وفد من "اللقاء التشاوري" ثم مع وفد من قيادة حزب الكتائب للتشاور في التطورات".

من جهة أخرى، أعربت الاوساط نفسها عن تحبيذ رئيس الوزراء توقيع مرسوم فتح دورة استثنائية لمجلس النواب بتواقيع أكثر من النصف زائد واحد من أعضاء الحكومة.


التعليقات 23
Default-user-icon The_roar (ضيف) 08:42 ,2015 تموز 06

Dear. Mr. Salam
Do you know why flamethrower was banned?
Do you know his whereabouts?
Do you know if he is still posting under 50 different aliases like mowaten?

Default-user-icon Mr. Salam (ضيف) 11:37 ,2015 تموز 06

Than you @the_roar for your inquiry.
Flamethrower was banned because he insults people. Our intelligence branch discovered he posts under 53 different screen names and votes himself up.
Yes, also mowaten is another character we're keeping an eye on. He has more accounts than flamethrower and we're watching him closely.

Hope I answered your question.

Missing humble 09:45 ,2015 تموز 06

Caporal is destroying the essentials of the country and with it the Christians.

Missing humble 10:13 ,2015 تموز 06

To all the followers of the caporal:

Feodalism exists in many families. These families never denied it.
The only person who declared time after time that Lebanon must be liberated from feodalism is the Caporal. Yet, He is the one who is applying it.

You cannot deny that your "general of generals" is the generals of liars.
Leave him or shut your mouth and follow a liar (who at the same time is corrupt, agent, khadim, traitor and mentally ill).

Thumb Mystic 11:25 ,2015 تموز 06

President Salam sounds like humble.. Coexistence yeah right, How can we coexist with Wahabi slaves?

Thumb marcus 11:34 ,2015 تموز 06

yo can always go to your home country Iran.

Thumb Mystic 11:51 ,2015 تموز 06

You can go to Wahabi land yourself, or better yet. Go join Baghdadis newly formed state.

Thumb jaafar.ibn.iblees 12:30 ,2015 تموز 06

is that a martyred iranian jhadi terrorist slave family in your avatar?

Thumb Mystic 12:56 ,2015 تموز 06

Everytime you make that reply ibn.iblees then I know I've succeeded in making you dead mad.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:22 ,2015 تموز 06

Or Iranian/Syrian slaves for that matter?

Thumb freedomarch 14:37 ,2015 تموز 06

My stick, with all respect. IRAN, Qom, in particular offers a combination of good clergy education programs, free home over looking martyr shrines a brand new Iranian made Paykan, loyal wife/s of your wish once you complete a 4 year study in Farsy Language. In addition to all that 500 Iranian rials will be deposited under your rug monthly.

Thumb Mystic 15:55 ,2015 تموز 06

la2 in your case we call it Israeli/American slaves phoenix. You are their slaves while we are allied with Iran and Suria

Missing CFTC 16:49 ,2015 تموز 06

allies don't criticize each other. Only slaves do that

Thumb -phoenix1 13:35 ,2015 تموز 07

Maskin enet ya Mystic, going as far as calling me a slave. Let people take a good look at my posts and compare to yours, then people will deduct who is the slave and who is the freeman. But all you did was to prove what a bad loser people like you are, it's bad times for you guys, but you're only making it worse with this sad behavior of yours. Then that trolling, ahhh yaaa Mystic.

Missing sanctify 12:22 ,2015 تموز 06

What coexistence Mr Salam? Stop hiding behind your tiny finger. It's just a big lie! Just give me one period in Lebanese history when there was coexistence.

Default-user-icon real (ضيف) 14:00 ,2015 تموز 06

Come live in Lebanon you'll find coexistence everyday, everywhere, true coexistence lived daily by regular real Lebanese people.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:36 ,2015 تموز 07

Texas, thank you, you have put our friend Mystic in his right place.

Thumb canadianpaul 13:24 ,2015 تموز 06

The solution is simple. Put a bullet in Aoun's head. Problem solved.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:23 ,2015 تموز 06

Canadian, does Aoun have a head to start with?

Thumb -phoenix1 13:37 ,2015 تموز 07

Freedom, me too I enjoy your posts, we shall prevail trust me. God bless.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:31 ,2015 تموز 06

(1). Aoun the claoun, now a full convert to Al Capaoun. Aoun wants to cause civil strife, he knows it and he is pushing for it. What does this sob care, as usual he will be cloistered in his lavish villa, his boss Nasrallah inside a secure underground bunker and the price to be paid will be once again on the people. He did this in 1988 and now wants a repeat of it. His Masters in Syria and Dahieh are in deep turmoil lest I say more, their plans for the Claoun are literally dead so what better than divert attention and stir up problems in Lebanon? However two major factors are now working against his every plan, most people in Lebanon are united whereas it comes to cause trouble, in other words, the Lebanese are profoundly sick and tired of problems and if for anything, they want to keep the peace more than anything else.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:32 ,2015 تموز 06

(2). Continued....Two, world powers have agreed that Lebanon be kept away from the troubles of the region and that everything will be done to keep Lebanon at peace. Finally, the Lebanese army is now strong enough to break the knees of any traitor who wants to stir up problems, this is why I am one who says, let Aoun try, this time he will have to move his rotten calendar from 1988 to 2015. Truly what a dirty person this sob is, never seen anything any dirtier than Aoun, even his once staunchest supporters are shying away from him.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:54 ,2015 تموز 06

(3). The burning question for March 8 led by Hezbollah, why for God's sake, every time Lebanon enters a promising Summer Season as it is now shaping up, would Hezbollah and its slaves in M8 want to destroy it. Thanks God, Lebanon is now full of Diaspora Lebanese who are here to breathe a little, see family and friends, be in touch with the fatherland and have a good time. restaurants are full to the brim, so are resorts, business has picked up thankfully, money is flowing into the country thanks to our relatives abroad. They are also buying into real estate, shopping centers and malls are full, the nation is breathing some fresh air, thus my question, why are the Yellows and Oranges always so hellbent on screwing our life wherever hope is around? Is it how much they hate this country? Is it how much they love rogue states like Syria and Iran? Why can't we enjoy some peace, some prosperity and a little hope?