4 قتلى و 58 جريحا في سقوط قذائف أطلقها "مقاتلو المعارضة" على دمشق

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قتل اربعة مواطنين بينهم امراة واصيب اخرون الاربعاء اثر سقوط قذائف على احياء عدة في دمشق مصدرها مواقع الفصائل المقاتلة في محيط العاصمة، وفق ما اعلن الاعلام الرسمي.

ونقل التلفزيون السوري في شريط اخباري عن وزارة الداخلية "استشهاد 4 مواطنين بينهم امراة واصابة 58 اخرين إضافة إلى أضرار مادية بقذائف أطلقها إرهابيون على الأحياء السكنية في دمشق".

وافاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان، من جهته، عن "سقوط اكثر من 50 قذيفة صاروخية صباح اليوم" على عدد من احياء دمشق.

وادى سقوط القذائف الى "استشهاد مواطنة على الاقل وسقوط ما لا يقل عن 20 جريحا بعضهم في حالات خطرة" بحسب المرصد.

وغالبا ما يستهدف مقاتلو المعارضة المتحصنون في محيط العاصمة احياء سكنية في دمشق بالقذائف، في حين تقصف قوات النظام المناطق تحت سيطرة قوات المعارضة في ريف العاصمة بالمدفعية والطيران.

كما تشن القوات النظامية غارات جوية على مواقع تخضع لسيطرة المعارضة في شرق دمشق والغوطة الشرقية والغربية التي تفرض عليها حصارا كذلك.

التعليقات 8
Thumb _mowaten_ 14:05 ,2015 آب 12

the source is rami abdlerahman's observatory, which has a policy of counting all non-military as civilians. so according to the SOHR, every terrorist killed is a civilian.

Thumb _mowaten_ 14:07 ,2015 آب 12

also, dear lebjack, why do you ignore this:
"The strikes came as rebels fired dozens of rockets into Damascus, killing at least four people, according to Syria's interior ministry"

so it's okay for terrorists to rain rockets indiscriminately on a city, but it's wrong for that country's army to hit back at terrorists?

Missing CFTC 14:45 ,2015 آب 12

@mowaten E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T. Still laughing since the day you declared with a straight face you were a shiaa atheist and also a member of hezbollah with only one account. I think i will also continue to laugh at your statement "it is a policy of SOHR to count non-military as civilians". Thank you Thank you

Thumb justin 15:18 ,2015 آب 12

"so it's okay for terrorists to rain rockets indiscriminately on a city, but it's wrong for that country's army to hit back at terrorists?"

Isn't that what your hezbollah did in 2006: firing thousands of rockets indiscriminanetly on Israeli cities? Isn't that what your hezbollah is doing in Syria right now?

Thumb _mowaten_ 16:14 ,2015 آب 12

justin that's israeli propaganda you're repeating, the fact is that in 2006 HA aimed at, and mainly killed, israeli soldiers, whereas israel aimed at, and mainly killed, lebanese civilians.

Thumb EagleDawn 16:15 ,2015 آب 12

according to the iranian paid mouthpiece the Syrian Observatory "has a policy of counting all non-military as civilians. so according to the SOHR, every terrorist killed is a civilian."
but he does not tell us how he became aware of the policy and where it is documented.

so when the Syrian Observatory reports on its website the casualties as follows:
Civilians: 104629 civilians, including 11021 children and 7049 women.

Rebel and Islamic fighters: 37336

Defected soldiers and officers: 2512

It therefore shows it is their policy "of counting all non-military as civilians."...

Missing arturo 16:55 ,2015 آب 12

Mowaten you are making the same argument Israel makes when they respond to rocket fire from Gaza. In the UN's view, Assad's response is disproportionate -- Assad can't kill 37 when his casualties were 13.

Thumb justin 15:21 ,2015 آب 12

Amnesty said it had evidence of "war crimes" committed by the government in Eastern Ghouta, and that the regime's siege of the area combined with "unlawful killing of its besieged civilians" amounted to "crimes against humanity."

For many in Eastern Ghouta, life "has become a prolonged experience of hardship and suffering," said Said Boumedouha, acting director of Amnesty's Middle East and North Africa programme.

"By repeatedly bombing heavily populated areas in a series of direct, indiscriminate and disproportionate attacks as well as by unlawfully besieging civilians, Syrian government forces have committed war crimes and displayed a sinister callousness towards Eastern Ghouta's civilians."

Amnesty said it documented at least 60 aerial attacks on Eastern Ghouta in the first half of 2015 that killed around 500 civilians.
