عون من بعبدا: سيدفعون ثمن التلاعب بالاستحقاقات والتغيير سيكون عبركم

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حذر رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون من ان "من يتلاعب بالاستحقاقات سيدفع الثمن"، مشددا على أن التغيير سيكون عبر قانون انتخابات نسبي للشعب.

وقال عون أمام وفود شعبية في بعبدا الأحد بمناسبة ذكرى 13 تشرين الاول "كثر يعتقدون ان لبنان 13 تشرين قد دفن واننا اصبحنا جثة سياسية (...) و شهداء الجيش سقطوا من اجل حرية لبنان واستقلاله".

وإذ حمل الطبقة السياسية التي حكمت البلد لـ25 عاما "مسؤولية الانهيار الذي يحصل اليوم"، رأى أنه كان على هذه الحكومة ان ترحل منذ زمن".

وتوجه الى الوفود الحزبية والشعبية بالقول "لبنان أصبح هيكلا عظميا وصوتكم يرجع لبنان فأبقوه عاليا لانه سيحرر البيت الذي تعمد باسمكم وهو بيت الشعب".

وأضاف "اليوم غير الامس ومرحلة جديدة من النضال بدأت نتيجتها التغيير ثم الاصلاح والتغيير يأتي عبركم في الانتخابات".

وأوضح أن "التغيير سيكون من خلال إنتخابات حقيقية تمثل إرادة الشعب من خلال قانون انتخاب نسبي"، قائلا أيضا "نريد رئيساً يكون على صورتكم ومثالكم وليس حيادياً أو وفاقياً".

وردّ عون على من يتهمون التيار "الوطني الحر" بتعطيل المؤسسات، بالقول "نعم نحن نعطل المؤسسات ولكن نعطل قراراتكم العاطلة، وانحراف المؤسسات التي لا تنتج بسببكم الا الفساد".

وأردف "اكثر مؤسسة صابها الضرر هي مؤسسة الجيش وهذا ساهم على معنويات الضباط لان في 3 دورات متتالية خسروا حظوظهم بسبب التمديد"، مؤكدا ان من أن "التلاعب بالقوانين والإستحقاقات سيدفعون ثمنه".

وكان مناصرو التيار قد توافدوا الى بعبدا للإحتفال بالذكرى الـ25 لـ13 تشرين، حيث وضع رئيس التيار الوطني الحر الوزير جبران باسيل إكليلاً من الورود أمام لوائح أسماء شهداء ذكرى 13 تشرين 1990.

وقال باسيل للـLBCI أن طريق بعبدا التي تعتبر رمزاً الدولة هي "طريقنا ونريد أن نأخذ حقنا وهو أن تكون الكلمة للشعب".

التعليقات 37
Thumb ex-fpm 13:15 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

عون: إنها الحرب الكونية على العونية لكنهم يجهلون قوة العونيين وصلابتهم وعزيمتهم.

haha! Narcissism at its best. I am sure World leaders are plotting daily to undo "Aoun" and the "Aounies".

Thumb ex-fpm 13:16 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

“The problem we face today is that we are being governed by the same officials who were ruling on October 13, 1990,” Aoun added.

Yes, you were in power in 1990 and you are still in power in 2015.

Thumb ex-fpm 13:18 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Aoun: We want a new president to reflect your image.

Aoun: We do not want the election of a puppet president.

We know what you want. You want an Iranian puppet president that pays respect to Nassrallah and Khamaeni and that president is you.

Thumb ex-fpm 13:20 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Aoun on occasion to October 13: Twenty-five years ago, Lebanon was being crucified before the world. Everyone of you here has scars from the past.

The occasion of October 13, 1990 was committed by non other than your present allies: The Assad regime, so what are you commemorating?

Thumb ex-fpm 13:22 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Aoun to his supporters: The promised miracle will take place through you.

There are no more miracles unless you believe in "divine" victories and modern day "saints".

Yes Aoun: "إجا مين يعرفك يا خروب ليعصرك".

Missing lqu7 13:27 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

I recommend you see a psychiatrist.

Thumb marcus 18:20 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

no words can describe this lowlife

Thumb freedomarch 12:20 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

JUST let him be a president he might not be bad after all. Let the guy have his last wish, he will for sure be a good President. I am very sure about that. Most of his time will be spent in the palace restroom, stools will witness the long yearning to finish this dam "fantoura" ... that is ok that is life, all of us will pass this in a way ir another. Cim on guys stop overthinking this.

Missing lqu7 13:26 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Wow, check out all the Aoun-o-phobes going crazy! XD

Thumb EagleDawn 14:43 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

yes, the votes show how crazy they are.

Thumb EagleDawn 14:42 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Somebody needs to feel the catharsis in putting an end to this lunatic's miserable life.

Missing humble 17:00 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

First of all the speech was pure demagogy. Not one precise argument but all global ideas.
Then a speech from the king of corrupt attacking corruption.
Then he hesitated several times showing that the drugs are no longer efficient.
Then I agree that the idiots were much much less than 30 000 which is nothing ( probably included lots of Mastica and non-mowaten...)
Finally, what are we commemorating? A coward who run away and caused the killing of 100 soldiers and officers .... a DOOMED DAY

Missing humble 17:03 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Just remember this guy is a loser and will never become president.
Plus the fact that he is manipulated by Ebola for their own interests and objectives.

Thumb justin 17:21 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

unstable selfish and destructive human being

Missing humble 17:29 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Caporal is comparing himself to Christ saying that in 1990, many said "crucify him"... There was traitors like Judas... Pharisians... But there was also disciples, ..and the disciples are you (the people)...

Majnuun w mareed...

Thumb Machia 17:44 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Exactly my reaction when I heard him speak. Shocking! Religious megalomania. Reminds me of Jim Jones, the cult leader, that lead his followers to their death.

Default-user-icon Sultani (ضيف) 17:35 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Aoun blames everybody else for the corruption in our country while his party is just as guilty as the rest. He also seems genuinely proud of his stance in refusing any sort of compromise that doesn't see him appointed President. Stubborn old man.

Thumb beiruti 18:53 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Where to begin with this demented man's garbled rants.
“The problem we face today is that we are being governed by the same officials who were ruling on October 13, 1990,” he continued.

That would be Syria and Hezbollah running the show in October 1990. So what did Aoun do when he returned to Lebanon in 2005, he took Syria's place as the partner with Hezbollah to continue to run Lebanon as it was run in 1990. He freely admits to being the problem in Lebanon as he demands that the culprits in Lebanon be made to face consequences. Just incredible. And his little paid zilm sing and dance for pay with his every word. They did this and called it democracy.

Missing humble 19:25 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. (Joseph Goebbels).

Missing humble 19:26 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Christians can never accept to have a president who is a dog to Ebola. This is an insult to the Christians.

When Ebola is trying to impose him, they are in fact choosing their khadim and insulting the Christians.

Thumb Machia 20:46 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Of course. Bassil will do all the robbing!

Missing humble 22:10 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Very true.

Thumb -phoenix1 23:36 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11

Just come back from a trip abroad, on time to catch our old man Aoun staging another absurdity. Aoun the deserter is what, commemorating the very death he caused in the first place? Aoun the deserter is talking of what? Of the souls of soldiers he misled into one of his many failures? Every human being aims for better things in life, but Aoun is now almost kneeling and begging for that presidency seat, and this just outside that famous palace he squatted and occupied illegally. So close yet so far from the seat, Aoun will die with his eyes set on a seat that was never destined to be his, thanks God, Lebanon will never have a deserter lunatic as president, never!!

Missing humble 10:23 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

100% true

Thumb -phoenix1 23:37 ,2015 تشرين الأول 11


Thumb -phoenix1 00:23 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

(1). Excuse me folks or better known as Ya sha3b Loubnen el 3azeem, this man Michel Aoun, wasn't he who was appointed interim PM by Amin Gemayel only for him to usurp soon thereafter all powers vested in him by the constitution? Wasn't he immediately then contested and rejected by the then West Beirut and got Salim El Hoss appointed as PM for that part of Lebanon then? Wasn't it Aoun that claimed to fight to liberate Lebanon from Syrian occupation? Wasn't it the same Aoun that turned his guns instead on the LF and the only free part of Lebanon? Wasn't it Aoun who claimed that he will fight to the last corner, to the last kitchen, to the last knife of Baabda palace and that he would be the last one to leave and rather die, only to flee a few hours after? Was it not Aoun who took refuge inside the French embassy then?

Missing humble 10:23 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

100% true

Thumb -phoenix1 00:32 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

(2). Was it not the same Aoun who claimed that Hezbollah was a terrorist organization? Was it not him who adamantly and repeatedly in several capital of the world claimed that it was the Syrians that killed Rafic Hariri? Was it not Aoun that claimed to be M14, its father, its mother, its everything, only to ally with Hezbollah and Syria as soon as he returned back to Lebanon? Was it not Aoun who accused the LF of burying many corpses under a highway in Lebanon? Was it not Aoun who claimed his opposition to the feudal and corrupt system only to practice exactly what he claims to oppose? And Today, was it not that same Michel Aoun who was commemorating his what? His fleeing the palace only to abandon his men and family at the hands of the Syrians? When a man drops so low, the best representative icon of failures can only be called Michel Aoun. My dedication to the hundreds of blind sheep that still believe him.

Missing humble 10:24 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

100% true

Thumb caballeros 03:13 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

To determine "fair representation" you would first have to take a census, something not done since the last century. Aoun may have a magic publicist who can make a couple hundred people seem like thousands but we aren't fooled by trick photography or pulling numbers our of you behind. The Christians are the minority party and will continue to shrink in size because they even screw up screwing.

Default-user-icon msharafieh not ashrafieh (ضيف) 07:53 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

of course you are neither :))

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 14:40 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

Let's not forget 13 of October 1990:
It is a mourning day for the hundreds of soldiers and officers executed by the Syrian army
It is a mourning day for the thousands of people kidnapped to Syrian jails then executed slowly.
It is an example of how coward can an army chief be by running away deserting soldiers while defending him
It is an example day when an opportunist changed his yesterday's enemies into his today's allies
Yes 13 of October 1990 can be remembered as a black day by all Lebanese but

Missing humble 15:09 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

Very well said.

Default-user-icon key (ضيف) 17:55 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

half the story as usual by the hypocrites of the coward Aoun..

Lieutenant General Ghazi Kanaan, the powerful head of Syrian intelligence in Lebanon for two decades, has been appointed as head of his country's political security agency, an official Lebanese statement said Wednesday.
"General Kanaan will head the political security agency in Syria," said a statement from the office of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri, who received Kanaan earlier Wednesday in a farewell ceremony.
During a similar ceremony, Lebanese President Emile Lahoud decorated Kanaan with the National Order of the Cedar, a top Lebanese distinction..

Default-user-icon 12 step program (ضيف) 17:11 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

aoun gambled on saddam and lost
then aoun gambled on nasrallah and lost
then aoun gambled on Bashar and lost
then aoun gambled on khamenei and lost
now aoun is gambling on putin.. aoun has a pathological gambling problem


Default-user-icon get a porte-clés (ضيف) 18:02 ,2015 تشرين الأول 12

more about keys

August 01, 2010 - Hezballah officials presented Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani of Qatar with the keys of Bint Jebail city and the towns of Ainata and Aita Al Shaab.. Shoukran Qatar!

Default-user-icon PEACE (ضيف) 04:54 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

I suggest a more accurate title:
"Aoun from outside Baabda where he always belongs"
( I am deeply touched by his sincere lies) please RIP Aoun to give us peace