باسيل يستعد لزيارة ايران "الاسبوع المقبل"

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يستعد وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل الى زيارة العاصمة الايرانية طهران "الاسبوع المقبل" لاجراء محادثات.

وقالت صحيفة "النهار" الثلاثاءأان باسيل "سيزور طهران في نهاية الاسبوع الجاري تلبية لدعوة رسمية لإجراء محادثات تتناول العلاقات الثنائية والتطورات في المنطقة".

وتأتي زيارة باسيل بعد ترؤّسه لـ"التيار الوطني الحر"، واستباقاً لزيارة الرئيس الإيراني حسن روحاني إلى باريس للقاء الرئيس الفرنسي فرنسوا هولاند.

يشار الى ان السفير الايراني محمد فتحعلي الذي زار أمس الاثنين وزير العمل سجعان قزي قال ردا على ما يقال من أن الملف الرئاسي في لبنان لن يتحرك جدياً الا بعد الاتفاق الايراني – السعودي: "نحن قلنا مراراً وتكراراً إن هذا الموضوع شأن داخلي، ونعتقد ان الساحة النخبوية في لبنان في امكانها تلبية هذه الحاجة، ونأمل ان نرى في لبنان رئيساً قوياً".

وكشفت صحيفة "الجمهوربة" ان باسيل يرمي الى التأكيد على أهمية الاستمرار بتبنّي ترشيح رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" العماد ميشال عون.

التعليقات 19
Default-user-icon the_roar (ضيف) 06:36 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

...and here Ladies and Gentleman is the new Iranian president of Lebanon.

Thumb ex-fpm 07:34 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

He needs to submit his credentials to the ayatollah and get his blessings. This is how you protect and fight for Christian rights.

Default-user-icon mowaten with only 2 accounts (ضيف) 10:01 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

@ex-fpm, how exactly is iran an enemy? did they ever bomb Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, or Bahrain? Ever harm us the Shiaas in any way? your propaganda only echoes Saudi Arabia's wishes: to see us the shiaas turn our backs on our friends masters, and leaders, those who helped us kick out the Sunni occupiers in Syria and regain our shiaa sovereignty.
and @ex-fpm: that's your opinion, but your opinion is irrelevant here. Iran is in our homes and in our hearts, and you'll just have to live with it it.

Missing humble 12:26 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

Raw7a bala raj3a.

Default-user-icon Southern Huthi (ضيف) 07:39 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

Iran is the only democratic country in the region

Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 08:11 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

Selfishness, greed, distrust,dishonest and disloyal are the characteristic of the Lebanese politicians; however I do believe that this behaviour is a logical product of the Lebanese political system .The feudal and tribe mentality is guaranteed and protected by the constitution, which is unfortunately considered as holy. The vicious circle that we are witnessing these days is not new . The biggest shame for a country is when its leaders ask and accept support from foreign countries to interfere in their local domestic affairs. The irony here that these leaders are proud not only to be advised but also commanded by foreigners...and the real victims are the ordinary Lebanese people. Sad, sad.sad.

Default-user-icon Lara (ضيف) 08:30 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

He has a little willy , less than 12 cm full hard...not enough to do the job..

Default-user-icon Chantale (ضيف) 11:53 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

actually his willy is 8 cm at full attention.... hardly does the job

Thumb EagleDawn 09:10 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

A proven thief and a sectarian thug

Missing humble 12:11 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

Great comment from the GREAT Norma!!!

Missing humble 12:12 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

Imbassil he is. "Little Hitler" is his nick name.

Missing humble 12:51 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

Who created hatred? Ebola did. You did by dividing the country.

Missing humble 12:42 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

The only difference between a human being and an animal is the capacity of thinking. This capacity is no longer available in the Caporal's followers.

Default-user-icon CCCR (ضيف) 12:58 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

The president should be Shia,, like the majority of thd lebanese who were robbed by taef on behalf of ths Maronites. A strong president is a Shia president reflecting his people.

Default-user-icon you mean he must be a pig? (ضيف) 13:40 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

i don't agree CCCR

Default-user-icon Is 'Chipgate' the new iPhone controversy? (ضيف) 14:32 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

lol @ CCCR; you need CPR and quick.

Missing humble 13:24 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

Just remember Einstein's comment:

"There is a major difference between intelligence and stupidity. Intelligence has its limits".

Default-user-icon 555 (ضيف) 15:52 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13

no kaa2ebi leader ever went to iran

Missing humble 17:43 ,2015 تشرين الأول 13
