النواب ينتخبون اللجان النيابية..وبري يدعو الى "المساعدة" في عقد جلسة تشريعية

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انتهت جلسة انتخاب اللجان النيابية التي عقدت الثلاثاء في ساحة النجمة بالتجديد للجان وأمناء السر والمفوضين الثلاثة.

ولم يتم أي تغيير في جلسة انتخاب هيئة مكتب المجلس باستثناء حلول النائب أنطوان زهرا مكان النائب روبير فاضل في لجنة المال والموازنة، ودخول فاضل مكان النائب فادي كرم في لجنة الاقتصاد بالتوافق.

وخلال الجلسة تمنى رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري على النواب المساعدة بعقد جلسة تشريعية، معلنا عن انذار من البنك الدولي بان لبنان ليس على لائحة المساعدات لسنين.

وكان اجتماع قد عقد قبيل الاجتماع بين بري ورئيس الحكومة تمام سلام.

هذا وعقد اجتماع بين رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النائب فؤاد السنيورة ونائب رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" النائب جورج عدوان لتنسيق الموقف من عقد جلسة تشريعية.

وبعد انتهاء الجلسة، شدد عدوان على أن "الحكومة ضرورة مؤسساتية كي لا يكون هناك فراغ" ، داعيا لاقرار قانون انتخاب جديد يتضمن النسبية.

واكد عدوان اهمية أن يكون هناك توازن بين قانوني النسبية والاكثري.

التعليقات 10
Default-user-icon kazan (ضيف) 09:12 ,2015 تشرين الأول 20

Divide and rule is an old strategy and still in use in the middle east and in Lebanon, by stigmatizing people based on their religion or ethnic background you ensure the division. The only profiteer are the foreign powers who have control on the local leaders. Disconnect Religion from politics , equal rights for all population,one national education system and the people elect ( and not the parlement) the president will be the right solution. In this way if the people will fight then it is because of a lost football game ...

Missing helicopter 05:11 ,2015 تشرين الأول 21

Agreed with the first part of your comment and disagreed with the last part.
You declare our people are Sectarian which is the reason our politicians are able to divide and concur (I agree with that). Then you say those same Sectarians should be entrusted with electing the President (Disagree).

Thumb ex-fpm 09:47 ,2015 تشرين الأول 20

The Change and Reform bloc has meanwhile approved a proposal to “preserve the current balance of political blocs within the committees.”

So Aoun approves the committees of an illegal parliament.

Thumb justin 10:06 ,2015 تشرين الأول 20

What kind of logic is that?! The FPM considers the Parliament illegitimate or illegal or whatever yet they participate in the elections of the Parliamentary committees and they head some of them. Strange logic indeed...!

Thumb barrymore 13:56 ,2015 تشرين الأول 20

and for that reason as explained by mowaten, you got penalized 11 times :)))

Thumb EagleDawn 11:46 ,2015 تشرين الأول 20

7 minutes ago Al-Jadeed: Parliament re-elected the members of its committees and renewed the tenure of its treasurers.

hahaha! It is perfectly legitimate and legal to "extend" the term of the 'Illegal" parliament's committees and tenure of its treasurers.

Pity the nation.... seriously! Pity Aoun....!

Thumb marcus 10:25 ,2015 تشرين الأول 20

Michel Aoun and his family party members are capable of going to parliament and electing committees but are not capable of doing the same when it comes to presidential elections. Must be KSA that is pressuring them to do that...

Thumb barrymore 12:51 ,2015 تشرين الأول 20

What a joke!

Thumb beiruti 15:50 ,2015 تشرين الأول 20

a complete farce, the appearance of a representative Parliament without the messiness of going through an election. Then they have the balls to organize into committees! To do what?? There is no executive branch of government to enforce anything that they may agree upon.
Lebanon, the land of consensus, which means that every politician is a majority of one. One contrary vote vetoes the will of the other 99%. Not a representative democracy, and not even close to it.

Default-user-icon Mazen_M (ضيف) 16:14 ,2015 تشرين الأول 20

"It is better now to keep things as they are," said MP Michel Moussa prior to the parliamentary session.

But it is not working! Why keep things as they are! This is crazy...