"القوات" و "الوطني الحر" يوقعان قانون استعادة الجنسية اللبنانية

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وقع كل من التيار "الوطني الحر" و حزب "القوات اللبنانية" قانون يرمي الى استعادة الجنسية للمتحدرين من أصل لبناني.

وعقد اجتماع في مكتب أمين سر التكتل النائب ابراهيم كنعان الثلاثاء، حضره النائبان آلان عون عن "التغيير والاصلاح" و إيلي كيروز عن "القوات".

وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام "وقع الجانبان خلال الاجتماع على اقتراح قانون معجل مكرر يرمي الى استعادة جنسية المتحدرين من أصل لبناني.

ويعتبر هذا التوقيع الثمار السياسية لوثيقة "إعلان النيّات" بينهما. وبحسب صحيفة "الجمهورية" "يستمر الفريقان بالإصرار على التفاوض لإدراج قوانين الانتخاب على جدول أعمال هيئة مكتب المجلس من أجل إعادة إنتاج السلطة وتصحيح الخَلل في التمثيل السياسي للمسيحيين".

وتجتمع هيئة مكتب المجلس الاربعاء للاتفاق على جدول اعمال يدعو على أساسه رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري الى جلسة تشريعية.

وفي حزيران العام الجاري وقع كل من الطرفين وثيقة "اعلان نوايا" بعد حوالى 30 عاما من الخصومة السياسة بينهما، واتفقا على 16 نقطة حينها من بينها عدم اتلاعب بالدستور ورفض السلاح والتزام نهج الحوار.


التعليقات 7
Missing humble 08:33 ,2015 تشرين الأول 27

Caporal is against allowing Lebanese abroad to vote in elections.
He knows that the very vast majority of Christians abroad are against him.
They consider the Caporal as a traitor.

Thumb nickjames 08:51 ,2015 تشرين الأول 27

Bla bla bla, just more diversion. The expats are not living among trash and disease. How about these parties propose a solution to the real problems instead of dancing around and twiddling their thumbs "well here's something to agree on: giving expats citizenship. We'll tackle the other issues later."

If this is the "fruit" of the "declaration of intent" then this is a pretty meaningless document. Shame on these politicians talking about expats when people inside the country are living in trash.

Default-user-icon 7abboob (ضيف) 11:04 ,2015 تشرين الأول 27

mobster media brainwashed migrants voting for mobsters based on wartime allegiances... and the people living in the country ending paying the price by keeping the corrupt in power...

Thumb beiruti 15:30 ,2015 تشرين الأول 27

Wonderful if these two parties comprised the Lebanese body politic. But they don't, there is no Parliament meeting, and if it did, there is no President or active Council of Ministers! What are these clowns doing or what do they think they are doing?? Get a functioning government FIRST, then we can talk about draft laws!

Default-user-icon Truechristian (ضيف) 19:42 ,2015 تشرين الأول 27

If the Christians in Lebanon don't straighten out their act and become true Christians, not as the the situation is with Aoun and Geagea who prospered at the backs of the Christians, one day will come that there would be no Christians in Lebanon as is the case with all the neighboring Arab countries. The Christians need leaders of substance, not the corrupted ones we currently have. And after all, who wants the nationality of a country that has no electricity, no water and is full of garbage.

Missing peace 21:40 ,2015 تشرين الأول 27

when will they draft a law for the children of lebanese women and foreign husband to be lebanese?
when will they allow women to travel without needing their husband's consent?
when will they allow women to open a bank account for their children without the consent of the husband?
when will they allow civil marriage?

when will Lebanon stop being such a retarded country ruled by mafiosi and businessmen?....

Missing peace 21:44 ,2015 تشرين الأول 27

Lebanon was once a paradise but the greed and cupidity of its rulers turned into hell...
water polluted, food polluted, environment polluted, no electricity, no proper infrastructure...

what more do they want? blow up the whole country? tfeh on all those politicians and those still supporting them....