الجميل: لنتجاوز منطق المقاومة واعتماد منطق الدفاع عن لبنان

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دعا رئيس حزب الكتائب اللبنانية الرئيس أمين الجميل الى " تجاوز منطق المقاومة واعتماد منطق الدفاع عن لبنان ، مشددا على ضرورة اطلاق حوار جدي حول كيفية حماية لبنان عبر تفعيل دور مؤسسات الدولة والجيش والديبلوماسية اللبنانية"، من أجل الوصول الى الإستقرار "بعيدا عن المشاريع الحزبية والمذهبية".

وأعلن الجميل خلال رعايته "يوم الوفاء" الذي دعا اليه اقليم كسروان الفتوح الكتائبي، تكريما لخمسينييه، في بيت عنيا- حريصا: " أن مشروع حزب الكتائب في الوقت الحاضر يتمحور حول انجاز السيادة الوطنية والدفاع عن الوطن"، مؤكدا أنه "لا يمكن الدفاع عن الوطن بتجاوز المؤسسات الدستورية فيه وتطويقها وتعطيلها".

وسأل "كيف يمكن التكلم عن السيادة الناجزة في ظل مربعات أمنية خارجة عن سيادة الدولة وسلطتها"، معتبرا أن "السيادة ليست ناجزة طالما أن القرارات السيادية ليست في يد المؤسسات الدستورية اللبنانية، كقرار السلم والحرب، وتوريط لبنان في حروب ثم التفاوض خارج عن اطار الدولة".

وأضاف: " واقع لبنان منذ تحريره عام 2000 تجاوز منطق المقاومة من خلال خروج اسرائيل، وانتشارالقوات الدولية، واصدار القرار 1701 ،ودخل منطق الدفاع الذي لا يكون الا من خلال الدولة، اي الجيش والديبلوماسية".

وأوضح أن "منطق الدفاع يعزز وحدة الوطن ويحميه ويحصنه ديبلوماسيا ويحفظه من أي مؤامرات خارجية"، جازما أن "أي دفاع يعهد الى فئة وطائفة ومذهب يشرذم الوطن ولا يوحده".

وعليه، دعا الى من الضروري اليوم أن نتجاوز منطق المقاومة لنعتمد منطق الدفاع عن الدولة اللبنانية الذي يحفظ لبنان ومكونات لبنان، وأي مشروع آخر هو مشروع فئوي وحزبي يجلب مزيدا من التشرذم ومن المخاطر على حساب سيادة لبنان واستقلاله".

كما دعا الجميل أيضا الى "حوار جدي يقوم على البحث بكيفية الانتقال من منطق المقاومة الى منطق الدفاع. مردفا: "لبنان بأمس الحاجة الى خطة جديدة تحفظ وحدة البلد وتحصنه بوجه المخاطر الخارجية وتجعله منسجما مع القرارات الدولية، فيكون أقوى وأمتن".

وإذ عدد "الصعوبات التي يواجهها المواطن، أكان في المجال الإستشفائي أو التربوي وفي كل مستلزمات الحياة اليومية"، لفت الجميل الى أن من " شروط انجاز السيادة تطوير النظام، موضحا أن "التحديات التي واجهها لبنان منذ 1943 ولغاية اليوم أكانت محلية أو إقليمية تجعلنا بأمس الحاجة لتطوير النظام، لينطلق لبنان على طريق الحداثة ويواكب التطور ويكون وطن التقدم والإنسان".

وتابع: "نحن بحاجة الى الإستقرار والى طمأنة الشعب اللبناني على مستقبله، ليبقى لبنان زاهرا ومستقرا، ويبقى وطن الحرية والرسالة والديموقراطية، ومثالا للعالم العربي وللتجربة اللبنانية الفذة التي حفظت لبنان على مدى من العقود وميزته عن كل الأنظمة المجاورة".

ورأى الجميل أن "السيادة لا تكون ناجزة الا اذا توفرت للشعب اللبناني الرفاهية والحرية".

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon marie (ضيف) 19:38 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 13

i agree tell hassouni and berri wether they like it or not , israel will come and get them with asaad very soon

Default-user-icon Arz10452 (ضيف) 20:08 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 13

Although I agree with Amin, why didn't he do that when he was president? Missed opportunity to remove our dear country out of the violence cycle of the Middle East

Default-user-icon Iben el Nimer (ضيف) 21:47 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 13

Ya Arz10452. Amine Gemayel's presidency was in the middle of a civil war
the country was being shredded and you expected him to be able to achieve anything.Let's be reasonable and accept the fact that Lebanon is not a nation but a group of farms.

Default-user-icon Omar Tamarjei (ضيف) 22:56 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 13

Would this war criminal like fries with his order? Go burn in hell with bacho.

Thumb joesikemrex 00:13 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

Its bizzare how some simply sideline the truth. The fact is clear, and Mr. Gemayel is spot on. Lets protect Lebanon against all its enemies, and the biggest enemy is Hizbelkzb (Iran).

Missing youssefhaddad 02:16 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

The "Resistance" parody will come to a crushing end very soon. The Iranian and Syrian regimes have cost the region and the world a lot of calamities and they will disintegrate under the will of their free peoples.

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 04:20 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

Tell them to pay their electricity bill after it is all done. They have bankrupted us too.

Default-user-icon Libnane (ضيف) 04:37 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

Completely agree with Amine.

Default-user-icon Deemo (ضيف) 04:49 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

Amin Gemayel: I flap my lips once in a while for no reason whatsoever, therefore I am.

Thumb ithinkthere14iam 08:19 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

Wonderfully said

Default-user-icon Poisonfang (ضيف) 09:19 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

I do not agree with Amin Gemayel. The thing is, we need to understand the Culture of 1 Million Shi'ah Muslims who have risked their necks and bones and sons for the Resistance. Asking them to forget about about it...... Come on, after 21 years , as a Christian, we did not forget about our martyrs and asking me to do so will piss me off. Why should they? In addition breaking the Resistance or Militia to some will have great economical repercussions on Lebanon. East / West Germany all over again. Can we even offer what Hizbullah is offering for his community? I think not. That speech is useless for now to be honest. Many Issues need to be discussed first. Political Science is the only way not find ourselves in the corner as usual. Maybe Architects and Law makers and Religious figures needs to concentrate on there JOBS and leave Politics for the "Politologues". A Car Mechanic cannot undergo and supervise a Heart Surgery right? why can they?

Thumb thepatriot 10:36 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

@Poison fang
"1 Million Shiaa have risked their necks, bopnes and sons for the Resistance"???
Errr...what are you talking about man??
First, Hezbollah has a culture of death, and pride in martyrdom. It is their choice.
Second, Breaking the militia will have "repercussions such as East Germany"...COME ON!! The armed corp of hezbollah is of 2000 Men, + 8000 reserve soldiers who have a job and are employed, but are reserve soldiers. I am sure the army can absorb 2000 men.
Your comparison with East Germany is truly ridiculous!
Third, Hezbollah is helping its comunity through Iranian funds, Syrian funds, Drug dealing, etc... Are you saying this should continue? This is how they buy off support from their comunity dude...HELLOOO!!!
They do not pay their electricity bills, they have their own state within the state, their cell communication, their schooling programs, their parallel economy, and so on...you encourage that?
It is PURE banditism in my book!

Missing future_vision 11:03 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

@poison fang

i am not going to answer all your points because I do not have time..

i am just going to tell you one thing:

How are you saying if you break the resistance you will have economy repercussions like East/West Germany ! On the CONTRARY we are now living like East and West and we need to BREAK THE WALL to reach the state we want and one day, maybe in 20 years, we will reach the point the Germans are right now! Most Powerful Economy in Europe and we will be the one of the Arabs like we were in the 50´s

I hope I corrected your view of things

Default-user-icon Poisonfang (ضيف) 11:09 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14


I can feel and understand your frustration, many of the things you said are true. But again, it doesn't mean that removing arms will just fix everything in Lebanon m8. they are a 1 Million shiaa and they made the Choice of there Political representatives with what they currently are. So that is 1 Million Civilian WITH the armed Militia or Resistance w/e. What do you have to offer as a replacement? Again , me comparing the East Germany scenario, do the Math friend, how many Jobs do Hizbullah provide for his community, it's not just Army and resistance, they have Radio/TV stations and many more firms under w/e names. Please tell me how with our current situation we can provide a replacement for that. In addition, while learning in a certain University in Lebanon, Hizbullah was paying the education fees of over 300 Students i was there.What i am saying is : We should find a better SOLUTION, not just talk about weapons and dismantling them. It is FAR more difficult then that.

Thumb thepatriot 15:57 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

Hezbollah will remain a strong political party...without weapons!
A state within a state is not acceptable. The party will still provide with jobs, and will still help students...not a million jobs!! You speak as if the entire shiaa comunity was employed by the Hezb! You are mistaking!

Missing peace 19:56 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 14

hezbollah has the same social program as any islmaist group to brainwash people and to make themselves indispensable. you talk about them paying universities to their students, let me remind you that hariri paid far more universiity fees for students from ALL communities in lebanon.
hariri employed people from ALL communities in his companies.
the thing is that hezb only think of their community like a mafia does but not to the lebanese people as a whole: and they do that to buy the support of their community only but certainly not for the sake of lebanon...
just take the arms from hezbollah and you ll see how many people will not support this militia anymore; people are whether afraid of hezb or they benefit financially from them.
it is not acceptable to have a party which make its own laws and refuse to obey the laws of the state....