جنبلاط يتهم أجهزة أمنية بالتواطؤ مع شبكة الدعارة التي كشفت في جونيه

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كشف رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط الثلاثاء أن شبكة الدعارة التي ضبطت منذ أيام في جونيه تعمل منذ سنوات بالتواطؤ مع أجهزة امنية وتم اكتشافها "صدفة".

وقال جنبلاط في تغريدة له عبر حسابع على "تويتر" "في خضم هذا الكم من الفضائح المالية التي تتكشف والابواق المدفوعة التي تتناطح كسيد البلاط البلدي بالامس، هل تعلم ان شبكة الدعارة التي اكتشفت إنما كان الامر بالصدفة ومن قبل ضابط حر الضمير، وأن هذه الشبكة تعمل منذ سنوات وبالتواطؤ مع المسؤولين الكبار في سرية الآداب".

والخميس الفائت أعلنت القوى الامنية أنها أوقفت أكبر شبكة اتجار بالنساء في جونيه، وانقذت 75 فتاة غالبيتهنّ من السوريات تعرضن للضرب والتعذيب النفسي والجسدي وأجبرن على ممارسة الفحشاء تحت تأثير التهديد بنشر صورهن عاريات وغيرها من الأساليب.

كما تم اعتقال ممرضة طبيب اعترف بالعمل لصالح الشبكة وبإجرائه حوالى 200 عملية إجهاض للسوريات اللواتي أجبرن على العمل في الدعارة.

واوقفت القوى الامنية خلال العملية ايضا عشرة رجال وثماني نساء يعملن على حراسة الشقق التي تستخدم لايواء الفتيات، ولا يزال "اثنان من الذين يديرون هذه الشبكة متوارييَن عن الأنظار".

وأقفل فريق من وزارة الصحة الثلاثاء بمؤازرة القوى الامنية عيادة طبيب ثان يدعى رياض علم متورط في القضية.

التعليقات 19
Thumb EagleDawn 12:32 ,2016 نيسان 05

“The ring has been working for several years now in collaboration with senior officials in the Vice Squad,” he added.

For you to say that ( and you are probably correct ) it means you also have known about it for years. So, why the sudden rush of conscience and transparency;)!

Thumb barrymore 17:57 ,2016 نيسان 05

because his comments are politically motivated and directed at certain officers or certain positions that he ultimately wants for himself.

Thumb Tony.Farris 12:56 ,2016 نيسان 05

When they Don't get paid they expose... They all criminals.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 13:16 ,2016 نيسان 05

Walid Junblatt is part of this corrupt and criminal system. He created it, fuels it and ignites it.

Thumb norma-jean 15:29 ,2016 نيسان 05


I was insulted and my comment was also erased.

Thumb norma-jean 15:35 ,2016 نيسان 05

Cutie; here is my comment that was deleted... what was wrong with it?

I was shocked to learn of this horrific ring of slavery. Jannah being an iraqian refugee herself was approached by this ring not too long ago. They thought she had no one to protect her. Little did they know that norma is behind her. Once she mentioned my name, they backed off. I sent a couple of these houthian villains to their destined fate a few months ago. I am feared now cutie. A woman has to stand up for herself. Gone are the days when women are used as slaves ...
Ba3id Na2is....

Thumb justice 13:34 ,2016 نيسان 05

He is making a big deal out of this case specifically. The General Security is responsible for licensing, monitoring and administering all nightclubs and super nightclubs in Lebanon and in Jounieh in particular. What goes on in the super night clubs is known to everybody in Lebanon and the whole world. The girls are locked up in their rooms, treated like slaves, cannot go out unless with a customer who had paid for their "services", they are never given an one day off a week. Now, are we to understand the General Security is unaware of what is going on? They are paid by the owners of these clubs; they get monthly wages; they turn a blind eye.

The hotels in Jounieh depend on these day check ins or "day use" as they call them. To say these hotels depend on tourism is a farce.

Thumb justin 13:57 ,2016 نيسان 05


I am from Amcheit and live not far from Jouneh. Cocaine is rampant in these clubs and the amnil 3am is in on it. The owner of the voodoo night club is notorious for using and distributing cocaine. He is so powerful that he is able to remove officers in the general security from their positions if he does not like them. He is connected at the highest level within the general security and he refers to himself as the "king" of Jouneh. He delivers the girly "goods" to the high ranking officers of the general security at their homes, chalets, or any destination of their choosing for gratis.

and if i know about it Walid Jumblatt knows about it too.... It seems he has a beef with specific officers not in the General Security.

Thumb ex-fpm 16:26 ,2016 نيسان 05

but not an April Fool's joke.

Thumb justice 13:41 ,2016 نيسان 05

he is an angel or so he tries to tell us.

Thumb norma-jean 13:47 ,2016 نيسان 05


I was shocked to learn of this horrific ring of slavery. Jannah being an iraqian refugee herself was approached by this ring not too long ago. They thought she had no one. Little did they know that norma is behind her. Once she mentioned my name, they backed off. I sent a couple of these houthians to their destined fate a few months ago. I am feared now cutie. A woman has to stand up for herself. Gone are the days when women are used as slaves and baby making machines.

Ba3id Na2is....

Thumb ex-fpm 16:27 ,2016 نيسان 05

the kingpin of corruption is upset.

Thumb kayveman 19:45 ,2016 نيسان 05

Abu Taymour sure has a special way of making it seem like he is on the sidelines watching corruption unfold when he is involved in every step of it all along. Ever since the days of the Syrians. He is also Saad's biggest problem. For some reason he has a way of making sure all the corruption he and his gang do is Saad's and he sits back. Smart though, it takes lots of skill to master this sort of Machiavellian method.

Thumb liberty 02:36 ,2016 نيسان 06

the night security guard gets schooled once more!

Thumb liberty 03:30 ,2016 نيسان 06

"you're really sad if you think one has to "lie" on a public forum... seek hep"

Nassrallah does it all the time in every single one of his public speeches;)

Thumb warrior 05:47 ,2016 نيسان 06

yes but @terror.mentor is oblivious to all that.

Thumb warrior 05:39 ,2016 نيسان 06


You have no idea what you are talking about! Offshore companies are not illegal. It's how you use them that determines their legality. GCC citizens, rulers, etc have no use for offshore companies to hide their income as the posters above rightfully said. Those hiding their income are trying to avoid paying taxes in their own countries by not declaring this income.

Thumb warrior 05:42 ,2016 نيسان 06

Having said that, offshore companies are often used as a "front" to channel funds to third parties in an attempt to hide the identity of the original and real sender. This is often used to make payoffs, bribes, receive bribes, or fund clandestine operations.

Thumb warrior 05:45 ,2016 نيسان 06

A gulf ruler might want to purchase a painting worth hundreds of millions of dollars in the name of an offshore company to hide his identity and stay away from the limelight. Many precious items at Sotheby's are bought by offshore companies, the identity of its real owners remain secret.