اردوغان: ايام الاسد في الحكم معدودة

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حذر رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب أردوغان الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد الاثنين من أن أيامه في الحكم أصبحت معدودة، وأنه لا يستطيع أن يبقى في السلطة الى ما لا نهاية من خلال القوة العسكرية.

وقال اردوغان في اجتماع في اسطنبول مخاطباً الأسد "تستطيع أن تبقى في السلطة بالدبابات والمدافع فقط لفترة معينة ليس الا. وسيأتي اليوم الذي سترحل فيه أنت أيضاً".

وأضاف "يظهر أحدهم ويقول "سأقاتل حتى الموت" ضد من ستقاتل؟ هل ستقاتل ضد اخوتك المسلمين الذين تحكمهم في بلادك؟"، في اشارة الى تصريحات للأسد في مقابلة نشرتها صحيفة "صنداي تايمز" الأحد وتوعد فيها بالقتال والموت من أجل سوريا اذا واجه تدخلاً خارجياً.

ودان اردوغان استخدام نظام الأسد القوة العسكرية "ضد من يطالبون بحياة كريمة في سوريا".

وقال "نحن لا نعتبر مطلقاً" أن قتل الشعب السوري بالدبابات والمدافع "عملاً انسانياً".

وتتزايد انتقادات أنقرة، التي كانت حليفاً لسوريا، لنظام الأسد مع ارتفاع عدد قتلى حملة القمع التي يشنها النظام السوري الى أكثر من 3500 شخص بحسب احصاءات الأمم المتحدة.

وأعلنت أنقرة الأسبوع الماضي وقف عمليات التنقيب المشتركة عن النفط مع سوريا وهددت بوقف تزويد جارتها بالكهرباء.

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 13:35 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

What hypocracy!!! erdogan was best buddies with assad when he had a tight grip on power. Erdogan knew very well how oppressive the syrian regime was.. now, only now he is vocal about assad's regime? What is his agenda?
The whole Syria debacle reeks of nausiating odors..

Default-user-icon typical (ضيف) 15:19 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

naharnet - i'm still trying to find where exactly erdogan said his 'days are numbered'. did i miss something or is this your usual practice of stretching someone's words.

Default-user-icon BullsEye (ضيف) 16:38 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

The only way for foreign intervention to succeed in Syria, is to be done through Turkey. The latter will act abd intervene, and the the rest of the west/arab nations will support financially and logisticaly. Turkey will take a big role in Syria once Assad is removed. I totally agree that the days of Assad as a leader are numbered.

Default-user-icon Murad (ضيف) 16:58 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

Nice picture. It reeks of douche.

Missing youssefhaddad 17:53 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

"...Against whom will you fight? Will you fight against your Muslim brothers you rule in your country?" said Erdogan...."
Is ONLY fighting against Muslim brothers wrong? It is alarming how Muslims, by stating the incorrectness of killing their fellow Muslims, do seem to insinuate that killing those who are not Muslims is not objectionable!
The Syrian regime is repressing its own people , regardless of their religion they should be delivered from the fangs of the beast.

Default-user-icon Quezz (ضيف) 18:14 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

This is sad. Turkey is being opportunistic, and Syria is being...Syria. I'm watching this from Lebanon wondering how many refugees we're going to get when civil war starts in earnest.

Default-user-icon JG (ضيف) 19:35 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

My Dear Youssef you have made the important point. Is there any doubt about what is going on?
Syria occupied Lebanon and killed people for 30 years, but Turkey occupied our country for many centuries and killed far more people.
We should not forget the past, but we should stop wishing ill to our neighbours.
I hope peace can come to Syria by some miracle, and I sure hope Lebanon can stay out of the fight (and we can control this, we do not need a miracle to do it). We paid enough

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 20:26 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

The racist white man ...the American "youssef Haddad" is giving a lecture about tolerance. Who did the White man colonize other than people of color?. Since the end of WWII, (which was a battle between imperialists to dominate the world) which country has the KKKUSA invaded that was not persons of color?

Also, I love how Naharnet misrepresent quotes in their headlines. There is a big diferrence between "one day" and "your days are numbered".

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 20:29 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

Also is it ONLY wrong when a leader oppresses his people? How about invading and Occupying and colonizing OTHER people. That does not bother the racist white man.

Thumb joesikemrex 22:43 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

Assad syria deserves this and more. Pay back for all evil done to Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Qawmi Gawwar (ضيف) 22:50 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

Quick Quomarade Qawmi John defend the Assad al bassel like you did when the older Assad al bassel shelled Achrafieh, Saida, Tripoly, Shouf Baadba

Oh there you are thank God I thought you were out sick.

Default-user-icon Mehdi (ضيف) 23:00 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

@typical idiot look


Default-user-icon Qawmi Bubba (ضيف) 23:11 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 21

God bless the stupid white man my comrade Qawmi john I agree with every word he writes
invading and Occupying and colonizing OTHER people is bad

unless you are the Syrian regime then it OK, to be fair to the brave president Assad Lebanon was created by the colonizing white man and is not a real country

or a Muslim colonist speeding the faith by the sword including all over the black, brown and yellow man remember my stupid white friend the Arabs started the slave industry as such in Africa.

but hey that goes against our narrow minded idiotic ideology so forget about it

Default-user-icon ado.australia (ضيف) 01:14 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 22

John from Koura in Down under talk the talk but doesn't mind using the fruit of the white man's oppression of the Australian Aborigines hypocrite.

Default-user-icon ado.australia (ضيف) 01:20 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 22

Mate John from Koura in down under talk the talk but doesn't mind using the fruit of the racist white man's oppression of the Australian Aborigines, hypocrite.

Missing mansour 05:31 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 22

i better get my sweets ready to hand out....Civil war is upon Syria Praise be to God.

Default-user-icon Syrian national (ضيف) 06:09 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 22

to the idiot mansour...If a civil war breaks out in Syria (which will not happen) Lebanon will not be sparred. You should learn your history. Everyone in Lebanon hates everyone else.

Thumb geha 12:38 ,2011 تشرين الثاني 22

Guys, some comments above.....!!!
racism to the extreme....

no it is never good to have a civil war anywhere, and we should know enough about that subject, not to wish it for anyone else.
whatever is ging on in Syria is killing innocent people and children, which is not good.
but that is all the doing of this same regime that harmed us....
it is a pitty some so called Lebanese support such a murderous regime....