واشنطن تفرض عقوبات على خال الأسد وقائد عسكري

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فرضت واشنطن اليوم الخميس عقوبات اقتصادية على اوس اصلان قائد احد الوية الحرس الجمهوري، ومحمد مخلوف خال الرئيس الاسد، في ضغوط جديدة ضد النظام في حملة القمع السياسي الدموية.

واضافت وزارة الخزينة كل من محمد مخلوف (79 عاما)، خال الرئيس الاسد ووالد قطب الاعلام رامي مخلوف الذي فرضت عليه عقوبات، واوس اصلان قائد احد الوية الحرس الجمهوري، الى قائمة الشخصيات والمنظمات السورية التي تحظر الولايات المتحدة التعامل التجاري معها.

التعليقات 1
Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 23:31 ,2011 كانون الأول 01

All thye santions will not yield the desired objectives if no military intervention on the ground is initiated ASAP. The Syrian regime through its many allies will be able to suffle money in order to remain intact and immune from total collapse. The regime knows well that the only way for it to remain in exitence, not power, is to fight to the last Syrian. They have no exit other than Syria. The western world should be more flexible in terms of providing the Syrian regime individuals a window of opportunity for absconding from Syria to a safe place where they could be immune from prosecution. Should be be provided, I surmise the regime soon or later would find itself in the corner and would jump at the opportunity of fleeing the country to a place arranged by the Arabs and the USA. It would be unfair for something like this to happen as the regime has killed thousands and needs to be held accountable. But doing so would also stop the killing and provide instant domecracy.