جعجع يلتقي عون: قدمنا الكثير من التضحيات ومشكلة التأليف أبعد من الحقائب

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رأى رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أن مشكلة تأليف الحكومة تتخطى الحقائب وأبعادها سياسية، لافتا الى أن "القوات" قدمت الكثير من التضحيات في سبيل تشكيلها.

وتمنى جعجع بعد لقائه رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون في بعبدا "تشكيل الحكومة قبل الاعياد"، مؤكدا أن "الامور تأخذ مسارها الطبيعي".

وفيما شدد على مشكلة التأليف أبعد من الحقائب، ذكر جعجع أن "القوات" قدمت ما يكفي من التضحيات.

وأضاف "ذاهبون نحو بحث جدي بقانون الانتخاب بعد تشكيل الحكومة".

وخلص الى القول "ليس هناك أي تغيير في التركيبة الحكومية ولا زلنا في 24 وزيرا".

وكان جعجع استهل الحديث بالاعلان عن ان "هناك بحث جدي في رفع الحظر عن مجيء الرعايا العرب الى لبنان".

التعليقات 10
Thumb ado.australia 14:23 ,2016 كانون الأول 07

I am the 1st to acknowledge that i was wrong. Dr Geagea is the king maker and proven patriot that saved Lebanon from the abyss. If he now gives even more then his entitled cabinet positions to others for the sake of lebanese cabinet, then we all should be thankful and respectful! Forgiveness is especially given when you are forgiving a person that is showing this much respect and dignity for the sake of the Lebanese republic!

Thumb the_roar 15:08 ,2016 كانون الأول 07

You are so clueless banimarouf, its not funny.

You claim that I'm every poster that disagrees with you.

You must be obsessed with the_roar...Gave you a back hander once too often?

How on earth do you see me and Ado as the same person.
We have totally diff opinions on geagea .

Ado thinks geagea is ok now...I have stated he is nothing but a convicted murderer who should never see the light again.

Keep obsessing banimarouf your a HOOOOOOOOOOOOT

Thumb the_roar 15:12 ,2016 كانون الأول 07

Ado, you truly think this murderer is making concessions for the sake of the country?
if you do, then I give up with you logic.

This criminal was tossed aside by his allies...he knew that tugging at the Generals coat tail is his only chance of survival.

The general has a lot to explain for giving this convicted murderer another chance.

Thumb ado.australia 15:52 ,2016 كانون الأول 07

Roar... You have to give the benifit of the doubt. Geagea has offered the olive branch and made Aoun President. If Geagea and the LF didn't join with Aoun and the FPM, then Lebanon would still be without a President! I have always wished that the Christians would unite... I have personally struggled with friendships because of the stupidity of the geagea/aoun wars! I'm sure you know what i'm talking about. Geagea is now supporting Aoun and his patriotic positions... this is very good. When the Christains are united then Lebanon has a good chance. The christian negativity of the past decades since Bashir Gemayel's assignation now have a chance for a positive Lebanese future! Roar, give the alliance a chance. Lets see what happens...cant be worse then what's come before.

Thumb the_roar 16:07 ,2016 كانون الأول 07

Ado, I totally respect your position...you speak with good intentions.

unfortunately for me, I will never accept a proven convicted murderer of innocent children no less as some way forward.

The general lost my support & many others.

but in saying that, I wish the General all the best & I am sure he will do a fine Job for lebanon.

Your position is totally understood & respected by me, Ado.

Missing peace 18:45 ,2016 كانون الأول 07

"unfortunately for me, I will never accept a proven convicted murderer of innocent children no less as some way forward."

but you do accept to support assad who killed and tortured hundreds of lebanese... among which many christians...

Thumb ado.australia 15:19 ,2016 كانون الأول 07

Yeah... it's telling that you think i must be Jesus because I am willing to forgive! I'm not Jesus but obviously just an average person raised a little different to you.

Thumb ado.australia 16:42 ,2016 كانون الأول 07

Roar... i understand your passionate position. Brother, I have experienced personally this type of hatred. In Canada, my Cousins are kateab and some of their friends spat at me in 2008, because they thought i was "Aouni". Even though i am not any one but Lebanese ! I am not pro Aoun, I am against anyone being a sheep to a leader... A Ziaeme! I am against the notion of tribalism and believe this is the biggest problem facing Lebanon! Aoun hasn't done anything that has made me think he is any different! His current alliance with geagea and the LF has actually made me think he is better then the rest! I choose to believe, he allies himself with his former eniemies not for his personal goals but for the sake of Lebanon! I hope i'm not proven wrong but Berri is a mafia dog and so is Jumblatt. Lebanon cannot continue on this path! Enough is enough! Why hasn't there been approval for the extraction of oil and gas in the med sea? Because the powers haven't agreed shares?

Thumb ado.australia 16:47 ,2016 كانون الأول 07

By the time Jumblatt and Berri agree shares then Israel would have siphoned out all the Basin! Lebanon is a ridicules joke! I can only hope Saad Hariri will be better then his predessors! Solidare is criminal...especially what they have done to St George Hotel! If Aoun and Saad Hariri can make a change then Saad Hariri has a chance to be a real hero that gets a statue erected for him.

Thumb the_roar 17:13 ,2016 كانون الأول 07

You "lol" without realizing your own inability to read in context.

Yet when one lacks certain abilities, he may lol to himself.

It makes him/her feel better, whilst in reality the laugh is on the ignorant "lol'er".

Read in context banimarouf, before you reply..you consistently make a fool of yourself..

Try to read the part where I clearly stated, I no longer support the General or the FPM because they allied with a convicted murderer.

The we once you have read it, we can all "lol" at your ignorance.