29 قتيلا برصاص الأمن السوري بينهم 3 أطفال في حمص اليوم

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قتل 30 شخصا برصاص الأمن السوري اليوم في حمص اليوم بينهم قتيل في إدلب.

وأفاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الإنسان أن 29 شخصا قتلوا اليوم برصاص قوات الامن السورية اليوم الأحد في حمص بينهم والد وثلاثة أطفال، لافتا الى مقتل شخصا في إدلب.

وكان المرصد ذكر أن خمسة مدنيين بينهم ثلاثة أطفال قتلوا اليوم الاحد برصاص قوات الامن و"الشبيحة" في سوريا.

وقال المرصد ومقره لندن، أن "سائق حافلة نقل صغيرة استشهد اثر اطلاق الرصاص على حافلته صباح اليوم من قبل حاجز" شمال معرة النعمان في منطقة ادلب.

وفي حمص، مركز حركة الاحتجاج في وسط البلاد، "استشهد رجل وأطفاله الثلاثة اثر اطلاق الرصاص عليهم من قبل الشبيحة على متن سيارتين". والأطفال في الحادية عشرة والرابعة عشرة والسادسة عشرة من العمر.

وأمس السبت قتل 23 شخصاً على الأقل في سوريا بينهم أحد عشر مدنياً، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وعلى الرغم من تواصل القمع الذي أودى بحياة أكثر من أربعة الاف شخص بحسب الأمم المتحدة، فإن الدول العربية منحت النظام السوري مساء السبت مهلة جديدة حتى اليوم الاحد للموافقة على ارسال مراقبين وتفادي المزيد من العقوبات.

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon Nizar (ضيف) 13:58 ,2011 كانون الأول 04

why we have to believe somebody based in Nicosia or wherever they are, if today there was an announcement by the Homs News network that armed gangs stormed the house of this poor man and killed him and his 2 sons and daughter. His wife was able to escape and ask for help to save her other two sons, that were badly wounded. I think this is amazing that we have to believe people that kill these poor unaware of anything in order to make news and to blame so called SHABIHA!!! this new invention in the vocabulary of news agencies, while they never report how many of their bastard militants were chased off, killed or arrested.

Default-user-icon Nizar (ضيف) 13:58 ,2011 كانون الأول 04

why we have to believe somebody based in Nicosia or wherever they are, if today there was an announcement by the Homs News network that armed gangs stormed the house of this poor man and killed him and his 2 sons and daughter. His wife was able to escape and ask for help to save her other two sons, that were badly wounded. I think this is amazing that we have to believe people that kill these poor unaware of anything in order to make news and to blame so called SHABIHA!!! this new invention in the vocabulary of news agencies, while they never report how many of their bastard militants were chased off, killed or arrested.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 18:34 ,2011 كانون الأول 04

The blood thirsty American imperialists were killing civilians daily at checkpoints in Iraq. Naharnet rarely ever mentioned it.

Thumb shab 19:05 ,2011 كانون الأول 04

They were all terrorists

Thumb arzz 03:54 ,2011 كانون الأول 05

oooh am I supposed to feel sorry for salafis and muslim brotherhood martyring their kids and babies for the sake of taking power. Those guys used to send their kids to get hit by cars so they can get paid 25K. Well I guess that maybe their gulf arab supporters are providing that 25K per martyred child these days.

Thumb thepatriot 09:45 ,2011 كانون الأول 05

Who are you man? Some kind of Nobel Prize Winner??
You want trustful Information, but you forget that your good friend Assad forbids International press, observers, NGO to step foot on Syrian soil! Your post is a joke!

@ John
Bravo...So if the US makes some crap, it is ok for Assad to murder, torture assasinate, jail, and kill children...Congrats!

You're supposed to feel sorry for a children that dies regardless of his religion, color, or nationality...!

Thumb thepatriot 14:55 ,2011 كانون الأول 05

Your sarcasm is misplaced. Get a life!