فصائل سورية معارضة تقول ان ضرب واشنطن "مطارا واحدا لا يكفي"

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اعلن محمد علوش، القيادي في فصيل "جيش الاسلام" النافذ قرب دمشق، ان القصف الاميركي على مطار الشعيرات العسكري في وسط سوريا ليس كافيا.

وقال علوش، وهو ايضا عضو وفد المعارضة الى مفاوضات جنيف، في تغريدة على تويتر "ضرب مطار واحد لا يكفي، فهناك 26 مطارا تستهدف المدنيين". 

واكد عضو المكتب السياسي في "جيش الاسلام" محمد بيرقدار لوكالة فرانس برس "نحن نرحب باي رد على اجرام النظام لردعه".

واضاف "النظام لم يترك مجالا لحقن الدماء ونرحب بالحد من قوته وقدراته على الاجرام في حق المدنيين".

ورأى في الضربة الاميركية "خطوة جريئة وصحيحة باتجاه حقن دماء السوريين وهي ورقة ضغط مهمة في مسار اي حل في سوريا".

واكد فصيلان معارضان آخران لفرانس برس ترحيبهما بالضربة الاميركية، مشددين على ضرورة استمرارها.

وقال العقيد احمد عثمان، قائد فصيل "السلطان مراد" الذي قاتل تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية الى جانب القوات التركية في شمال سوريا، "نحن في السلطان مراد كبقية فصائل الجيش الحر نرحب بأي عمل ينهي النظام الذي يرتكب أبشع الجرائم في التاريخ الحديث".

واضاف عثمان "نتمنى ألا تكتفي اميركا بهذه الضربة لان إجرامه سوف يزداد عن السابق".

واكد عصام الريس، المتحدث باسم "الجبهة الجنوبية"، الفصيل الناشط في جنوب سوريا، ان "الضربة الأميركية ضد أدوات القتل التي يستخدمها بشار الأسد هي الخطوة الأولى على الطريق الصحيح لمكافحة الإرهاب".

واضاف "نتمنى ان تستمر".

وأطلق الجيش الاميركي بأمر من الرئيس دونالد ترامب فجر الجمعة 59 صاروخا موجها من طراز توماهوك استهدفت مطار الشعيرات العسكري "المرتبط ببرنامج" الاسلحة الكيميائية السوري و"المتصل مباشرة" بالاحداث "الرهيبة" التي حصلت صباح الثلاثاء في خان شيخون، بحسب ما ذكر مسؤول أميركي.

وأسفرت الضربة، بحسب الجيش السوري، عن سقوط ستة قتلى واضرار مادية كبيرة.

ورحب الائتلاف السوري لقوى الثورة والمعارضة السورية في وقت سابق بالضربة الاميركية.

وقال رئيس الـدائـرة الإعـلاميـة في الائتلاف احمد رمضان لفرانس برس "ما نأمله استمرار الضربات لمنع النظام من استخدام طائراته في شن أي غارات جديدة أو العودة لاستخدام أسلحة محرمة دولية (...) ان تكون هذه الضربة بداية".

وأتت الضربة العسكرية الاميركية بعيد فشل مجلس الامن الدولي في الاتفاق على مشروع قرار ردا على "الهجوم الكيميائي" على خان شيخون الذي اودى بحياة 86 شخصا بينهم 30 طفلا.

ونفت الحكومة السورية قصف خان شيخون بمواد كيميائية. واكدت دمشق وحليفتها موسكو ان الطيران الحربي السوري استهدف صباح الثلاثاء مستودعا للفصائل المعارضة يحتوي "مواد سامة".

التعليقات 22
Thumb gigahabib 11:51 ,2017 نيسان 07

So who benefited?

Thumb janoubi 12:30 ,2017 نيسان 07

how many times have you said it? Does it make your assad innocent? No, so quit while you're ahead. You are sounding more and more stupid with every passing minute.

Thumb gigahabib 14:43 ,2017 نيسان 07

As many times as it takes until someone has a convincing answer. Those who benefited are those who are now cheering.

If Bashar was "testing Trump", Syria wouldn't deny they did it.

Thumb _mowaten_ 17:37 ,2017 نيسان 07

the ones benefitting the most until now are daeshits. the airbase that was attacked is the one serving the palmyra/deir ezzor front, right when the syrian army was gaining the upper hand and on the verge of breaking the deir ezzor siege.

this attack reminds the one in september when US bombers hit an SAA position in deir ezzor killing and injuring over 200 syrian soldiers and opening the way for a coordinated attack by daesh.

seems like the US interventions are aimed at preventing an SAA victory over daesh. either because they want to maintain the wedge between syrian and iraqi forces, or because they need their kurdish proxies to take over these areas.

Missing peace 18:02 ,2017 نيسان 07


Thumb _mowaten_ 18:04 ,2017 نيسان 07

and btw, it's priceless to watch these subhuman lapdogs cheering the US and making cheesy statements, when we know what they're really about

same people who put hundreds of people in cages to use them as human shields


note that this are pro-rebel sources in a pro-rebel media, so nobody can say this is SAA propaganda.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:37 ,2017 نيسان 07

lol @mowateh
sometimes i wonder if euthanasia wouldnt be the most merciful outcome for creatures of your kind.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:40 ,2017 نيسان 07

lol @yowateh

now you believe the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights a zionist organization run by a pimpled face loser from his basement apartment in the UK?

Missing peace 18:56 ,2017 نيسان 07

the islamists fanatics, daesh and co, are responsible for massacres and killing of civilians and should be treated accordingly but your problem moooowaten (and your friends here) is that you take that as an excuse to avoid mentioning the syrian regime's massacres they also did and that have nothing to envy daesh... you also see the syrian opposition as all islamists (even though they participate in the negotiations on the invitation of the russians! the very same rhetoric as the syrian regime)
so the day you will also acknowledge that the one you are proudly supporting does the very same thing that you are prompt to see in the other camp, you will not be credible: till then you are just a syrian regime spokesman...

both sides are war criminals....

Thumb _mowaten_ 18:58 ,2017 نيسان 07

it still is, but that doesnt prevent me from using their words against themselves.

Thumb _mowaten_ 19:06 ,2017 نيسان 07

the people who put civilians in cage to use them as human shields are not daesh [eace, they're the army of islam which is considered as "moderates" by the US and other revolutionaries and idealists around the world.

and yes, 99% of the so-called opposition is made up of islamists, it's not due to how I "choose to look at it", it's a simple and undeniable fact from the start. the distinctions being made between current al qaeda (nusra) and former al qaeda (ISIS) is a waste of time and a smokescreen to divert us from the real issues at hand. it's a global war against syria that is going on, and of course syria has to defend itself. it's not like they ever had the choice between peace and war, they only had to chose between surrendering or fighting.

Thumb justin 11:49 ,2017 نيسان 08

how about you ta troll with 100 aliases, are you not an islamist fundamentalist sectarian soldier in wilayat al faqih?

Thumb galaxy 13:29 ,2017 نيسان 07

you never ask the same question when you accuse saudi arabia of funding isis whom you accuse of wahhabism? why would saudi arabia fund and arm isis if isis makes saudi arabia look bad? but you are too absorbed in your sectarian hateful lack of logic that you cannot see further than your ugly nose.

who benefits from isis acts other than shia iran?

Thumb gigahabib 16:38 ,2017 نيسان 07

LOOOOL, I accuse SISIS of Wahhabism?

Is there any DOUBT that they are Wahhabists?

Thumb EagleDawn 18:41 ,2017 نيسان 07

and did you answer his question or are you regularly that stupid?

Thumb i.report 13:40 ,2017 نيسان 07

It isn't about benefits, its Bachar testing Trump. It cost him half of his air force. It'll benefit uncle Vlad who'll sell him new aircrafts dimwit.

Thumb thepatriot 18:40 ,2017 نيسان 07

The question is not who benefited. We can see that. The question is who made a bad jugement? Who thought he would remain within impunity for ever? Who dared and lost? Who thought the US will not react? Who thought he had cover from Putin to do whatever he wants!? Those are the questions you should ask yourself habboub!

Thumb gigahabib 15:13 ,2017 نيسان 07

The Wahhabists have a lot to gain from this. Assad has nothing.

Missing un520 15:31 ,2017 نيسان 07

Assad can benefit from a lesson learned; Dont push it too far...

Thumb gigahabib 17:03 ,2017 نيسان 07

The rebels have learned that "chemical attacks" triggers bombing of government forces. Remember this next time.

Thumb EagleDawn 18:42 ,2017 نيسان 07

and that's exactly why they have been doing it 10 times a month;)

Thumb Southern...... 15:42 ,2017 نيسان 07

the terrorists feedback toward their creator, they complement each other.