الحريري: لبنان سيكون دائما الى جانب السعودية

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هنأ رئيس الحكومة سعد الحريري السعودية بتولي الأمير محمد بن سلمان ولاية العهد.

وأكد الحريري في تصريح له من السفارة السعودية ان "لبنان سيكون دائما الى جانب المملكة السعودية كما كانت هي الى جانبه".

والشهر الفائت بايعت السعودية الامير محمد بن سلمان، نجل العاهل السعودي الملك سلمان بن عبد العزيز، وليا للعهد، في خطوة تعزز نفوذ الامير الشاب في المملكة النفطية وتضعه في موقع الحاكم الفعلي، ولو من خلف الستار.

وأصدر الملك سلمان حينها أمرا ملكيا بتعيين نجله وليا للعهد خلفا للامير محمد بن نايف الذي اعفي من مناصبه.

التعليقات 17
Default-user-icon Elie (ضيف) 12:22 ,2017 تموز 17

No. But let's support their entering the civilized age where women are allowed to breathe and where civil rights are not raped in the butthole every day. Let's stand by our citizens first. ok pumpkin? Thanks.

Thumb ___flamethrower___ 14:53 ,2017 تموز 17

lulz @ELie.flamethrower.trifle;)

Missing cimitero 16:14 ,2017 تموز 17

Which citizen you want him to stand by, pumpkin? The more than quarter million who earn their livelihood in the gulf countries, sending most of their pay to Lebanon? Or the hundreds of thousands unemployed because the Lebanese economy is now harmonized with the "culture" of the Islamic Resistance. Or perhaps the thousands of Jihadist mercenaries who get killed every years fighting in foreign lands to export Khomeini's Islamic revolution and his wet dream of a worldwide Islamic republic?

Thumb Mystic 16:30 ,2017 تموز 17

Here is what Al Arabiya wont show you.


Thumb Puppet 18:03 ,2017 تموز 17

Mr. Elie, our Guest for today, earned my respect and captured my imagination for his support of women's rights in Saudi Arabia and not Iran.

Thumb galaxy 17:27 ,2017 تموز 18

Elie, the Christian from the Vatican took a few moments of his busy schedule and logged in as a guest to demonstrate his love for Iran and post his anti-saudi sentiment. Admirable!

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 13:39 ,2017 تموز 17

lol @Elie (Guest from Iran)

Thumb Mystic 13:55 ,2017 تموز 17

Not all of Lebanon Mr. Prime Minister

Thumb barrymore 16:47 ,2017 تموز 17

KSA should dump this loser and have someone who commands some respect among his/her community.

Thumb barrymore 16:48 ,2017 تموز 17

lol @galaxy;)!

Thumb Hayek.Feghali.Abdelatif 18:30 ,2017 تموز 17

Funny, Hezbollah are Iranians


Thumb gigahabib 20:02 ,2017 تموز 17

Lol, three aliases accuse me of having multiple accounts...

Thumb gigahabiib 22:59 ,2017 تموز 17

Lol just so you guys know, I am not deflecting or anything because I cannot understand what the clip is all about! But I decided to ignore it and reply with something about having multiple accounts. Of course I understand, read, and write in the Lebanese native Arabic language because I am Lebanese living in Lebanon.... yeah sure Lol

Thumb i.report 21:27 ,2017 تموز 17


Thumb gigahabiib 22:50 ,2017 تموز 17

Ladies and gentleman I would like to introduce to you my beloved Naharnet community a newly minted character. He is of unknown background maybe Scandinavian, or Icelander and an "atheist european". Like all my previous characters he's a rabid anti Saudi-Wahhabi and prone to generalization. He has a somewhat passable English vocabulary with an strong aversion to proper conjugation although his prose are Shakespearean in comparison to tric.portugal.

Thumb liberty 04:41 ,2017 تموز 18

rofl ! all shias are european atheists!!!!

Thumb gigahabiib 23:01 ,2017 تموز 17

Very poignant tric.portugal, and so true... whatever it means