الجيش الاسرائيلي يهدم منزل فلسطيني قتل ثلاثة إسرائيليين في الضفة الغربية المحتلة

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أعلن الجيش الاسرائيلي الأربعاء أنه هدم منزل فلسطيني قتل ثلاثة إسرائيلين في تموز في إحدى مستوطنات الضفة الغربية المحتلة، على ما أفادت ناطقة عسكرية.

وكان الفلسطيني عمر العبد (19 عاما) تسلل في 21 تموز إلى مستوطنة نيفي تسوف قرب رام الله ودخل منزلا قتل فيه ثلاثة إسرائيليين هم أب واثنان من أولاده طعنا بالسكين، في خضم التوتر حول المسجد الاقصى وأزمة بوابات كشف المعادن الالكترونية التي وضعتها اسرائيل لاكثر من اسبوعين عند مداخل الحرم القدسي.

واعتقل الفلسطيني بعدما أصيب برصاص أحد الجيران الذي هرع عند سماع صراخ صادر من المنزل.

وروى الفلسطيني رائد البرغوثي، وهو من سكان بلدة كوبر حيث تقيم عائلة منفذ الهجوم قرب رام الله، أن الجيش الإسرائيلي استقدم جرافتين لهدم المنزل المؤلف من طابقين أحدهما كان قيد الإنشاء.

كما اعتقل الجيش في الاسابيع الأخيرة والد الشاب الفلسطيني ووالدته وثلاثة من اشقائه، بحسب سكان كوبر. وأفادت وسائل إعلام إسرائيلية أنه يشتبه بأنهم كانوا على علم بخطط المهاجم ولم يعترضوه.

ووقع الهجوم في المستوطنة في وقت كانت تجري مواجهات في القدس الشرقية والضفة الغربية المحتلة إثر التدابير الأمنيّة التي فرضتها إسرائيل في محيط المسجد الأقصى. واندلعت أعمال العنف في المسجد الأقصى ومحيطه بعد مقتل عنصري شرطة اسرائيليين في 14 تموز على أيدي فلسطينيين قالت اسرائيل انهم خبأوا اسلحتهم في الحرم القدسي.

وردت اسرائيل بنصب بوابات لكشف المعادن على مداخل الحرم القدسي، في اجراءات ألغيت بعد أسبوعين على خلفية الاحتجاجات والمواجهات الدامية التي أسفرت عن مقتل سبعة فلسطينيين وثلاثة اسرائيليين.

وتهدم اسرائيل بانتظام منازل فلسطينيين ينفذون هجمات ضدها.

ويعتبر معارضو عمليات هدم البيوت هذا الاجراء عقابا جماعيا يؤثر على العائلات التي تصبح بلا مأوى. وتدافع الحكومة الاسرائيلية عن الاجراء، مؤكدة انه يسمح بردع الذين ينوون تنفيذ هجمات.

التعليقات 29
Thumb barrymore 10:26 ,2017 آب 16

If he committed a crime, punish him. But to demolish his and his parents' house it is even more criminal. For a country that claims to be an example of democracy in the Middle East these actions are nothing short of barbaric. When an Israeli stabs an Arab, does the Israeli criminal government demolish his house? Of course not.

Both Iran and Israel should be eliminated from the face of this earth.

Thumb the_roar 12:27 ,2017 آب 16

The Jerusalem holy site, which includes the revered Al-Aqsa mosque and the golden-topped Dome of the Rock, is the third-holiest in Islam and the most sacred for Jews.

just think for a second about what's claimed here.

The Jews have a holy site, its one & only...But the Arabs of Islam want it because its their 3rd holy site.

These Jews pray facing Jerusalem whilst Arabs-islam turn their back to Jerusalem & face Mecca to pray.

just think who is legit & who is just greedy wanting what belongs to others because they are a spiteful race with a spiteful religion.

Thumb Spotter 19:23 ,2017 آب 16

One roaring troll Spotted

Logged Tagged and Processed.

Thumb the_roar 12:33 ,2017 آب 16

As always, the focus is taken off the terrorists who murdered in cold blood 3 innocent people, instead it highlights the reaction to it.

Arabs will never live in peace & they only understand one language.

Thumb the_roar 12:48 ,2017 آب 16

my boss? hardly...but as for your tough stance its impressive.
just as impressive as the Arab leaders who rejected a 2 state solution & vowed to annihilate the Jews instead way back in 1947.

if only you Arabs would learn peace instead of tough words.

Thumb the_roar 13:11 ,2017 آب 16

The land was called Palestine 2000 years ago with Jews living there.
it was renamed Palestine by emperor Hadrian to spite the Jews & their traditions.but Jews have inhabited the land for over 3 thousand years
including & up to 1947.

The Palestinian orchestra before 1947 was made up Jews.
The Jerusalem post was called the Palestine post pre-1948

you need to study history dude...watching a few conspiracy theories on youtube just won;t cut it dude.

Thumb the_roar 13:20 ,2017 آب 16

Why do you fail to debate facts but instead to continue with your conspiracy theories?

No point debating people who refuse facts-history etc but are far more interested in conspiracy theories.

Missing phillipo 13:55 ,2017 آب 16

Since when exactly is an ammonia tank a nuclear plant?

Thumb the_roar 13:31 ,2017 آب 16

The Jews were welcomed with open arms?

lol now I've heard it all.

It's a real shame you guys simply refuse to read history.

guys history is a legitimate form of knowledge.....just as science-maths etc....You pay good money at Uni to take history lessons.
Respect history & try to read it before blurting out the most laughable fallacy's

Thumb the_roar 13:49 ,2017 آب 16

you have demonstrated how unbalanced you are...I come to you with sound logic & you keep coming back at me with hateful mis-quotes

Not once did I say learn history from as you say "my university"
I said learn history...Use your own sources but make sure you are reading factual accounts & not fables told to you by your family, friends, religious leaders, etc.
Just read history before you keep embarrassing yourself with self refuting comments.
As for your insults, it demonstrates your frustration at being refuted with facts....keep up the insults it only serves to show who you are & who you represent

Thumb the_roar 13:36 ,2017 آب 16

The Israeli's gave the Arabs full control of Gaza after the Oslo accord in 1994, how did the Palestinians repay that? oh yes they rained down 7,000 rockets on the Israeli's...when the Israeli's finally replied, the world was outraged.

It's the Arabs who have always refused to live in peace.

Thumb Southern...... 14:10 ,2017 آب 16

so, nothing is good about a country which supports ISIS terrorirsts and demolishs a parent home because their son commited an action as a vengance of the zionist atrocity... in Israel there are no inocent civilians, all of them belong to the IDF and have their hands staind with Palestinian blood.

Thumb Southern...... 14:14 ,2017 آب 16

good luck roar!

Thumb the_roar 14:21 ,2017 آب 16

The moment you write that the holocaust never happened is the moment you have parted way with rational.

no point going any further in this debate with someone who is obviously brainwashed to such an extent, that his conscience is removed by such hateful brainwashing.

no its you who needs the good luck, southern.

Missing phillipo 13:59 ,2017 آب 16

Just in case, by the off chance that you have read the Bible (both the Old and the New Testaments) where the Jews and later the Christians are mentioned hundreds of times, where exactly was the setting for it? Jerusalem, a city that is not even mentioned in the Holy Koran.

Thumb the_roar 14:10 ,2017 آب 16

why bother, phillipo? some are only interested in the fables they are told. history & facts are lost on them.

Missing phillipo 14:09 ,2017 آب 16

So who changed the Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Siam to Thailand, Abysinnia to Ethiopia, Southern Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, Northern Rhodesia to Zambia, Congo to Zaire, Burma to Myanmar......I'm reasonably certain it want the Israelis, but you only attack one name change, a change that was voted on by a majority of countries of the United Nations.
As for water and electricity for Gaza, you had better check exactly where that comes from, you would be surprised to "discover" that Israel (the enemy) supplies a lot more than Egypt (the friend). Also if they paid for these facilities they would get a lot more, but it is the Palestinian Authority that continues to refuse to pay.
If you are talking about grandparents as to where they came from, why go so far back when you know that Yasser Arafat himself was born in Egypt, and not as a refugee.

Thumb the_roar 14:31 ,2017 آب 16

The poor Palestinians? I thought you were using tough language not so long ago..now you use the poor Palestinian line?

Why did the so called poor Palestinians refuse the 2 state deal & declared intifada, when the Jews were offering a 2 state deal & peace?

Thumb doodle-dude 14:50 ,2017 آب 16

Nice to see the wealthy shia Australian who travels the globe & has inside knowledge that no other person on this planet knows about supporting Israel.

Thumb marcus 18:37 ,2017 آب 16

I bet he is also posting from an Airport and in between flights;)

Thumb enterprise 19:17 ,2017 آب 16

more likely from the fries section at McDonald's.

Thumb galaxy 15:31 ,2017 آب 16

the_roar 3 hours ago
if only you Arabs would learn peace instead of tough words.

lol says the 'blonde Norwegian' (Christian of course ) troll who sings nassrallah's praises every single day!

Thumb the_roar 15:36 ,2017 آب 16

some speak the truth no matter how much it hurts your paid agenda, galaxy-sos-terr-eagleyawn-ice-norma the tranny etc

As long as nassrallah is defending Lebanon, than what have one have to say but just that?

i know you have a paid agenda and can't think outside what your told to say.

But hey your filthy agenda has been openly exposed.

Thumb Elemental 02:39 ,2017 آب 17

Visited Lebanon yet?

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 15:59 ,2017 آب 16

Still traumatized by galaxy-sos-terr-eagleyawn-ice-norma the tranny etc and anybody else who exposes your hypocrisy, double standards and Phoniness?

Thumb janoubi 17:47 ,2017 آب 16

the_roar: the most despicable and filthiest troll on this site.

Thumb Elemental 02:40 ,2017 آب 17

Relies on what Iranians there tell him.

Thumb Elemental 02:42 ,2017 آب 17

The biggest joke of all is the Iranian's pretending to care, like their fake sympathy for Christians it's a giant laugh. They hate the Palestinians, they're against them just as much as their lovers.

Thumb galaxy 09:19 ,2017 آب 17

and a myriad of other fake on demand accounts; this creature is a sicko who talks from his rear and claims it is 'facts'.