44 قتيلا و166 جريحا في انفجارين استهدفا مقرات أمنية في دمشق مع وصول طلائع المراقبين

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قتل 44 شخصا واصيب 166 بجروح في الهجومين الانتحاريين اللذين استهدفا مركزين للامن في دمشق، بحسب بيان لوزارة الداخلية تمت قراءته عبر التلفزيون الرسمي السوري.

وقالت الوزارة "ان حصيلة العمليتين الإرهابيتين الانتحاريتين بلغت حتى إعداد هذا البيان 44 شهيدا و166 جريحا".

واكدت وقوع "أضرار مادية كبيرة في المباني والشوارع المحيطة"، مشيرة الى ان "طريقة وأسلوب تنفيذ هذين العملين الإرهابيين الانتحاريين واختيار المكانين اللذين يتصفان بالازدحام بهدف قتل أكبر عدد ممكن من المواطنين تشير إلى بصمات تنظيم القاعدة".

وطلبت الوزارة من المواطنين السوريين "التعاون مع الجهات المختصة في الابلاغ عن اي حالة مشبوهة".

وقال نائب وزير الخارجية السوري فيصل المقداد في موقع أحد الهجومين "سقط أكثر من أربعين قتيلاً وأكثر من 150 جريح في اعتداءي اليوم"، معتبراً أنها "أول هدية من الارهاب والقاعدة في اليوم الاول من وصول المراقبين العرب".

وأضاف "الارهاب أراد ان يكون اليوم الاول للمراقبين في دمشق يوماً مأساوياً لكن الشعب السوري سيواجه آلة القتل التي يدعمها الاوروبيون والاميركيون وبعض الأطراف العربية"، مؤكداً أن "السلطات السورية ستسهل الى أبعد حد مهمة الجامعة العربية".

وكان التلفزيون السوري أعلن أن "عمليتين ارهابيتين وقعتا في دمشق أحداهما تستهدف امن الدولة والاخرى أحد الأفرع الأمنية والتحقيقات الأولية تشير الى أنها من أعمال تنظيم القاعدة".

وأوضح أن "عدداً من الشهداء المدنيين والعسكريين" سقطوا في التفجيرين.

من جهته قال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان "انفجارين وقعا في العاصمة السورية تبعه صوت اطلاق رصاص كثيف في محيط مبنى ادارة المخابرات العامة" في كفرسوسة جنوب دمشق.

وذكر شهود عيان ان التفجيرين وقعا في حي كفرسوسة. فقد حاولت سيارة اقتحام مقر جهاز امن الدولة بينما انفجرت سيارة أخرى أمام مبنى المخابرات في الحي نفسه.

وعرض التلفزيون لقطات لمدنيين ينقلون جثثاً متفحمة أو بترت أطرافها بينما تغطي الدماء والانقاض الارض. وبدت حفرة عميقة وطويلة بشكل واضح.

وقالت صحافية من وكالة "فرانس برس" زارت الموقع أن زجاج نوافذ مباني أمن الدولة تكسرت بينما سبب الانفجاران أضراراً لعدد من السيارات.

وجاء الهجومان غداة وصول طلائع بعثة المراقبين العرب الى سوريا برئاسة المسؤول في الجامعة العربية سمير سيف اليزل لتسوية المسائل اللوجستية والتنظيمية تمهيدا لوصول بين ثلاثين وخمسين مراقباً عربياً الأحد، بموجب البروتوكول الموقع بين سوريا والجامعة العربية.

واكتفى أحدهم بالقول لـ"فرانس برس" طالباً عدم كشف هويته "سنجري اليوم وغداً محادثات مع مسؤولين سوريين".

ووفد بعثة المراقبين المكون من عشرة أعضاء ويرأسه المسؤول في الجامعة العربية سمير سيف اليزل مكلف تسوية المسائل اللوجستية والتنظيمية تمهيداً لوصول مجموعة من 30 الى 50 مراقبا عربيا الاحد.

ومن المفترض أن يرتفع عدد العناصر ليبلغ 150 الى 200 مراقب من المدنيين والعسكريين بقيادة رئيس المهمة الفريق اول ركن السوداني محمد احمد مصطفى الدابي.

وتعتبر السلطات السورية انها حصلت على تعديلات على البروتوكول الأساسي الذي "لم يأخذ بالاعتبار بشكل كاف الامن القومي" للبلاد بحسب قولها.

وتشهد سوريا منذ منتصف آذار احتجاجات أسفر قمعها بقسوة عن مقتل خمسة آلاف شخص على الأقل بحسب الامم المتحدة. وتنسب السلطات السورية هذه الاضطرارات الى "عصابات مسلحة" وأعلنت عن سقوط أكثر من الفي قتيل في صفوف جيشها وقواتها الأمنية.

وقال المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان أن "أربعة مواطنين استشهدوا في حي بابا عمرو صباح اليوم الجمعة احدهم متأثراً بجراح أصيب بها بعد منتصف ليل الخميس الجمعة" بينما "اسشهد مواطنان آخران اثر اطلاق رصاص من حاجز امني في حي ديربعلبة".

وأخيراً دعا ناشطو المعارضة السورية الى التظاهر الجمعة تحت شعار "بروتوكول الموت" للتنديد بمهمة مراقبي الجامعة العربية الذين بدأوا الانتشار في سوريا والتي يعتبرونها "مناورة" من النظام.

التعليقات 60
Default-user-icon Suri (ضيف) 11:24 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Oh how convenient all of this is..... LOL!

Default-user-icon tailor (ضيف) 11:50 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

that or:

The west: hmmm Syria is starting to cooperate, this could end up not as dramatic as we had hoped it would and could cool things down, lets heat things up again a little, ok what do we do...
hey do as we always have done hire a few of our boys in Qaida and mercenaries they did pretty well in Lebanon, could start doing well in the Damascus as well, cause chaos and let the holding elitists start feeling it on their skin in the heartland.
Ok lets go ahead with that for now, and remember we need more chaos, divide and conquer from within at all cost! we got the usual suspects lined up for puppet regime replacement and its getting late for my supper.

Default-user-icon YaSalam (ضيف) 12:13 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

oh well, our esteemed minister of defense did warn that AL Qaeda is infiltrating and is up to something. See, he was right.......!!! I am impressed, really impressed!!!!

Default-user-icon ImmAddas (ضيف) 12:21 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

3 minutes ago Syria state television: Security forces arrested a suspect in the Damascus bombings.

Poor suspect....... he is going to be another Abou Adas.

Default-user-icon leb (ضيف) 13:02 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Al Qaeda could care less about Syria, this is ridiculous and so convenient

Default-user-icon Bubba (ضيف) 13:09 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

that is:
The Regime: hmmm we're pretending to start to cooperate after 9 month, if our ploy is discovered this could end up very dramatically and not as good as we had hoped it would and could put more pressure on us, lets heat things up again a little, OK what do we do...
Hey do as we've always done hire a few of our boys in Qaida and mercenaries they did pretty well in Lebanon and in Iraq, could start doing well in the Damascus as well, cause chaos and scare the restless holding elitists in the heartland in staying behind the regime.
OK lets go ahead with that for now, and remember we need more chaos, divide and conquer from within at all cost, worked in Lebanon! we got the usual suspects lined up for our murderous bloody regime support. Hey it could work it worked with the US embassy attack while mukhararat watched or the regime encouraged burnings of the Scandinavian missions, what else can we do Mu3allem's fake videos backfired and Bashar's Baba Wawa interview was a disasters!

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 13:13 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

I bet our esteemed minister of defense will inform us that AL Qaeda infiltrated back into Syria and blew themselves up in Damascus. See, him tap dance.......!!! I am impressed, really impressed he does very well for a big man!!!!

Default-user-icon AbouMjadra (ضيف) 13:15 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

ImmAddas it least they did not claim to arrest the suspect before the bombing, synchronicity at last.

Default-user-icon Disgusted (ضيف) 13:15 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Security forces are so efficient that they arrested a suspect 1 hour after the attack!! how come they never knew they had so many "terrorsits" ..In case all these "terrorists" appeared suddenly out of nowhere???

Default-user-icon habib Tabrizian (ضيف) 13:17 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

This action can,t be someone els but the regime,s men!

Default-user-icon Trueself (ضيف) 13:21 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

The Syrian regime is really challenging our thinking too much as if we don't know who planted these bombs which certainly were not done by Al Qaeda as mentioned by the Syrian regime's TV station. How twisted the mind of this Assad is in continually killing his own people for this stupid throne that's shaking underneath his feet day after day. If he really thinks he still could govern his people after all these killings he's really away from reality. I also surmise his fate now is closer than ever to that of Gaddafi. Once the opposition prevail, they will dig him and his gang from under ground and take the hell out of him. His family will also be chased after and either killed or imprisoned for life because of a fault of not of their making.

It's so stupid to believe that sustainability of this regime could be achieved by using tactics like these which the two Assads (father and son( used to kill many people in Lebanon and prevail through their machines of deceat.

Missing peace 13:21 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

they use the same old recipes all dictatorships used in the past, how predictable! who do they want to fool?

Default-user-icon rami (ضيف) 13:40 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

they use the same old recipes . used in the past in lebanon, how predictable! who do they want to fool?


Default-user-icon show and tell (ضيف) 13:43 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Faysal Mekdad has given the toll while accompanying an advance team of Arab League observers to the scene of the blasts... Nice stunt.. 'nuff said!

Default-user-icon Maoul (ضيف) 13:56 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Hold on, let me get this one right: Al Qaeda waited 10 months to carry out these terror attacks in Damascus, and it so happened on the first day of the arrival of the Arab monitors who were accompanied by Meqdad to the scene of the explosion as he proclaimed " We said it from the beginning....". Am I missing something here...??????????

Missing castro 14:10 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Ironic- remember infijar Sin El fil. remember infijar antelias. remember infijar ....

What goes around comes around.
I am not sure if you have noticed,but each and every country or regime that had anything to do with the Lebanese civil war killing innocent people or sending mercenaries to Lebanon has paid, is paying or will be paying the price.

More is yet to come.

Default-user-icon Truly Lebanese (ضيف) 14:39 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Bravo Bashar

for 9 months people were demonstrating peacefully and you have kept shooting at them and commiting a slaughtering after the other even in the hospitals.

Don't you understand that apart from your Alawis and some members of other sects that you bought SYRIAN DO NOT WANT YOU

I do no't blame people for falling in Al Qaida trap, even an animal would want to retaliate after what you did.
Compared to your end the one of Khadaffi will be sweat.

Default-user-icon An-arab-american (ضيف) 14:47 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Don't you boys think someone should ask the Defense Minister to reveal publically his sources and explain how the activities of al-Qaida were uncovered just in case the Syrian regime is behind this atrocity? In civil courts, he can be charged of being an accomplice of crimes against humanity!

Now, what are the chances the opposition did negotiate to get some sick mercenaries from al-Qaida to topple the regime? Or what if al-Qaida decided to weaken the regime in an effort to extend its influence in the Arab world?

Missing elielebnan 14:48 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Regardless of who did this bombing, I can't but feel relieved that a security Bldg was own up!! Imagine how many innocent Lebanese and Syrians among others used to get tortured, humiliated and killed. The Baathists regime is getting back what they had patented for so long in the region and specially in our beloved Lebanon...

Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 14:58 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Crap I missed it by that much! Just over an hour ago I predicted it would be our esteemed minister of defense that would warn but it was the Syrian foreign ministry seven minutes later that did it instead:

"Lebanon warned Damascus that al-Qaida members have infiltrated Syria from Lebanese territories."

Missing elielebnan 15:01 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Mowaten... These are Baathists security agents and probably few of your own hizbullah members.. See that's why I am happy.. Good day today.. Keep the good news coming until the Baathists regime along with hizbullah vanish!!

Default-user-icon May 7 (ضيف) 15:05 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

The Syrians had plenty of practice in Lebanon for over 30 years

Default-user-icon Anonymous2 (ضيف) 15:06 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

you are all so blinded by the past and present of what has happened in Leb that you'll do everything and support anything blindly in a sick twist of vengeance to see the regime fall, and if it does and Muslim brotherhood takes over with alqaida on the side blowing up market places like in Iraq and soon in Libya and Egypt day to day in the struggle for power and corruption and sectarian genocides left and right, only then will you realize if you do, that not only this waste-bag will spill over to lebanon by the masses but the advocate you wanted to see so desperately gone is now replaced by the devil himself and it will be too late.

Default-user-icon oh well (ضيف) 15:09 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

mowaten, has anyone figured out who blew up the Sayidat al Najat Church in Zouk with all the innocent Lebanese that you forgot to shed a tear for, they were Christians so they probably did not deserve your tears. I know the Syrians through Jamil Sayyed tried and failed to pin it on the LF. As a result they were able to outlaw the only remaining representative independent Christian party, forgot all about the bombing but got to continue their witch hunt. I heard that the plotter of the bomb relocated to a nice villa in a posh Damascus neighborhood, he does good work I wonder if he had a hand in today's.

Default-user-icon Hd zico (ضيف) 15:17 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Another story by the terrorist regime...time is up for assad and his thugs....40 yrs of syria oppression and killing.... isnt it humiliating for all syrian intellectuals and free minds that only 1 man or family can rule a country....what comes around goes around...all the bad things they did to lebanon and lebanese...they are paying for...hopefully assad will send a plane and take aoun and with him

Default-user-icon George H (ضيف) 15:19 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

@trueself: you are right

Default-user-icon get real (ضيف) 15:24 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

neon, how many Arab nationalists, Somalis, Libyan, Sudanese etc, came to Lebanon 75-76 to help slaughter Christians thinking they were in Israel fighting Jews? Not much is needed to get a rabid fundamentalist to kill himself for the wrong reasons. The Syrian were able to convince so many of them to go to Iraq and kill Iraqis thinking they were fighting crusaders. The Ayatollah also convinced so many of them that the plastic keys he supplied them with will open heaven's door as they went on their merry way over the Iraqi mine fields, sheep were more valuable to Khomeini that they were.

Default-user-icon KAMALSIN2000 (ضيف) 15:27 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

a camel hiding behind a rat
we can see you
play anotherone

Missing spitfire 15:31 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

a rat cannot hide a camel
we can see the camel
try another one for the sake of the Assad family
audience are after fresh ideas

Thumb anonymouslb 15:41 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Whoever did that (It might be Qaida, it might be the syrian regime) may all the dead rest in peace...

Missing sergio 15:50 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Mowaten you should be happy:) it could've happened when you & your hezzi's were out there. you should consider yourself lucky for now.. but your time is comming soon take one way ticket to Iran it's a lot safer there for now.

Missing youssefhaddad 15:52 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

First it is obvious that if assad had stepped down none of this would have happened.
These methods that kill innocent people are the trademark of the friends of iran and syria who have spread chaos and death in Iraq and other parts of the world.
These bombings could be the result of either:
-extremists who are trying to dominate the syrian scene and spread terror against the regime
-The regime trying to scare the Arabs, Israel and the West of the possibility of extremists taking over Syria.

in either cases people are dying and stability in the whole region is threatened.

Thumb geha 16:10 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

bombimgs and massacres, either by this regime or others, leaves behind a lot of grief. we experienced so much of those ourselves, and usually innocent people are the ones who are targetted.
I can only express condoleances to the families of the fallen.

Thumb jabalamel 16:20 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

the filthy zionist information war department is trying to somehow blame syrian regime for what their muslim brotherhood mercenaries did.

Missing zdm343 16:21 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

The syrian opposition are salafist wahhabi terrorist thugs. God bless the Syrian army in crushing these terrorists.

Missing zdm343 16:28 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

ثورة سلمية سلمية و انفجارا اليوم اللذان أوقعا شهداء مدنيين و عسكريين في المقرات الأمنية سلميان سلميان.

Default-user-icon Arz10452 (ضيف) 16:31 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

This is like Ghazi Kanaan's suicide - self inflicted. the regime needs a reason to scare the west of an immenent Islamist take over if the current regime fails. Booshar's mafia is alive and well

Default-user-icon mmm (ضيف) 16:53 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

ouwwet zo3ran... :P

Default-user-icon send in the claouns (ضيف) 16:58 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

So if I understand what happened correctly, a brace of suicide bombers blew up a couple of security forces bases in Damascus, then the Syrian security forces arrested suspects. Turns out they were the al-Qaeda members who previously had secretly infiltrated from Syria into Lebanon but upon hearing that our defense minister Ghosn had spotted them made an about face and high tailed it back to Syrian and got to Damascus in time to put a show for an advance team of Arab League observers accompanied by Faysal Mekdad and all this inside of twenty minutes. What is this a sitcom! All that's missing is for Shawn and Gus to show up with a pineapple.

Thumb thepatriot 17:01 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

the filthy idiot is back!

Default-user-icon speedo (ضيف) 18:09 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

I bet that the advance team of Arab League observers did not expect to start swinging so early in the game, Walid Mualem filled the pool before they got a chance to put their swim trunks on.

Default-user-icon cs (ضيف) 18:09 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Sah'thain....The Syrians are tasting the same way they destroyed Lebanon...what goes around, really and truly, comes around...enjoy...

Default-user-icon Mehdi (ضيف) 18:11 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

thepatriot, the f_i was just released from the Roumieh prison after serving his sentence for "a crime he did not commit", but they kept his motorbike.

Default-user-icon Eliminator (ضيف) 19:04 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Mountain of Head Lice (Jabal Amel): Back from your last indoctrination trip? I thought that, after your long disappearance, you would have come back with new and creative ideas on how to insult everyone on this forum. I see that all of that time you spent at indoctrination camp was wasted.

Default-user-icon Tico Tico (ضيف) 19:13 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

Mountain of Head Lice: Back from indoctrination camp? After your very long absence, we had all hoped that you would have learned fresh and creative ways to insult us. Your latest salvo of hateful insults indicates that all of this time you spent at indoctrination camp was a waste.

Thumb jabalamel 20:01 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

the filthy zionist information war soldier never left.

Missing realist 21:15 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

This is classic ghawar/abu3antar act on part of the Syrian regime. They even brought dead bodies from the jabal zawyie massacres. No one in his right mind buys this, bombings on the FIRST DAY of the observers work!!? how pathetic and disconnected is the regime!? even the russians won't buy this one and can not sell it either. Only naieve brainwashed people like the nazi suni-hater mowaten buys this. the good news is that this is another proof that the regime is actually SINKING

Missing realist 21:20 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

This reminds me of the ABU ADDAS STORY!!! Who agrees with me lol?!?!

Missing realist 21:23 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

BTW everyone, these explosions would prevent the "observers" from visiting those two mukhabarat torture chambers and find out what is happening to the victims there, i wana bet money that all these "dead bodies" are people already dead in those chambers from torture, these explosions hit so many birds with one stone. Mowaten, start thinking and quit your nazi hate for the suni syrians.

Missing realist 21:40 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

hey sweating, how do you know it was "suicide"??? remember there is no independent press there and all we know is the government side of the story.. remember the Abu addas story and watch some ghawar. This was such a cheap stunt from the regime, and the two sites are notorious torture chambers i.e. the explosions would prevent the observers from inspecting.

Default-user-icon send in the claouns (ضيف) 23:57 ,2011 كانون الأول 23

So if I understand what happened correctly, a brace of suicide bombers blew up a couple of security forces bases in Damascus, then the Syrian security forces arrested suspects. Turns out they were the al-Qaeda members who previously had secretly infiltrated from Syria into Lebanon but upon hearing that our defense minister Ghosn had spotted them made an about face and high tailed it back to Syrian and got to Damascus in time to put a show for an advance team of Arab League observers accompanied by Faysal Mekdad and all this inside of twenty minutes. What is this a sitcom! All that's missing is for Shawn and Gus to show up with a pineapple.

Default-user-icon danton (ضيف) 00:39 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

Guys, this is a link to a video of AL ZAWAHIRI calling to join forces of mujahideen and martyrs for the cause of uprising in Damascus. It was August when it has been posted, almost 5 months ago. You Lebanese (I am not) can understand better the fatwa of this saint man. Looks "like the glory of east begins in Damascus". Bombs arrived in Damascus few months after this video. Maybe the time needed to send in martyrs and prepare such a violent double attack? How can so many people strive to defend al Qaeda?

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 01:14 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

Was the lousy Jordanian regime responsible for the suicide bombings at the hotels in Amman a few years ago? Was the Iraqi government responsible for all the suicide bombings (or was it done by Americans) in Iraq? The lousy Syrian opposition does not have support among the Syrian people, otherwise it would have spread to Halab and Damascus (Of course, the lousy Syrian regime does not have support among the majority of Syrians either).

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 01:20 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

How odd that precisely at this moment the Syrian regime is unable to stop bombings in Damascus after 10 months of protests and supposed terrorists roaming free in the thousands. Terrorists that appeared out of thin air apparently.

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 01:23 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

The Syrian security is to busy with opposition and the country is wide open for infiltration by Al Qaida, Mossad, CIA, and other terrorist organizations.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 01:23 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

This must be the brother of Abu Adass, Abu Hummus who is behind this.

Default-user-icon Claouns Hater (ضيف) 15:48 ,2011 كانون الأول 24

Sweating Donkey and ali hussein alias(John from Koura),stop loosing time on naharnet and go assist the syrian regime in raping women and babies...
You brainless bastards , i can't imagine how you can encourage these murderers and defend them ... The only imaginable reason is that your idiotic dad gets his monthly allowance(around 50 $ ) from the hezb and your affraid to loose it ... I will give them to you if this is the price of your pride and conscience....

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 13:54 ,2011 كانون الأول 25

The syrian moukhabarat are all over lebanon and know more than the lebanese what is going on in lebanon.nothing can happen in lebanon without the knowledge of assad. and they want us to beleive their lies?syrian propaganda is based on lies to buy time history can prove it. this type of bomb can only be made by the same people who killed Hariri. The area where the bomb expolded is a restricted area and not even a fly can enter. give me a f.. brake. the snake is swallowing its tale.

Default-user-icon dragon (ضيف) 22:55 ,2011 كانون الأول 25

no one can tell,,,the perpetrator of the bombing might be one of the tortured prisoners who had been obliged to blow himself to show that activist planned the explosion?it coould be a fabricated issue,,,the syrian regime is good at it,,,

Default-user-icon A. Templar (ضيف) 21:10 ,2011 كانون الأول 26

Casus Belli: The justification for acts of war.

Assad wanting to show the world that his administration is under attack,so he slaughters 40 of his own, a Casus Belli, to justify his acts of barbarism.
This is Pure Baath Theater signature and the world sees it as such..