واشنطن: لن نقبل بحزب الله كأمر واقع في لبنان

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أعلن وزير الخارجية الاميركي مايك بومبايو أن واشنطن لن تقبل بحزب الله كأمر واقع في لبنان.

وقال في خطاب القاه في القاهرة الخميس "حزب الله له وجود كبير في لبنان لكننا لن نقبل بذلك كأمر واقع".

وتعهد بومبايو بأن تعمل بلاده على طرد آخر جندي ايراني من سوريا حتى بعد انسحاب الجنود الاميركيين.

واكد بومبايو أن القوات الاميركية ستنسحب من سوريا.

التعليقات 4
Thumb thepatriot 17:37 ,2019 كانون الثاني 10

Be sure, that a majority of Lebanese also reject the ways of this sectarian Mafia that is the Ebola!

Thumb galaxy 18:00 ,2019 كانون الثاني 10

Talk is cheap indeed!

What about nassrallah, Raad, and every hezbollah so called MP? The USA sat back and watched the criminal iranian terror group take over Lebanon and did nothing.

Thumb canadianleb 22:15 ,2019 كانون الثاني 10

If you recall the Americans and the Arabs supported Iraq with their war against Iran and than they both turned on Iraq. The Americans can not be trusted annd look at what they are going to do to the Kurds. the Objective of the US, KSA and Israel was to redivide the ME that also didn't work out but they did accomplish to drive out the Christians and cause a rift between Sunni and Shia that will never be reconciled. In case you forgot the Arms deal Regan did with the Iranians it was called Iran-Contra. So as long as the Arabs " Muslims" continue to kill each other Israel is left in peace better yet the Arabs are joining them rather than resolve the issues with Iran. And Yes women and girls flee their Country and family but are not hunted down and killed as they do with KSA and other Muslim countries

Thumb warrior 02:22 ,2019 كانون الثاني 11

The western shia 'christian' says "Trump is a Narcissist" yet Trump did not claim he has triple nationalities;)