عون: لا حصانة لأحد في حملة مكافحة الفساد

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شدد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال عون على أن لا حصانة لأحد في حملة مكافحة الفساد، داعيا المتهمين الى المثول امام القضاء.

وقال عون الاثنين في حفل إطلاق الحملة الوطنية لاستنهاض الاقتصاد اللبناني، الذي أقيم في قصر بعبدا "يجب أن يعلم الجميع أن لا حصانة لاحد في حملة مكافحة الفساد، وقد كنت أنا أول المتهمين بملف فارغ ولم أتوسط لأحد لإظهار براءتي".

وروى أنه طالب التيار الوطني الحر "الذي كان يتظاهر بوجه الوجود السوري في لبنان ألا يتظاهر لأجل المطالبة ببراءتي التي بينها في ما بعد القضاء".

وأضاف بحزم "على كل متهم عليه ان يمثل أمام القضاء، ومن خلال القضاء فقط تثبت التهم او تؤخذ البراءة، وإلا نكون أمام مشكلة كبيرة".

كذلك، دعا الشعب الى الانتقال الى شعب مقاوم، "مقاومة من أجل تحصين الإقتصاد، يشتري من انتاجه ويأكل مما يزرع"، مطالبا الللبنانيين أيضا بإنعاش السياحة والصناعة الداخلية.

التعليقات 10
Thumb Puppet 14:37 ,2019 آذار 18

I have the utmost respect for general aoun who is now president and imam for proving himself innocent of any corruption charges( including $60 million embezzled from the central bank) through the judiciary and no one else.

Thumb galaxy 14:53 ,2019 آذار 18

" I was the first accused of an empty (corruption) file but I did not mediate anyone to show my innocence, which was later proven by the judiciary,” said Aoun.

No you were not! It was part of the deal with the syrian regime to bring you back.

Thumb natour 17:07 ,2019 آذار 18

Bingo! Aoun was never exonerated by the judiciary or any court. His "stealing public funds" file was swept under the carpet as part of the deal he made with the Syrians and their minions, while still exiled in Paris, in which he sold his soul in return for the clean slate and the presidency. The irony is he's now rehashing Emile Lahoud's same bogus corruption fighting jargon that he criticized while in France. Someone should also ask Aoun what did his own appointed State Minister for Combating Corruption Nicolas Tueni do in two years to combat corruption and how many corrupt people did arrest, prosecute, convict etc. Nicolas Tueni's tenure was so useless he should refund his government pay, in full, to the treasury.

Thumb ashtah 15:18 ,2019 آذار 18

"The Lebanese Government has issued a general amnesty on war crimes that would clear the way for Gen. Michel Aoun, the Christian army commander who ended a costly two-year mutiny last October, to leave the country and take up political asylum in France.

General Aoun and two of his close aides have taken refuge at the French Embassy here for the last 10 months, avoiding the risk of prosecution on charges of embezzling $35 million in public funds between 1988 and 1990."


Missing greatpierro 15:56 ,2019 آذار 18

enough of empty slogans: put on trial michel suleima, machnouk, saniora, the former mayor of beirut, the former head of ogero, the former mayor of baabdat, etc... All these people are involved in corruptions and everyone knows about it but no one is doing anything about it

Thumb canadianleb 17:42 ,2019 آذار 18

they belong to the red line that can not be crossed...

Thumb canadianleb 16:41 ,2019 آذار 18

there is a lot of red lines drawn so no one will be charged with any corruption other than those little guys that pass the $$$ to the corrupt politicians.

Thumb canadianleb 16:42 ,2019 آذار 18

there is a lot of red lines drawn so no one will be charged with any corruption other than those little guys that pass the $$$ to the corrupt politicians.

Thumb thepatriot 20:35 ,2019 آذار 18

Let the innocent declare and justify their belongings and Bank Accounts... Tha would B a start!

Thumb thepatriot 00:06 ,2019 آذار 19

Those who do not declare are guilty!