نصرالله يؤكد أن "لا وقت لإسقاط الحكومة": مواقف الحركات الإسلامية "ملتبسة" من إسرائيل

Read this story in English W460

أكد الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله رفض الحزب لإسقاط الحكومة في الوقت لأنها "تؤمن الإستقرار المطلوب للبلد" الأمني والسياسي كاشفا أن الحركات الإسلامية التي وصلت بعد الإحتجاجات التي حصلت في البلدان العربية تأخذ مواقف "ملتبسة" في الشأن الإسرائيلي بداعي "الظروف التي يجب أن نتفهمها".

وقال نصرالله في كلمة مباشرة له في ذكرى المولد النبوي مساء الثلاثاء "حريصون على استمرار الحكومة وهناك اتصالات ستفضي الى معالجة هذه الأزمة وهذه الحكومة ستسمر ولا حكومة جديدة".

وتوجه "لمن بدأوا يجهزون "كرافاتاتهم" إلى الحكومة الجديدة: لا ليس هناك حكومة جديدة، الحكومة الحالية هي استقرار للبلد وليس هناك وقت لإسقاط الحكومة الآن مع انها ليست حكومة حزب الله".

وفي الشأن السوري قال نصرالله "ما أدعو إليه أن نخرج بالتفاصيل السورية فما من أحد معصوم عن الخطأ بالتفاصيل، علينا النظر إلى المشهد الكبير وبعدها".

وإذ أبدى استياءه من "المبالغات" الإعلامية في التحركات الميدانية وصّف أمين عام حزب الله الوضع الداخلي قائلا "في الداخل هناك جزء من الشعب السوري ما زال مع النظام وهناك معارضة بعضها شعبي والبعض سياسي والبعض مسلح، وهناك الآن العدد من المواجهات المسلحة وهناك جزء كبير من سوريا ينعم باستقرار".

أما في الشأن الخارجي سأل نصرالله "هل من شك أن هناك قرارا أميركيا إسرائيليا غربيا عربيا على مستوى دول الاعتدال العربي باسقاط النظام في سوريا" متابعا "هذا لا نقاش فيه".

وتابع نصرالله "أتفهم أن هناك حركات إسلامية في مصر وتونس وليبيا واليمن لكن بعض القيادات الإسلامية وهم أصدقائي الآن ونظرا للظروف السياسية في بلدانهم لا يأخذون مواقف واضحة في القضية القومية وفي الموضوع الاسرائيلي بل أحيانا قد تصدر عنهم مواقف ملتبسة وعندما نراجع ونناقش يقال لنا أن هناك ظروفا ويجب أن نتفهمها ".

وعليه سأل نصرالله "إذا هل المقابل في سوريا هو الإصلاحات أم المطلوب رأس المقاومة في لبنان ورأس القضية الفلسطينية ورأس الشعب الفلسطيني".

كما انتقد المعارضة السورية قائلا "يقولون أن الأوان فات على الإصلاحات ولكن كيف فات الأوان وهناك حرب في سوريا؟".

ونفى التصاريح التي تقول "أن ما يحصل هي حرب طائفية لأن الجماعات المسلحة قتلت من السنة أكثر من غيرهم" داعيا "الحريص" على سوريا أن "يذهب إلى الحوار فلماذا يقفل الباب؟هذا السلوك تتبعه اليوم أميركا والغرب والدول العربية".

كما رأى نصرالله أن "ما يخدم سوريا طاولة حوار حقيقية والرهان على أميركا هو المزيد من القتل والفتنة".

وتحدث نصرالله في الشأن الإيراني وردا على التحليلات ان "اسرائيل اذا قامت بقصف المنشآت النووية الايرانية ماذا يمكن ان يحصل" تابع "أنا أقول لكم في ذلك اليوم الذي أستبعده أقول لكم القيادة الايرانية لن تطلب شيئا من حزب الله ولم ترغب بشيء لكن اقول في ذلك اليوم نحن الذين علينا أن نجلس ونفكر ونقرر ماذا نفعل".

وأسهب نصرالله في هذا الموضوع ليقول أن ما يسمى "المد الشيعي لا أساس له من الصحة ولكن بعض الأناس يروجون له" جازما ان أحدا لا يمكنه "أن يتهم الحركات الإسلامية الشيعية انها تعمل على التشيع وأتمنى ألا يسمح أحد من إخواننا السنة أن يزرع كذبة من هذا النوع".

وشرح أنه "عندما أكون مسلما وإسلاميا ومحمديا لا يعني أنه ليس لدي خيار سياسي سوى الدولة الإسلامية فمن مرونة الإسلام م أنه لأي جماعة مسلمة في أي بلد له ظروف أن يلقى التوجه المناسب".

وتابع "في 1982 صحيح أننا خطبنا بالجمهورية الإسلامية في لبنان ولكن كذلك هناك قيادات تتكلم اليوم في التعايش تكلموا بالتقسيم والفيدرالية.. نعم تكلمنا ولكن أقمنا دراسات وعندما نقوم بشيء نرى أنه من مصلحة المسلمين والمسيحيين في البلد".

وأكد نصرالله للمرة الأولى أن حزب الله يتلقى "الدعم المعنوي والسياسي والمادي بكل أشكاله الممكنة والمتاحة من الجمهورية الإسلامية في إيران منذ العام 1982" قائلا "بداية كنا نقول نصف هذا الكلام".

واوضح أن "هذا الدعم هو مفخرة لإيران لأن هذه المقاومة التي حققت أوضح انتصار عربي على إسرائيل في عام 2000 ما كان ليتحقق من هذا الدعم المادي الإيراني".

وعن الكلام أن الحزب يدير شبكات في الخارج للمخدرات وغيرها قال "أغنانا الله بدولتنا الإسلامية في إيران عن أي فلس في العالم حلال أو حرام، لا نغسل أموالا ولا نعمل بالحرام ، نحن ليس لدينا كـ"حزب الله" أن علاقة تجارية مع الخارج ولا حتى في الداخل اللبناني ألغينا كل مشاريعنا التجارية السابق".

وشدد على "أننا أغنياء بما يمكننا عن الدفاع عن لبنان وكرامة لبنان ولسنا بحاجة إلى أي أعمال حلال أو حرام".

إلا أن الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" شدد على أن "لا إملاءات إيرانية مقابل الدعم منذ 1982" قائلا "قدرنا لا يمكن أن يهزه شيء حتى لو وقف العالم كله في وجهنا".

  • 20:51 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله خاتما: نحن حريصون أن تستمر الحكومة اللبنانية وهناك اتصالات تفضي إلى حل الأزمة واقول لمن بدأوا يجهزون "كرافاتاتهم" إلى الحكومة الجديدة: لا ليس هناك حكومة جديدة، الحكومة الحالية هي استقرار للبلد وليس هناط وقت لإسقاط الحكومة الآن مع انها ليست حكومة حزب الله

  • 20:49 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: ما يخدم سوريا طاولة حوار حقيقية والرهان على أميركا هو المزيد من القتل والفتنة

  • 20:48 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: يقولون أن الأوان فات على الإصلاحات ولكن كيف فات الأوان وهناك حرب في سوريا؟ غير صحيح أن ما يحصل هي حرب طائفية لأن الجماعات المسلحة قتلت من السنة أكثر من غيرهم، الحريض على سوريا يذهب إلى الحوار، لماذا يقفل الباب؟ من يخدم هذا السلوك الذي تتبعه اليوم أميركا والغرب والدول العربية؟

  • 20:45 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: بعض الأصدقاء المشتركين قالوا لماذا أنتم خائفين من سقوط النظام؟ سنحافظ على العلاقة معكم ونمرر السلاح..أتفهم أن هناك حركات إسلامية في مصر وتونس وليبيا واليمن لكن بعض القيادات الإسلامية وهم أصدقائي الآن ونظرا للظروف السياسية في بلدانهم لا يأخذون مواقف واضحة في الشأن الإسرائيلي إذا هل المقابل في سوريا هو الإصلاحات أم المطلوب رأس المقاومة في لبنان ورأس القضية الفلسطينية ورأس الشعب الفلسطيني

  • 20:42 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: اليوم هناك شبه إجماع إسرائيلي على سقوط بشار الأسد فأين هم 14 آذار من هذه التصريحات؟

  • 20:41 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: في الداخل هناك جزء من الشعب السوري ما زال مع النظام وهناك معارضة بعضها شعبي والبعض سياسي والبعض مسلح، وهناك الآن العدد من المواجهات المسلحة وهناك جزء كبير من سوريا ينعم باستقرار أما في الخارج هل من أحد يشك أن كل دول العالم يسعى إلى إسقاط النظام في سوريا؟

  • 20:38 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: ما أدعو إليه أن نخرج بالتفاصيل السورية فما من أحد معصوم عن الخطأ بالتفاصيل، علينا النظر إلى المشهد الكبير وبعدها

  • 20:36 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: ما هذا القول أن حزب الله يقصف الزبداني بالكاتيوشا؟ قبل اجتماع مجلس الأمن تأثرنا ان هناك مئات القتلى في حمص وقلنا للمسؤولين أن يتصلوا بأشخاص لاعلاقة لهم بالدفاع فقالوا أن لا شيء يحصل في حمص

  • 20:33 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: قدرنا لا يمكن أن يهزه شيء حتى لو وقف العالم كله في وجهنا

  • 20:32 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: هناك تحليل ان اسرائيل اذا قامت بقصف المنشآت النووية الايرانية ماذا يمكن ان يحصل وأنا أقول لكم في ذلك اليوم الذي أستبعده أقول لكم القيادة الايرانية لن تطلب شيئا من حزب الله ولم ترغب بشيء لكن اقول في ذلك اليوم نحن الذين علينا أن نجلس ونفكر ونقرر ماذا نفعل

  • 20:30 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: لا إملاءات إيرانية مقابل الدعم منذ 1982 حتى اليوم وقلت في طاولة الحوار أن يجلبوا لي عملا واحدا قمنا به من أجل مصلحة إيران فلم يقل أحد ولا سبب إلا الرهائن وقلت أن لا دخل لهم بإيران.. وأقولها اليوم إذا كان أحد لديه دليلا أننا قمنا بعمل واحد من أجل مصلحة إيران فليقل ما هو

  • 20:27 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: نحن أغنياء بما يمكننا عن الدفاع عن لبنان وكرامة لبنان ولسنا بحاجة إلى أي أعمال حلال أو حرام

  • 20:26 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: كل مرة يتكلمون عن شبكات في أميركا اللاتينية عن شبكات لـ"حزب الله" مخدرات: أولا المخدرات حرام ثانيا نحنأغنانا الله بدولتنا الإسلامية في إيران عن أي فلس في العالم حلال أو حرام، لا نغسل أموالا، نحن ليس لدينا كـ"حزب الله" أن علاقة تجارية مع الخارج ولا حتى في الداخل اللبناني ألغينا كل مشاريعنا التجارية السابقة لأننا نؤمن بأن أي حركة جهادية يمكن أن تقوم بالتجارة ولكن لدينا مشكلة ثقافية مع التجارة لأنها تؤدس إلى الفساد، وحتى الدعم قلت أن لدينا ما يكفي من المال لنقوم بواجبنا وتركنا هيئة دعم المقاومة إذا ما أحب أحد أن يشاركنا

  • 20:22 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: أول أثر يترتب على هذه الحقيقة هي الشكر والإعتراف بالجميل للمسؤولين في إيران الذين يدفعون أثمانا باهظة بسبب وقوفهم إلى جانب لبنان وفلسطين، مشكلة أميركا هي إسرائيل والنفط، "عفّوا" عن إسرائيل وبيعونا نفط ولا يفرق عندهم إذا كان القائد يلبس تاجا أو عمامة

  • 20:20 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: هذا الدعم هو مفخرة لإيران لأن هذه المقاومة التي حققت أوضح انتصار عربي على إسرائيل في عام 2000 ما كان ليتحقق من هذا الدعم المادي الإيراني، أول انتصادر عربي بلا قيد وبلا شرط تحقق بدعم إيراني وطبعا كان لسوريا دور كبير، إن حركة المقاومة التي انتصرت في تموز ما كانت لتصمد لولا الدعم الإيراني

  • 20:19 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: على خلفية كلام سماحة السيد القائد الإمام الخامنئي الذي قال أننا نقدم الدعم لحركات المقاومة في لبنان وفلسطين وقال أننا لا نريد شيئا من هذا الدعم لأننا نقوم بواجب شرعي، نعم نحن نتلقى الدعم المعنوي والسياسي والمادي بكل أشكاله الممكنة والمتاحة من الجمهورية الإسلامية في إيران منذ العام 1982، بداية كنا نقول نصف هذا الكلام

  • 20:16 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: في 1982 صحيح أننا خطبنا بالجمهورية الإسلامية في لبنان ولكن كذلك هناك قيادات تتكلم اليوم في التعايش تكلموا بالتقسيم والفيدرالية.. نعم تكلمنا ولكن أقمنا دراسات وعندما نقوم بشيء نرى أنه من مصلحة المسلمين والمسيحيين في البلد

  • 20:14 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: عندما أكون مسلما وإسلاميا ومحمديا لا يعني أنه ليس لدي خيار سياسي سوى الدولة الإسلامية..من مرونة الإسلام مدين أنه لأي جماعة مسلمة في أي بلد له ظروف أن يلقى التوجه المناسب..عندما نتحدث عن دولة وطنية في لبنان يشارك فيها الجميع وتحمي الجميع وتؤمن لهم العدالة والإستقرار والعزة نتكلم عن ذلك من أصولنا الدينية والفقهية... نحن نشارك في انتخابات وفق خيارنا الديني وهذا الخيار لا يمكن أن يشكل عائقا أمام بناء الدولة

  • 20:11 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: لا يقدر أحد أن يتهم الحركات الإسلامية الشيعية انها تعمل على التشيع وأتمنى ألا يسمح أحد من إخواننا السنة أن يزرع كذبة من هذا النوع...كنت أقول للمشرفين على إخواننا الفلسطينيين في معسكرات التدريب أن النقاش الديني ممنوع والدعوة تأتي عبر علماء يأتون بهم

  • 20:09 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: أين هم الـ50 مليون سني الذين تشيعوا كما يقال؟ أقول لكم اليوم أننا مسلمون شيعة لعلي ابن أبي طالب، نحن نؤمن بأن أتباع المذاهب الإسلامية الأخرى هم مسلمون لنا ما لهم وعلينا ما عليهم وكل مسلم يملك الحرية الكاملة أن يتبع ما يريد وليس لدى أي أحد منا لتحويل أخ سني إلى شيعي

  • 20:07 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: حتى في لبنان قالوا هذا الكلام السخيف أن هناك مد شيعي بسبب الخصومة السياسية

  • 20:07 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: قالوا أن في سوريا حركة تشييع كبرى وأن الرئيس الأسد يدعم هذه الحركة وحتى الآن تشيع في سوريا ستة ملايين شخص، قلنا لهم أين هم؟ قال لي أن مستشار أحد الملوك العرب أن رسائل أتت للملك أن يلحق بسنة سوريا لأنهم يشيعون...إلتقينا مع المسؤولين هناك وقلت لأحد الأمنيين هل أنتم قادرون على عمل دراسة...لم يلق حتى 1000 شخص شيعي، هناك حالات فردية وناس تتأثر بالأحداث ولكن ليس هناك من شيء اسمه مد شيعي

  • 20:04 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: المد الشيعي لا أساس له من الصحة ولكن بعض الأناس يروجون له، أنا التقيت مع قيادات في مصر وقالوا أن هناك خطة تشيع تنفذها إيران وهناك 5 ملايين شيعي حتى الآن فقلت لهم أرونا أين هم؟ لا دليل... مع ذلك هناك قيادات تقول أن هناك مد شيعي إيراني في مصر مع أنها غير قادرة على ذلك

  • 20:01 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: بعد الحرب ذهبوا إلى نوع أخطر وهي الفتنة المذهبية واختراع المد الإيراني والمد الشيعي وهو اليوم مادة الحرب الناعمة التي يستخدكها الغرب في مواجهة الأمة

  • 19:59 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: الحرب التي فرضت على إيران هذه الجمهورية الفتية هو لأنها أسقطت نظام الشاه المدعوم من أميركا، كانوا يدعمون شيعي المذهب لأنه لا يهمهم المذهب بل التوجه السياسي، شنت على إيران حرب استمرت ثماني سنوات مدومة عربيا، بعض الدول العربية حجبت المليارات عن أبناء فلسطين وفصائل المقاومة لتنفقها لتمويل الحرب على دولة إسلامية فتية رفعت شعار القدس

  • 19:57 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: سيطرة القوى الكبرى على النفط والغاز والمقدسات - لأن الإحتلال هو أميركي وإسرائيلي- يفتت الأمة وعندما تتوحد الأمة هذا يعني أنها استعادت سيادتها وخيراتها وهذا ما لن يسمح به المستكبرون

  • 19:52 ,2012 شباط 07

    نصرالله: يجب أن يعرف الإنسان كيف يبني موقفا ويجب أن يتأكد من المعلومات دون الوقوع في جو الأكاذيب والشائعات التي يستخدم لها اليوم أقوى وأهم مؤسسات رأي عام في العالم وهذا أخطر جانب في أي حرب يمكن أن تُشَنّ

  • 19:50 ,2012 شباط 07

    الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله في ذكرى المولد النبوي: نحن نشهد مرحلة عجيبة غريبة في الإعلام إذ ينسبون لقيادات مواقف لا أساس لها من الصحة ويبنون عليها حروب ويخترعون وقائع لم تقع إنما فبركت وزورت

التعليقات 83
Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 20:02 ,2012 شباط 07

Blah blah blah......the resistance. Blah blah blah Quds. Blah blah blah we are metweili who don't pay for electricity and live like beggars.

Missing ayoor 20:04 ,2012 شباط 07

they are on their way to get you

Default-user-icon souri efendi (ضيف) 20:09 ,2012 شباط 07

We will get you ya mounafeq.

Missing realist 09:11 ,2012 شباط 08

he said he will not use his weapons inside lebanon then turned around and killed hariri, 3eedo, pierre, etc.. and not to mention 7th of may. He supported all the arab revolution EXCEPT the syrian one because the vast majority of syrians are sunis and bashar is 3alawi, while of course he cries 24/7 over ba7rain, ALL THIS AND HE IS NOT A MUNAFIq>?!@?!@ he is not even muslim and wa7ad bala dam and bala akhla` he supports the murder of sunis because they are his real enemy and not israel (fayez karam gets two years in jail and he tries to kill wisma hassan) and what about when he said he would not fund the ma7kame and then funded it ghasben 3an rasu?!~!? la`wwe tshid eedak on this munafeq sectarian thug please.

Thumb jcamerican 16:12 ,2012 شباط 08

Stop fighting ------. Your problems are planned. Watch this video -----, and start packing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXS3vW47mOE

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 20:13 ,2012 شباط 07

Your days are numbered you black turbaned freak. No one cares what you say. Everyone publically criticizes you now. When your arms pipeline from Syria dries up and the border is hostile to you, things will change.

For now go to hell. We all hate you. You raped Beirut. You can't even walk the streets because people hate you. Even other Shia leaders are openly critisizing you on TV.

Missing elieabighassan 21:52 ,2012 شباط 07

Could you give me the names of those shia leaders? By the way, it was amal who raped beirut on may 7th.

Missing realist 09:13 ,2012 شباط 08

what sunis love nasralah idiot?!?!? his pictures are being burned everywhere, u think nasrala still has any credit in Syria or Egypt?!@?! unless you think he has any credit in saudi and the gulf, mala walad inta

Thumb jcamerican 16:15 ,2012 شباط 08

They have enough weapons for 5 years. All they need is 4 days supply to take over Lebanon, and each one of you jerks will be under the bed squealing and waiting for a miracle.

Missing allouchi 20:09 ,2012 شباط 08

jcamerica, You are a true M8 supporter...militarily attack and kill your countrymen that disagree with you...You will do well killing civilians in Syria as well but your time will come sooner or later.

Default-user-icon Eli (ضيف) 20:42 ,2012 شباط 07

Indeed the biggest hypocrite of them all!

Default-user-icon keef ya 7elo (ضيف) 20:48 ,2012 شباط 07

"Nasrallah: After the war, they resorted to something more dangerous: sectarian strife. They also invented “the Iranian expansion and the Shiite expansion,” which is the backbone of the “soft war” the West is waging against the Ummah" ...


Missing allouchi 15:31 ,2012 شباط 08

ur an idiot

Default-user-icon N (ضيف) 20:50 ,2012 شباط 07

Previously on Hezbollahstan.... blah blah blah

Default-user-icon N (ضيف) 08:08 ,2012 شباط 08

Wouldnt expect anything less from you mfawaz... could to see your still a savage and keeping the hezb spirit alive. Keep up the good work. Go fetch a bone..3ouw 3ouw...

Default-user-icon Rami (ضيف) 20:59 ,2012 شباط 07

Shame on all of you for your disgraceful comments. You can disagree with people, but this type of hatred will get you no where. It's comments like yours that continue the hate in the county. Everyone hates the other. You'll never learn.

Thumb shab 21:12 ,2012 شباط 07

He has changed. They know they are losing support everywhere. So the start the ummah baloney

Default-user-icon John Williams (ضيف) 21:22 ,2012 شباط 07

You people are crazy. You don't know who your enemies really are. Blissfully expousing hatred and jingoism, no doubt you will raise children who will mimic your ignorance . Congratulations ,you are totally free of intellect and insight and are hereby officially recognized by the United States Government as the true representatives of Lebanon. Now go kill, or hire somebody to fight for you since you are too weak to do anything but depend on the Isrealis for your "Freedumb".

Missing allouchi 21:26 ,2012 شباط 07

It is time for Hassouna to hung up his turban...

Missing allouchi 15:17 ,2012 شباط 08

Hey Slow Blower, you seem to be a pill expert/pusher...waz up with that? lol

Missing youssefhaddad 21:39 ,2012 شباط 07

He might be sanctified by some but he is a nobody to most. Who gave him the delegation to bunch all lebanese into his ideologically imagined Umma?
If killing innocents and repressing people is the cost of building this "Umma" no one but criminals like Hassan and his masters would want it. Your days are numbered and when your hour comes you will not find a deeper hole to hide in.
For those who accuse us of hate they are right we hate Hassan and his gang and we wish that all those who still follow him realize to what hell he is taking them for the sake of his Waly!

Default-user-icon Trueself (ضيف) 21:45 ,2012 شباط 07

The way he's speaking indicates that he's expecting his days to be numbered after the Syrian regime collapses. Many of the parts of his speech are not coherent and lacking logic, let alone reality. saying what he's saying is a shame because he's underestimating the power of our brain which could track his bullshit miles away. Why on earth didn't he tell us how his forces backed by the murderous Syrian regime attacked west beirut as if it's the golan heights or jerusalem? I know one thing: what goes round comes round. And this applies to al things, including this person.

Missing realist 09:17 ,2012 شباط 08

how is he gona run it genuis?? with what money?? where would the economy in syria be 5 months from now? where would the defections in the army be?? be objective and smell the coffee.. the same nasrala 2 months ago said that "syria passed the danger zone", do you really think so?? the syrian army suffers casulaties and defection on a daily basis, the confusion even reached the capital, the Syrian army taba3ak has invaded rastan (for example) at least 5 times and still rastan is not under control. Syria will go through a long civil war but the regime will lose because simply the alawis are a minority and go read about civil wars (including lebanon) and show me one example where minorities win. grow up

Thumb libnani 21:49 ,2012 شباط 07

Shut up Nasrallah you hypocrite that talks about the plight of the Palestinians but turns your gun on the lebanese and supports the massacres and genocide of the Syrian people! May Lebanon be strong enough to be rid of hypocrites like you! You are not Hezbollah, you are HezbolShaytan!!!!!

Default-user-icon FreeLeb (ضيف) 21:54 ,2012 شباط 07

Nasrallah - It's about time your shut the hell up! Really !

Missing elieabighassan 21:58 ,2012 شباط 07

Have you forgotten hundreds of years of ottomaen mpire, fatimide empire and others as well. Not to forget the arab ummah whom we keep begging money for. If we dont like something then at least we can recognize it and fix it rather than deny it and continue living in a lie. Right now muslims control lebanon due to our marouni hate for each other. Time to either unite or be quiet when they change lebanon.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 22:08 ,2012 شباط 07

Good luck after Assad falls.

Default-user-icon Murad (ضيف) 22:14 ,2012 شباط 07

I love how the simple act of this man speaking pisses you guys off so much. It's great! It's wonderful! Long live Nasrallah!

Missing allouchi 15:19 ,2012 شباط 08

wrong, we just like pissing on him :)

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 22:19 ,2012 شباط 07

They resorted to sectarian strife? Funny how the very people that resorted to occupying Beirut and other places with armed militiamen are accusing others of sectarian strife. There is only one side in Lebanese politics that uses violence for political goals against other Lebanese and that is the side of 'the resistance', the crook berri, the delusional general and the Syrian puppet coalition (Baath, SSNP).

Missing hasanzibowawa 22:25 ,2012 شباط 07

you claim that Lebanon has not done one thing in return for Iran's support. We ask you what has Iran done for the Country of Lebanon or the people of Lebanon. It supports one sect and no one else! It helps you build extremist schools so you can indoctrinate them with your allah wa akbar and wilayit el faqih philosophy! In the druze mountains, rather than renovate existing hospitals, it went and funded a new hospital so your slave wiam wahab can have his name on it and get electoral votes.

Missing hasanzibowawa 22:26 ,2012 شباط 07

you claim that the arabs waged war on Iran for several years rather than give the money to the Palestinians. But you forget that your brother Nabih Berri the crook and Soorya el-Assad butchered and killed the Palestinians and forced them to eat rats and cats, rather than allowing them to direct their force to reclaim Palestine!
you claim that if Iran is attacked, you will have to sit down and think as to whether you would retaliate. Did you sit down and think before you created the 2005 War? Did you sit down and think of the Lebanese before you killed them in 2008?

Missing allouchi 15:21 ,2012 شباط 08

Amal/Berri does whatever hizb says so they are one and the same and STOP playing the Shia thingy...getting too old

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 22:29 ,2012 شباط 07

walaou hassoun, where is the finger? where are the bright eyes?i used to read every word u say 3 times to study it..now i read ur face..ur eyes , and i see desperation.i dont have hate but i am kind of sad....

Missing people-power 22:32 ,2012 شباط 07

This man is a lying hypocrite. Hezbollah is merely a subordinate division of the Iranian Quds force, EVERYTHING Hezbollah does is only with permission from General Qassem Suleimaini. Suleimani even recently acknowledged that Hezbollah is under his control.

Nobody believes a word this false witness says anymore. Especially after the murders of Hariri, Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Hawi, Eid, Ghannem, Eido, Al Hajj, and others. The STL has sufficient proof to issue indictments against Hezbollah members in the Hariri murder. They have also found proof linking Hezbollah to the murders of Hawi and attempted murders of Hamade, Murr and Chidiac. Hezbollah couldn't have carried out those murders without the orders coming from General Suleimani.

Your time will come. Whatcha gonna do when they come for you????

Default-user-icon nico (ضيف) 22:33 ,2012 شباط 07

its horrible to see lybia all over again, thats all i have to say

Missing people-power 22:34 ,2012 شباط 07

More lies about no drug trafficking in Latin America and the Umma. Why no Shiite leaders were killed from 2005 to 2009? Why no Sunnis or Druze can join Hezbollah? Why no support for Sunnis in Syria, but only support for Shiites in Bahrain and Yemen?

Keep denying the popular uprising in Syria. We know you sent black shirt snipers to kill unarmed protesters and you support the blood thirsty dictator Assad. You are a HYPOCITE!!!

Default-user-icon aloush torzaya (ضيف) 23:15 ,2012 شباط 07

both the LF and kataeb had/have muslims, idiot!

Missing people-power 00:50 ,2012 شباط 08

Cookaracha, where was Mughniyeh killed? Oh that's right..... IN DAMASCUS!!!

The implied issue is about who was behind the serial killing IN LEBANON between 2005 and 2009. Are these murders connected? Why were the victims all from the anti-Syria M14 block? (practically speaking)? Who had the motive to kill the anti-Syrian politicians and journalists? Who is now jumping to the defense of the Syrian regime? Who held a big party for the bloody dictator Assad on March 8, 2005, thanking him for his occupation and oppression of Lebanon? Who was and IS STILL allied with the ruthless dictator Assad?

Why have you forgotten to mention Future Movement? Is LF and Kataeb armed like Hezbollah?

Next time feel free to respond without your arrogance and condescending attitude.

Default-user-icon Yousef82 (ضيف) 22:39 ,2012 شباط 07

Bravo ya sayyed!!! Another "sad" itlaleh and the goal is to time it with Lavrov's visit to boost-up the support for the regime in Syria. The US have you in a check mate! Hilary Clinton is sitting back and laughing. Ya sayyed, you are an amateur playing in the US's hands and the sad result is the destruction of Syria and its annihilation and defacto your own defeat and that of your Master in Iran... You are a blind man leading the blind! Wake up, wake up blind man before it is late! u r a "hawi" in the game of the nations!

Default-user-icon Yousef82 (ضيف) 18:17 ,2012 شباط 08

Ya mowaten,

Like I said, you are a blind man following a blind man, if you are applauding Sayyed's latest speech. You cannot even see what is in front of you. Love and admiration for the US' foreign policy, where do you see that? What is endearing is that is my feeling towards people like you who pretend to stem their enemy while in fact they helping them... Endearing indeed!

Default-user-icon Mohamed (ضيف) 23:07 ,2012 شباط 07

Islam is one islam there is no sects in Islam but unfortunately there is now many sects Shia, Sunni, etc... Muhammad (SWS) only referred to himself as a Muslim... for political aims, politicians just like in Christianity and Judaism and other religions create divisions amongst them selves and sometimes with the usual help or catalyst from outside with foreign and regional interests. Shia islam is the greatest innovators of the religion of Islam they go beyond The Quran and beyond the Ways (Sunna) of Muhammad (SWS) in adding, changing and/or deleting from the islamic religion. Despite the fact Israel seams to be hostile to Iran and Shia islam ...it is only a show!!! ... Israel will never attach Iran NEVER!!! Israel's real target is the true ISLAM its only threat to its ability for regional and world control. Hassan Nassrallah You are the hypocrite and a Zionist calibrator ... the actual calibrator.

Hassan Nassrallah and the Zionist both of you go to Hell.

Default-user-icon Mohamed (ضيف) 09:01 ,2012 شباط 09

No Mowaten NOT the the warriors of saud!! they like Nassrallah and its groups are TRAITORS as like the Iranians and Syrians and all the Arabs who betrayed the Palestinians. Every time some Arab or Persian says they're fighting for the Cause of the Palestinian they are unfortunately for the most part trying to gain some stinking POLITICAL end. ISLAM's true representatives and just RULERS are virtually non to speak of in the WHOLE world..True Muslims are Just people who are Just to the Mother and the Woman and who give them rights as Muhammad(sws) did and the Minorities and other faiths, Justice is what Religion is. The Most evil wars ever fought were by Religious people and Atheists who PRETENDED to be Muslim, Christian or Jews (aka Zionist) or people who simply said they are atheists i.e: Hitler, Stalin, Zionist, Kamer-rogh..God!!! shall i Go on. when an individual or a group has no fear in God (Subanha Watalh) they will do anything in the most evil way.

Default-user-icon Salah Ezz el-Din (ضيف) 23:08 ,2012 شباط 07

"denied allegations the group was involved in the drug trade or money laundering"

I beg to defer, remember me, I was caught but think of how many others like me were not..

Missing youssefhaddad 00:17 ,2012 شباط 08

It is not only us who do not like you, Naim Kasem does not either!?

Missing rudy 00:21 ,2012 شباط 08

you're a complete idiot arent you? :)

Missing people-power 00:52 ,2012 شباط 08

The most important question I have for you, which you failed to ever answer...... Why does someone who supports M8, Hezbollah and Iran spend 24/7 on an M14-leaning website?? Did you go to propaganda school in Tehran? I hope you are not paid in rials, they're not worth much anymore.

Spare me the "zionist" accusations. I have never posted one pro-Israeli comment, and I fully support all the positions of Abu Mazen (Mahmoud Abbas). And yet you post pro-Iranian, pro-Hezbollah, pro-Syrian messages on every article. Seems weird huh?

Missing people-power 04:38 ,2012 شباط 08

By your own admittance, you are trying to make this website less M14-leaning by bombarding it with pro-Iranian, pro-Hezbollah comments, which makes you a propagandist. Plain and simple.

I have 2 theories about your motivation:

1. My educated guess is that you are on the Hezbollah payroll, who gets their money from Iran, so effectively you are paid by the ayatollah.

2. The other alternative is that you are a loser with no job and an inferiority complex, so you spend your whole life insulting people on the internet to make yourself feel more important than you really are.

I see no reason why 1 and 2 above cannot be true simultaneously. They are not mutually exclusive.

Missing people-power 04:47 ,2012 شباط 08

I am pro-democracy, pro-freedom of speech, pro-freedom of assembly. I am anti-dictator, anti-shabiha, anti-snipers-shooting-unarmed-civilians, anti-tanks-firing-into-residential-areas.

Dictators always claim they bring stability. That's BS. You are an idiot if you believe that. You don't know squat about stability. Stability to you means killing unarmed protesters (including women and children). Stability to your side means killing your political opponents (Hariri Gemayel Tueni Kassir, Hawi, Eid and others).

I'm done with you, you bore me.

Missing people-power 09:35 ,2012 شباط 08


Missing allouchi 15:24 ,2012 شباط 08

You are FULL of it :)

Thumb joesikemrex 02:45 ,2012 شباط 08

Shut up. Just shut up.

Thumb joesikemrex 04:13 ,2012 شباط 08

He better be taking his vitamin D and rat poisoin tablets. Allah la yeradk

Thumb jabalamel 05:02 ,2012 شباط 08

today was a very special day zionist media terrorists. today is the speech from the leader of our glorious resistance. it's red alert in zionist information war department.
all zionist media terrorists are gathered in the their office. they are all reminded why they are there. they must gather all their hate, remember all the lies.
and than they log in on every site they visit and spill their filthy prošganda in endless posts.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 05:31 ,2012 شباط 08

For once in many years, i havent heard Nasrallah talking like that, he is trying to boost Hezbollah's image and give it a new shape. Before he was sure he would engage in a conflict with Israel if Iran is attacked, now he is trying to distance himself from that kind of situation. Iran knows that its ally Syria is no longer fonctionnal, and will not help it in a war . Hezbollah knows as well no weapons will ever be able to come through Syria if it engages into war with Israel. I cannot but comment " positively " to what Nasrallah said. I can clearly see he is trying to avoid any escalation and will in time, admit Syria will fall. Now be a better leader, surrender your weapons to the lebanese State , and let us all fight Zionism politically and demarcate our borders with Syria and Israel, get back our rights or we ALL fight for them. Not just you.

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (ضيف) 05:44 ,2012 شباط 08

Sorry Mr. Nasrallah but don't expect anyone to buy any of it.
First of all world powers do business with whatever is presented to them...they have to deal with corrupt regimes who squander their oil wealth - like many arab/african states, and they deal with sovereign repectable nations like Australia.

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (ضيف) 06:01 ,2012 شباط 08

Second - War was imposed on Iran...that is debatable...They ended it in 1988, so what prevented them from ending it sooner. The fact is the Iranian Mullah that got to power in 1979 wanted the distraction of a foreign invader to solidify their grip on power...FYI, It wasn't the Iranian Mullah who initiated the uprising or were responsible of evicting the Shah, they were only a small part of a larger democratic/social movement that wanted freedom democracy and equality. The mullah - better organized - were able to hijack the uprizing, and used the Iran-Irak war as a cover to eliminate all democratic parties or social movemement and convert the contry into a theocracy.

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (ضيف) 06:14 ,2012 شباط 08

Oh, a small note on the Iran-Irak war
It is impressive how at a time where the Iranian Mullah were calling the USA the grand satan, and Israel the small satan, they were busy conducting business - buying US made weapons - via Israel to fight Irak...but anyone else dealing with the US is a traitor...funny.

Default-user-icon Kalkan Balphas (ضيف) 12:54 ,2012 شباط 08

The Israelis are in it with the Mullahs, scare the Arabs, sell more weapons. Who benefits the most? Israel and Iran, and good old Ollie North

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (ضيف) 06:38 ,2012 شباط 08

Third: No Iranian lead - Shia expansion plan hein!!!
So it just a coincidence that Iran signed a defense treaty with Alawi Bashar regime - which is failed to help Syria from Israeli raids, but turned out to be very handy in oppressing the Sunni majority Syrians (we all read about so called "Iranian pilgrims" being seized by Syrian rebels).
And i beleive Iran was making humanitarian donations to Hizbullah throughout the years, and it was Hizbullah generous use of these humanitarian aid (as seen in May 2008) that brought the Hizb to power.
Not to mention Irak's famous Sadr peace corp, trained and equiped by the Iranians, who also came to power out of their pure humanitarian activities in Irak.
Oh, and we shouldn't forget the Shia tribes in Yemen - who after getting trained and equpped by Hizbullah - thought of extending their benefactor activities to inside Saudi Arabia land.
Shia Expansion...Nahhh...all that is just hallucinations.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 06:43 ,2012 شباط 08

“We are keen on the survival of the government,” Nasrallah said in a televised address

Is that the royal "We"... the King of Rats speaks!

He stressed that his party was solely funded and equipped by Iran... Now, that is a news flash!

Iran wants Nothing in return, Big H tells us.... well maybe they might want someone to fight Israel for them.

And now comes the punch line... "On that day, we have to sit down and think before we decide what to do,” Nasrallah said... 

There is not a thing you need to do Nasrallah, this is not Iran and you are not Lebanon! When has Iran come to fight Lebanon's wars, is Iran such a weak country that Lebanon has to fight for them.

mfawaz, flamer & Jabalamel, you are are the only ones flipping out. You are commenting on overdrive, you have a need to defend the Rat against every comment. Boys that is unnatural, get a hobby

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (ضيف) 06:55 ,2012 شباط 08

About the Islamic State In Lebanon: Amazing how he is not giving a straight answer...we said it in the past...we are taking Christians into consideration...these are not straight answers.
If he said: We have amended our Party By-Laws, we deleted "Islamic State of Lebanon" as the party's ultimate objective. That would have been the right answer.

Thumb ado.australia 07:01 ,2012 شباط 08

Whether you like or hate him, one must respect the fact he is very charismatic and true leader. He speaks very well and sensibly... which in turn, amazes me how psychotic some of the commentators on this site.

Missing peace 13:51 ,2012 شباط 08

"He speaks very well and sensibly": he maybe speaks well like any great dictator does (revise your history) but he is certainly not sensible just populist (like every dictator....!!!!)

Default-user-icon Anonymous TX USA (ضيف) 07:12 ,2012 شباط 08

Since 1982 Iran did not diktat anything hein...
What about the 2006 war - the Prisoner reason i just a cover-up.
3 weeks prior to the war, Hamas had kidnapped a soldier in Gaza, as a consequence Israel was pounding Gaza like hell. Hamas - Iran's ally -was suffering so Iran asked Hizbullah to do something to alleviate the pressure from Hamas - So they attacked the Israeli patrol, and we all know what was the result.
Remember what Nasrallah has said - If i only knew that Israel was going to launch a war i wouldn't have done it - Well Mr. Nasrallah you had 3 weeks of prior notice on what Israel was going to do...we were watching it every night on the News.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 07:35 ,2012 شباط 08

@ ado.australia... "a true leader" for who the Iranians? He sounds pretty proud of being their dog.

"He is sensible and the commentators are psychotic"

I don't think to many of us commentators live underground surrounded by guards, afraid to cone up into the real world.

The children of Lebanon have more guts, then your charismatic leader.

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 05:46 ,2012 شباط 09

Flamer you are like a flee jumping from comemt to comment, take it easy kid you'll live longer.

I am a nobody, just like you. That's never stopped you from talking your crap, and then crying about people insulting you... Come to think of it, you have learned a lot from Aoun.

You always miss the point, the world has many leaders and important people. But King Rat is the only one I know of that lives like a moel. He doesn't seam to mind that the ordinary Lebanese who live on top of the ground have to pay the price when the shit hits.

Default-user-icon druze (ضيف) 07:58 ,2012 شباط 08

ehh bas ma t2arbu 3a jabal ni7a wil barouk...7aram the resistance get clapped

Missing realist 09:21 ,2012 شباط 08

Nasrala has a breve max.. do you guys remember when nasrala in 2005 expected the syrian army to go ther beka3 valley and stay there for years?? lol... and aoun said "ask me next tuesday about syria".. if the US really really wanted the alwalis out of power do you really think they would have waited 11 months? and if israel really really was against the alwais would they let the regime live for 11 months?? the truth is the US wants bashar/family out but they want the regime intact KERMAL 3YOON ISRAEL, that is the fact and bala conspiracy bala bateekh, the real conspiracy is AGAINST THE SYRIAN PEOPLE but the people will win at the end, all this just means it will take longer but the end will be very very bloody..100-200 thousand killed but after that the alawis will never have bread in syria for the next 5o years because of their stupid behaviour and blind support for assad.

Default-user-icon NCB (ضيف) 09:43 ,2012 شباط 08

Where is he taking the moderate shiaa? to hell?
well i want to live in peace! not be hated by the whole world! if i want to apply for a job abroad i want to be accepted not rejected men wara raso!!i dont want to be treated as a terrorist if want to go for a trip to europe!! what are the Iranian giving us for our future ? can you go work there in iran ? do u even understand their language ? man ya man i was like you but open your eyes look around you what's happening care for your future for the ppl you can really live with!
his days will be over nshalla shi3a mou3tadilin will apear nshalla to accept everyone without pointing GUNSSSS at them!
how can u even say smthng about 7th may they are your brothers shouraka2 el watan like we say ! WHAT THE HELLLL w 3am tetbehon bi 7 may!!who did 7 2ayyar dont represent me !

Default-user-icon NCB (ضيف) 09:46 ,2012 شباط 08

Where is he taking the moderate shiaa? to hell?
well i want to live in peace! not be hated by the whole world! if i want to apply for a job abroad i want to be accepted not rejected men wara raso!!i dont want to be treated as a terrorist if want to go for a trip to europe!! what are the Iranian giving us for our future ? can you go work there in iran ? do u even understand their language ? man ya man i was like you but open your eyes look around you what's happening care for your future for the ppl you can really live with!
his days will be over nshalla shi3a mou3tadilin will apear nshalla to accept everyone without pointing GUNSSSS at them!
how can u even say smthng about 7th may they are your brothers shouraka2 el watan like we say ! WHAT THE HELLLL w 3am tetbehon bi 7 may!!who did 7 2ayyar dont represent me !

Missing mansour 12:08 ,2012 شباط 08

blah blah why do any of you care what happens in Syria,I hope to god that country has a civil war that lasts 100 years and then maybe ill say were even till then keep the kidnappings raping murder and bombs dropping all over syria.
ahhh my popcorn has finished time to sit back and watch some syrians get blown up!

Default-user-icon ks (ضيف) 12:19 ,2012 شباط 08

through the speech of nasrallah, the crazy Aoun and his orange group, and bashar assad. one common subject and one format:they're only the leaders who care about their countries and their people and they're always the target from everyone and when u listen to their speech u remember when you meet an israeli in any foreign country; and they start defending and give u excuses for killing all the arabs because they need to protect because they are targeted and threateen by arabs otherwise they love arabs. I do wanna say to nasrallah that's enough talk about the palestinian resistance because u're the one who's protecting the north border of israel and ur best mate Bashar from the east

Default-user-icon abdullah (ضيف) 12:50 ,2012 شباط 08

Allahu akbar, mashaallah. almaut amerika israil

Thumb jabalamel 14:36 ,2012 شباط 08

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate that if the put million posts against nasrallah they will somehow win media war.

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 15:42 ,2012 شباط 08

Nasrallah reminds me of this anecdote: There were 3 people in a plane flying over Beirut: a german, a Swiss and a lebanese. Suddenly the plane experienced technical problem which required two of the three to sacrifice themselves in order to save the plane from an eventual crash. The German who had honor and dignity stood first and said I will go first and jumped to his death to save the rest; the remaining two started looking at themselves to see who would volunteer next to save the other and to the amazement of the Swiss the Lebanese stood and prepared himself to jump while the swiss gave the sigh of relieve that he will be saved; but to his amazement the Lebanon got hold of him and through him out of the plane and saved himself instead.

Hassan is simply like this Lebanese: he would send people to die for no cause while he is in hiding fearing for himself. If he was a man he should be like all others even if he dies; at least then he would be a martyre.

Thumb beiruti 16:09 ,2012 شباط 08

Really, how stupid does this clown think that people are? "Dialogue"? He wants "real Dialogue"? How does one "dialogue" with another when one has a canon and the other is unarmed? Oh that's right, this is how Hezbollah wants to Dialogue in Lebanon. Come to the table, one side fully armed, ready and willing to use his arms to force his will, and the other is unarmed and at the mercy of the armed party.

This is dialogue? No this is dictat!! Its all these people know. And for the Russian to go to Damascus and come away with a promise of peace in our time? Let him go to Homs and tell the people there of Assad's promises!

Missing mark 17:25 ,2012 شباط 08

One word to discernible nosselsen=7yawan

Thumb jabalamel 18:42 ,2012 شباط 08

the filthy zionist media terrorist have heard a joke about lebanese and now they think they are funny

Thumb mrbrain 21:35 ,2012 شباط 08

The Democracy is linked to moral values and awarness. Imagine how dumb the Lebanese appear when they use the Freedom of Speach argument!!!! Most of the comments lack the basic logic and politnesss...This si not a freedom of speach this is chaos....More precisely Lebanese chaos....

Default-user-icon Enough (ضيف) 06:20 ,2012 شباط 09

Flamer has learned a new word "doofus"... Maybe the change from cookie muncher to flame thrower has expanded his mind :-)

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