تقارير: 9 أشخاص حاولوا اغتيال جعجع

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تقوم الاجهزة الامنية بالتحقيقات لكشف من حاول اغتيال رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع، حيث تشير المعطيات الاولية، ووفق تقارير صحفية، الى ان 9 أشخاص توزعوا على 3 مجموعات، تولوا العملية.

ووفق صحيفة "اللواء" فإن التحقيقات تجري بكثير من التكتم والسرية، حرصاً على عدم استغلال الوقائع الأوّلية المتوافرة في التجاذبات السياسية، ولافساح المجال أمام التحقيقات لما يمكن تسميته بالامساك بالقرائن التي يمكن أن تحدد هوية الفاعل.

ونقلت الصحيفة معلومات مفادها أن عدد منفذي محاولة الاغتيال بلغ 9 أشخاص توزعوا على ثلاث مجموعات، بحيث تولت مجموعتان مهمة القنص، فيما تولت المجموعة الثالثة مهمة تسهيل الهروب.

وأعلن جعجع الاربعاء عن محاولة اغتياله عبر رصاص قناصة أطلقت على معراب عن بُعد، مبدياً اعتقاده أن "الطرف الذي وراء محاولة الإغتيال هو طرف محترف ونفذ عملية مراقبة بعيدة جداً"، مشدداً على أن الفاعلين "لم يخرقوا أمن معراب بل أتوا من مسافة بعيدة جداً بالوسائل المتطورة لا اخفيكم أنها تفوق قدراتنا".

وفي مؤتمر صحافي عقده لم يشأ جعجع الكشف عن معلومات جديدة، مشيراً إلى أن القوى الأمنية مستمرة بتمشيط الأحراج المحيطة بمقره حيث تبين أن المنفذين لمحاولة الاغتيال أتوا من جهة الغرب وليس من جهة الجنوب أو الشمال، بل عبر الاحراج المحيطة، ولم يستطع جهاز الحماية في معراب من كشفهم بسبب الأشجار الكثيفة، لكنه طمأن بأن أمن معراب لم يُخرق.

بدورها أبلغت مصادر التحقيق الجاري في الحادث صحيفة "النهار" ان خبراء في قوى الامن الداخلي كشفوا على الثقبين اللذين احدثتهما رصاصتا القنص والآثار التي خلفتها على الجدار في مقر جعجع بمعراب.

ولفتت الى ان بقايا الرصاصتين أرسلت الى مختبر الادلة الجنائية لتحديد نوع البندقية او البندقيتين اللتين اطلقتا منهما ومكان صنعهما.

ووفق المصادر فإن عملية المراقبة بمناظير متطورة قد تكون مرتبطة بغرفة عمليات استمرت مدة طويلة جداً لدرس كل تحركات جعجع، وان المخططين والمنفّذين "محترفون جداً".

واجرى الخبراء الامنيون مسحاً شاملاً للحرج الذي أطلقت منه النار وهو كثيف جداً ولم يمر به احد منذ زمن وتوصلوا الى تحديد مكان محتمل ربض فيه قناص او قناصان بدليل عثورهم على اغصان مكسورة بالأيدي من الغرب الى الشرق، وفق ما نقلته "النهار عن المصادر، التي رجحت تمكن الفاعلين من مغادرة المكان بمساعدة آخرين خلال خمس دقائق بعد اطلاق النار.

واكدت المصادر للصحيفة عينها ان الفاعلين لم يتركوا مظروفي الرصاصتين في الحرج، وشككت في ان يكون اطلاق النار حصل الكترونياً او كهربائياً، لافتة الى ان القناصات الحديثة لم تعد ترتج او تتراجع وان القناصة المهرة الذين يستخدمونها يستطيعون اصابة الهدف بدقة متناهية.

الى ذلك، وضع وزير الداخلية مروان شربل حداً للشكوك التي اثيرت حول الحادث بإعلانه "ان محاولة اغتيال جعجع كانت جدية وفقاً لكل المعطيات والتحقيقات التي أجرتها الاجهزة الامنية" التابعة لوزارته.

التعليقات 27
Thumb joesikemrex 08:29 ,2012 نيسان 06

GOD protect you

Thumb joesikemrex 14:18 ,2012 نيسان 06

OK Nostradamus

Thumb arzz 09:25 ,2012 نيسان 07

satan is protecting him .. bwahahahaha

Thumb arzz 09:27 ,2012 نيسان 07

The boumeh worships himself

Default-user-icon Muhamada (ضيف) 08:30 ,2012 نيسان 06

It doesn't need an expert, we know who is behind it.

Thumb geha 08:43 ,2012 نيسان 06

a well orchestrated and organized attempt, and with sehnaoui preventing the telecom data to be given to the security forces, the only criminals than could have done this are clear to everyone now.
as usual the stupid m8 stupid guys will question this :)

Missing realist 21:00 ,2012 نيسان 06

Be careful what you wish for mowaten. It is people like you that will destroy lebanon. You are bouyed with current military mini supermacy but that does not last my friend. Did it help israel? I unfortunately see a suni-she3a fundamentalist war in the future. The hariri 'militia' is a joke, crazy jihadists are not. Your weapons will be useless and everyone will pay the price. I hope there are much wiser people in your community who will come to terms with other wise people in lebanon to make peace.

Thumb arzz 09:29 ,2012 نيسان 07

idiots deserve no reply ya Mowaten

Thumb Chupachups 08:46 ,2012 نيسان 06

i agree with geha, some delsional people will say gaegae payed these 9 guys to divide into 3 groups and watch him through binoculars in thick trees then ordered them to shoot at him when picking the flower to make the lebanese population feel sorry for him....

....but in reality those who have a brain will feel sorry for them and their remarks.

Thumb _citizen_ 09:15 ,2012 نيسان 06

I agree @independence.....This terrorist farsi sectarian group has always claimed that Israel was behind the assassination of Harriri and the rest of March 14 political figures. They and their sub human followers never questioned why not 1 single pro syrian/iranian/hizb figure was targeted by Israel? The sit-in in downtown beirut for 18 months, followed by the armed rape of Beirut set the stage for their coup d'état which culminated in them obtaining veto power and later on taking over the whole government. The doomed Doha accord "legalized" this unlawful coup and put an end to the assassinations. Their flawed logic meant that Israel "agreed" to stop killing March 14 leaders in order for Hizb of terror to gain veto power and later on take control of the government? These people are amazing..... driven by hatred and spite they justify anything and everything!

Missing mohammad_ca 14:51 ,2012 نيسان 06

ya mOOwaten ya wa6i ... people died and you call it a "spanking"..."resistance" arms were used internally and you call it "spanking" tanks were used and you call it spanking ya bala akhle2?

Missing mohammad_ca 23:17 ,2012 نيسان 06

"arrested" tell that to the parents of those that are dead ya sefil ya bala akhla2...btw under what authority does Hizbolaaat arrest people???

Thumb joesikemrex 09:44 ,2012 نيسان 06

Nostradamus has spoken

Thumb geha 09:47 ,2012 نيسان 06

all shia are not hizbushaitan followers as you are saying. there are lebanese shia who hate hizbushaitan as much as any lebanese.
put it in your stupid skull that lebanon is for lebanese and not for the iranian extremists.

Thumb lebnanfirst 10:01 ,2012 نيسان 06

Really FT we already know and tolerate yiur having no brain but have you no shame as well. Tsk tsk ya kaserti

Missing ulpianus 11:39 ,2012 نيسان 06

Here we go again. Lebanese doesnt need more than this to split.

I think, this guy has enough resources to protect himself, and to chase the truth. So why dont the ordinary people concentrate on more important files, like electricity, water, garbage and so on. Why do we keep orselves busy with this crap.

Well, it´s not nice that somebody is being targeted, but we seriously have bigger problems. Let the powerful people take care of themselves, and the ordinary people take care about the issues concerning them. That is how we one day will get a functioning country again.

Default-user-icon Paul (ضيف) 12:36 ,2012 نيسان 06

Like Rafik Hariri had resources to protect himself, like George Hawi, like Gebran Tueni, like Pierre Gemayel, Walid Eido, Antoine Ghanen, Wissam Eid....Yeah, that sounds like a good idea....Darwin Award for you!

Default-user-icon Dany karam (ضيف) 15:23 ,2012 نيسان 06

What a waste of bullets instead of using a rope like we use to all common lowlife criminals.

Default-user-icon Falamanki (ضيف) 16:22 ,2012 نيسان 06

For someone claiming not to want to jump to conclusions, Mowaten contributed no less than 8 postings during a period of several hours, giving us a smorgasbord of over-chewed and regurgitated M8 propaganda. For someone who spends so much time trying to convince readers that he is a free thinker, it is remarkable that he did not contribute a single original thought in those 8 postings.

The same old pre-chewed arguments were used by Syrians and allies to deny that they had anything to do with any of the killings in Lebanon. After each murder, they would ask questions like "What do we have to gain from killing X, Y or Z?". Of course, all of those arguments were advanced after the killings had been carried out and after evidence had started stacking up against them.

Those meaningless arguments are similar to those advanced by criminals spending time in jail while screaming innocence: "I'm innocent. I did not commit this crime. What did I have to gain from it?"

Default-user-icon Haifa (ضيف) 16:29 ,2012 نيسان 06

I am glad the politicians in Lebanon are keeping the people entertained. It is a story with no ending. For the last thirty years or more the same story and same names or surnames. SO SAD

Thumb joesikemrex 18:13 ,2012 نيسان 06

You said it idiots, thugs, thieves, drug dealers, criminals

Default-user-icon N.H (ضيف) 20:14 ,2012 نيسان 06

you aouni guys are serious? you're about to commit suicide because Geagea escaped the assassination attempt.. you sound as if you were the ones shooting hahahaha.. ma tez3alo guys people die only when God's will allows it :) at least try to hide you anger 3ayb ye3ni..

By the way, you are allied with a DIVINE party.. the party of Almighty GOD (Hezbollah), right? so i bet you know that there is something called God's care... this is what hapened with Geagea.. the murderers did not miss him because they were unprofessional, they missed him because it was God's will... remeber, Geagea will not die upon your wishes and request.. he will die when God allows it!

Default-user-icon محمد (ضيف) 00:15 ,2012 نيسان 07

بكرة 8 آذار بيقولو ان 14 مارش عملتها متل ما رفيق الحريري عملها

Default-user-icon M8 (ضيف) 01:15 ,2012 نيسان 07

"assassinations stopped miraculously" that is because Fatah al Islam were killed or sent to prison. The Lebanese people will never support the M14 Israeli traitors, no matter what the western pro Israeli STL say.

Thumb arzz 09:26 ,2012 نيسان 07

No picture of BASHEER on his wall. What a disloyal bozo. At least Bashir was a leader. A killer still but a better leader then Boumeh.

Thumb arzz 09:26 ,2012 نيسان 07

hoooooooooooooooot, hoooooooooooooooooooot

Default-user-icon Former Lebanese (ضيف) 05:20 ,2012 نيسان 08

I don't know why you guys waste your breathe arguing with them. If they ended up capturing these 9 assailants and they confessed they were with hizbuulah received their funding from iran, received their orders DIRECTLY from nasrallah. They will tell you these people are liars and they have been paid by Saudi to say this.

There is no winning with them stop wasting brain resources.