المطران الياس عودة في قداس الفصح: نتمنى أن يكون عهد الاغتيالات قد ولى

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تمنى متروبوليت بيروت وتوابعها للروم الارثوذكس المطران الياس عودة أن يكون زمن الاغتيالات والقتل قد ولى إلى غير رجعة، مشيرا إلى أنهما مرفوضان ومدانان.

وقال عودة في عظة عيد الفصح من كنيسة القديس جاورجيوس في وسط بيروت الأحد "أملنا ان نعود اخوة يحافظ كل منا على حياة أخيه وكرامته وحريته".

وأضاف "نحن المسيحيون قوم نؤمن بالحرية ونبشر بها، ولا يحق لأحد منا أن يحد بحرية الآخر أو من حياته، لذلك القتل مرفوض والاغتيال مرفوض وهما مدانان".

ومن جهة أخرى، أشار عودة إلى أن "وطننا سيبقى نازفا ان تركنا للحقد والانانية والمصالح محلا في قلوبنا، اما محبتنا لبعضنا وامانتنا لوطننا دون سواه ستجعلان منا شعبا موحدا يقف سورا منيعا امام كل الامواء".

وأردف "الا نخجل مما نسمعه يوميا من مصائب تنزل بنا ابنية تنهار، اطعمة فاسدة، ادوية فاسدة، مياه ملوثة، تقنين في الكهرباء ويبشروننا بالمزيد، واصحاب المولدات لا يشبعون، اسعار المحروقات تتضاعف، خطوط التوتر العالي سيف مسلط على رؤوس المواطنين اضافة الى ما نسمع عن الصفقات وسوء الادارة والفساد وهدر المال العام؟".

وفي هذا السياق سأل عودة "متى نعيد لبنان وطنا لابنائه ودولة متطورة تحكم بالعدالة والمساواة والقانون؟".

وختم كلمته قائلا "وصلنا الى هنا، لاننا على مر السنوات لم نراقب ولم نحاسب ولم نعاقب ولم نعدل بل تقاسمنا المغانم على حساب الشعب".

وشارك في قداس العيد مسؤولون أبرزهم النائب عاطف مجدلاني ونائب رئيس مجلس النواب فريد مكاري.

التعليقات 13
Thumb geha 12:39 ,2012 نيسان 15

tu es a refaire :)
it reminds me of his surmons during the syrian occupation. :)

Default-user-icon May7 (ضيف) 16:55 ,2012 نيسان 15

Flame thrower one day you will become Electricity payer

Missing cedars 17:57 ,2012 نيسان 15

The truth always hurt and brings negative comments, WHY AL-RAHI last weekend did not acknowledge the latest assassination that the ISF is investigating? this man has been straight forward, right on and tell it like it is for almost 20yrs since I have listened and heard his comments or sermon in church. Every word he states in his sermon is a fact from what the citizens endure and ask him to help with, at least he does not travel, waste the church money, and speak politics something Al Rahi should leave to the politicians to deal with and advise them based on his biblical knowledge from Lebanon(his base) what they should do and not do, again based on his high level kaslik/religious studies. Our problem in Lebanon is the lawyer want to be a doctor and vice versa. Stick to your specialty and leave the rest to the subject matter expert in that area.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:08 ,2012 نيسان 16

cedar there was no assasination attempt, the Bollywood movie failed why stress on it and risk more ridiculous.

Default-user-icon RealLebanese (ضيف) 18:26 ,2012 نيسان 15

I like that there is a distinction between politicians and believers.. It's true our politicians can't be believers cause they are all thieves and murderers

Default-user-icon Gabby (ضيف) 19:46 ,2012 نيسان 15

The top religious figure in Lebanon.....no debate needed.

Unfortunately.....with ASSad standing and the Hezz mafia, assasination is a fact of life in Lebanon. Everyone knows who does the crimes.

Missing peace 21:52 ,2012 نيسان 15

till those clerics will speak politics, lebanon will stay a third world country....

Missing cedars 01:50 ,2012 نيسان 16

@Cookie Monster or "Mr. know it all" just like your leader who has Alzheimer, Mr kherfan who predicted the Syrian war was over on Tuesday. You are even blind to read what Audi stated “Hatred leads to more hatred and violence to more violence,” and referenced of what's happening today on the ground, instead you begin speaking about the archbishop non-spiritual speech then you contradict yourself and defend the archbishops when the truth and facts hurt about ra3i's political deeds, WE are not proud of his settlement of the stolen church land in Jbeil where the ISF/MTV are beaten if they approach, furthermore the archbishop is higher than visiting a criminal who is holding maghaweer and others in mazzi. Learn to speak ONLY when spoken to, do not pretend to be the Doctor of politics simply because history speaks for itself and your master performance i.e. Harb el Tehreer has cost every family an expensive price.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:14 ,2012 نيسان 16

Cedars: HArb el tahrir was against an occupation, RAfic Harriri, Jumblatt (and even Geagea for the 1st 4 years) and all other minions made the best of, and now that we FPM freed the country you have all become "Syedyin". Do you honestly believe the “sniper and the flower” movie? And do you really think that if the Beirut Orthodox possessions were not under Solideres control this poor man Audeh would have defended Geagea (remember how violently he used to criticize him when Harriri was still Syria n1 one man)?

Missing cedars 08:02 ,2012 نيسان 16

Again contradicting yourself and confused about your political future, noblest thing to free Lebanon is declaring war between two brothers in the same house, one in the army and the other with the LF, yet not only Mr kherfan goes to Halab and meets with the worst enemy who shot in the back 300 of his best men in Dahr al Wahsh, but again Alzheimer joins the same foreign subject and their supporters as a way of appreciation for his noblest thing. Audi earns the people respect because he tells it like it is, I want to see the church lands returned to their owners in Jbeil at which point rahi will earn the people respect, otherwise we'll have another type of Sheb3a farms taken by our favorite militia supported blindly by Alzheimer.

Thumb kesrweneh 09:18 ,2012 نيسان 16

Freeing the country from militia is also very noble. What is the difference between Harb el elgha2 and Nahr el bared? in both cases the Lebanese Army was protecting the civilians against a militia terrorizing them. and please stop mocking people having Alzheimer this is low even for an M14, at least have respect for people having deadly diseases, in 40 years you'll be 60 and might have it to

Thumb geha 17:30 ,2012 نيسان 16

Geagea should not lead the christians alone.
we are used to diversity, and we should maintain it. but as christians, we have always had one side on the view of politics (except for frangieh), untill your aoun came unfortunately.
he is dividing the voice of the christian against their interest, which is the state, and following the iranians, to bring us death and destruction.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 01:27 ,2012 نيسان 17

Aoun's liberation war was so patriotic that when he returned he went on his knees and kissed Assad's feet and welcomed Syrian dominance over Lebanon.