تقارير: مواد كيميائية في أجهزة التهوية في المطار تثير بلبلة

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تلقى جهاز أمن المطار مؤخرا "معلومات" تحذّر من إمكان أن يضع شخص باكستاني مواد كيميائية في أجهزة التهوية في المطار.

وكشفت صحيفة "الأخبار" في عددها الصادر صباح الثلاثاء أنه "بناء على هذه المعلومة الواردة من جهاز استخبارات أجنبي، و"المدعّمة" برسم تشبيهي للشخص المطلوب، بدأ جهاز أمن المطار باستجواب كل شخص يحمل ملامح هندية أو باكستانية، للتثبت من أنه ليس المشتبه فيه".

كذلك طلب جهاز الأمن من الشركات العاملة في صيانة المطار اتخاذ أقصى درجات الحيطة والحذر، للحؤول دون تنفيذ هذه "المؤامرة".

التعليقات 12
Missing reformist 09:14 ,2012 أيار 22

Wow! Hayda el na'esna!

Default-user-icon frenchy (ضيف) 09:28 ,2012 أيار 22

Al Qaida n'existe pas au Liban, ce n'est qu'un mythe ... prétendent certains, c'est pour cela qu'on les importe de l'étranger comme des camps palestiniens (sont-ils encore territoire libanais?) d'égypte, de somalie, d'arabie saoudite comme on l'a vu à nahr bared etc... etc.. et maintenant du Pakistan ?

Missing peace 22:52 ,2012 أيار 22

meme le ministre de l interieur a dit qu el qaeda n existe pas au liban...

Default-user-icon Tony the Tiger (ضيف) 09:40 ,2012 أيار 22

It's and al akhbar scoop! I seen more believable scoops in a box of Kellogg's Raisin Bran®

Missing trigger 10:39 ,2012 أيار 22

to be perfectly honest, both of you are right

Default-user-icon Beirut-Reporter.net (ضيف) 11:01 ,2012 أيار 22


ESTIMATION: Security warnings of such nature do always have to be taken seriously.

Amid tension in the country and numerous attempts of neighbouring Syria and others to meddle in Lebanese affairs, this could also be a well timed and planted hoax to annihilate the summer season in Lebanon, frightening tourists to stay away.

Citizens of major Gulf countries, who enjoy summer in Lebanon and throw their money around, have already been cancelling hotel bookings on a remarkable scale over the weekend.

The alleged plot at Rafik Hariri International Airport thus could serve as a fire accelerant to kill the season, damage the economy and fertilize the discord among Lebanese amid an already heated atmosphere. (Beirut-Reporter)

Default-user-icon Kam (ضيف) 11:13 ,2012 أيار 22

He can place these chemicals anywhere, at any mall in Leb etc, and it will be a tragedy...the questions are: where is he? how did he smuggle those chemicals? are there more people like him? I mean this western inteligence agency is either incompetent or wants to hit the leb tourism sector...

Default-user-icon idiot one (ضيف) 12:04 ,2012 أيار 22

disgusting. I hope he succeeds. you self-killing bastards deserve to be killed by a pakistani. (noting the above comments, these 4 responses are typical of lebanon backstabbing...wilkom tu libanon!)

Default-user-icon recauc (ضيف) 12:20 ,2012 أيار 22

The americans are mobilizing their 'hired extremists' into lebanon for a full scale civil war this summer. hold onto your hats.

Missing peace 22:53 ,2012 أيار 22

why americans?

Default-user-icon Observer (ضيف) 23:25 ,2012 أيار 22

It was probably the Saudis or one of those Gulf countries. You know Dubai is mostly Pakistani now, right? I don't doubt that they found some poor Paki labourer and made him do this, to ruin our tourism economy so their own would be boosted. You know how two-faced those backstabbers are, I wouldn't put it past them.

Default-user-icon expat (ضيف) 22:31 ,2012 أيار 22

how about you stop blaming every single country in the world for wanting to meddle in your affairs, and start by all the politicians that enslave you to their needs. how about you don't elect any of them and every time someone goes on the podium and bashes his opponent, you walk away.
where is the platform for the election ?
where is the economic development plan ?
where is your stimulus package ?
Where is the budget ?????
how can you run a country without a budget ? most people have to budget for everyday spending!
M8 M14
What about LEBANON.....