14 آذار: اقتراح السيد حسن نصر الله ينسف دعوة سليمان للحوار

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رأى منسق الامانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار فارس سعيد أن ما اقترحه الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله عن المؤتمر التأسيسي، نسف مبادرة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان بالدعوة الى طاولة حوار لبحث سلاح المقاومة والسلاح الفلسطيني.

وقال سعيد في حديث إذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) صباح الجمعة إن هناك طرحين في لبنان، الأول طرح قوى "14 آذار" الذي يدعو الى العودة الى اتفاق الطائف ويرى أن مسألة السلاح تحل عبر الطائف.

أما الثاني فهو طرح الفريق الآخر الذي يقوم على الخروج عن الطائف وعقد مؤتمر تأسيسي ويريد صلاحيات سياسية لتسليم سلاحه.

وقد قدم الامين العام لـ"حزب الله في كلمة ألقاها الجمعة في الذكرى 23 لرحيا قائد الثورة الايرانية الامام الخميني اقتراحاً الى طاولة الحوار الوطني لمناقشة قيام مؤتمر تأسيسي، اي مجلس خبراء جديد.

وسأل في السياق عينه "لماذا لا نقوم بمؤتمر تأسيسي ينتخبه الشعب دون أساس طائفي أو مناطقي بل على أساس الكفاءات ليناقش كل الخيارات فيتكلم عن الطائف أو عقد اجتماعي جديد أو نظام لاطائفي".

الى ذلك، رأى سعيد في حديث لصحيفة "النهار" السبت أن ما اقترحه نصرالله عن المؤتمر التأسيسي "يعني تجاوز ميثاق عام 1943 واتفاق الطائف الذي اصبح دستورا بعدما كلفنا 120 الف قتيل و240 الف جريح و10 آلاف مفقود ومعاناة لا تزال اهتزازاتها قائمة حتى اليوم، وتاليا فانه يدخلنا في مسار الى المجهول".

واضاف: "كما يقترح نصرالله مقايضة بين سلاحه والصلاحيات الدستورية وان هناك شركاء له في هذا الطرح وهو واهم في ذلك. ولا يخفى انه يهدد بالمدافع فيما اذا لم تجرِ الاستجابة لمقترحاته".

ودعا "14 آذار الى خوض معركة تسليم السلاح كل السلاح الى الدولة واوله سلاح "حزب الله".

تجدر الإشارة الى أن سليمان دعا الى طاولة الحوار الوطني في 11 حزيران في قصر بعبدا الرئاسي.

التعليقات 20
Missing peace 11:27 ,2012 حزيران 02

our new clown has spoken!

Missing samiam 12:30 ,2012 حزيران 02

So what you are saying is that there would be "freedom" with the Iranian style 'democracy'. The only way that would happen is that Hizb loses its ability to implicitly or explicitly use its arms against the Lebanese people. Since it is already has done both in addition to its other accomplishments like weapons smuggling, money laundering and drug running, there can be no freedom to anyone in this country with that going on. They don't follow lebanese laws and protect their own and don't allow authorities to apprehend them in the country.

Dream what you want to dream--until the 'resistance' stops becoming a pawn like you accuse the M14er's, it is no better and probably worse. There is no freedom and no democracy with its arms pointed at the people in this country.

Missing peace 13:51 ,2012 حزيران 02

when a party like M8 do everything they can to support a regime that does crimes against humanity, we understand clearly the kind of society they dream of for lebanon...

Missing ulpianus 14:41 ,2012 حزيران 02


I do not side with any party but clearly, the supporters of m14 factions are not exactly from peaceloving or democratic countries.

Saudi Arabia, is a actually a more "extreme" country than Iran in that sence.

Anyway, M8 and 14 should govern over mkab saida at most..

Default-user-icon Ronaldo (ضيف) 13:54 ,2012 حزيران 02

Karim March 14 are staying in Lebanon and Mrach 8 and the likes of you will be sent to Iran we dont want the likes of you in Lebanon ...

Missing cedars 14:29 ,2012 حزيران 02

The democracy some are talking about is what we see on the ground and are facts. The ISF needs a permission to enter Dahyeh to chase a murder, The Army needs a permission to swipe a town in the Bekaa that Hizb followers kidnapped a priest for a running girl. Before you speak democracy behave in a way to support the Country and state by paying the electricity you consume in your areas period.

Missing peace 14:38 ,2012 حزيران 02

“Autonomous security imposed by a certain party over a certain area is counterproductive, as only the state can protect its people,”
“We must support the state and its institutions if we want Lebanon to remain unified"

so? why doesn t iranman apply this to his party? he doesn t want to talk about it when it comes to him , then how can there be a dialogue?...
hypocrisy at its best supported by FPM who used to shout out loud that hezb must give its arms to the state before becoming hezbi s wife!

support the state and its institutions at the condition that the state does what WE want!!!! hypocrits again!

Missing ulpianus 14:38 ,2012 حزيران 02

Put a side Nasrullahs speech which was full of contradictions- Soaids words are worth nothing.

We dont want the Taef or the old 1943 national pact. It´s actually behind all the problems in Lebanon.

Every decent Lebanese, wants a new constitution or an amended one, that do not divide the country into secterians "parts". ( knowing that national pact and Taef is not actual parts of the constitution).

Skip all the division, from the army to the smallest state institution.

The Lebanese people are not by nature sectarian. The national pact and taef is forcing us to be.

Missing peace 15:21 ,2012 حزيران 02

"The national pact and taef is forcing us to be." no, the politicians and the clerics are! they are the ones taking power from those...they are the ones playing on the fears of people, like you when you say M14 are saudi supporters! who in M14 ever said that their model regime is saudi arabia? but hezb openly says it for iran. of course there are sunni extremists but they represent a tiny minority of the M14. that is what M8 tries to put in people s mind to scare their sheep! and it seems to work given the posts of some here! do you really think that half the christians in lebanon support saudi way of life? do you think that the lebanese sunnis support the regime in saudi arabia and want it here? lol!
but it s true that NO POLITICIAN want a secular country: it would be too bad for their business!! be it M8 or M14!

Missing ulpianus 15:56 ,2012 حزيران 02


I did not say that the people supporting m14 do support Saudi. m14, and mainly hariri is a close ally to Saudi ( least to say). When we then attack m8 for being supporters of Iran. Well just compare, which is a more extreme country?

Well, they have religious politicians and clerics in other countries with no such problem. The national pact IS the problem because it divides everything in the country on religious bases.
Nobody would listen to the clerics or politicians, if the country was not truly based on this. you are FORCED to be sectarian, when your chance of getting a job in gov. institutions ( for example)depends on the share of your sect.

I fail to see what you are opposed to in my post, as every person should dream of a secular democratic Lebanon, with respect of course to the religions, that you keep between you and your god.

Missing midan 16:05 ,2012 حزيران 02

well said Ulpianus

Default-user-icon JC Williams (ضيف) 16:24 ,2012 حزيران 02

Lebanon has many problems.March14/March8 is a problem with no solution. It is easier said than done to get Harari,Nasrallah,Gaegae,Jumblatt ect out of the process but that is your only hope which means that you have no hope. Your leaders are mired in the past. The Taef Accord, the 1960 Constitution , confessional politics do not work. The past cannot be brought back, trying to do so makes the present more complicated and the future darker. You all know this is true and still you dance like puppets on a string for you so-called "leaders".

Missing lebcan 17:07 ,2012 حزيران 02

Ya the trade centre on that day feel at free fall speed... forget politics for a sec and think of the laws of physics just on that instant and tell me what you think... it was a Zionist Plot ... stop believing CNN & Aljazeera and Manara TV... and all the Mainstream media that it was Aqda Please Alqada was a CIA invention too... and Wahbi islam What!!!... All i know is there should not be any sect in Islam and STOP accusing muslims of been Wahbi's when WE are Muslims Only!!!! STOP IT...

Missing peace 17:13 ,2012 حزيران 02

Ulpianus: being allied with KSA i don t see the problem as long as they do not impose their way of living here. USA, france, GB... are allied with KSA and it doesn t make them islamic countries. but hezb pledge allegiance to iran which is totally different. it means they are their lackeys and obey them more than to the lebanese state.
iran and KSA are the same totalitarian countries but iran s policy is to take control of the middle east militarily speaking and spread their revolution. KSA finances extremists groups everywhere in the world even here but in lebanon it is a minority which don t have their hands on the power at the difference of hezbollah which controls the country by the threat of its arms ...

"Nobody would listen to the clerics or politicians, if the country was not truly based on this. " true but which politician or cleric want to stop it? NONE because it would mean their political suicide!

Missing ulpianus 19:14 ,2012 حزيران 02

I see a problem as Lebanon should be a neautral country on one side.

On the other side, if you ally yourself, with whom you oppose(!) then what values do you have?

(I do not mean to attack you personally here, I just meant on a national political level)

Default-user-icon bangbang (ضيف) 18:32 ,2012 حزيران 02

the hate preacher(hizb) led m8 has a very clear position on the political level in the middle east with a very clear strtegy:
terrorise and bully evry body that stand in their way.
use the necessery force against anybody in order to accomplesh their goals.
distance themself from any democratic state as they are a threat to their idiology.
support and befriend any dictatorship as they speak the same language(the language of killing)

Default-user-icon bangbang (ضيف) 18:34 ,2012 حزيران 02

this nutt case(nasrallah) u r behind no matter what can not stop talking about war and the use of force.is this lebanon that we r dreaming of?i assure u it s not what the majority of lebanese whant.
an m8 in specific aoun who called the assad regime"the closest thing to democracy"in aspeach 2 weeks ago does not exist in a lebanon that i m dreaming of.
a state of corruption and thieves(the current government)does not exist in a lebanon that i dream of either.
for the last 2 years not eaven ONE cabbinet meeting has ended with a useful decision.
not eaven once the transportation problem or the unemployment or the invironment or the housing or the health or or or or or had mentioned.
is this the government we want for a lebanon that our children will inheret one day.
all what i c is a copucat corrupt regime inherited from syria and iran.
and the worce is yet to come.

Missing kiserwaniaseel 20:31 ,2012 حزيران 02

soaid needs to come to the national dialogue and pee in nasoorallah's mouth so he shuts up for good...

Default-user-icon Sam.B. (ضيف) 05:08 ,2012 حزيران 03

Salvation Government, headed by Jesus, Al Mahdi, and Godot... How appropriate!

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 08:11 ,2012 حزيران 03

Why don't you go on with your rehtoric and condemn the Welayat Al Fakih and the plan to creat an islamic state in Lebanon according the to the wet dreams of HA.
Into Fasharto to condemn one portion of the Lebanese society in favor for the other ... start using whatever is left from your brain cells and think of ways to live all of us in Lebanon as one ... Your idiotic coments and fanatic reactions will lead us no way.