نجاة النائب بطرس حرب من تفجير عبوة ناسفة وفرار 3 مشتبه بهم

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عثرت القوى الامنية، ظهر الخميس على عبوة ناسفة في مصعد مبنى يقع فيه مكتب النائب بطرس حرب في منطقة سامي الصلح بعد أن القي القبض على مشتبه به الذي تم تهريبه من قبل شخص مجهول.

وكان طبيب يقطن المبنى قد اشتبه بثلاثة اشخاص، ذوو مظهر مريب داخل المصعد ادعوا انهم كانوا يقومون بوصل الانترنت لاحد سكان المبنى وعندما سألهم عن هوية هذا الشخص لاذ اثنان منهم بالفرار.

فيما تمكن الطبيب بمؤازرة حارس امن المبنى من القاء القبض على الشخص الثالث واشتبكا معه وكان يحمل سكيناً، الا انهم تمكنوا من توقيفه والاتصال بالاجهزة الأمنية لتسليمه.

وقبل حضور الأجهزة وصلت سيارة BMW رباعية الدفع قاتمة الزجاج تحمل الرقم 285037 ، وترجّل منها مسلح زعم أنه من مخابرات الجيش، وشهر سلاحه على المشتبه به وطلب اليه مرافقته وانطلق.

وعندما سئل عن هويته قال أنه من مخابرات الجيش.

ثم حضرت سيارات اخرى من الاتجاه المعاكس للسير وبسرعة فائقة، ولما وصلت الى امام المكتب وتبين لمن فيها أنه تم تسليم المشتبه، استدارت وعادت مجدداً باتجاه الطيونة.

وبعد وصول الاجهزة الامنية، تبين أن رقم السيارة مزور وأن ادعاءهم بانهم من المخابرات غير صحيح. والتحقيق جار لمعرفة تفاصيل الحادثة.

وكشف النائب حرب في حديث الى الـ"MTV" الى انه تلقى اتصال من وزير الداخلية مروان شربل ابلغه فيه عن احتمال وجود مخطط بتفجير المصاعد في المباني التي يقطنها السياسيون.

وتلقى حرب اتصالات استنكار من عدد من المسؤولين والسياسيين خصوصاً من رؤساء الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والحكومة نجيب ميقاتي والنواب نبيه برري والحكومة السابق سعد الحريري. كما حضر الى منزله الكائن في الحازمية عدد من النواب بينهم عاطف مجدلاني، نبيل دو فريج، وروبير غانم.

التعليقات 45
Missing souri 12:21 ,2012 تموز 05

hezbilshaitan and their allies once again trying to silence another free thinker

Thumb thepatriot 16:13 ,2012 تموز 05

who do you think you are FT?? Calling anyone with another opinion an "idiot"... you're free to be a brainwashed mouthpiece for Aoun, but calling for the death of all M14 is just repulsive.

You're not a man, you're an animal of the lowest species...

Thumb benzona 17:32 ,2012 تموز 05

You and Sami need to relax. We're all civilians and we don't like what's happening in Lebanon. Inta FT/Mowaten you can support Aoun or Nasrallah but do you support assassinations? You aren't qualified to give you opinion about forgeries etc. the legal authorities are, and until they say otherwise about the investigation Geagea and Harb were targeted.

Thumb bigsami 18:19 ,2012 تموز 05

I bet you are thrilled with this news of yet another assassination attempt by your group of killers.....you low life. Your ignorance and attempt to justify the works of an evil sect justifies why you are constantly getting bashed by everyone on this site. What a loner.

Thumb bigsami 18:21 ,2012 تموز 05

Dude get a life and try to posting something new for a change. Getting old & boring. Don't you have another pro-ha site to join or did they also ban you? Loner!

Missing rudy 19:03 ,2012 تموز 05

how is it any cheaper than saying hard is a boot licker or claiming everyone is corrupt and a murderer except you, while you have proof that you keep saying you will expose (but mysteriously never do)

And im not talking about you personally

Missing souri 20:06 ,2012 تموز 05

Who's the free thinker in your opinion? Hassan Nasrallah who gets his orders from the ayotallah and bashar the butcher? Or Michel Aoun the demented general who used to be an Iraqi dog only to sell his soul to Bashar and his crew? At least Boutrous Harb is a respectable lawyer who has defended human rights and values and most importantly who always puts the interests of his country first. Who would be interested in killing this man and who would have such undercover capabilities? Are you going to tell me Israel? The same people who killed Harriri, Tueni, Kassir and 19,000 syrian citizens are the ones who tried to kill boutrous harb today.

Default-user-icon messed up (ضيف) 12:33 ,2012 تموز 05

and again.... the all get away and no one knows who they are? what kind of security do we have in lebanon??!!!!! i hope someone took photo's.

Default-user-icon Murak (ضيف) 13:24 ,2012 تموز 05

Slash/ do not forget also to mention that Rafic Hariri committed suicide! some common sense people!

Default-user-icon Murak (ضيف) 13:26 ,2012 تموز 05

Slash: you forgot to mention that also rafic Al hariri and jibran Tueini committed suicide!!! hahahah common sense people! for Gods' sake

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 13:39 ,2012 تموز 05

What the scum bags fail to realize is you can assassinate who ever you want but you'll never be able to suppress the will of the people, this is another desperate attempt to silence one of those who believe in a free and sovereign Lebanon.

Missing Rambo 13:49 ,2012 تموز 05

No way that was the work of Huzballah. Most likely a group much more closely associated with Syrian regime like the Palestinian groups or even Israel. They both want to create trouble and chaotic situation in Lebanon. Syrian regime to cover its action in Syria and Israel to point fingers at Huzballah and Syria. Damn the 3rd guy escape. It would have been a major breakthrough to see who is and has been planning all these assassinations, damn!!

Default-user-icon skyscraper (ضيف) 14:46 ,2012 تموز 05

You can't be on this site and point your finger at anyone BUT Hezbullah for anything and everything!
Seriously. If an earthquake happens in Timbuktu, you'll see people here shouting "It was Hezbullah!! They must have been testing their missiles underground and that caused underground seismic activity that hit the poor people of Timbuktu!"

Default-user-icon Ghassan (ضيف) 13:58 ,2012 تموز 05

This was supposed to be a gift for Gibran Bassil from his allies in Hizballah to boost his chances to win a seat in Batroun after eliminating Harb.
This is how Hizballah and Aounists are preparing for the next election.

Default-user-icon Guest (ضيف) 14:36 ,2012 تموز 05

True... BH has been invisible lately and I dont' think he was bothering anyone. It's likely (but not conclusive) that the stunt was self-made to regain popularity.

Default-user-icon Minx (ضيف) 15:07 ,2012 تموز 05

Look at the big picture guys..If this attempt of assassination (or whatever you want to call it) was executed succefully, the whole country will go in flames, as a matter of fact, any assassination of any figure be it from 14 or 8 March, will create a strife that will not be easy to contain..My opinion: No Lebanese party have any interest to ignite this, this is the work of foreign powers that do not give a damn about Lebanon...

Missing rudy 18:09 ,2012 تموز 05

hezballah is a foreign power. tell me the last time anything they did pushed lebanon forward instead of 10 years back.

Thumb jabal10452 15:49 ,2012 تموز 05

Seems like a well-planned operation to me:

- Get away vehicle / backup / diversion vehicle on standby.

- Plan B if they get caught: BMW on standby and people in it impersonating army intelligence.

Not exactly the work of amateurs, is it?

Default-user-icon Tokka Twandy (ضيف) 16:10 ,2012 تموز 05

This is nothing but a charade by Harb and his Saudi/Qatari masters who want to resurrect him following his self-insulting inbita7a to his previous master and commander Feltman. This, too, won't work. A low life remains a low life, whether dead or alive.

Thumb thepatriot 16:17 ,2012 تموز 05

Obviously, that doesnot make you a nobel price bubba :)

Thumb Marwan34 16:37 ,2012 تموز 05

No need to discuss the matter with you :P

Missing youssefhaddad 16:38 ,2012 تموز 05

The attempts at intimidating the Lebanese opposition continue under the watch of the government! I hope for once they would catch the perpetrators before they disappear in the "Lebanese wilderness".

Thumb jabal10452 17:12 ,2012 تموز 05

Tex: I'm just guessing here, but the BMW gunman must have practiced his role so well that his composure, language and authority would have hardly been questioned but the security guard and doctor. Those people would have been in a mild state of shock. Hard to stay calm and think calmly in situations like these. They were probably more than happy to hand him over.

Missing Perestroika 17:14 ,2012 تموز 05

saret mouda bel balad " el 2estekhfef wel 2estehzel bel 2eghtiyelet w mo7awalet l 2eghtiyelet". shi bi 2arrif 3anjad!
ya jama3e bi ghad l nazar shou l 2entime2 l siyessi w shou ma7abtak lal zalami lezim nkoun kelna ded hek 3amaliyet!
" el 2amen " shi darouri bi mojtama3na. tsawar bass ennak tkoun bi khatar w enno l dawli moch 2edra te3mil shi, heda sho3our sa3eb w khassatan lama mnestakhef!

bala 2amen ne7na bi ghabi, bi dictatoriyi, l 2ensen byef2ad 2imto, wel democratiyi betsir wahem, wel khoff bisayter => "banana republic"

Default-user-icon Nsh (ضيف) 17:46 ,2012 تموز 05

Flamethrower, I respect your opinion, I really do. But to go around wishing death to certain people is not rational by your standards. So next time you want to speak, take some Xanax and chill bro, no need to get all feisty and wish death to people :).

Missing rudy 18:07 ,2012 تموز 05

why dont you do something about it bug man

Missing rudy 18:10 ,2012 تموز 05

well of course anything is hard to digest for you when aoun disagrees with it

Thumb shab 18:22 ,2012 تموز 05

One day someone will get assinated and this time the filthy militia will have several fronts to fight. No walk in the park this time. All parties are armed.

Default-user-icon Chris (ضيف) 18:23 ,2012 تموز 05

If u use satellite phones you can forget the "data" my friends... Wont exist!Trust intelligence agencies don't leave behind a trace.

Thumb benzona 19:08 ,2012 تموز 05

Russia and China are at the top of the food chain. Iran is their puppet (mainly Russia's) Syria is Iran and Russia's puppet, Hezbollah is Iran's puppet... this world is made of puppets. None of them are credible except Russia. Those who support any of the middlemen support the Mafiosi network that feeds on the people. You either praise Russia or you praise no one.

Default-user-icon JC Williams (ضيف) 19:44 ,2012 تموز 05

Most of you are surface thinkers.Sounds like the Mossad to me trying to bring Civil War to Lebanon.Did any of you consider what happens to the Palestinians in Lebanon and Syria if Assad falls and Lebanon further weakens itself with Civil War , then Israel attacks Lebanon again? After the dust settles these stateless refugees will become naturalized citizens from the UN and United States/NATO dictates and purse strings. March 14 will lose even more political clout.PS say goodbye to the Golan and Sheeba Farms permanently. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid

Default-user-icon OMG OMG OMG (ضيف) 20:21 ,2012 تموز 05

Wow we really dodged the bullet on this one when the guy planting the bomb got away. Imagine what would have happened if he was captured, his fellow Ashura dancers and friends of Wisam Alaaeddine (FOWA) would be blocking roads and burning tires and I have a BB king concert to get to.

Default-user-icon van klomp (ضيف) 20:50 ,2012 تموز 05

umm, so why was the big booby gebran bassil trapped in the elevator again?

Thumb bigsami 21:46 ,2012 تموز 05

Be quiet you conditioned goat!

Thumb bigsami 21:51 ,2012 تموز 05

BTW CandleThrower....can you clarify: "what else should WE expect from M14ers??"....the WE part? The only "we" here is you and your fictitious aliases....pathetic boy!

Thumb primesuspect 22:46 ,2012 تموز 05

jajaajajajaja que bien

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 22:08 ,2012 تموز 05

I like the way you think Samy.

Missing simplelogic 03:40 ,2012 تموز 06

I am not going to sit here and tell you that everyone should get a long because that is impossible in Lebanon...We are all animals including myself. I am a die hard March 14 activist and damn proud to be so. I use my brain. I use my logic, and I do my best to look at both sides of the story. I used to be a huge supporter of Aoun and to see how he has become makes me sick to my stomach...more than that...what makes me sick to my stomach are the people who still follow him. How is it possible that anyone in the world could lsn to him speak for more than 5 minutes is beyond me. I will accept all criticism for March 8 supports about my coalition because to be fair both sides have there issue but when it comes to Michel Aoun...to be honest, I feel people who support him are simply stupid/have no idea what the heck they are doing...To me, if you say you are a Michel Aoun supporter, I simply look down on you as lesser of a person.

Missing simplelogic 03:43 ,2012 تموز 06

Honestly, for years I was so confused as to why people support him but then it came to me? Why do people support Nasrallah? They are brainwashed...Why do people Support Berri? They have too...Why do people support Aoun? Because they refuse to accept the fact that he betrayed everything that they stood for and believed in and want to not be embarrassed so they find every single excuse in the book to justify there beliefs...And by the way, the mere fact that you even have to justify your beliefs make what you are doing totally wrong. If you don't like Geagea that doesn't mean you have to be a Aounist.

Missing simplelogic 03:47 ,2012 تموز 06

Lastly, is it just a coincidence that everytime you open a forum and read what people write you know exactly who is March 8 and March 14? March 8- Defense, Defense, Defense....March 14: Logic...

Default-user-icon Franko (ضيف) 08:59 ,2012 تموز 06

why kill Harb? He is like 85 with half foot in the grave, and surely cannot get it up without the blue pill:) Leave the guy alone to live rest of his life in peace.

Default-user-icon kilimanjaro (ضيف) 09:17 ,2012 تموز 06

of course its the hezb who did it...ill bet my left nut that its the hezb...terorizing the country ,burning and killing the economy,illegal arms that are "sacred as shit"...killing all
m14 FREETHINKERS<<<<i REpeat FREETHINKERS such as Samir KAssir ,gebran tueni...tezwir plate numbers ,own telecomunication network ..enno come on dude...THIS IS NOT some FACts...this is Pure PROOF that they are killers>>>WE SHOUld all unite against this armed Terrorist MILITIA

Default-user-icon george (ضيف) 11:42 ,2012 تموز 06

killing attempts on m14 leaders is a form of silencing them and stopping them from moving arround.thus a big advantage for m8 who can move and campain freely

Default-user-icon george (ضيف) 11:47 ,2012 تموز 06

FOR THOSE WHO THINK assasination attempts were staged by m14,We realize that geagea has not moved out of his house since,Prove enough that it was real.And lets see if harb will stop moving arround.

Default-user-icon pradajournalist (ضيف) 19:03 ,2012 تموز 06

It's really depressing to read those comments. How the hell are we ever going to start building a real nation when its people cannot agree on who is a victim, a martyr or the enemy ( ies)?