تقارير: الحكم على "متحرش مدرسة عينطورة" بالسجن من 6 الى 10 سنوات

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أصدر قاضي التحقيق في جبل لبنان ايلي الحلو، قراراً ظنياً في قضية التحرش الجنسي بـ11 فتاة في مدرسة عينطورة، معتبراً ان التحرش هو نوع من الجناية وليس الجنحة، وفق ما أفادت اذاعة "صوت لبنان" (100.5).

وأفادت أنه بخلاف التوقعات بشأن تجريم الاستاذ بيار ش.، المتحرش، كان لافتاً في قرار القاضي منعه المحاكمة عن المتهم بجرم محاولة الاغتصاب لعدم كفاية الدليل، والظنّ به بموجب قانون العقوبات اللبناني.

واعتبر القاضي الحلو أن التحرش الجنسي في مدرسة عينطورة هو نوع من الجناية وليس الجنحة والعقوبة تنص على السجن من 6 الى 10 سنوات.

وأفادت صحيفة "الأخبار" أن المعلومات أشارت إلى أن القاضي استند في قراره إلى اقتناعه بأن المتهم لو أراد اغتصاب الفتيات لأمكنه ذلك، لكنه لم يفعل، بل اقتصرت فعلته على التحرّش الخارجي بالفتيات، فضلاً عن تصويرهن بملابسهن خلافاً لما ذُكر عن أنه أجبرهن على خلعها.

ولفتت الى أن الوقائع التي استند إليها قاضي التحقيق جاءت انطلاقاً من الاعتراف الذي أدلى به المتهم أثناء مثوله أمام القاضي المذكور.

التعليقات 19
Missing rudy 10:33 ,2012 تموز 11

a misdemeanor? I hope when this piece of shit is released in a couple of years probably, he comes around your house and rapes your kid dear judge helou. lets see how serious it is then

Default-user-icon Andre Harb (ضيف) 11:23 ,2012 تموز 11

A what? A misdemeanor? What a shame! I mean, is there anything more precious than our children. This preverted and deviant creature has molested and ruined so many lives. To say it is shocking, would be an understatement. A more appropriate description of this judgement would be "Disgraceful". I hope this perpetrator never gets out of prison, i hope somebody with some vigilante mind shows him some real punishement.

Missing rudy 12:37 ,2012 تموز 11

You're right. i stand corrected.

No kid should ever have to go through anything like this

Thumb benzona 15:04 ,2012 تموز 11

yo sick man... you're only Christian on your ID. What did Christ teach us? seriously....

Missing rudy 15:19 ,2012 تموز 11

talking to me? who said i was christian? on my ID or otherwise

pedophiles deserve the severest punishment. i'd like you to think what you would do if you had a child who was his vicitm. would you offer him your second child?

Thumb benzona 15:52 ,2012 تموز 11

No rudy, but raping judge Helou's kids isn't really a nice thing to say. Sure, he's corrupt... but everyone is corrupt in Lebanon. Very few people have integrity.

Missing rudy 17:03 ,2012 تموز 11

well i didnt say that with his kids specifically in mind. but him, judge helou, i do wish the worst upon him.

because he didnt just give they guy a short sentence. we know there are no rehabilitation programs in lebanon so he will come out very soon, the same he went in or worse, and just go on the hunt again.

to me, this judge is as filthy as the guy is for allowing such thing to happen and deserves to be punished. the country is going to the gutter and the least we should do is protect the children, the innocent who have no say in where they are born

Default-user-icon marie (ضيف) 10:50 ,2012 تموز 11

why don't they say his full name and age and where he isS from???????? They still want to protect him........ They should have put his picture also................

Default-user-icon zozo (ضيف) 12:30 ,2012 تموز 11

I hope the other prisoners are aware of his arrival and the ones who have children act accordingly.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 12:33 ,2012 تموز 11

If this is not a felony don't know what the hell is, lock this scumbag up and throw away the key.

Default-user-icon zozo (ضيف) 13:09 ,2012 تموز 11

Let the other Prisoners who have kids 'take care' of him. And FT this has nothing to do with the parents or their 'Honour'. It is only about the Children.

Default-user-icon Rudy (ضيف) 13:50 ,2012 تموز 11

A misdemeanor is kind of correct

Missing hitech 15:35 ,2012 تموز 11

I believe in the civility of the justice system, but when it comes to molesting children, lynch mob the bastard.

Default-user-icon Dangour (ضيف) 15:45 ,2012 تموز 11

relax guys... we ALL know what they do to molesters in jail. He will have enough time practicing lifting up HIS skirt to Abou Ali min Breteil. LOL

Thumb benzona 16:00 ,2012 تموز 11

Hezbollah traumatized more than 11 people. yet you support them because they give you money and ppower. if the paedophile would give you money and power you'd also support him. so, stop your cinema.

Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 22:05 ,2012 تموز 11

Don't ask the judge to override the law, if you don't like the law change it to make the punishment more severe.

Thumb Bandoul 22:49 ,2012 تموز 11

Pedophilia is one of the most heinous crimes that can be committed against children. The Psychological trauma the victims have to deal with throughout their lives is unimaginable and unforgiveable. That said, I am very concerned about what I am reading here. The truth of the matter is we are reacting with our emotions and prejudices instead of the facts. Which one of us was in court during the trial? Do we know or have we read and understood the law which was broken? As a former police officer in California/USA I know what happened versus what we can prove are two different things. Simply put, none of us was there, none of us know what the prosecutor could prove beyond a reasonable doubt or which crime and to what degree was accused actually committed. All this talk about vigilantism and prison cell rape does not reflect well on how we process our emotions. Are we civilized democratic system or not?

Default-user-icon Salahito (ضيف) 03:56 ,2012 تموز 12

I am happy if Lebanese politicians get similar judgement for their raping of the whole society.

Missing allouchi 15:09 ,2012 تموز 12

a misdemeanor !!! that’s absurd, he'll probably be out of jail in less than 3 years while the poor kids will be traumatized for life...we do need to change our laws. Molesting kids is a misdemeanor and I think smoking a joint is a felony in Lebanon!!!