اجتماع للكتل المسيحية لبحث نتائج مقاطعة الجلسات التشريعية

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عقد اجتماع ليل الثلاثاء، بين الكتل المسيحية، جمع ممثلين عن "التيار الوطني الحر" و"القوات اللبنانية" و"الكتائب" لبحث نتائج الموقف المسيحي من مقاطعة الجلسات التشريعية اثر اقرار تثبيت مياومي كهرباء لبنان.

واستمر الاجتماع الذي جمع بين وزير الطاقة والمياه جبران باسيل والنائب ابراهيم كنعان عن "التيار" والنائب جورج عدوان عن "القوات" والنائب سامي الجميل عن "الكتائب" من الحادية عشرة ليل الثلاثاء حتى الأولى فجراً.

وجاء هذا الاجتماع استكمالاً للقاء الأول للمجتمعين عقب مشكلة التصويت على قانون تثبيت المياومين في مؤسسة كهرباء لبنان التي أدت بالكتل الثلاث الى مقاطعة جلسة مجلس النواب.

وقررت هذه الكتل المسيحية مقاطعة جلسات مجلس النواب اثر اقرار المجلس تثبيت مياومي كهرباء لبنان، اثنين الاسبوع الفائت، الامر الذي لا ينصف المسيحيين المتواجدين بأعداد قليلة داخل مؤسسة الكهرباء.

ونقلت صحيفة "النهار" عن مصادر المجتمعين ان الاجتماع لا يتعلق بأي توجه انتخابي بل أن نتائج موقف المقاطعة الذي جمع الأطراف الثلاثة أثمر نتائج وكان موقفاً ناجحاً، مما أوجب المضي في درس هذه النتائج.

وأوضحت أن المسألة لا تتعلق بقضية المياومين فحسب فهناك الأداء البرلماني والأداء الحكومي وعدم تجاوز آليات التوظيف في الادارة.

من جانبها أفادت صحيفة "الاخبار" أن البحث تناول ثلاث نقاط جوهرية وهي، التصويت الإلكتروني، القوانين التنظيمية التي يجب أن تأتي من الحكومة، لأن المجلس النيابي لا يمكن أن يعرف الشغور في الإدارة أو أي أمور تفصيلية أخرى، وجدول الأعمال الذي تحدده هيئة مكتب المجلس.

ونقلت عن مصادر المجتمعين أنه تم الاتفاق على عقد اجتماعات أخرى تباعاً للبحث في هذه المواضيع.

التعليقات 15
Missing roger@10452 09:26 ,2012 تموز 12

The current system has failed and will continue to be a failure.

Time to implement a federal system....

Thumb geha 10:50 ,2012 تموز 12

what needs to be implemented is the taef accord whereby hizbushaitan should relinquish its weapons to the state.
FT is going to ask why it is related to the above: it is only through their weapons that they are trying to change the equilibrium of the country.
it is denoted in so many actions of hizbushaitan on the ground trying constantly to make a move on land they do not own and forcing themseleves by the force of their weapons.

Thumb phoenician 11:59 ,2012 تموز 12

Even if hizb weapons have gone we will still have divisions on all levels.

Time to partition the country once and for all. Enough is enough.

Thumb ado.australia 13:34 ,2012 تموز 12

What would happen to Jezzine and deir el ammar? The christain villages in the south and chouf? what about zahle, deir ahmar in the bekaa? The poor villages in akkar region that would have to live like the Taliban.

Lebanon is too small and diverse to partion. Lebanon needs a secular military dictatorship. No religion in public or state institutions.

Missing allouchi 14:49 ,2012 تموز 12

ado. good point

Thumb jabal10452 16:18 ,2012 تموز 12

ado. The thing with dictatorships is that eventually they all crash and burn, often in a bloodbath. We need a more sober and resilient reform to the political structuring of the country. What we need is an architect of Thomas Jefferson's caliber to draft the blueprint of the Third Republic.

Missing allouchi 14:48 ,2012 تموز 12

FT. no one should downplay them..it is healthy for the Christian parties to coordinate their political stances when need it, that's democracy but it's time for a new political system without religion.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 15:16 ,2012 تموز 12

What a beautiful thing to see, I myself thought I'll never live long enough to see that happen, my fingers are crossed that there'll be many more to come and the day I see the end of internal divisions and a unified front will be the greatest day of my life and a great day for all Lebanese Christians.

Thumb fadi_albeiruti 15:30 ,2012 تموز 12

United we stand, divided we fall.

Thumb jabal10452 16:12 ,2012 تموز 12

This says it all Fadi.

Thumb jabal10452 16:10 ,2012 تموز 12

Ma3ak ha2 ya FT!!
This is both very important and very welcome. Our community is weak and in real danger of extinction by exodus. We must, repeat must, unite and look out for each other. Please people understand this and give our politicians a chance. This has gone way too far. Is it acceptable that there are more Lebanese-born Christians outside the country than inside of it? do you understand the magnitude of this tragedy?
Please do not interpret what I'm writing as a call for Christian supremacy. We should never go down that road! We must be strong and united to insure that our community has a fair say in the affairs of the country and to bind the Christians much strongly to this land.

Thumb beiruti 19:56 ,2012 تموز 12

Good for them. Berri sees the end of his Syrian patronage and is trying to rush the government with as many as his hangers on as he can so that the government will pick up the costs of all of their pensions. This will bankrupt the government and amounts to a raid on the treasury conducted by Berri.

The shame is that Berri is not alone. Hezbollah is out robbing the banks. Two more got knocked over today with the bandits escaping by motorcycle, the signature of the Banjis and Hezbollah.

Default-user-icon Ridiculousness Evolves (ضيف) 21:25 ,2012 تموز 12

Sectarianism, confessionalism, balance of power, shifting alliances. This is a recipe for disaster. It hasn't worked in the past and won't work today. It's time to re-build the country on shared values and a common vision of a modern state. Until then, M8 + M14 = M0 FOR LEBANON. It's ironic that both M8 and M14 are sponsored by regional powers that know nothing about democracy. I'm sure that these sponsors have a vested interest in seeing Lebanon's democracy succeed. Keep cheering boys for your favorite football team. The real looser is the Lebanese citizen.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:33 ,2012 تموز 12

If we separate, we take the druze with us in a secular federal country. Druze want to live in a secular country with us. Jezzine is linked to druze land, so it stays in. Zahleh also stays with us. Der el ahmar is linkable to the cedars. My worry is Kobayyate and Marjeyoun...
If we separate the GDP of our country will be above Portugal's and Greece.
If we separate, Our passport will be respected again. We will not be on the fringe of respectable nations anymore.
If we separate we will not have to worry about HA's weapons, about salafi rise, about arab nationalism, about being kicked out of Lebanon, about liberating palestine, we will not have to suck up to hariri, we will not worry about chiites bloating our public sector, we will all pay electricity and we will all be subject to laws.
I like moslems and I like the diversity of Lebanon. But they are asking us to bend over too much...

Missing kiserwanyaseel 02:04 ,2012 تموز 13

wait.. this does not make any sense. aoun always says that march 14 are nothing and do not represent anyone and are thieves and foreign agents blah blah, then why is he meeting with them?